NFS-Shift Weekly Online Racing Thread

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You are right mate :)

Well that a bit of a nuisance! My works GT500 has like 60-odd miles on it and so it is fairly near to helping me on my way to another badge thing. Oh well, racing is far more important :D
The details are a page or two back Mr V, which raises a good point. Manny, do you think you could edit the first post each week to contain details of the weeks regulations, it would save people searching through the thread which is getting quite long now 👍

Yes, that would be much easier for everyone. I'll do that.


What kinda race is going on tonight? manufactor race?

Hi mr_Volcano!
Depending on how the game performs in the races tonight, the format of the racing may change a bit. Many of us had lag/slowdown issues last week with eight cars in the grid. The game may perform better with cars that aren't upgraded as much.
If you'd like to join us that would be great. Racing starts at 5 pm US East Coast time. So that would be 11pm for Norway, I think.
Is it still 10pm for UK yeah?
I've managed to peel myself off of call of duty and have been lapping these tracks.
For teh GT500, are we just leaving the tuning as default or can we (try to) tinker a little bit?
Is it still 10pm for UK yeah?
I've managed to peel myself off of call of duty and have been lapping these tracks.
For teh GT500, are we just leaving the tuning as default or can we (try to) tinker a little bit?

There isn't much to tinker with, but I'm of the opinion that Tire Pressures & Steering Lock should always be allowed to be adjusted to the driver's preferrence. Things like gearing, downforce etc, should not be adjusted so things are kept as even as possible between the cars.

Oh, and yes the time for the UK is 10pm
There isn't much to tinker with, but I'm of the opinion that Tire Pressures & Steering Lock should always be allowed to be adjusted to the driver's preferrence. Things like gearing, downforce etc, should not be adjusted so things are kept as even as possible between the cars.

Oh, and yes the time for the UK is 10pm

OK, that is all you can adjust with the car pretty much stock anyway.
For the other races I keep it strictly to T-12's tune like you set. :)
I've updated the first post on Page 1 of this thread, with the rules itinerary and current standings. I'll update the first page each week with the results and race program for the following week.

Please let me know if I've forgotten something. :)
I Manny what about the damage should we use full damage or only visuals,from my POV full would be better,motivating us to be even more carefull in trade paint situation,but this feature only would make sense with absolutely all racers using it and then again there is no way to really enforce everebody to use it,so...
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I just want to warn everebody that i will absolutely suck in this one...:scared::banghead::banghead: i really can't master the lambo full upgraded as i can with other beasts-The F1 is another story...but i promise to do my best,and try not to stand in the way of faster drivers...really couldn't drop below 1.40 at Silverstone GP that is a track i thought i've mastered but this car is very jumpy even there and is so easy to oversteer and loose grip...argh:grumpy:
I just want to warn everebody that i will absolutely suck in this one...:scared::banghead::banghead: i really can't master the lambo full upgraded as i can with other beasts-The F1 is another story...but i promise to do my best,and try not to stand in the way of faster drivers...really couldn't drop below 1.40 at Silverstone GP that is a track i thought i've mastered but this car is very jumpy even there and is so easy to oversteer and loose grip...argh:grumpy:

Willow Springs is going to be tough for most of us. I'd be willing to bet that "slow and steady" might do very well for this one.;)
Need For Speed – Shift GTP Racing League: Week 1 Results

Just to help keep track of where things stand, I’ve preemptively set up a points system (based on Formula 1)

1st Place = 8 pts, 2nd = 6pts, 3rd = 4pts, 4th = 3pts, 5th = 2pts, 6th = 1pt. Fastest Lap = 1pt.

So after the first Weekend Series the standings are as follows:

PSN Name_______________Total
Aldo_GTP________________ 9

Just to have every thing in order, and according to mathematics, i think that correct numbers should be like this

PSN Name_______________Total
nWcPL___________________22 and not 24 8 + 8 + 6
NITROVIOUS______________17 6 + 8 + 3
Aldo_GTP________________ 9

I know this is one point less in my advantage but last results don't match your numbers. I did take 1'st place at First and Third race and take 2'nd in second race, so 8 + 8 + 6 as much as i want to don't give me 24 points. Please check results from top to bottom once again because I'm not sure of results below first 3 overall places.
Just to have every thing in order, and according to mathematics, i think that correct numbers should be like this

PSN Name_______________Total
nWcPL___________________22 and not 24 8 + 8 + 6
NITROVIOUS______________17 6 + 8 + 3
Aldo_GTP________________ 9

I know this is one point less in my advantage but last results don't match your numbers. I did take 1'st place at First and Third race and take 2'nd in second race, so 8 + 8 + 6 as much as i want to don't give me 24 points. Please check results from top to bottom once again because I'm not sure of results below first 3 overall places.

Did you or did you not have the fastest lap time in two races? Fastest Lap = 1 pt. NITROVIOUS had the fastest lap time in one race.

