Staff Emeritus
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While I realise that ledhed was joking, using a nuclear weapon would be just a little bit more extreme than botching a political assassination (which I'm sure would happen) or invading some other country. Especially in that region of the world.
Certainly, it would be... Though I'm not sure what it has to do with the section of post you quoted.
Any military action, whether it is 'light', such as a cruise missle attack against North Korea's reactors, right up the spectrum to 'catastrophic' such as a ballistic missile strike would be unilateral and premature at this point.
The DPRK would view taking out our buddy Kim Jong worse than if we nuked one of their cities. That would instantly trigger a war that would put lives of millions of South Koreans living along the DMZ at grave risk.
No thats not what I meant at all.
I meant that if whats comin out in the media is true america should have bumped him off a long time ago, before letting it get to this stage, especially if they are so worried about this.
Why? So you can complain about how the US brutally murders people who don't "do or agree with everything the US says"? Gimme a break.
Any attempt, successful or not, at Kim Jong Il's life would result in war on the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK keeps several thousand artillery peices along the DMZ (over 8,000 last I read). Experts also believe that one of every four rounds is a chem round.
That would mean that if the US caused a war, if would cause Seoul, population 10 million+, to be reduced to rubble and everyone who wasn't outright killed by blast effect or falling rubble to be subject to mustard, hydrogen cyanide, sarin and god knows what else.
Advocating THAT course of action, you then have the nerve to sanctimoniously criticize the US for acting like a bully. Really. You are some peice of work.
However we might never have been in this mess in the first place if america didnt squeeze them so much, and its the hard right wing attitude which I personally would call extremism in its own right that forces nations such as korea and iran to feel the need to develop these weapons to protect themselves.
You're right. Any nation should do whatever it needs to do in order to feel safe. That's why you're such a big fan of the Iraq invasion, isn't it?
Ledhead keeps bringin up the agreement with clinton and the 90's but obviously he doesnt want to or hasnt delved a bit deeper and further back into history to maybe see why some would argue north koreas actions are necessary.
History is good. Let's start from the begining of the conflict and work our way up from there.
Please tell us why it was nessesary for North Korea to invade the south in June 1950.
I find your characterization that everything the DPRK does is reasonable, while everything the US does is simple 'bullying' (and thus, unreasonable) uninformed and faintly ludicrous.
People right now are saying the whole world are condemming north korea, but I can assure that is not the truth, there are plenty of people out there other than the north koreans celebrating this achievement.
Why don't you get the opinions of the people to whom this matters the most, such as South Koreans?