NFS-Shift GTP Racing League Season II

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Damn! Sorry guys. I lost all internet connections (including computer) for about 5 minutes there. I don't know what happened.

In any case Terronium, what race position were you in when you got booted from that Spa race... um, the second one. I know we were 6 laps into it.
NO Femki is a penis :sly:

Maybe if I ignore it he'll stop?

Yeah, I see where you backed off there, and again with kemp on the same turn on lap 5. Both good decisions in my view.

As I'm writing this, I find I'm a bit worried about going over these videos with an eye toward scolding people. Educating yes. Just to show people what will and what won't work, but these races are so chaotic at times and our view is so limited that I'd hate to be too judgemental. Does this make any sense to anybody?

I agree, it's fun to watch chases (especially when it's yourself), but we always seem to come back to stressing on a tap or bump. I watched Lap 9 of adddictions video, and man, I feel bad.. that was a boneheaded move. I was just fighting (a bit too hard) to keep my position and I thought I could loop back around and retake my position.

Anyways, everyone here has played (note I didn't use "raced") together long enough to know none of us are punters and nothing is intentional.. we also know that mistakes do happen and need to be forgiving of them. I've had situations where I've been 10ft away from someone and watched them suddenly spin as if I had hit them. The position prediction logic of online play isn't always 100% perfect. It's also a pain to know where people are going into a corner when they're in your blind spot.

We can't stress absolutely clean racing because it's not going to happen, virtually or in real life. We also shouldn't stress about boneheaded moves, stuff happens.

I'm not writing this because I feel like tempers are flaring, but instead just to remind people that this is a game, the points aren't real, there is no money for the winner, there are no repair bills for those who meet the tire barrier... this is just for bragging rights.
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Race Results, Current Standings and Next Week's Schedule is posted on Page 1.

Group Assignments will be up shortly... :)

LOL i like the way you say group assignments. Sounds like the fight club. Home work for today; "beat up someone on the streets" , Group work is "project mayhem" haha
LOL i like the way you say group assignments. Sounds like the fight club. Home work for today; "beat up someone on the streets" , Group work is "project mayhem" haha

Yes, it's very often like fight club... maybe I should watch that movie again... :lol:

Edit: Speaking of which... The Group Assignments for next weekend are now posted.

I think with javedmr's entry (and a possible other newcomer), we can no longer delay going to three lobbies. I think once we reach 21 active members I'm going to suspend admission of any additional new members as three lobbies are as many as I think we can coordinate with the online system in Shift.
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I was going thru the points system.I was wondering how we figure out the fastest lap?? I didnt know there was a log in Shift!
I was going thru the points system.I was wondering how we figure out the fastest lap?? I didnt know there was a log in Shift!

if you press R1 at the end of the race it tells you
<------- found a new pic that reflects my style well, i'm on the left
:scared: had to share couldn't resist. all in fun

:lol: It's you man. So how was the view from up there?

I was going thru the points system.I was wondering how we figure out the fastest lap?? I didnt know there was a log in Shift!

At the end of each race they show the fastest lap of each participant.
Damn! Sorry guys. I lost all internet connections (including computer) for about 5 minutes there. I don't know what happened.

In any case Terronium, what race position were you in when you got booted from that Spa race... um, the second one. I know we were 6 laps into it.

I was in sixth at Spa.
Maybe if I ignore it he'll stop?

I'm not writing this because I feel like tempers are flaring, but instead just to remind people that this is a game, the points aren't real, there is no money for the winner, there are no repair bills for those who meet the tire barrier... this is just for bragging rights.

Nice post mate 👍

But youre still a penis :D
Maybe if I ignore it he'll stop?

We can't stress absolutely clean racing because it's not going to happen, virtually or in real life. We also shouldn't stress about boneheaded moves, stuff happens.

I'm not writing this because I feel like tempers are flaring, but instead just to remind people that this is a game, the points aren't real, there is no money for the winner, there are no repair bills for those who meet the tire barrier... this is just for bragging rights.

Well said femki. 👍
anyways, everyone here has played (note I didn't use "raced") together long enough to know none of us are punters and nothing is intentional.. we also know that mistakes do happen and need to be forgiving of them. I've had situations where I've been 10ft away from someone and watched them suddenly spin as if I had hit them. The position prediction logic of online play isn't always 100% perfect. It's also a pain to know where people are going into a corner when they're in your blind spot.

I dont want to put fuel on the fire but he was not in your blind spot he was in front of you you hit him then he stuck to the front of your car untill he was off the track, you had to have seen him.
and to be honest i think there should be a penalty for it.

And i am sorry if i seem to be getting RAW on this subject but there has to be some kind of points penalty in place for incidents like this so the ones that suffered dont loose out, it would be the same in a real league so why not here.
And i think people wont be so keen to make risky moves once they know they could loose there points for that race.

I know if that was me i would give up my points for that race, just like when i took out aldo i asked for my points to be given to him becase it was a really bad move that i had no excuse for.
femki did actually offer to sacrifice points earlier in the thread but i refused
the only point i'm trying to get across is that was ****ing deliberate and no need for it
Friday night was a classic and it gave me great humor, my the end of the night here's the 5 facts I learned about the consistent one.

