No used cars

I am the expert, it was never a Chrysler Viper. ever. It's always been the Dodge Viper, since 1992 when it debuted. Maybe they called a prototype that, or the pre-production versions that (89-92) I don't know, but they're Dodge's, just as we don't call it an AUDI Murcielago, it's a Lamborghini. Period.
Okay I've not been up long yet so it'll take me a while to reply to everything posted since I was last on, but this statement from an "expert" is so, very, very, terribly wrong. I could go down to Bauer and Millet in Manchester and stand right next to one of these non-existant Chysler Viper's, I could get in it, if I prove to them I'm a potential buyer they'll even give me a test drive in it. Pretty good going for a car that never existed. You my man do not look like the expert here.
I have witnessed these Chrysler Vipers myself at one of our larger Chrysler dealers, but mr expert says im lying.
not just R&T, also Motor Trend, and Car & Driver, all 3 had tests, and in one, the Viper beat the Ford GT, hence why I said it did, and this is also why I say I know when I say something, since I seem to be the only one who knows this.
Nordschliefe, the Ford GT hammered the SRT-10
Anglesey race track, the Ford GT hammered the SRT-10.
Top Gear test track, the Ford GT hammered the SRT-10.

Theres three cases of the SRT-10 getting hammered.

The times for relative cars and cars used in this debate are...
Ford GT - 1.21.9
Ferrari 360 CS - 1.22.3
Chevrolet Corvette C6 cabriolet - 1.26.8
TVR 350C - 1.27.5
Marcos TSO GT2 - 1.28.2
Dodge Viper SRT-10 - 1.28.5

All these times to the best of my knowledge were done in the dry, the SRT-10 and C6 definitely were.

The Honda NSX-R was done in the wet, which is rughly 4 seconds a lap slower than a dry lap. It ran a 1'31.6 thats 3.1 seconds slower than the SRT-10's dry time. Since it'd be unfair to simply say, 3.1 seconds is les than 4 so the NSX-R won I'd say they'd lap pretty damn close either way. But you can't say the Viper is quicker on that track or vice versa to be fair. But if you notice with all the cars mentioned, they ALL have less power than the SRT-10 barring the Ford GT and some not only beat it, they smashed it. I left out the TVR Sagaris time because I didn't want to rub it in too much.

Where's this test where the NSX beat it? I fail to remember, though, on one, the NSX was close, with one source, one time.
The Nordschliefe, it's beat it more than once, the fastest recroded times at the ring have been posted already and the NSX-R is faster, but also when magazines have tested cars there, the NSX-R has alwayys been faster, I believe you've already been shown one example now which I'll get into later.

The fact that you think a regular C6 beats it on every test?....whatever..(yes even the convertible) though you'd be surprised at how hard it is to find actual numbers on these websites, or maybe you wouldnt, and that's why you didnt post any numbers whatsoever while making that ludacris statement about the Viper and C6 cabriolet....
I'd be suprised at how easy it is to watch on TopGear AND Fith Gear the Corvette C6 cbriolet out handle the SRT-10 AND beat it's lap times both at TopGears track and at Anglesey. Jason Plato really didn't like the SRT-10's handling at all, he didn't like the car at all. Also the C6 cabriolet beat it at the Ring.

by the way, live4speed, that response was mainly directed at McLaren, not you, but whatever makes you happy
Fair enough.

so somebody again, tell me where the NSX beat it
you'd be surprised
The Nordschleife perhaps, also Anglesey on Fifth gear, note Fifth gear and TopGear are not the same thing, they're similar in name.

It's fantasic that you don't believe that MT and C&D compared a GT, Z06, and Viper, but what does it matter really? your reference was good enough for you, to prove me right that the Viper's close to a GT, much closer than 7 seconds, no?
I have trouble believing R&T any time tbh, because whenever it gets to certain cars they go all nationalistic or show heavy bias imo and what they claim the cars can do goes very much against what myself and many other people have witnessed in not just one televised road test and also in magazines. I wouldn't be suprised if there wasn't money being passed on from certain companies (which YES does happen in the automotive journalism world).

my sig does match my personality doesnt it? - thanks for noticing
Yes it shows that your big headed and think your smart, just my opinion but I don't see any reason for you to want to brag about having a high IQ, having a high I means jack **** if you have zero common sense.

BTW, a compliment from you is an insult.
I'd much rather you try to insult me.
I also don't see any reason for baiting like this.

