NFL: 2012 Season

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
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Unless there is a sudden, huge decrease in viewership, Goodell could care less. The NFL is basically printing money at the moment. The only way for the issue to be forced is to take away that cash cow.
Unless there is a sudden, huge decrease in viewership, Goodell could care less. The NFL is basically printing money at the moment. The only way for the issue to be forced is to take away that cash cow.

Nope, that won't be the issue. If the players or coaches refuse to show up or keep complaining the NFL will have to act. Any sign of a team deciding to not play in protest will really sink the NFL.
I want to say something about this that I hope people understand.

The outcome of the game had nothing to do with any particular player or team, and instead was decided, start to finish, by the officials. I fear that people who saw the game will hold grudges against the Seahawks and proclaim us fakes, cheaters, and in general a team of poor sports. We are not

Because my viewpoint is heavily skewed, I choose not to comment on the final play, but I will comment in saying I strongly hope that it is the nail that brings back the full-time officials.
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No one is saying these things about the Seahawks. It's the refs, the refs, and Goodell that are "fake and cheaters".
I want to say something about this that I hope people understand.

The outcome of the game had nothing to do with any particular player or team, and instead was decided, start to finish, by the officials. I fear that people who saw the game will hold grudges against the Seahawks and proclaim us fakes, cheaters, and in general a team of poor sports. We are not

Because my viewpoint is heavily skewed, I choose not to comment on the final play, but I will comment in saying I strongly hope that it is the nail that brings back the full-time officials.

The only way the Seahawks will be blamed is if there's some investigation that leads to the Seahawks paying the refs (ridiculously unlikely).
I know absolutely nothing about NFL, but this play came up on the ESPN twitter feed, so I checked out the video. How anyone could describe that play as a Seahawks TD is beyond me. He was behind the other guy, and barely laid hands on the ball until they were rolling around on the ground. Even then, his grasp of the ball was negligible.
This is a joke? The 2012 season will go down in history as the biggest joke of a season in NFL history. The players and the coaches just need to go on strike until the replacement refs are gone.

It's really bad and it only seems to be getting worse.

Watch the regular refs come back and nothing change. :lol:
The only way Seahawks fans are shed in a negative light is if they try to argue the play was a TD, or that Tate's blatant interference should be ignored, or the earlier horrific pass interference call against the Packers was somehow correct.

That said, we just witnessed the very first game winning Interception! I have two giveaways about it in my giveaway thread. Giveaways #19 and 20. #17 is a good one too, and sports/NFL related.

Watch the regular refs come back and nothing change. :lol:

The worst game ending call of all time and subsequent botching of the replay, then utter chaos on the field during and after that. No WAY regular officials let any of that happen. The only thing regular officials might have done is had two officials disagree on the initial call. Which would have been handled correctly and immediately.
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or the earlier horrific pass interference call against the Packers was somehow correct.

To that effect, most of the penalties in the beginning in the game were legit, but the longer the game went on the worse the penalties got. Both sides were charged with bogus calls that kept their adversary's drive going.
To that effect, most of the penalties in the beginning in the game were legit, but the longer the game went on the worse the penalties got. Both sides were charged with bogus calls that kept their adversary's drive going.

Which is dancing around justification of the victory, or at least tries to give reasoning other than the gift from the referees at the end. Sure, there were many other plays... But the focus is and should be on the final play Don't go "Golden Tate" - "I don't know what you're talking about" (he repeated it as well) when asked if he pushed off before the game winning interception.
Yes, this a disaster thanks to the ineptitude of the officiating crew, but the Green Bay DB didn't help his cause in any way when he went for the catch instead of batting the ball down. Bat the ball down!
Yes, this a disaster thanks to the ineptitude of the officiating crew, but the Green Bay DB didn't help his cause in any way when he went for the catch instead of batting the ball down. Bat the ball down!