1. His new girlfriend was going to be his right hand since the girlfriend was pissed :lol:

2. Hog wouldn't listen to him to take a break where he could have a smoke and pour another drink, even though Hog wasn't wearing his headset

3. I now know Arvore favorite sexual position

4. Whiskey is his favorite

5. He drives damn near as good F#*ked up as he does sober


I've only have to disagree with the 5th point
And i am sorry if i seem to be getting RAW on this subject but there has to be some kind of points penalty in place for incidents like this so the ones that suffered dont loose out, it would be the same in a real league so why not here.
And i think people wont be so keen to make risky moves once they know they could loose there points for that race.

I know if that was me i would give up my points for that race, just like when i took out aldo i asked for my points to be given to him becase it was a really bad move that i had no excuse for.

Although the points penalty sounds good, I think it would be hard to enforce. If video proof isn't provided then it just someones word against another persons. I agree with what you have been saying about giving people room and if people follow that method and try to run clean races. Then I think we will all be much better off for it. Through the videos it does look like adddiction fought and fought to get by femki serveral times and it looked like a clean pass, but femki was a pit bull in that race and didn't want to give it up. Hine sight is 20/20 and we all know that we have done things that we really shouldn't have when looking back on it. The past is the past, lets move on to some more good racing.
anyways, everyone here has played (note I didn't use "raced") together long enough to know none of us are punters and nothing is intentional.. we also know that mistakes do happen and need to be forgiving of them. I've had situations where I've been 10ft away from someone and watched them suddenly spin as if I had hit them. The position prediction logic of online play isn't always 100% perfect. It's also a pain to know where people are going into a corner when they're in your blind spot.

I dont want to put fuel on the fire but he was not in your blind spot he was in front of you you hit him then he stuck to the front of your car untill he was off the track, you had to have seen him.
and to be honest i think there should be a penalty for it.

And i am sorry if i seem to be getting RAW on this subject but there has to be some kind of points penalty in place for incidents like this so the ones that suffered dont loose out, it would be the same in a real league so why not here.
And i think people wont be so keen to make risky moves once they know they could loose there points for that race.

I know if that was me i would give up my points for that race, just like when i took out aldo i asked for my points to be given to him becase it was a really bad move that i had no excuse for.

femki did actually offer to sacrifice points earlier in the thread but i refused
the only point i'm trying to get across is that was ****ing deliberate and no need for it

You guys realize this isn't really the best idea, right?

femki admitted the mistake, and all this rehashing of a bad decision made in the heat of the moment is going to do nothing but cause bad feelings. I'd appreciate it if we could drop it.

After a cosy night here i am back in business:lol: (and in about 10 mins in the ps3 too) soooo:

1-Exciting and eventfull race from spectator POV 👍

2-Adddictions wasn't clearly at his best at B.H Indy last night-man you should really taken the Repsol instead...i laught my a$$ out because every time femky bashed him his pet's bell went crazy...:lol::lol::lol:

3- I've to agree with Stevo on this one(despite that is against my religion...:boggled: ) femky is-read behaved like- a penis:lol::lol::lol:
i've told you some spanking was going to be envolved...:lol::mischievous::cheers:

now on a more serious note i've to say that you've pulled some bad moves on this one femky:tdown: and agreing with all that has been said about not turning these videos in to a sunday night show of soccer coments scalpelizing every bad move from the players and that the videos show only one player POV,and perfectly aware that this isn't my business and understanding that you were trying to defend your position because adddictions wasn't being clearly faster then you on every corner ,and knowing that inccidents of laps 1 and 4 are arguable-but in mine POV both contacts are your fault-in lap 9 i've no doubt ,even if you spun him accindently-and i really believe that was the case otherwise there was no point in this post-you should gave him back the position that you ilegally took and if you did nobody could point you anything but bad driving.
Now i think the point in this league is having fun with each other racing cleanly respectfully and of course with competitiveness nobody here is a lady(excepct for STEVETTE at some times:P:D:dunce: ) but i like to think that we are all gentleman and respect each other and if that isn't the case some people might get agravated(seems somebody already is:scared: ) and things grow into more people getting off this league( 2 fine clean drivers already did) because things stop being funny and nobody wants to play a videogame to get upseted...
Now we are welcoming new members lets give the example and keep things clean showing that this is all about racing and only after about winning...👍
Now i kept writing and went further than i wanted in this post femky don't get me wrong,please mate,and don't take this as a lecture, you were only the guy whose bad moves were tapped because i'm sure there were plenty of other stupid moves from other drivers (including me that weren't -at least until now shown.) but i would gave back that position .Now i will shut the 🤬 up and head to the controller...👍
You guys realize this isn't really the best idea, right?

femki admitted the mistake, and all this rehashing of a bad decision made in the heat of the moment is going to do nothing but cause bad feelings. I'd appreciate it if we could drop it.

Sorry too late(only read after i posted)...:guilty: i agree let's move on
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