While I'm glad you are still clinging to a Nurburgring track time, I have this to say, and this is all.
While racetracks in general are not always in favor of any car, some cars take a liking to some tracks. I've seen quite a few MT, or R&T comparison's where one cars was clearly the faster one, but due to specific track layouts, it would either have to shift right after a turn, or mid-turn, or take a higher gear, due to specific speeds, also, some cars have to shift towards the end of the Straight, also slowing their lap time. And while nothing's perfect, the Nurburgring removes these problems, as it has all speeds covered.
This is pretty much true.

However, due to the size, and popularity, and the fact that they let normal people drive on this track, it is extremly uncommon for any testers, (be it Mags or car cmpanies) to actually get recorded hot laps on this track, and therefore, not all times found for it are the best that car can be expected to get.
This is true in some instances, but only some instances. When you start to see a trend of different tests and in each test the best times for both cars show the NSX-R is faster you have to start to accept that it is a possibility that the NSX-R may just be faster round the balanced track we all know as the Nordschliefe.

And what that means is, the only times I'll give credit to, are times like the Porsche Carrera GT, the C6 ZO6, and such cars. Either have an extremely experianced driver run the car through the course, preferablythe known "God of the Nurburgring", or, have the company send a race driver, or their best, to drive the car, round the course, while it's closed off. Dodge did not do this, ever with the Viper. Maybe Honda did, I do not know. I do know that the Honda time sounds much more like a good, satisfactory time, than the Viper's, and anybody who argues that, is being a jackass. Especially when you consider that the older Viper's clocked a better time than the newer, superior Viper's. If you don't believe the new Viper's are faster, you're back to the jackass part.
I'll give credit to any times conducted by the same driver, regardless of driving talent. At the end of the day, the same guy should be able to show which car will go faster easiest at the very least.

What happened to talking about the 330HP NSX-R? you really wanna compare a regular NSX to the Viper? I know the regular NSX was the original car talked about, but you were hasty in bringing in the "R", so why leave it out now?
You sure like big letters don't you. A regular NSX beat the Viper at the Ring, it's also not that far behind round tracks like Anglesey and Hockenheim. Sure the SRT-10 is faster, bt so it should be, the difference isn't worth prasing though.

Math, learn it this is STILL why I call you an ass
Says you, I guess everyone should jump on you and start to call you an ass every time you get something wonrg. Believe me it'd be more often than you jup on me Max or McLaren.

Once on the track, though, we found the Viper to be as friendly as a yellow Lab—obedient, eager to please—and it would do what you told it to, without fail. "Surprisingly easy to drive around the track and very forgivable as the rear end rotates," flip-flopped the guy who had said the Viper made him nervous.
Contradicts what all the magazines I've read say, all the TV tests and the opinions of a couple of professional racing drivers. Jason Plato was probably the most dissapointed with the SRT-10, he just couldn't understand how anyone could have said yeah this cars ready lets sell it, because he thought it was crap inside, crap to drive and overpriced (which is definitely is).

That comment was a huge compliment, considering Grattan's track is far from smooth. There are lots of undulations, small hard-to-see rises, lots of elevation changes, and a couple of spots where a car can almost get airborne. If any track can illustrate a car's handling weaknesses, Grattan is it.
Like I said, I sense high levels of bias when all the reports I've just been looking at now say otherwise.

Our only gripe about the Viper's handling is that in some turns it tends to understeer more than we like. Otherwise, no portion of Grattan flummoxed the suspension. We're not pro drivers, but we were all comfortably pushing the Viper, enjoying the g-forces and appreciating that we had an ally in speed. Sure, the Viper's 1:27.50 lap time was 1.50 seconds slower than the Vette's, but given the choice between the two of them on the track, all of us preferred the Viper. We scored the Viper's handling a 10 out of 10 and gave the Z06 a 6.
Don't know about the old Z06, but the new C6 cabriolet outhandles the Viper, it's done it on TV twice.

So, this is where I say grip matters more than the common man's definition of handling. They all liked the Viper better as far as handling, but it didnt corner any faster. How do I know? well, it's the logical denominator. The Vette won by 1.5 seconds on the road course. The Vette is faster, but not a drastic amount, .3 sec's in the 1/4, and 20.1 to 17.9 in the 0-150. (try that in your NSX) Anyway, they liked the handling of the Viper, they claimed it better, but it still lost by 1.5 seconds on the road course.
Which must mean that for a car with 170bhp less to keep up that doesn't accelerate as fast or have as high a top speed must have significantly better handling.

