Nice run Kent, but Icemanger has you beat by a second... with the freaking m5!
btw, I didnt know the Nardo was fair game for this, its not exactly a production car..
Thanks. 👍
Also, I wasn't and still am not sure if the Nardo is fair game for this challenge.

Not too worried about it either.
As for the M5 beating that time.

I will believe that when I have the actual replay and have viewed it for myself... I will believe it when I see it!
And a screen shot of the overall time isn't enough to say the lap is clean or done with the proper equipment.
So uh...

Yeah, I will not get up-in-arms about that M5 time but I certainly will not think of that lap as "valid" until after I've seen some proof.
For that matter, I don't even trust "Wakeem's" times.

(he and I had the "you need a Maxdrive... Ok I am buying one" discussion a while back but he never went through with it and got one yet he still submits super fast laps all the time)
Sorry Wakeem and Icemanger but replays are the only way to prove your times and for what I know, I don't think either of you have provided a single replay ever!
(but hey, atleast I'm trying to stay out of it and let the two of you continue posting lap times!
