Need For Speed Payback General Discussion

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Had a go today, tuned my Mazda MX-5 from stock to maxed. Didn't record results but I did have somewhat better results than a few days ago, not saying there was any hidden changes but possibly better RNG.

Also found out the MX5 is one fast lvl 299.

Don't mind my dodgy keyboard driving :lol:

Edit: Heres a 399 GT-R for Drag. Wish it had more HP...
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The cards don't really bother me. I got 2 derilects up to 300 (for extreme) yesterday. It took the better part of the day but it was achievable.

I realized multilayer is only lobby type racing so no cruising with friends. That saddened me. But that's the only downer of this game. Over all in satisfied. In my opinion, best NFS yet.

I'm going to delve into painting soon now that I have beat the game, I wish I could import old paints but really I'll have fun recreating old wraps. Maybe I'll do better jobs this time around first up will be the HKS R32.
I finally completed the game today and got all achievements.



By far the hardest part of it all was getting 3 stars on every speed run and drift zone. The traffic is a real nuisance. Fortunately, it dies down at night. Getting all the billboards and poker chips took a while too.

With that done, I can just play the game casually now and customize the cars I never got around to using.
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Did they really go the other way again ?

NFS reboot they listened and added manual tranny , so how about Payback ..? Google search didn't tell
I finally completed the game today and got all achievements.



By far the hardest part of it all was getting 3 stars on every speed run and drift zone. The traffic is a real nuisance. Fortunately, it dies down at night. Getting all the billboards and poker chips took a while too.

With that done, I can just play the game casually now and customize the cars I never got around to using.
So now that's you're done with the game, what can you say about the game then? Was it an improvement over 2015?
Mistamontiel yes there is an option for manual transmission. I would have liked an option to set up controlls manually but the default manual settings aren't bad.
I bought the game on sale Thursday but last night was first opportunity to really play, as I kept getting a CTD soon after starting the game (PC). I solved the problem by rolling back the video drivers, and then spent about 3 hours in the game last night.

Wow, I gotta say this is by far the most fun NFS has been since the U2, MW, and Carbon days. I'm really impressed... they fixed the handling, I'm able to drive like a boss immediately, but the races are still challenging (I'm currently playing on medium difficulty). By controlled racing (not crashing into everything and using walls to steer) I usually trail until making an actual real-world racing move to pass near the end of the race. Off-road racing feels sufficiently different than road racing, like you are actually sliding around on dirt. The soundtrack is excellent. The game is running much better on my aging hardware than the previous game, which is amazing.

Garage appearances aside, it's actually hard to believe that NFS2015 and Payback were from the same developer. They feel, look, and behave so differently. Wow... I'm going to be spending a lot of time in this game!
So now that's you're done with the game, what can you say about the game then? Was it an improvement over 2015?

I can say without a doubt that it’s an improvement over 2015. It’s a more polished game.

I think the physics still need a little more work, but overall, driving the cars is a lot more enjoyable than last time.

Really, my only complaints about Payback is the upgrade system and not that many actual races. I also don’t feel the cops do enough in this game. The bait crates aren’t cutting it. Pursuits are too short since they’re basically time trials and the cops just simply chase you. They never use road blocks, spike strips, or rhinos. It’s good that they’re more aggressive and can actually keep up with you, but that’s not enough to make them intimidating.

But in the end, and I believe I said this in my first impressions of the game, I hope Ghost keeps this momentum they’ve bulit up and make the next NFS even better.
I can say without a doubt that it’s an improvement over 2015. It’s a more polished game.

I have to say the modifications available for each vehicle are a huge step up, too. Just being able to re-colour the headlights and tail-lights is a nice addition before you even get to the rest. The superbuilds are great too, I was very surprised to find I could still change parts around after the superbuild transformation!
If I'm thinking that's the mission where you meet Jimmy again, that mission is just over all a pain.
I think a lot comes from the fact that the cars actually seem to respond to speed more than before. The handling was basically the same in 2015, but a little faster with each upgrade. Now there seems a psuedo-grip multiplier that makes the car a challenge to drive fast. They are still perfectly controllable, but you'd be damned to lead foot it off road without a greater finesse and use of the controls compared to 2015. It may be arcadey but you still have to drive in this game, where as 2015 you just had to turn and slide at the right time.

