Let's say the NK, withour warning, launched a nuke headed for the west coast of the US. What do you think the world would do?
Let me first say that I think the likelyhood of this happening is almost nil. The reason is because North Korea's leadership knows it would be certain suicide. Far more likely is
danoff's scenario that Kim Jong Il sells a nuke to someone with a grudge against the US.
But for the sake of argument...
The very first thing that will happen is NORAD will order any defense assets in the theater to try intercepting it in the boost phase. This would probably be one of the prototype ABL 747s you see on The Military Channel all the time. I have no doubt if tensions have escalated to this point, there will be an airplane in the area.
If this doesn't work, then the GMD site in Ft. Greely, Alaska will no doubt take a shot at it. This is the missle defense system you keep hearing about that can't hit a damn thing.
What's more likely is the scenario
Foolkiller mentioned; it falls harmlessly into the ocean somewhere in the boost phase. Regardless of whether or not it hits anything, US military response will be unbelievably swift.
I firmly believe that the US will not hesitate to launch a nuclear counter-attack against the North if it was attacked with a ICBM.
However, it will restrict nuclear targets to top level nuclear military installations and command centers
only. In other words all the hardened military targets buried in the ground or protected in bunkers. Therefore the only victims of America's nuclear response will be military officers in the North Korean regime. These targets will be destroyed by tactical nuclear weapons fired in two waves: one, from submarines in the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea-- these will be a newer version of the nuclear tipped Tomahawks that were retired from service in the early 90s. The second wave will be from B-52Hs or B-1Bs forward deployed from Andersen AFB in Guam or a similar location.
The US ballistic missile fleet will be fueled up and ready to fire, but since they are mostly overkill for this situation, will probably stay quiet.
All of this will happen in a very short period of time and no doubt news of these events will reach world media in one jumbled mess. Japan and South Korean officials, then the rest of the world will be given some information as events unfold. China will be given a 'curteousy call' minutes before launch to ensure them the missles are not aimed at THEM.
In the next hours, remaining DPRK forces will be attacked with conventional weapons. Airstrikes, regular Tomahawks, even big guns from a battleship. This includes all military and civilian infrastructure targets; bases, units, bridges, power plants, factories, etc. The really big targets, aside from DPRK armor and troop formations, will be the mobile Scud launchers, no doubt chock packed with 'chemical goodness'.
South Korea will be a humanitarian catastrophe. 8,000 artillery peices. 10 million people. You do the math.
As for world reaction, I wager it will be muted a first; after all, what can people say after the US has been attacked with a nuclear weapon? Any opposition to a counter-attack by the US will probably center on the severity of US strikes.
Despite the amount of firepower the US military can bring to bear on the North, it will take a long time to fight half a million soldiers; there will undoubtedly be calls for a cease-fire within a week or two, especially once it is clear the North Korean leadership has been eradicated.
The tactical nukes will probably be a big source of contention. The Pentagon will say it is nessessary to use them because conventional ordinance is ineffective against targets buried deep underground. The pundits, of course, will complain about the number of them being used and second guess every decision the Pentagon makes. They will complain about fallout, the environmental impact, impact on civilians, etc.
I have no doubt in my mind that the conspiracy theory wonks will claim the US was warned about the attacks but ignored it. Or better yet, the US faked the attack on itself in order to do away with Crazy Specs and his regime.
The real contraversey will come weeks after the guns fall silent. Lots of finger pointing will ensue and lots and lots of pictures of the poor Korean people will plaster the airwaves. No doubt, people will find a way to blame Bush for it all.