Do you get it yet? Just because some magazine guys like your car better, doesnt mean it actually goes through the turn faster, it simply means they were comfortable. this also applies to your NSX-R, it's easy to drive on the limit. which IS a great thing, and for most people, they would probly turn much faster in one, however, that doesnt mean the Viper, (or Vette) CAN"T. It means you need skill to do so.
Yes the NSX-R is easier to drive fast, surely a big plus point for the NSX-R.

this is how you do it: I'm done here, goodbye
I wish you were, but you wern't. see below

Max DC
ALL these runs were driven by the same person, Horst von Saurma, head of SportAuto magazine for 20 years or so. He drove the SRT-10 two years later than the NSX-R, so he should have gained even more experience, but he's a pro driver anyway and he is certainly a so called ringmeister.
This makes the SRT-10's ring time definitive, compared to this guys NSX-R time. Horst von Saurma has been lapping the Ring for many, many years, he's more qulaified to provide notable laps than most other testers. The 7'56 time at the Ring was done by a JGTC race driver who raced for Honda, naturally on such a long track, differences like that will appear. But the fact remains, Horst von Saurma drove both the NSX-R and the SRT-10 and he was quicker in the NSX-R. Note again, the NSX-R was quicker at Anglesey (I'll have to dig up the episode) and the rough rule for wet laps would mean it's quicker at TopGears track too but we'll call that even for the sake of sportsmanship.

If you like you can read all the posts, I never ONCE asi the NSX-R was not a great car, and I never once said it wasnt extremly capable, I simply said a Viper could beat it. Have I proved that? No. Has anybody proven the NSX-R faster? Even less.
No you haven't proven that the Viper is faster round any track, we however have provided sources that are readilly available on the net, both TopGear and Fifth gear. And also the ring times.

2 sources had the Viper run faster, 1 source, in a less reliable circumstance, had the NSX-R win. The Nurburgring is a far more difficult track to drive, and even if the same driver drove them, he could clearly stand improvement, though all magazine drivers could.
One less reliable source, less reliable why? Because it wasn't an American car magazine, because you didn't like the result. Well now you have two that say it's faster, and one that say's it could easilly be faster but the weather prevented it from being so. So that means that one of the sources that says the SRT-10 is quicker is invalid since the weather wasn't right for one of them, and that leaves one saying the SRT-10 is faster (R&T) who I've foud show extreme levels of bias towards certain cars over the years) and two that say the NSX-R is faster, both credible, both relaiable sources.

I've said before, how about race drivers or company assigned drivers run them, as they did for all the top cars? until then, I won't count it as reliable, and I don't think you should either, but that's up to you. either way, it won't make me an asshole for not accepting it.
Jason Plato races the NSX-R and the SRT-10 round Anglesey, the NSX-R won.

So would it be "ridiculous" to say that, since the best time found for an NSX-R is 13 seconds better than his, and his best time is 16 seconds short of somebody else's for the C6 Vette, maybe he's not such a "ringmeister"
No since the record lap for the NSX-R is done by a NSX race driver more specifically.

I am the expert, it was never a Chrysler Viper. ever. It's always been the Dodge Viper, since 1992 when it debuted. Maybe they called a prototype that, or the pre-production versions that (89-92) I don't know, but they're Dodge's, just as we don't call it an AUDI Murcielago, it's a Lamborghini. Period.
I had to quote this agian, yes your the expert.

You egged me on, saying I made it more fun, no? I only get rude when people ahem (McLaren) repeatedly put words in my mouth, make no sense, or, tell me 1.7 sec and 17 mph isnt a whopping. that is one of the stupidist thing I've yet to hear.
I haven't noticed anyone putting words in your mouth, misinterpreting maybe but it's your own fault if you made a statement that could easilly be misinterpreted.

P.S. For you jackasses who continue calling it "Chrysler Viper GTS" shut the hell up, it's a Damn Dodge, you a-holes. Where did anybody get the idea to call it a Chrysler? was it a pre-production car? or are these people that damn stupid?
I didn't notice this part of his posts until just now, what can I say. The mind boggles.
To join the Off-Topic fray: Until recent years Vipers have been known for their vile handling. Jay Leno, who happens to own an early Viper has been quoted as saying how phenomanally fast the car is in a straight line. But, like early 911's the Viper will swap ends (spin) if not handled just right. Only in the last 5 years or so has the Viper been looked upon as a "handling" car and not merely as "testosterone on wheels."

