Nintendo Switch

Te translator during the Travis segment was really stressing,

New 3D Mario looks interesting its like Sonic Lost World in the sense that Lost was Sonic in a Mario like setting while this Mario is Mario in a Sonic Adventure - Unleashed like setting.

Mario Odyssey is Sonic Adventure 3 :P
New 3D Mario looks sweet though, as does Breath of the Wild (naturally)... and BotW is a launch title!

My prediction of SMT V came true, which is great. This system will, at the very least, be popular amongst JRPG fans... so even if it doesn't get AAA games like Call of Duty or Battlefield which are meh anyway, it'll definitely see support from more niche/lower budget 3rd party studios.
The Nintendo Switch event was not that good, it was very thin. I mean most of us know already how motion controllers work.. Nothing about the hardware and not that much info about games. Lets hope the console itself and the game library will be better then this Switch presentation.
Here are my notes on the presentation. They will be on the OP when I get the chance.

Online is paid. Free at launch, but becomes paid at fall.
Battery life varies on the game, but on average is 2.5 hours to 6 hours.
Price is $300 USD in two SKUs
Release Date March 3rd
80 games from 50 companies are in development for the console.

Each Switch includes:

- Joycons
- Joycon straps
- Joycon grip
- Switch dock
- HDMI cable
- AC adapter

Note: the difference between the SKUs are that in one SKU the joycons are grey and in the other, you get one blue left joycon and one red right joycon.

Note 2: Pro controller available separately

1. 1-2-Switch [Releases March 3]
2. ARMS [Releases Spring 2017]
3. Splatoon 2 [Releases Summer 2017]
4. Super Mario Odyssey [Releases Holiday 2017]
5. Xenoblade 2
6. Fire Emblem Warriors
7. Dragon Quest X (Japan only)
8. Dragon Quest XI
9. Dragon Quest Heroes 1
10. Dragon Quest Heroes 2
11. Unknown Persona title
12. Project Octopath Traveler
13. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Remastered
14. FIFA 18
15. Minecraft
16. Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII **

**If this includes the Power Up Kit, then it could be possible that this sees a Western release. If not, then it will be Japan only as Sony has exclusivity in the NA and EU territories.

EDIT: Forgot the most critical thing...

No Region Locking.
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe not being that different except for battle mode and new item system, and Switch having a paid online service is a big turn off for me. The Joy-cons look a little too small

The only thing I really liked was Mario Odyssey.
I feel like local multiplayer is going to be massively gimmicky. Handheld mode is totally fine but in Console mode you have to play with the tiny joycons and buy multiple of them.
Glad I didn't buy Mario Kart 8 on Wii U :lol:
I don't follow that series too closely, to be honest. I just use the title as a blanket label.

Shin Megami Tensei's the series name, Persona's a spinoff.

Referring to it as Persona would be like referring to the new Mario game as Mario Golf. :P

I feel like local multiplayer is going to be massively gimmicky. Handheld mode is totally fine but in Console mode you have to play with the tiny joycons and buy multiple of them.

In console mode you can play with a pro controller. Or slot the joycons into the grip for what is essentially a full-size controller.
In console mode you can play with a pro controller. Or slot the joycons into the grip for what is essentially a full-size controller.
You'd need to get 3 of them to even touch 4 player instead of the usual 2.

If it wasn't for the straps which thankfully increase the size of the joycons, I don't know how I could play using it with my big hand.

This and the online payment really discourages me on this being a "cheap console", add on the prices (which I assume $80 AUD for online) and its isn't fairly cheap
Hmm that is some expensive console and seems weaker than current ones. Can't see this becoming a big succes. Maybe Nintendo proves me wrong.
Hmm that is some expensive console and seems weaker than current ones. Can't see this becoming a big succes. Maybe Nintendo proves me wrong.
While I'm only interested in Super Mario Odyssey, I think the games can drive a few people into buying it,

I never got the whole idea that console power leads to success.

In every console generation except the current one, the most powerful console hasn't get the most success.
While I'm only interested in Super Mario Odyssey, I think the games can drive a few people into buying it,

I never got the whole idea that console power leads to success.

In every console generation except the current one, the most powerful console hasn't get the most success.

True what you say but if I look at its price. It is €50,- more than a PS4 Slim and €50,- less than a PS4 Pro and without a game included. XBOX One can even be had cheaper. The PS4 is the leading console on the market with a huge liberary of great games and Nintendo is currently far behind. Their console is intruiging and out of the ordinary but I honestly think that the younger generation won't be interested since they have played for a while now on the current consoles. The price for the Switch also seems too high for a family who wants their kids to enjoy games for a younger audience. A very risky move Nintendo takes!
I think "bomb" is putting it a bit harshly... Bomb is what the Wii U did. While I don't think the Switch will sell like gangbusters, I do think it'll perform a lot better than the Wii U in that regard.
Why did they go the Paid Online way?! :(
They probably did that in turn of making the console cheaper and also enhancing the online functions. The DS - Wii U online didn't really have much special features so it was immensely cheap to run online servers however it appears (especially with the screen capture system) its going to be too expensive to be free.

Granted, I myself would rather free barebones online than multiple features that you had to pay a fee for. It made my interest go from a 7 to a 4
I'm a bit confused, as you say the US price carry-over would be the usual thing to happen but why then did GameSeek have it at £198, with a pre-order guarantee? That's quite a difference. (I see they've stopped taking orders now; I'll be kicking myself if that was the only chance to get it under 200 for a long time. :ouch:)

It's a mystery really, they could easily revoke the price and say it was a placeholder which is most likely if it doesn't end up that price. :(

Yep, kicking myself. £280!!!!! :banghead:

Maybe you're right that GameSeek simply won't bother to honour that price, but the pre-order guarantee was always listed there I believe........would have jumped in at launch at 200 but not 280. Will wait and see now how things develop.
Well, it was an interesting presentation. I like some things, and a lot of the popular games like Zelda, Xenoblade, Dragon Quest I've never liked. But....a lot of fans want those games, so its probably a good thing they talked about them. To me, Mario oddysey looks the best. Splatoon 2 looks fun, and I'm hoping the battle mode in MK8 is done well.

I'm also very curious about how the online thing will work. I don't like paid - but if it's done well, its not a terrible idea. My guess is they're giving it until fall so they can work out the bugs - since Nintendo has never done voice chat. I think the price is good. I've said this before - there is no way, if Switch is anywhere near the power of PS4 or Xbox One, that this was going to be cheaper. Its a portable system. PS4 and X1 are not. There is a lot of extra work to fit things in a smaller package that can be had on the go. Smaller components = more expensive. Battery = extra cost. You're not comparing apples to apples here, these things are completely different.
I think "bomb" is putting it a bit harshly... Bomb is what the Wii U did. While I don't think the Switch will sell like gangbusters, I do think it'll perform a lot better than the Wii U in that regard.

I'll wait and see but I wouldn't bet on this yet.

@Benny44 it isn't anywhere near as powerful though.
I'll have to wait until I hear Pokemons deal on the Switch before I decide to pick it up.

I might just skip it all, would be a shame to skip Odyssey since it looks very interesting but 1 exclusive game isn't enough to excite my interest