About manual transmissions:
One thing HP2010 could have had was a 'kickdown' function where you can lift for a little bit, let the game downshift based on rpm and speed, and put the 'finger to the plastic' again. I often get stuck in the 6th/7th/extra gear intended for nitrous-enhanced speeds when I run out.
'The Run' had full manual or full auto but, for me anyways, both 'The Run' and HP2010 sometimes feel too chaotic to concentrate on being in the right gear.
My favorite system was that from MW '05 to Undercover where auto mode had manual override. This was weirdly absent from B-Box's 'The Run'.
(I used full manual only for pre-UG1 titles, UG2, Carbon, Prostreet and the Shifts.)
About MW2012:
Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait....
Will wait for some reviews and players' opinions before getting it though. Hopefully Criterion can maintain it's Criterion-ness streak.
Also wonder if the visual damage model will be more Prostreet/UC/Shift or HP2010. It seemed that deformation was toned down in the latter to help maintain stable and high framerates. (A Criterion trademark.)
They just went sound recording too!
It's blue and they mention a famous livery so everyone is guessing an E46 M3.
For some reason I think it's the latest M5.
Edit: It's actually a normal E92 M3.