The one who was sent flying due to the most blatant offensive pass interference in history? Or the one who clearly intercepted the pass?
As an official, I can input two things that need to happen. First, confidence. Any crap high school official can convince anyone that he knows what he's doing by being dominant, these guys are the wimpiest bunch of fellas I've ever seen. Second, communication. These guys are going 200 mph all the time, and they just aren't up to that skill level yet. There are seven guys down there, slow down and find the guy that is right. It's all communication.
I have not worked football games, but have officiated other sports. Well put. Communication! As soon as the ref went to replay booth without talking to the two officials who disagreed on possession, the fact that the Seahawks had possession could no longer be overturned. Simultaneous posession, which goes to the offense is not reviewable. Shame.
Yes, this a disaster thanks to the ineptitude of the officiating crew, but the Green Bay DB didn't help his cause in any way when he went for the catch instead of batting the ball down. Bat the ball down!

Are you on the NFL Network koolaid? If he let go of that ball, Tate would've had it. That's a clean interception.
Just read this story... Interesting

-Muncie, IN

A local football coach was outraged yesterday, and may face criminal charges for his actions towards game officials after a local youth football game. Bryan Vaughn, who has coached in the local youth football league for more than 14 months, expressed his opposition and concern for the credibility and integrity of the local league after an officiating debacle cost his team a victory.

"Our regular officials, I have no idea where they went," said Vaughn. "And now we are stuck with replacements. Someone told me a few weeks ago that our regular guys went to another league to officiate games there. I don't know if that is true or not, but these replacement officials are atrocious. Where did they come from, flag football? Where are our regular officials? How could they all just leave like that, all at once? Where could they possibly find work, ALL of them? I'm baffled."

Vaughn is the head coach of the Rockets, a local 9 and under football team, who lost a game yesterday, due in part to officiating errors. "Replacement officials? These guys aren't football referees... they work at foot locker!" shouted Vaughn to a gathering press core of 2 at the end of the Rocket's defeat to the Bombers by the score of 12-7. A hard fought ground game was marred by several controversial calls made by the replacement referees.

The most critcal coming on the final play of the game. "We were ahead 7-6, and my Rocket's were fully deserving of that lead - we played some great football to that point," explained the Rocket's emotional head coach, holding back tears. Only 11 false starts, 6 illegal formations, and just 16 fumbled snaps, which is a season low for us," the coach explained. "Then, with the game on the line, the Bombers ran a trick play using 15 kids on the field and got away with it. I can't believe it." Vaughn was last seen shouting expletives at the referees as the two young men got into their early 00's Ford Taurus in the parking lot. "Our regular referees would NEVER botch an important call!" Vaugh shouted at the officials, who were last seen spending their game money at a local Pizza King.

The officials gave the explanation for the missed call and allowing the subsequent winning touchdown due to the fact the young man who scored the touchdown was wearing number 11. The officials did not think that there were too many players on the field for that reason. "Do they have eleven?" Vaughn shouted from the sideline after Brendan Stephen scored for the Bombers on a run with no time on the clock. "Yes, eleven" answered replacement referee Kennie Bosar. "I thought he was asking me who scored on the play" he remarked. "It was number 11. His older sister was cheering him on from the corner of the end zone. "She has great hair," he said.

Vaughn, visibly shaken, continued. "These kids, they work so hard... they do their homework after school, come to practice, have their parents stupidly buy $90 cleats they will outgrow in three months, only to have these replacement officials rob them of a victory? How will they function going forward. They are only 8 and 9 years old!"

Owen Smith, middle linebacker, running back, defensive end, safety, wide receiver and post game snack coordinator, remarked after the game. "We lost? Really? What was the score?" Vaughn made him do pushups immediately and took away his chocolate chip granola bar. He allowed him to keep his can of root beer. "It's his favorite," the coach explained.

"I just want our regular officals back," Vaughn explained. "I don't know what league they are officiating in, but they were the best I have ever seen. If anyone knows where they are, tell them we miss them here. Tell them to come home soon."