Famine don't waste time arguing with Disturbed07 his sig is a lie. Even when you do prove him wrong, he will attempt to prove himself right on extenuating circumstances. It's very much like trying to successfully piss up a rope.
One of the things my wife used to say she noticed is that when some people have a weak point they shout in order to make that point appear stronger.
You will note the extra large, bolded font used in some of his replies...

On Topic. I like the used cars. I hate the mileage and the cost of "refurbishment". Though as Famine pointed out it is much more like real life.
I do wish that the used cars were done much like they did in GT2. If you were looking for a used Subaru, you went to the Subaru dealer. I would be easier to find the particular used car that you are seeking. I'm currently looking for a used Aston Martin for the manufacturer's race so I don't end up with two DB9's.
I may end up "settling" for a new Vanquish instead.
Not to start more, or be argumentitive, but I don't consider "rude" childish, rather, less civilized, however, it sometimes works, in getting people to listen, rather than skim my words, and respond with things I never said, because they went over it to fast, and it gets quite old, repeating myself. ahem (McLaren)

Consider it what you want, your behaviour isn't just "less civilized", but very childish, and dumb, very dumb. Not accepting one's wrong is probably one of the most childish things a person can do, getting upset and shouting to have people listen to your desparate attempts at "proving" your right is even worse.

Oh yeah, your sig... Let me tell you, you have no reason at all to be cocky.
Congrats on your IQ, I've met people with high IQ's that didn't have one single decent, intelligent thing to say. It doesn't say anything.

I can tell you're far from intelligent right away. An intelligent person will never state he's intelligent. And by looking at most of your posts... It's safe to say you're not on the intelligent side of GTPlanet.
A regular NSX beat the Viper at the Ring, it's also not that far behind round tracks like Anglesey and Hockenheim.
I'd just like to correct myself, I got the 2 seconds difference wrong with the normal NSX on the ring, it was actually 2 seconds slower not 2 seconds faster than the SRT-10. But still, only 2 seconds, and it still came close at Hockenheim.
I can recall one 24 Hours at the Nurburgring. One team changed badging from Dodge to Chrysler. In order for his team's entry to be accepted, they had to downgrade some parts or something like that. Oh! It had something to do with fuel capacity. Even in games like "Test Drive: Le Mans," and "Le Mans 24 Hours," the Viper is referred to as the Chrysler Viper, away from its American make of Dodge. This is much the same way as Holden made the Monaro, then Vauxhall got the Monaro.

Away from this, if we're going to keep comparing Nürburgring Nordschleife lap times and not focus on "No Used Cars," this thread's likely to be shut down, locked up, thrown into the Atlantic Ocean, and eaten visciously by killer sharks or whales. This is why I don't get into sports car comparisons. It gets to a point where people often get facts wrong, and the next thing you know it, 60% or more of following posts are fights between who's actually telling the truth. Simply put, it's nothing more but a mine field. I mean, do you want to stay on topic, or start a huge fight until a Moderator decides to use his/her power to police the thread?

Instead of staying within topic, I'll have to play the role of policeman. Mr. Disturbed, would you like to read something a bit influential? Disturbed, you don't need to hate people because they don't see things as you do. I was part of a now-defunct message board about... five or six years ago. Most of the stuff I wanted to talk about was considered crap and felt like a "n00b/newb." I had problems with the people I was chatting with. I even threatened to quit doing posts on that message board. One thing I've learned is that no matter what message board you're on, you'll meet three types of people- (1) those who like reading your posts, (2) those who loathe (or in other words, hate) reading your posts, and then (3) those who are neutral or don't care much. When I've seen you make posts over something and you got mad, you actually remind me of how much of a bad anger problem I have. I don't like talking directly to people because I don't enjoy starting rivalries with people online. This is why I got away from AOL Chats because there are people who are just ready to get you in an online fight that will just end up in you getting TOS violations. But I'm just telling you, Disturbed, the more cocky you get, the more people are going to dislike you and your views. You don't need to be like this. People will naturally agree and disagree with you. But if you're going to have an ego the size of Russia, then OF COURSE people are going to react to you the way they are now. Come on now. You're better than that.