As for the cops you certainly have to fight. You can just about outrun them on easy but even then you are better off to be aggressive. I'm guessing it is more true that higher difficulty needs more a proactive approach with the chasers.
Just got Need For Speed for free via Verizon’s reward program :D Any tips for someone just beginning the game? I’m going to start it up tonight or tomorrow.
Why does offroad racing feel like you over correct a lot of the times?
I mean it seems like I cannot drive with my life and end up screwing up because I go left then right then left then right.
I don't like.
Playing this game for a while now and I think the physics system still needs tweaking. Occasionally when you get hit by the AI your car will do a sort of "crabwalk slide" off the road. Very annoying when doing runner missions and also there's the chance that hitting jumps will cause the vehicle to fly sideways instead of straight on. Makes me nervous knowing that these things happen at random and I never know what to expect.
What's the best way to do those stupid drag races that require you to drive a road course? Every car I've tried won't turn (which makes sense).
What's the best way to do those stupid drag races that require you to drive a road course? Every car I've tried won't turn (which makes sense).
Yank the hand brake and hope for the best
Why does offroad racing feel like you over correct a lot of the times?
I mean it seems like I cannot drive with my life and end up screwing up because I go left then right then left then right.
I don't like.

I found the key to this is to slide the corner then aim the car where you want to go and let go of the throttle for a moment to straighten up before applying it again. It seems to snap the car out of the slide. Holding the throttle on constantly keeps the slide going and you end up with a weird pendulum effect.

What's the best way to do those stupid drag races that require you to drive a road course? Every car I've tried won't turn (which makes sense).

Can you buy the NSX yet? It's basically cheat mode for drag racing as it even handles like a race class in turns. The key is to use the handbrake to turn and be aware that if you accelerate from low speed the front wheels will lift, so always straighten the car out before flooring it.
^^^ To the last few comments... It's dirt..... it's hard to race 100 mph on dirt. You're going to slide more. Moglet's techique is what I have found to be successful as well. Drift the corners, but don't stay on the throttle as long as you would on pavement, because the loose dirt is going to carry you further in the direction of the drift anyhow.

I haven't reached the drag missions yet. I only got to play about an hour last night and I was hooning around in the Land Rover taking on League 73. Spent most of my time in the garage though creating a wrap. Has anyone else noticed that the Matte sheen on vinyls is anything but? It's bugging the crap outta me.
I noticed that as well. Tried putting a matt black hood on a beater datsun drag car. It doesnt look right at all.

I gotta say once you 399 a drag car, it becomes pretty intense. Getting an actual perfect run seems impossible. Lol.

Edit: finishing a race is pretty hard even.
Has anyone else noticed that the Matte sheen on vinyls is anything but? It's bugging the crap outta me.

This is a bug, IIRC it was noted by F8RGE on reddit as being an issue they're aware of.
This is a bug, IIRC it was noted by F8RGE on reddit as being an issue they're aware of.

Glad to know this. It's a big deal to me. Thanks.

I feel like a noob asking this question, but I haven't found any option in the game to view cars in a special way that I'm seeing them displayed online. Here's an example at the start of this video by Domestic Mango:

I just assumed that this was some special showcase feature in the game, but I have yet to find it. Anyone??
Can you buy the NSX yet? It's basically cheat mode for drag racing as it even handles like a race class in turns. The key is to use the handbrake to turn and be aware that if you accelerate from low speed the front wheels will lift, so always straighten the car out before flooring it.

I can buy it, so I'll give that a shot tonight.

If you stance the car though, doesn't it reduce the wheelie chance? Seems like when I had the C-10 as low as it'd go it didn't really wheelie at all.
I can buy it, so I'll give that a shot tonight.

If you stance the car though, doesn't it reduce the wheelie chance? Seems like when I had the C-10 as low as it'd go it didn't really wheelie at all.

I don't think stancing it affects it however the NSX barely does wheelies anyway, even at the highest rating. What it does have though is 8 gears, which means more nitrous because you shift up so frequently :)