Those failures were Black Box. If you wish to avoid them, avoid NFS World Online. I however, have never found any disappointment in a game made by Blimey! developers, who make up the core of this one's team. You don't have to buy it, but I would suggest giving this a rental.
Well, I was referring to not only NFS titles, but many other titles that have had great teams behind them. Sometimes, when you get too many cooks in the kitchen, you burn the soufle.
I do like Blimey games (although, the tire physics in all of them could use some tweaking), but team alone does not necessarily make for a good game. I'm holding out hope, but like many, I'm not holding my breath. If it's a great game when it comes out, I'll be the first in line to buy it (who am I kidding, I'll buy it regardless), but until then, there is plenty to speculate about.
Thank you for taking me out of the twilight zone.
No problem. I thought you made a very valid point. Turn 10 even has a bunch of Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S wheels lying around, and yet, they still have Vaughn use a controller to help them mold the physics engine. Something just doesn't add up. Either he doesn't like using game wheels (not likely, coming from a pro drifter), or Turn 10, for whatever reason, didn't give him the option. Either way, it's still odd.
Also on sounds, the Way cars sound in real life and the way they sound incar/ outside can be different from how they sound when recorded by a microphone. Not saying you guys are right or wrong.
Exactly my point. A lot of developers try to use microphones to perfectly mimic the sound of the cars (GT4 is a good example), which never works. Games like GTR/GTR2 have much better sounds (for the most part), and they certainly do not have the dosh to throw around renting high performance cars just to test the sound.