New to the GTP_WRS? Introduce yourself

  • Thread starter Sjaak
Submitted my qualifying time 2 weeks ago. Has anyone else heard about their more recent qualifying times.
Not sure if this is the right place but I'd like to join in the wrs I have an account on psn GTP_INDYRF, and just need to be pointed in the next direction(I'm Old) and don't see well anymore:sly:

Not sure if this is the right place but I'd like to join in the wrs I have an account on psn GTP_INDYRF, and just need to be pointed in the next direction(I'm Old) and don't see well anymore:sly:


Follow this link and everything will be explained.
Good luck and welcome! 👍
Hey guys

Saw this forum a week ago and I HAD to join. Submitted my qualifier time two days ago. I can take part in week 28 even though I don't have a division right?

Cya on the leaderboards!
Hey guys

Saw this forum a week ago and I HAD to join. Submitted my qualifier time two days ago. I can take part in week 28 even though I don't have a division right?

Cya on the leaderboards!

Welcome to the WRS. 👍

Feel free to run this week to compare your times and see where you would fall, but you can't submit times or be on the board until you are accepted into the registry and given divisional placement. Good luck.
Hello Gran Turismo drivers!
I'm playing driving games/sims since Pitstop II (C64, 1984, but not played before 1988). My first crush was Revs+ by G.Crammond, and its later F1 Grand Prix (Amiga). After a while, and under W* OS, I came into Grand Prix Legends. Then discovered the Gran Turismo world with GT2, just before GT3 release. As I couldn't afford a PS2 at the time, and disliked game reviews, waited GT4 which played until GT5 release.

After GT Academy (217th in Italy, 3" off.... very busy at work), this is my second 'official' competition.
Hope to have fun here. The whole board and rules are very well organized 👍
Hey, just wanted to say hi, and thanks for letting me in. I am starting in D4 silver and hope I can compete and help make this div fun. thanks again
Hey, just wanted to say hi, and thanks for letting me in. I am starting in D4 silver and hope I can compete and help make this div fun. thanks again

Welcome otxjto!

First thing to do is update your signature with your division, etc. -- just look at some others for examples. This will help the leader board recognize you (including your controller of choice). Then jump right into the Week #29 combo and have fun. The WRS group is very helpful and it's definitely improved my driving and general GT5 experience 100%. Good luck and see you on the leader board.
Thanks for the welcome and the tip. As soon as I get home from work, I will get that updated. thank you
Just sent my registration in today and look forward to a bit of proper TT'ing. Been playing the GT series since the year 0 BC and can't believe I haven't done this before. I noticed a rally event is the current event, I'll enter it once the network is back up but I really don't like rally so can't see me doing too well in it. I'll update my sig once I know what league I'm in.
Just sent my registration in today and look forward to a bit of proper TT'ing. Been playing the GT series since the year 0 BC and can't believe I haven't done this before. I noticed a rally event is the current event, I'll enter it once the network is back up but I really don't like rally so can't see me doing too well in it. I'll update my sig once I know what league I'm in.

Welcome Smilerftm:tup:

You can run the latest WRS event to see how you stack up against the rest of us, it may also give you a clue as to what division you are likely to be placed in (although not always the case, especially with this being a rally event).

Also you will not be able to post or submit times until you have been registered and placed in a division, but like I said it doesn't stop you giving it a go to see how you get on:)

See you in the WRS soon, it normally takes a week to 14 days for you to become a registered member:tup:
Hi put my qualifier time in last week and set my gtp account, so hopefully will be able to get some TTs in against you all. Im not the quickest but hopefully this will give me the chance to improve and im still using the ds3 (will treat myself one day when the wife and kids relizes im not a bank)
Hi put my qualifier time in last week and set my gtp account, so hopefully will be able to get some TTs in against you all. Im not the quickest but hopefully this will give me the chance to improve and im still using the ds3 (will treat myself one day when the wife and kids relizes im not a bank)

Welcome hasslemoff.

Good luck with the kids thing... I hear you :lol:

There are a bunch of DS3 drivers in the WRS and they do pretty well I must say although I'm not one of them and can't get around a single track with the thing so I have respect for those of you that can.

The WRS is an ideal place to improve and I'm sure you'll find the other drivers very willing to help... they've helped my driving tremendously... and I have a ways to go yet. 👍
Been in the WRS for about a week now so I might as well introduce myself.

My name's Jordan and I've been a Gran Turismo player since the very first one, and I still find it enjoyable to play, such a classic game in my opinion and the reason I got into racing games and why I've played so many. Anyway, I'm a DS3 user and I'm genuinely amazed that I achieved D2 gold, such a high place to reach. I'm currently an A2 student in college and I race in Online Series like WSGTC and the GT4 European Cup, so I have little time but I plan to participate in all the forthcoming WRS events.

Well that's my introduction for now, hope to see you all on the track soon 👍
Thanks for the welcome and i look forward to seeing how my times compare.
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Just set up my GTP account last night. I've been watching the WRS threads for a while, thought I'd give it a shot.

I'll send in my qualifier submission in a few days. Took out the AMG for a couple prelim runs. Guess I should devote as much time with the qualifier as I can in relation to my estimated time to spend on WRS events. Don't wanna spend a month stressing over minuscule gains!
Welcome ncrthree, hasslemoff, BiffyClyro93 / GTP_Biffy and all other recent members to WRS. 👍

About to send my qualifier times in. Proud user of ds3, far from the best though. Looking forward to meeting some good fellow racers and improving my skills.
I thought I would introduce myself properly even though I have been around a little while now.

My names Kelvin, and I come from Guernsey in the Channel Islands, most of you probably still don't have a clue where that is but for reference purposes I am about 30 miles away from France on a little 25 mile island :)

I have only been playing racing sims properly since the 2nd installment of that other game on the :sly: A friend of mine that lives over here got me into online racing, and I have been hooked ever since :D

GT5 is my first sim using a wheel and after my experience will not be going back to the controller, I will probably be investing in a new high end wheel in the new year though (Fanatec CSR). Nice to see it's multi-platform :)

Here I am :D

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Welcome (back) Kelvin.
You seem happier lately, nice to have you back. 👍

Welcome to the new guys, too. :cheers:
Please observe the unwritten etiquette by not grabbing a podium on your first week out. :P
welcome (back) kelvin.
You seem happier lately, nice to have you back. 👍

Thanks, thought I would add a bit of background about where I come from and how I started playing racing games, as I don't think I mentioned anything about it when I first joined WRS.

Surprised there's no sarcasm as of yet about my small island I live on :sly: