NFS-Shift Weekly Online Racing Thread

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It's not hard to do. Just two minutes.
Start your PS3 web browser... hit start again and type in and hit X

It will measure your upload, download speeds and ping time.

From that you may be able to figure out if your router or modem is the problem.

arvore you type too fast!:lol:

OK mate i will give that a go and find out, i was on the phone to my service provider today and upgraded my Internet package so hopefully it should be better.
We are going to have to split into 2 lobbies i think. i have an idea or two to bounce off you guys.
1. lobbies have 4 players each, before forming a lobby the players all join a text chat room, will make communicating easier, in case of connection issues.

2. 5 lap race between 4 players, fastest 2 lap times advance, to semi finals or finals whatever the case .
new lobby and chat room formed by semi finalists, finals should be 10 laps as we have been doing.
hopefully a format similar to this could be worked out , gives the league room to grow easily as we can have multiple lobbies going and still be able to communicate via psn chat room .
a photographer for each lobby might be good too . maybe lobby captain or something .
these are just ideas .

I think this is a good idea maybe we could try it for next week, because at the end of the day the faster we find the best way of hosting this from week to week as in (frame rate and connection loss) the faster we can enjoy frustration free racing, and this thing Manny has set up looks like its only going to get bigger and bigger.
This is how it looks from my point of view.​

Very first race out of 4 that night.

1. Willow Springs GP
I was leading for like 5 laps but

So my Zonda was slower and HOG was on fire, i felt his breath on my back and knew that this is it inevitable happened and he did overtake me. He was fast so slowly starts to disappear from my view, but suddenly he did! :dunce: PUFFF just like that. And then something rather strange happened. Evey one else freezes or stop their cars, i was only one who could continue driving.

I did cross the finish line, and then get disconnected.

That was a good race until the connection lost, it was my first time using the Lambo on anything other than the nurburgring and i was impressed with its power and controllability.

Now as for splitting race into two lobbies i will support any decision that you will take. It's really sad to see how someone suddenly get disconnected while he's leading the race. Hog would absolutely win in Willow Springs the first time we raced there. But that might be connection problems. While in my country it's 11 PM (night racing) i have good Internet speed and no problems for me in with disconnections. But i am aware that video frames issues still is a problem, this could be eliminated during less players racing on the track.

NITROVIOUS idea is OK. But only one question, fastest laps during race mode or Time Attack? Because if we could try to set something like qualifications in time trial then probably it would be easier to make some space between ourselves and then safely try to attack time table without causing crashes and trying to overtake others. Just an idea to think about before next weekend.

One way or another we need to think of something, i have upgraded my Internet today and they say it should start in the next 24 hours.
And next week i think i am hosting so i think i will try out NITROVIRUS idea if that's OK wit you manny.
We could try with normal manufacturers races before we split?
It was all good from my end when we did the manufactureer races at the end :)
I think this is a good idea maybe we could try it for next week, because at the end of the day the faster we find the best way of hosting this from week to week as in (frame rate and connection loss) the faster we can enjoy frustration free racing, and this thing Manny has set up looks like its only going to get bigger and bigger.

I've had the idea all along that the difficulty with the connections was related to the same problem that plagues the Single Player Career mode in Shift.

In Tier 3 & 4 races in Career mode with a full grid things start to go in slowmotion the same way they did in the Laguna Race yesterday. I think that the really fast, upgraded cars require a lot more processing power.

In our online races with 7 or more painted, vinyled and upgraded cars the amount of data throughput needed must be too high and we see slowdowns and some players get kicked from the server.

If we go with the idea of splitting up into two lobbies, then you realize that the most we're going to be racing is three other drivers. At least if past turnout is any indication.

We of course, can do this if that's what people want to do.

I'd also like to try to run a large group using a manufacturer car. It doesn't have to be low powered Tier 1 cars. We can use Porsches or Zondas if we want. Yes, manufacturer races don't allow us to individualize our cars with tuning and vinyl, but they seem easier for the game to process as they all are identical, and that would allow us to stay together and race as a group.

I realize everyone has a different view on what's fun to them and what isn't, but for myself I'd rather race 10 guys in ugly cars than 3 in pretty ones.

Again this is just my opinion and I'll gladly go along with what the group wants to do.
Willow Springs was fast and fun race, and we got 6 players there, there where no slowdowns so i think you might be right. Racing in just 3 other drivers is no fun.
I've had the idea all along that the difficulty with the connections was related to the same problem that plagues the Single Player Career mode in Shift.

In Tier 3 & 4 races in Career mode with a full grid things start to go in slowmotion the same way they did in the Laguna Race yesterday. I think that the really fast, upgraded cars require a lot more processing power.

In our online races with 7 or more painted, vinyled and upgraded cars the amount of data throughput needed must be too high and we see slowdowns and some players get kicked from the server.

If we go with the idea of splitting up into two lobbies, then you realize that the most we're going to be racing is three other drivers. At least if past turnout is any indication.

We of course, can do this if that's what people want to do.

I'd also like to try to run a large group using a manufacturer car. It doesn't have to be low powered Tier 1 cars. We can use Porsches or Zondas if we want. Yes, manufacturer races don't allow us to individualize our cars with tuning and vinyl, but they seem easier for the game to process as they all are identical, and that would allow us to stay together and race as a group.

I realize everyone has a different view on what's fun to them and what isn't, but for myself I'd rather race 10 guys in ugly cars than 3 in pretty ones.

Again this is just my opinion and I'll gladly go along with what the group wants to do.

Good point manny the split into 2 lobbies would probably be best if we had more players in the league which to be honest probably wont be that long.

I have been keeping my eye out on random online races for good clean racers but there is not Meany of them if i am honest but the ones i do rearly find i remember and add to my friends list and i then host races and race them to see how they are as in if there dirty or not and there is one bloke i do have a lot of fun racing his psn is SEATLEON0695 i was thinking of introducing him to the site and to the league see if he would like to join would that be OK manny.
Hogs connection problems yesterday also brought another issue to my attention.
I would like to put a limit on the number of weeks race points would accumulate before we start over. These teething problems we’ve had starting off with the League, have left players like Hog who would surely be further up the leaderboard, too far behind to catch up.
So I propose we put a 5-week “Season” in place. At the end of 5-weeks we declare a winner, mail out the cash and prizes and the points are zeroed out and we start over on Season 2.
Does this make sense to anyone but me? :)
Need For Speed – Shift GTP Racing League: Week 2 Results

The second league weekend saw a continuation of the connection issues that plagued us in week one. The problem was bad enough in the first race to cause us to abort the race for lack of participants. THE HOG was particularly affected by connection problems and withdrew.

The Laguna Seca track showed a marked tendency toward slowdown in some areas; however the re-started Willow Springs and the Ambush Canyon races ran with no apparent problems.

I proved fairly inept at recording the results of the races having no idea how to bring up the final standings board on the screen. So thanks again to darko for cma.

Following the end of the official weekend races, one warm-up and two 10-Lap Manufacturer races were run using the Aston Martin DB9, the Lotus Elise and the Chevrolet Corvette Z06. All three of these races were closely contested and (mostly) cleanly run (sorry Aldo), and showed no slowdowns or connection problems.

Announcements for next weekend’s races will be posted as soon as we come to a consensus on how best to move forward in light of the connection problems.
Good point manny the split into 2 lobbies would probably be best if we had more players in the league which to be honest probably wont be that long.

I have been keeping my eye out on random online races for good clean racers but there is not Meany of them if i am honest but the ones i do rearly find i remember and add to my friends list and i then host races and race them to see how they are as in if there dirty or not and there is one bloke i do have a lot of fun racing his psn is SEATLEON0695 i was thinking of introducing him to the site and to the league see if he would like to join would that be OK manny.

Yeah, no problem. 👍
All three of these races were closely contested and (mostly) cleanly run (sorry Aldo), and showed no slowdowns or connection problems.

Closely run for everyone but me :P
In the Laguna race I kept messing up the corkscrew then spent about 5 hours in the gravel doing a 9 million-point-turn. In the gravel the wheels only seemed to steer about 3 degrees either way :lol:
And in the Road America race it was going alright until I went in a little too hot into one of the corners and the momentum of the rear swung me round and put me in the grass/gravel.
I would have been far closer to everyone if I had realised before lap 8 at R.A. that I can pres select to get back on track instead of divying about in the gravel... :ouch:
Closely run for everyone but me :P
In the Laguna race I kept messing up the corkscrew then spent about 5 hours in the gravel doing a 9 million-point-turn. In the gravel the wheels only seemed to steer about 3 degrees either way :lol:
And in the Road America race it was going alright until I went in a little too hot into one of the corners and the momentum of the rear swung me round and put me in the grass/gravel.
I would have been far closer to everyone if I had realised before lap 8 at R.A. that I can pres select to get back on track instead of divying about in the gravel... :ouch:

That pass I attempted at the bottom of the main straight was ill concieved and poorly executed. :yuck: We both ended up spinning through the weeds. You were doing too good a job holding the fast line and I was getting somewhat desperate. :lol:
That pass I attempted at the bottom of the main straight was ill concieved and poorly executed. :yuck: We both ended up spinning through the weeds. You were doing too good a job holding the fast line and I was getting somewhat desperate. :lol:

