Need For Speed Payback General Discussion

  • Thread starter Ameer67
I knew it felt like I was missing out on something: that mid-mission dialogue that's in basically every game these days, including Payback? For some reason, it's decided not to work on my PS4. Oh well, all that'll have been lost is some (hopefully) witty dialogue with somewhat-maybe-important side characters and at least one (of at least two in total) attempt to (as expected, really) shoehorn Payback into the Black Box universe. On a related note, that brings expectations for that story DLC thingy.

On another related note, you can still find police cars parked around the map, but they don't care about you crashing into them at 150 miles per hour. Still, leads me to believe either those police cars were plonked in a very long time ago or they're wanting to bring them back in some form or another.

That all being said, I'm getting more and more convinced this has at least one of the better maps in a NFS game, in that sort of Criterion-games-there's-a-little-of-everything way.

As for the whole tuning thing.. it does feel like one of those games where you stick to one car until that runs out of potential. As I said, I don't mind the changes made to the tuning system per se, but it does feel like it's geared towards selling those microtransactions. Just being able to swap cards between cars of the same build type would've been welcomed, or, for that matter, being able to buy a specific card (not with a premium currency) once you've won it once, sort of like The Crew does it.
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I swear but IGN's review sounds like they've never played any of the older NFS games before and started getting into the series with NFS 2015. And mind you, this is coming from the same people that gets paid to give every Call of Duty release a 9/10 regardless if it's bad or not. Heres a couple of things quoted from the article that bothers me the most.

"Individual visual customisation options now need to be unlocked by performing arbitrary tasks out in the world."

I'm assuming whoever wrote the article has never played underground before aside from him referencing the game in the article. In NFS Underground you always had to progress through the game in order to unlock all the visual customization options and as for me being a NFS Veteran and have played both UG1 and 2, I can confirm that unlocking all visual customizations in UG1 and 2 requires more work than Payback and unlocking them all would require playing through the whole career mode. For example, wanna put wide bodykits on that RX7 you've been working on in UG2? Sorry but you have to play through the entire more than 15 hours long career mode in order to have that option. You can't simply have access to everything right off the bat.

"You see, Need for Speed 2015 brought with it a resurrection of the spirit of 2003 and 2004’s successful Underground games and saw the return of meaningful performance and visual customisation. Between all the hokey live-action, first-person fist-bumping it also revolved around encounters with real-world automotive icons. That’s an idea I still genuinely like."

Except that idea was poorly executed IMO and Payback's story mode was executed far better than 2015's. The icons didn't play any interesting roles into the story at all. And if I'm not mistaken, you don't meet the outlaw icon until you've finished all the outlaw events which is a bummer compared to the other icons. To me, I don't understand how ghost games thought the idea for NFS 15's story would work out well. In matter of fact, it doesn't even feel like a story to me if I remember. It felt more like "Generic Street Racer Life Simulator 2015" with a few celebrities thrown in. Payback on the other hand at least had some character development and even the street leagues have their own personalities. Like for example, grave shift who borrows many themes from the grim reaper and death while Shift Lock is like a hacker/drift street league who's primary goal is to take down the house.

The thing is, NFS works better with an action oriented storyline unlike 2015's which was boring.

Also a 5.9/10? Seriously? That's the best you could give the game despite all of the major improvements it made? Sure there are some stuff missing like the more useful fade decals which helped me make my character art wraps in 2015 and the rake and offset tuning but the game doesn't deserve a 5.9. I'd say, it deserves around a 7.5 or 8 and until the updates start kicking in to add the missing content, I would give the game a higher rating. While this might be only a few points, they just feel invalid. Though I have to give them props for referencing the stuntman game series in the article which use to be a cool series and wouldn't mind a new stuntman game.
^^^ My sentiments were exactly the same for nearly everything you took issue with. My complaint wasn't so much about the score, but the way the eviscerated the game in the review itself... it didn't add up. Based on text alone, you would have expected a score around 3.0, yet in actuality they scored it (albeit slightly) better than average.

Personally I thought the Gamespot article was even more poorly written. But that said, the performance upgrade scale is very troubling. I'm anxious to see what they do about it, if anything.
^^^ My sentiments were exactly the same for nearly everything you took issue with. My complaint wasn't so much about the score, but the way the eviscerated the game in the review itself... it didn't add up. Based on text alone, you would have expected a score around 3.0, yet in actuality they scored it (albeit slightly) better than average.