Thanks to your overreacting in this thread, this thread has gone from "No Used Cars" to "Viper vs. NSX-R on Nürburgring Nordschleife." If you don't want to get Banned, warned, or have a thread closed... PLEASE STOP NOW! No egos, just accept the fact that your "facts" aren't 100% accurate, and... GTPlanet didn't do anything to you. So don't think of my buddy Live4Speed or whomever as enemies. But, if you want to carry on with a bad attitude and cause controversy in threads, then I'll step out of your way and wait until a Moderator decides to throw his/her weight around with you. You dig?
You are absolutly right, John, the only problem I ever run into is everytime I try to stop, 19 people respond, and then , by the time I've read 19 posts, it's worn far to thin.
I guess I'll let these guys go, though any kind of like to Chrysler or Dodge about this Chrysler Viper woulda been nice to see, and wether or not a Plymouth Viper exists too, but okay, It has gotten to the point where people call out everything I say, new inputs assume I've said things I havent, and people accuse me of using false resources, and making excuses, then after it's been established the NSX-R has driven Top Gear again, and still failed to beat the Viper, they're to busy yelling about the old time on a wet course.
And then the Gil says I'm typing in big bold letters to yell....even after I said it was cause when McLaren posts, I can't reply and have it stick out without making it big, but the gil doesnt care about that.
see? I could go on for an hour, but I'll let it drop, before the people who called me childish, for not letting it drop, do.
The big letters in nothing, you apologised for it in the other thread thats why Gil didn't notice, unless you did it in hre too, then I didn't notice either, but I do know you said that in the different types of cars thread.

Regarding the Viper, as far as I'm aware there is no Plymouth Viper, theres never been any need for one. The reason the Chrysler Viper was used here in the UK is because at the time the Dodge name belonged to a different company. Now the Dodge name is fine, but the Viper name belongs to a different company, so the current Viper isn't called the Viper over here, just the SRT-10, bu it's a Dodge now not a Chrysler.
TheChysler Viper was the same as the Dodge only it had 375bhp to start off with and not 400. It did eventually get to 450 but I think by the time it got to that, the Ddoge name was being used on the car.

Hope that helps.
You are absolutly right, John, the only problem I ever run into is everytime I try to stop, 19 people respond, and then , by the time I've read 19 posts, it's worn far to thin.
I guess I'll let these guys go, though any kind of like to Chrysler or Dodge about this Chrysler Viper woulda been nice to see, and wether or not a Plymouth Viper exists too, but okay, It has gotten to the point where people call out everything I say, new inputs assume I've said things I havent, and people accuse me of using false resources, and making excuses, then after it's been established the NSX-R has driven Top Gear again, and still failed to beat the Viper, they're to busy yelling about the old time on a wet course.
And then the Gil says I'm typing in big bold letters to yell....even after I said it was cause when McLaren posts, I can't reply and have it stick out without making it big, but the gil doesnt care about that.
see? I could go on for an hour, but I'll let it drop, before the people who called me childish, for not letting it drop, do.

You're not childish for not letting it drop. Your childish because you ignore all the stats that show the Viper and NSX-R are as equal as day and night.

Not to mention you call everyone an ass.<---That's childish in it's own right.
Viper's massive V-10 engine is mounted on what is believed to be the stiffest sports car chassis ever built. - Bob Sheaves

though I never said it was stiffer, It may be just as stiff, as I said...
Just a funny read, considering.....
this was printed before the new Vipers were built, with their improved, stiffer chassis....

If the Chrysler Viper only had 375hp, it was detuned for Europe.
The very first ones were after the first year or two the power was upped to the same as the US.
It'd be nice if "used" Viper's showed up in the GT5 "auto-mall".
Especially if they go back to some of the older, more challenging to drive models.

I still get a kick out of the used cars. But, I don't dig having to spend a bunch of cash on refurbishing the chassis, to get them to handle.
And unfortunately, you can't just buy two of the exact same used car to test out if they handle better with or without the chassis re-furbish.
Or do they just handle differently?
I still think the Viper vs. NSX (and derivatives) debate has plenty of legs left in it.:lol: Still laughing myself silly over the banality and waste of time, energy and webspace. Don't stop now...

Disturbed07 you sure are one intelligent guy, you made all these people join you in half page posts in a pointless and childish debate. I especially love the fact you keep insulting them and they haven't chose to ignore you by now. Now that's intelligence. Honest, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm impressed.:sly:

Just some advice, correct information is not enough. Opinion and information manipulation is far more important, correct or otherwise. You're clever if you can make people agree with your opinions and not if you're correct.

So, back to the topic, or shall I say off-topic? Which car is faster Dodge Viper or Honda NSX? Oh go on!:)
Clearly the Viper is far supreme..... And thank you, I am actually a cult leader, and I guess it shows here.....