That must have been the time where I saw you magically reappear on the track which had me saying, "How the 🤬 did he do that!" :lol:
So I was left floundering in the grass watching you drive off!
One major problem I have is that if someone passes me, I try really hard to regain the position which ends up putting me in the barrier! Also, if I get like 30-odd seconds behind the pack, I just give up and start messing around. As people were lapping me I tried to get out of their way the best I could. I wish Shift was like rFactor/GTR in that (I think) you can use your turn signals to show that you are letting people past. It works brilliantly!
That must have been the time where I saw you magically reappear on the track which had me saying, "How the 🤬 did he do that!" :lol:
So I was left floundering in the grass watching you drive off!
One major problem I have is that if someone passes me, I try really hard to regain the position which ends up putting me in the barrier! Also, if I get like 30-odd seconds behind the pack, I just give up and start messing around. As people were lapping me I tried to get out of their way the best I could. I wish Shift was like rFactor/GTR in that (I think) you can use your turn signals to show that you are letting people past. It works brilliantly!

No. That's not my style. I did hit reset to get back on the track, but since the wreck was my fault I waited until you were back on the track and in front of me before I accellerated. I was able to pull around you in turn six (after going under the bridge), but I think that was a clean pass.
Hogs connection problems yesterday also brought another issue to my attention.
I would like to put a limit on the number of weeks race points would accumulate before we start over. These teething problems we’ve had starting off with the League, have left players like Hog who would surely be further up the leaderboard, too far behind to catch up.
So I propose we put a 5-week “Season” in place. At the end of 5-weeks we declare a winner, mail out the cash and prizes and the points are zeroed out and we start over on Season 2.
Does this make sense to anyone but me? :)

i like this idea 5 week seasons would be the best way to do it.
No. That's not my style. I did hit reset to get back on the track, but since the wreck was my fault I waited until you were back on the track and in front of me before I accellerated. I was able to pull around you in turn six (after going under the bridge), but I think that was a clean pass.

Ah sorry, all of the nights races have blended in together in my head as it was pretty late. Thanks for that, and your pass was clean :)
I try and do this as well. Although when in online with randoms if I let them past they usually try and take revenge :rolleyes:
Manufacturer's Race Test

Do you think at some point this week before Thursday, we could get as many of the League members as possible and try running a manufacturer’s race in one of the faster cars like an MC12GT1 and then a more moderate car like a Porsche 911GT3.
How about Tuesday?
Something like 4:30 pm East Coast Time? 9:30pm UK?

I'd just like to figure out once and for all, if running manufacturer's cars would eliminate these slowdowns and connection drops. To do this we need to get at least seven and preferably eight of us together to give it a good test.

If we don’t figure this out soon, we are liable to find ourselves next Saturday in the same predicament as yesterday.

I'll host, and set up two, four or five-lap races at Silverstone (MC12 GT1) and Spa (911 GT3 RS). It shouldn't take long what we need to know.

If this works well we could think in making national series in the 2nd season of this league for instance Uk series-lotus in silverstone ,brands hatch and donington, the f1 in the indy versions of the previous tracks,german series slr in the ring and spa,japanese series gt-r in autopolis and ebisu,american series-ford gt in laguna seca R.A and willow springs,etc. Just giving my two cents to this brainstorm...💡
I'll try and be there. 👍

If this works well we could think in making national series in the 2nd season of this league for instance Uk series-lotus in silverstone ,brands hatch and donington, the f1 in the indy versions of the previous tracks,german series slr in the ring and spa,japanese series gt-r in autopolis and ebisu,american series-ford gt in laguna seca R.A and willow springs,etc.

I like this idea.
Hey all, I want in on the race league, is it too late? I'm new here to the site and would love to get in on some nice clean racing. Just let me know who I need to add.

psn: NC_2_VA
I want to join in at this :) but not totally sure how to? :)

Well, if you can abide by the rules (on first page of this thread), you just have to be ready to accept the game invitation on Saturday. No secret handshake to learn or anything!:lol:

One thing... as the race can only hold 12, we do have to invite the older members first. However up till now I think the most we've had at one time is eight so you've got a decent shot of getting in.

As this is still a developing thing, we are still working out how best to run things. Eventually, as we get more people we may have to go to two lobbys. Keep checking this thread for updates...
I will be there for Tuesday evening 👍

Good SteveO. 👍

Since my save file was deleted after last patch (STUPID EA!!) a manufactor race is perfect for me :)

That'll be great mr_V. Look forward to seeing you there!

By the way, I've heard that if you buy a garage slot on PS Store it will restore your save file. I read this from several different people.

Edit: mr_V, do you expect to be there to race with us on Saturday? If so send a friend request to THE--HOG on PSN, he will be hosting this weekend.
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