8+8+6+2 = 24
6+8+3+1 = 18

Math! Aint it great!
Oh, according to fast laps Yes, i though that you counting positions at Finnish line so that's why different numbers. And now know why you added points. So i think it's ok.
I cannot believe it this week was worse than last week for me.

1st of all race one i was leading with a nice lead and bang lost connection but i wasn't the only one.

second of all in race 2 it started me off 1 lap after everyone else, it just kept me at the line and let everyone else go then i got rear ended, then after i battled like hell to get back with the pack then the connection packed in.

And i didnt even bother with the 3rd race as i could not take any more frustration.

So if the races stay as they are i will not be able to continue in the league as i have lost too meany point already due to loss of connection to game and its only week 2.

Its got me so bloody frustrated as i know that i am good enuf to challenge any one of you and be a lot higher up in the championship than second place and i cannot because of a dam connection.

Maybe next week we can try the idea of having 2 separate races at the same time to see if it makes the connection issues and screen lag any better.

its got me confussed because i never have any trouble with my connection until we do our races.
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i got rear ended
If that was at the start... I'm sorry. I couldn't go anywhere else without taking someone else out!
Well, tonight was a nightmare for me too. In the first race, I got rear ended, probably unintentionally, in the first corner which put me miles behind. And then I lost my connection to NFS server I think.
It was either in the Laguna race or the Ambush race that my PSN decided to pack in.
When I did get racing without lag/connection problems, the gravel was sucking me in like a worm hole. As soon as like one wheel hit the grass, BAM, into the barrier! Then when we did our Laguna re-run with stock 111R, I kept messing up the corkscrew and then I needed the toilet, so I parked in the pit entrance for about 3 minutes i think :lol:
Not a great night for me. Still heaps of fun though!
I blame Call of Duty... :lol:
I cannot believe it this week was worse than last week for me.

1st of all race one i was leading with a nice lead and bang lost connection but i wasn't the only one.

second of all in race 2 it started me off 1 lap after everyone else, it just kept me at the line and let everyone else go then i got rear ended, then after i battled like hell to get back with the pack then the connection packed in.

And i didnt even bother with the 3rd race as i could not take any more frustration.

So if the races stay as they are i will not be able to continue in the league as i have lost too meany point already due to loss of connection to game and its only week 2.

Its got me so bloody frustrated as i know that i am good enuf to challenge any one of you and be a lot higher up in the championship than second place and i cannot because of a dam connection.

Maybe next week we can try the idea of having 2 separate races at the same time to see if it makes the connection issues and screen lag any better.

its got me confussed because i never have any trouble with my connection until we do our races.

It's very strange that you in particular have this trouble so often. Although I got booted from the first Willow Springs race and then my PS3 froze up and I had to restart. The second Willow Springs race was much smoother.

HOG, do you know what your upload, download and ping rates are?
If that was at the start... I'm sorry. I couldn't go anywhere else without taking someone else out!

Don't worry about it mate it was my fault well it was ea games fault i don't get whey it help me at the start line for a hole lap.
It's very strange that you in particular have this trouble so often. Although I got booted from the first Willow Springs race and then my PS3 froze up and I had to restart. The second Willow Springs race was much smoother.

HOG, do you know what your upload, download and ping rates are?

HOG i'm sorry that this week you have been the main victim of connection issues(better you than me of course:lol: ),now seriously,i understand your frustration because i felt the same way last week...booted out twice while being in the lead-Siverstone GP(warm up) and SPA...i think you shouldn't quit just yet next week maybe you or other guy can host and see what goes...consider this:

it's Saturday night in winter time(brrrrrr):scared: lobbys are crowded we are pulling an event with people from all conners of the planet and racing games use pier to pier system which sometimes causes incompatibilitys between connections for players in the some lobby ,it also happens with other games(gt5p,scc,etc) i think we managed to gather a bunch of good clean racers who like to do some nice races(pitty you weren't there for the manefacturer races we did after the event...very close and tight...i'm sure you would enjoy,maybe you can win a couple next time...👍
It's very strange that you in particular have this trouble so often. Although I got booted from the first Willow Springs race and then my PS3 froze up and I had to restart. The second Willow Springs race was much smoother.

HOG, do you know what your upload, download and ping rates are?

I know i had a blistering race in the 1st willow springs race i was on fire then bang lost my connection.

It is strange as it does not sign me out of the PlayStation network it just signed me out of EA nation.

And i dont know how to find that information out Manny, i am going to look at a better modem tomorrow and see what is available as i still have the modem i got from my service provider and i cannot see it being that good.
I know i had a blistering race in the 1st willow springs race i was on fire then bang lost my connection.

It is strange as it does not sign me out of the PlayStation network it just signed me out of EA nation.

And i dont know how to find that information out Manny, i am going to look at a better modem tomorrow and see what is available as i still have the modem i got from my service provider and i cannot see it being that good.