Personally I thought the Gamespot article was even more poorly written. But that said, the performance upgrade scale is very troubling. I'm anxious to see what they do about it, if anything.
Long and short you either like the game or not. Ultimately it pays to play demos if possible and if you don't like it then no harm, no foul. Depending on reviews, while useful, isn't a guarentee as objectivity is always biased. How biased depends on income and ego. The average third party, voluntary review is generally more objective than career reviews, such as those found on GameSpot and IGN.
How bad is the grind to get new cars? I really want to get this game but im on the fence about it.

It's not bad. Each race gives you a decent amount of money and you have no real need to change cars until the later chapters. So, for example, I went from the starter Buick GNX to a Corvette GS, for example.

There's also more than enough other things to do that'll give you money.
Yeah, money itself shouldn't really be an issue. The part tokens do become fewer and further between, but there *are* ways of obtaining them, most notably by completing the daily challenges and get a loot box from that, completing events in first place (i.e. if you get a part you don't want, convert it to a part token - if you get a part you *do* want, you've got an old part ready for conversion. And yes, I do already have a shortlist of good events for.. all but the drift spec.) or, if you have so much money you don't know what to do with it, buying the cheapest parts at the tuner and converting them into part tokens. Yes, that's a valid tactic as well.
I just realized that the performance upgrade system is a rather clever take on the whole casino/gambling/slot machine theme of the game.
Just ordered this, won't get it until next week but looks like I'll get the platinum car pack with it.

Quick question - can you customize or sell the cars in the platinum pack?
Just ordered this, won't get it until next week but looks like I'll get the platinum car pack with it.

Quick question - can you customize or sell the cars in the platinum pack?

You can sell the cars in the Platinum pack for $0. Not sure about customizing because I haven't messed with those vehicles yet.

Also, seriously, anyone else on PC having a visual issue where everything looks
You can sell the cars in the Platinum pack for $0. Not sure about customizing because I haven't messed with those vehicles yet.

Also, seriously, anyone else on PC having a visual issue where everything looks

Dang, $0 huh? Ok :lol: :banghead:
I haven't bought any new cars, I've been keeping my in game wallet pretty closed, which is what I should do in real life.
Yeah, money itself shouldn't really be an issue. The part tokens do become fewer and further between, but there *are* ways of obtaining them, most notably by completing the daily challenges and get a loot box from that, completing events in first place (i.e. if you get a part you don't want, convert it to a part token - if you get a part you *do* want, you've got an old part ready for conversion. And yes, I do already have a shortlist of good events for.. all but the drift spec.) or, if you have so much money you don't know what to do with it, buying the cheapest parts at the tuner and converting them into part tokens. Yes, that's a valid tactic as well.
Could you do us a mini guide to get us started please :)
You can sell the cars in the Platinum pack for $0. Not sure about customizing because I haven't messed with those vehicles yet.

Also, seriously, anyone else on PC having a visual issue where everything looks
I can confirm that the cars from the platinum pack can be fully customized to whatever your liking from body parts, to liveries, as I have already tried this out when I first went to check on some of the customization options for the platinum 350z. :)

Plus if I'm not mistaken, I think the platinum cars replace the slots for their stock versions in the dealership and can be bought again for free!
You can sell the cars in the Platinum pack for $0. Not sure about customizing because I haven't messed with those vehicles yet.

Also, seriously, anyone else on PC having a visual issue where everything looks

I will be playing on PC, but I don't have the game yet so can't help you. Sorry
I can confirm that the cars from the platinum pack can be fully customized to whatever your liking from body parts, to liveries, as I have already tried this out when I first went to check on some of the customization options for the platinum 350z. :)

Plus if I'm not mistaken, I think the platinum cars replace the slots for their stock versions in the dealership and can be bought again for free!

Okay thanks, that's good to hear. I'll probably end up using most of those cars, but I wanted to customize them and make them my own.
I just realized that the performance upgrade system is a rather clever take on the whole casino/gambling/slot machine theme of the game.

Because it's just another "lootbox" system, which is like a cancer in gaming industry.
So I’ve been posting my ramblings about this game on reddit for a few days now. The point being I can’t understand this game at all. I’m someone who absolutely loved 2015 to death, yet this game doesn’t entice me at all :indiff:
I sort of have the same feelings @Gerarghini I can't seem to find enthusiasm for this one either for some unknown reason :indiff:

Okay at first I thought Gerarghini was trolling, because even if I enjoyed 2015, I can't see how anyone could "love it to death," but now you too Torque99? Please elaborate if you can. What's wrong with Payback?
Okay at first I thought Gerarghini was trolling, because even if I enjoyed 2015, I can't see how anyone could "love it to death," but now you too Torque99? Please elaborate if you can. What's wrong with Payback?