I don't doubt for a second that you are a cult leader.:) You have all the qualities required for this task. I hope you guys don't stage a mass suicide or I'll and many others will be deeply saddened.

And, hey, you had the last word. They all left because I guess they know you're correct.👍
I don't doubt for a second that you are a cult leader.:) You have all the qualities required for this task. I hope you guys don't stage a mass suicide or I'll and many others will be deeply saddened.

And, hey, you had the last word. They all left because I guess they know you're correct.👍
Quitters never win, and winners never quit.Now that's a nice saying, aint it?
And, hey, you had the last word. They all left because I guess they know you're correct.👍
Left, we went to bed. Were not all Americans on here you know. The argument was concluded so theres no reason to pick it back up again unless your simply after a repeat of the last few pages.

Pathetic people never quit, winners don't have to continue, they've already won.
So what have we learned from all of this?

That the NSX-R and the Viper SRT-10 have NO place in the used car section of GT5.

If they are, Disturbed07 will orgainze a mass suicide, Famine will cease to prove others wrong, JohnMB01 will still make very long posts, Cobra_UK will make everything better by remaining neutral, but Live4Speed will always get the last word.

Isn't arguing on the internet great?
Clearly the Viper is far supreme.
Thats the last word, regarding the NSX-R v Viper debate anyway. I haven't ntioned it since now, or was it all a plan to get me to have the last word.

If you mean last word as literally last word, I've just had it in which case congratulations your correct, since I'm a very regular poster on here I do tend to have the last word quite often. But then whoever posts next will have it again regardless of what their post is about.
No. Want to make something of it? Eh? Eh?

Not me.:dunce:

Talk to some of the guys on this page, they're itching for an argument. I mean they'll argue over a cup of water.

I guess that's what so funny about the arguments on GTPlanet. People incapable of seeing another's point of view, respect it or at least agree to disagree.💡 Human ignorance is one of the funniest things on the planet. That and irony (see my above posts:sly: ).
Human ignorance is one of the funniest things on the planet. That and irony (see my above posts:sly: ).

There's no irony in your po...

Ohhhh, right...
Wow, now that was a thread hi-jack if I ever saw one. At any rate, back on subject... I hated how the used car lists varied from version to version. I'd personaly like to see them make the used cars as random as possible, instead of staged. Colour, mileage, models, all random... If they go online this will help to prevent everybody using the same colour of car because it has low miles, and so on. That, I would think, would make this aspect more realistic. I mean you can't get a list in real life of what cars will be on the used car lots in a year or so... If they do this, keep them, otherwise loose them. They've got the classic section for ceratin cars and other cars are overlooked... most of the models in these sections are discontinued. So why offer them as new cars, foregoing others?
Does it make a freaking difference how long... you know what? I'm tired of this. Don't like my posts, put me on your ignore list so you won't have to put up with my stuff. Help me help yourself. Arguing on the Internet is only great when the people are discussing something without going completely out of line. There is a such thing as positive disagreement in arguments. But, let's stay on the topic of "No Used Cars." Now, if you want to send this thing out of line again, go ahead.

Before I start getting my blood pressure rising, there's a difference. Used means used. It was available for purchase some time ago, someone got a hold of the machine, used it, sold it off, and secondhand dealers in the game sell them. No two cars are alike. One may have more mileage than another. The more mileage, the lower it costs. My brother's GMC Sonoma had a whole lot of miles on it, and he paid about less than $10,000 for it. It may seem that a few different people have traded in or sold their cars, even if it's the same model and year. There's absolutely nothing wrong with two cars from the same year, the same model, the same color, or whatever. So, one Cayenne Red Metallic Camaro Z28 from 1997 is no different from an Arctic White 1997 Camaro Z28. One may have more mileage on it, so if you think about it, you can choose one or the other, based on how much money you have and which you'd prefer.

Just because a car is old doesn't mean it's not a used machine. It's unlikely a new car dealer will sell (for example) a "brand new" 1964 Ford Mustang. PD sort of makes certain cars undrivable, so you pay the full price of the automobile if it can be bought. Used means that someone bought it, driven it, raced it, whatever. It doesn't have to be an old or more recent car. So, I'd still keep these cars. I'd still keep Used Cars because even if you don't need them, don't you at least want to own and play around with one in some future races? On top of that, some race series require you to have certain cars. So, who's to say they are pointless?

No used cars = no fun. Simple as that. Now, we can stay on the "No Used Cars" issue, or you can stay on this other topic and watch this thread go straight to Hell. Your choice. Now reply.