You can find it here: i can also check it on ps3(upload and download)...what kind of NAT connection do you have?
I know i had a blistering race in the 1st willow springs race i was on fire then bang lost my connection.

It is strange as it does not sign me out of the PlayStation network it just signed me out of EA nation.

And i dont know how to find that information out Manny, i am going to look at a better modem tomorrow and see what is available as i still have the modem i got from my service provider and i cannot see it being that good.

It's not hard to do. Just two minutes.
Start your PS3 web browser... hit start again and type in and hit X

It will measure your upload, download speeds and ping time.

From that you may be able to figure out if your router or modem is the problem.

arvore you type too fast!:lol:
We are going to have to split into 2 lobbies i think. i have an idea or two to bounce off you guys.
1. lobbies have 4 players each, before forming a lobby the players all join a text chat room, will make communicating easier, in case of connection issues.

2. 5 lap race between 4 players, fastest 2 lap times advance, to semi finals or finals whatever the case .
new lobby and chat room formed by semi finalists, finals should be 10 laps as we have been doing.
hopefully a format similar to this could be worked out , gives the league room to grow easily as we can have multiple lobbies going and still be able to communicate via psn chat room .
a photographer for each lobby might be good too . maybe lobby captain or something .
these are just ideas .
or we could ALL join same psn text chat room as like headquarters then pair off to lobbies from hq
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This is how it looks from my point of view.​

Very first race out of 4 that night.

1. Willow Springs GP
I was leading for like 5 laps but
I know i had a blistering race in the 1st willow springs race i was on fire then bang lost my connection.

So my Zonda was slower and HOG was on fire, i felt his breath on my back and knew that this is it inevitable happened and he did overtake me. He was fast so slowly starts to disappear from my view, but suddenly he did! :dunce: PUFFF just like that. And then something rather strange happened. Evey one else freezes or stop their cars, i was only one who could continue driving.

I did cross the finish line, and then get disconnected.

2. Laguna Seca
I did Get invited again and find my self at Laguna with the wrong car. I think that we will repeat first race immediately, but after quick lap we did race at Laguna. I had great fight with arvore, but because i decided to stick with the rules and change setups to Terrorium-12 i was unable to achieve decent lap time. But still was very close to arvore and manage overtake him after couple of fast laps.


3. Willow Springs GP ver.2
Shockingly that was the race i was really afraid, i was worried for video frames issues but there wasn't any 💡 NITROVIOUS did great work there and won, didn't do so many mistakes like i did so the race was his from start to Finnish. Probably i could try to attack but suddenly i saw a dust from someone else car, i did get distracted, i lost my concentration, put too much throttle in tight corner and car did went out of my control. After that i did put some space between him and my and decided to go as fast as i could and risk every thing for fast lap. And this did pay off.


4. Ambush Canyon
Wow i felt like turtle racing with snails, did good for few laps but get overtaken by arvore, chased him, he crashed into a wall and then MannyMoenjack finally get to me. He was quick 👍 and he won but time difference was really less than a full 1 second, and OZR did fastest lap :sly:


One win for me and two second places. That was much better racing then first meeting. I didn't have absolutely any video frames issues, except in Laguna Seca, but that was only for few seconds and disappear.

Now as for splitting race into two lobbies i will support any decision that you will take. It's really sad to see how someone suddenly get disconnected while he's leading the race. Hog would absolutely win in Willow Springs the first time we raced there. But that might be connection problems. While in my country it's 11 PM (night racing) i have good Internet speed and no problems for me in with disconnections. But i am aware that video frames issues still is a problem, this could be eliminated during less players racing on the track.

NITROVIOUS idea is OK. But only one question, fastest laps during race mode or Time Attack? Because if we could try to set something like qualifications in time trial then probably it would be easier to make some space between ourselves and then safely try to attack time table without causing crashes and trying to overtake others. Just an idea to think about before next weekend.
HOG i'm sorry that this week you have been the main victim of connection issues(better you than me of course:lol: ),now seriously,i understand your frustration because i felt the same way last week...booted out twice while being in the lead-Siverstone GP(warm up) and SPA...i think you shouldn't quit just yet next week maybe you or other guy can host and see what goes...consider this:

it's Saturday night in winter time(brrrrrr):scared: lobbys are crowded we are pulling an event with people from all conners of the planet and racing games use pier to pier system which sometimes causes incompatibilitys between connections for players in the some lobby ,it also happens with other games(gt5p,scc,etc) i think we managed to gather a bunch of good clean racers who like to do some nice races(pitty you weren't there for the manefacturer races we did after the event...very close and tight...i'm sure you would enjoy,maybe you can win a couple next time...👍

True true, it just really does my head in as i have been in lobbies with more people in it than we have and i have had no problems it just seems to be when i race you guys i happens.
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