We were just talked about Cuban, I run into this:
I am puzzled.
Cuban was talking about that Adam Silver can't just take the team away from him & make him sell before the press conference was shown; that that would be a slippery slope for Silver. That's why he exercised that he
would like 3/4th of the owners to vote on whether he should be allowed to keep the team or not & felt he that he
would get the support needed to do so. According to the NBA constitution, this is a rule all owners must uphold and all 29 voted for him to sell shortly after.
Of course, now there's an impending legal case coming because Sterling is saying, "Screw you NBA" & now becomes a question of whether they really can force him to sell something he legitimately paid money for & belongs to him.
The notion of making him sell the team for what he bought it for, as funny as it would be, would ultimately hurt the Clippers value as a franchise & other teams by lowering their values.
Personally, I think the force sell may have been a step too far. I am in no way supporting what Sterling said, but he's being treated by some as if he said the N-word or called them other derogatory terms or treated them like slaves (yeah, a slave owner will definitely dish out $107 million for 5 years if he had that kind of mindset). From what I heard, he simply said he did not want his girlfriend associating with them in the
public light (taking photos for Instagram, bringing them to games) & made it clear that he just did not like black people. That is technically his opinion & freedom of speech and was done in the privacy of a conversation between him & her. If anything, she should be facing some punishment as well since she clearly
egged him on to keep talking about them, even after (if I remember right), he asked her to drop the conversation. I think the banning from having any interaction would have eventually forced him to sell because players could be signed any kind of crazy money he may not have possibly approved of or all the sponsors dropping out (as they did following it).
I think the operations should have been handed over to his wife (since she has zero fondness of him) & let her decide what to do with the organization.
Dude is a racist bigot, but the players protesting are laughable; he's been in the news for this numerous times, and none of them "knew" until it affected someone close to them (Johnson).