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*McLaren*Actually, the Coupe performs much better than its SRT-10 Convertible model.
show me where somebody tested it, and what it did better, don't just say it, because I've seen Magazine tests, and they seemed to get pretty equal numbers, so don't just say it,we can all do that pretty easy, just watch this:
A Ford Mustang outhandles an NSX-R
now, is that true? no, but I said it, just like you
EDIT: And here you go. Every enhancement the NSX-R carries.
so, it's exactly what I thought, It's lighter, with aerodynamic improvments over the regular NSX's.... it's not that drastic
aka, shift levers and neat pedals, and clutches, while helpful, don't change track times much, more than anything, the clutches, and flywheel, and other various upgrades make it simply more reliable than the other models for race-use
BTW, a little history. You do know legendary racer Senna helped make the NSX what it is today, don't you? You also may know McLaren has Honda to thank for the F1 wins they had, hence why Honda was chosen as the 1st company to power the F1's.
how is this history helpful or even related? why do I care about a racer who made an NSX what it is today?
and why do I care about McLaren's help from Honda?
I'm not a big McLaren fan, they're highly overrated, due to their street version's lack of handling grip, wether that's a popular opinion or not, .86G's is very sad for a car of the supposed caliber
Originally Posted by SuperGT Rankings
Top GT300 car
Team Wreckless (Toyota MR-S)
Total's 93 Points in the Current season.
~Race 1: 6 (5th)
~Race 2: 12 (3rd)
~Race 3: 16 (2nd)
~Race 4: 12 (3rd)
~Race 5: 3 (8th)
~Race 6: 12 (3rd)
~Race 7: 20 (1st)
~Race 8: 12 (3rd)
Top GT500 car
Team Nismo (Nissan Fairlady Z)
Total's 86 Points in the Current Season
~Race 1: 3 (8th)
~Race 2: 16 (2nd)
~Race 3: 21 (1st)
~Race 4: 5 (6th)
~Race 5: 8 (4th)
~Race 6: 2 (9th)
~Race 7: 16 (2nd)
~Race 8: 15 (2nd)
ok, why are you showing me this? what does this tell me? a 300HP car beat other 300hp cars, and a 500hp car beat other 500hp cars.....and?
I hope your not thinking the MR-S beat the NISMO car, are you? cause each is in seperate classes, they don't race each other, this simply proves that, in one year, the 300hp class was dominated slightly more than the 500HP class, being that it accumulated 5 more point against it's own, seperate competition - WHO CARES???
I thought you were gonna prove something?