I'm curious about this too. If someone enjoyed 2015 then on the face of it, Payback should be better all round? I still plan on picking up a copy tomorrow though, regardless of what any negative review says.
Okay at first I thought Gerarghini was trolling, because even if I enjoyed 2015, I can't see how anyone could "love it to death," but now you too Torque99? Please elaborate if you can. What's wrong with Payback?
I should’ve elaborated :lol: maybe love to death is a bit much... the physics are abysmal and the customization frustrates me to no end at time.

Honestly, my biggest issue with Payback is that it sorta puts NFS in an awkward position where I feel it doesn’t know what it wants to be. I expected a 2015 2 if that makes sense since I genuinely enjoyed the atmosphere of 2015. The emphasis on car culture, real life icons, and customization at the core reeled me in. Plus the cutscenes are a guilty pleasure of mine since I honestly, no bamboozles, prefer them to Payback (even if like Frederick Aasbo just stands there awkwardly). I like the carefree attitude compared to Payback where I feel like they’re trying way too hard to sound cool. Although I won’t give them a pass for the absurd and ridiculous overload of Monster branding or their overuse of edgy lingo. The story seemed akin to what friends and I would do on a random Saturday night minus all the illegal crap.

My issue with Payback is that it no longer focuses on car culture or customization like its predecessor. It feels more like a Fast and Furious tie in, which is perfectly fine. It feels like Ghosy tried to pull an Underground to Most Wanted move, but I feel it doesn’t work quite as well. MW never shoved the story down your throat the way PB does, and that’s where my issue with te story lies.

There’s the obvious problems of no online free roam or free roam police, the lack of offset settings, and the big problem of the physics still being problematic. I also hate the upgrade system with a burning passion because it’s absolutely unnecessary after the story. What if I want to buy a new car and just upgrade it for online (since no tiers for Speed lists means just pack the fastest car you have) and I’m subjected to a grind that I honestly don’t care for. I’m also not a fan of the story compared to 2015. I’ll still probably pick up a copy later on, but at least right now I don’t think it’s worth my $60.
Okay, thanks for explaining that.

I can definitely see how polarizing the story parts of Payback could be, since you can't avoid it and it's so overt. With 2015, you could mostly ignore it because there was no real story. That's sort of what I didn't like about it though. 2015 seemed boring... nothing to drive me to want to progress other than the simple desire to race and unlock more parts. The problem with that is that the racing wasn't terribly enjoyable, so it felt like a grind even though the economics system was much simpler than Payback seems to be.

I haven't even played Payback yet, but I'm beginning to see enough of a picture to tell that I will thoroughly enjoy it. I haven't played a NFS game yet that wasn't flawed in some way, even the venerable classics like U2, MW, Carbon, and Prostreet, which all belonged to the golden age of NFS as far as I'm concerned. That being said, I sincerely hope they modify the parts acquisition system. I know they would never abandon the card system entirely since the game is built around it, but I would think that it would be an easy tweak to change the algorithms determining the quality/quantity of parts received.

There are other little gripes that I already have despite not playing the game. Some of the little details, like the front wheels pointing the wrong direction during drifts, or exhaust noises not changing with upgrades. Those are things that detract from the immersion, and puzzling as to why they aren't included/fixed already. (I read somewhere else that the wheel offset adjustment was removed temporarily due to a conflicting bug with air suspension, so look for that to return).

All that said, based on the post-feedback support that 2015 received, I have a feeling that several tweaks and additional content will make its way into PB, and that's exciting.
So far my only real gripe is with the cards and the fact that tbey are only able to e used on the car you won them with. This is a real issue for me cuse in most any car game that you can mod the cars, i would use one car for as long as possible all the while woking on my next car before i ever even drive it. Now i hafta start all over with a slow ass pos after turning my buick into a monster... also, i thought speed points were a thing in tbe game not just as micro transactions
@CleanCut Mine wasn't so much on the story as I enjoy the fast films :) My main lack of enthusiasm I guess was mainly on the graphical and photo mode side which went back a big step.

Good news!! There has just been a 347 mb update on PS4 which I just installed and I must say what an improvement in the AA and pop ups and the detail of the cars are so much better.

I think they must have got something wrong with the speed of the processing on the day one patch. Any how I am pleased with the update. Also on photo mode the roads blur a little and the cars and back drops are much better. PS4 pro better. Very detailed.

I have taken some new photos to show the detail and will post up later.

All the grinding etc I will stick out and see what happens.

I don't like to be negative when all the hard work they have put in is amazing. Overall I am enjoying it. I think I am finding the enthusiasm again !!