- 879
- MannyMoenjack1
Man you're inspired today...I agree with every point you've made i also try to hold my position doing defensive inner racing lines when someone is racing next to my rear bumper...but if he gets side by side with me i stick to my trajectory and don't deliberely,at least,move over to block the pass,and when i feel a turtle to the driver behind me and know he'll pass me anyway at some point i just move over and let him pass...
When overtaking,manouvre i only take when i think i'm faster then the guy in front of me and if he doesn't make a mistake after cooking up some pressure i try to find a secure spot-a straight or coming out of a corner faster...but this is all theorechtical in concrete we all pull stupid moves on track at anypoint...so enought talk
Sad to say... that's true. When you can't look left or right it makes it so much harder to judge.
How many times have we all made a pass and thought, "OK, I've passed him." only to find out that they are right next to us when we move over and spin them out. Something like that happened yesterday with Aldo and I. Nobody's fault, just part of the game...