Additional incorrect calls included allowing the Bombers to repeatedly use a nerf ball painted brown instead of a regulation ball to reduce fumbles, flagging the Rockets for an illegal Statue of Liberty play because the quarterback was not wearing a Statue of Liberty costume, and requiring some players to give the officials the cell phone numbers of their college age older sisters or even the phone numbers of their Mothers... "if they were bumpy in all the right places." Players were reportedly confused by the last request, although Bombers backup backup backup right guard, Bobbie Fowler, said he knew what they were asking about. "I explained it to my teammates in a huddle during the third quarter," said Fowler. "Jimmy Donovan puked, Joey Rastenkowski turned white as a ghost, and the rest of the guys just said "ewww," little Bobbie said. "After talking about Lego Batman 2 video game codes, we ran the ball up the middle for the 35th straight time."

Legue Commissioner Moe Howard could not be reached. His brother, Larry, declined comment.

The Rockets next play the last place Race Cars Sunday at 1 pm at McNair Park Field #1. The Bombers play the Nukes in a old vs new warfare themed battle also at 1 pm Sunday, but the game will be held at Stanley Park, at the An Field. The first place Bumblebees have the weekend off due to a camping trip for half their defense.
Complaining about latest group of referees is like complaining about the A.I. in the Gran Turismo series: Year after year, nobody's satisfied.
If anyone can verify that each official from last night is named "Bob" - free Level 23 Tickets for everyone!
I understand that people generally complain about the refs in any sport, but holy smokes these guys are bad. It's pathetic. Especially because as an NHL fan I've always found the NFL refs to be way better.
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Complaining about latest group of referees is like complaining about the A.I. in the Gran Turismo series: Year after year, nobody's satisfied.

Is it?

If the AI was outsourced last minute prior to GT5's release, assigned to amateur programmers without any experience programming a game with GT5's sales and following... and then the AI went significantly backwards in a manner that is historically bad when compared to previous AI - then your analogy works. But that's not the case.

Not everyone who is complaining about these referees were complaining last year, the year prior, the year before that etc.

I didn't. At least nothing like this.

Because nothing like this has ever happened in the NFL.
Is it?

If the AI was outsourced last minute prior to GT5's release, assigned to amateur programmers without any experience programming a game with GT5's sales and following... and then the AI went significantly backwards in a manner that is historically bad when compared to previous AI - then your analogy works. But that's not the case.

Not everyone who is complaining about these referees were complaining last year, the year prior, the year before that etc.

I didn't. At least nothing like this.

Because nothing like this has ever happened in the NFL.

Dude, people hate the refs every year. This time it's just easier to blame it on them being scabs.

BTW - the replay officials are the normal ones. So any play that goes to the booth gets reviewed at the same quality as the reviews from every season.
Dude, people hate the refs every year. This time it's just easier to blame it on them being scabs.

BTW - the replay officials are the normal ones. So any play that goes to the booth gets reviewed at the same "quality" as the reviews from every season.

If the on field hacks make a bad call, what the replay is allowed to overturn IS affected. Simultaneous possession is not reviewable, for example. Not announcing what the original call was prior to going to view the replay is also a huge error.

When did I say officials aren't criticized yearly?

But if you think the criticism of the last 15 hours has any precedent whatsoever in the history of this league you either haven't been paying attention or are completely clueless.

For example, have you ever heard about Rule 17 before last night/today? I'll bet 99.9999% of fans have not. This current situation is different indeed.
From my Facebook post...

Done watching the NFL this year, or even caring about it this year.

If you cannot see this clearly as a wrong call right in front of your own eyes... Then I don't see why we should watch your TV network and give you money, or go to games.

Would have gone to hockey, but they're just as bad with this lockout...

I am a Packers and Texans fan btw (lived in Houston for 6 years, actually... had to love the lovable losers.)
Would have gone to hockey, but they're just as bad with this lockout...

FWIW, the NHL season wouldn't have started for a couple weeks anyway. They still might start on time. And the US might balance their debt by then too :sly:
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