Nurburgring Challenge *POST YOUR TIMES*

  • Thread starter TurboJ

Sorry, my bad:guilty:
I was multi tasking back then and still a bit groggy doing scores of laps on the Zonda realizing that 7'22.004 lap only much later when I checked the times when I tried saving the fastest lap :boggled:
but anyway these are the cars I want times for (take all the time you need, No rush and no hurries:) and if its not too much trouble. the latter 2 having the least priority, so as not to trouble you too much) again sorry

Mazda AZ-1
Honda Beat
Suzuki Cappucino

Honda Today
Mini Cooper

And I have a time for the Mercedes Daimler Motor Carriage 1886, but it was
not done in the rules of this time trial but I thought I would post the time anyways.
I did it in arcade mode with +20% power and -10% weight on N1 tires.

4:25:39:759-Mercedes Daimler Motor Carriage 1886-AngelCreator

That is right, almost four and ahalf hours.
And I did that today so I thought I would post it

Thats really crazy!!! Sick even!!!
Your THE man :bowdown:
Pagani Zonda 7.3 7'22.004
all aids OFF

Section Times

t1 46.790
t2 1'22.604
t3 1'51.722
t4 2'45.380
t5 3'24.880
t6 3'51.227
t7 4'44.081
t8 5'29.391
t9 5'52.330
t10 6'36.999
t11 6'58.638

Did you save your replay?
I would love to see this lap (as I spent considerable time on the Zonda and found it so instable that anything under 7'30 was difficult to run clean.

If you could post the replay I would greatly appreciate it. 👍
Also, when you do so I can add your name to the "Replay Supported Racers" list in the GT4 forum. :cheers:
I'll talk to him, but I can't say for sure that he will want to do anything. :confused:

In the mean time, maybe we can all work together to come up with some solid concise replies to make an update easy work.

If each of us can come forward with a list of all our times for this thread then I will create an updated board. 👍

Please list your times this simply...

"Time Driver Car"

If we can all do that I may be able to get an update in. :cheers:
Did you save your replay?
I would love to see this lap (as I spent considerable time on the Zonda and found it so instable that anything under 7'30 was difficult to run clean.

If you could post the replay I would greatly appreciate it. 👍
Also, when you do so I can add your name to the "Replay Supported Racers" list in the GT4 forum. :cheers:

I don't have a max drive, but I'll come up with something 💡

I'll try and borrow my friends RCA to USB adapter and record the lap in PC format and mail it to you, tell me the point of view for the cameras that you want i.e bumper cam, etc....

If you don't mind, can I ask for your E-mail address ? Please note that this will take some time (I'll have to borrow the stuff, record and compress the video and make time or it + I'm currently working on my undergraduate thesis:crazy: ) and the file size will be a bit large, so all I ask from you is your patience and e-mail add.

For now I'll try recording the lap in my Palm's video camera, dunno about the quality but I'll try anyway:crazy: and mail it to you as soon as I can.
Pls bear with me

Try practicing with the TVR Speed 12 in the 'ring kent, you don't need to put fast laptimes but what's important is to master the delicate throttle control to accelerate out of a corner without screeching the tires.

The goal in the zonda is to be able to accelerate without squealing the tires, Late Apex turning and very slight drifting. Another is to limit the longitudinal weight transfer since the zonda really hates too much weight shift to the front, unless you want to drift it, so as odd as it seems, you need to take your time braking.:cool:
Sorry, my bad
I was multi tasking back then and still a bit groggy doing scores of laps on the Zonda realizing that 7'22.004 lap only much later when I checked the times when I tried saving the fastest lap
but anyway these are the cars I want times for (take all the time you need, No rush and no hurries and if its not too much trouble. the latter 2 having the least priority, so as not to trouble you too much) again sorry

Mazda AZ-1
Honda Beat
Suzuki Cappucino

Honda Today
Mini Cooper

I have times for the Mazda AZ-1,Honda Beat and Honda Today.
But I can't use the old Mini because it's not in the US GT4:(.

Thats really crazy!!! Sick even!!!
Your THE man :bowdown:

Thanks:embarrassed:, I had to turn off the music on GT4 and put something else in:crazy:(Chono Cross SoundTrack:):drool:).
And my thumbs hurt after that too:ouch:.
I was able to record the 7'22.004 lap on my palm
it's in *.asf format and 27 megabytes big:scared: resolution is 320x240

Kent, you can PM me you email address so I could send the replay to you

sorry but this is all I can do right now, been looking for a max drive for a while here in the philippines but it seems that the net is the only place I can buy one, problem is I don't have a credit card........:ouch:

until I am able to borrow that RCA to USB adapter from my friend, we will have to put up with this :guilty:

Send it my way. 👍

Would like to see it in the furtherest out rear view (meaning you can see the whole car from a slightly higher position than the normal behind the car racing view).

Thanks. 👍
I usually wouldn't accept something like that for a replay, but assuming it shows a clean lap- I will put you on the RSR list and take the replay as evidence of your clean lap.

Also, I can understand your Speed 12 to Zonda logic.
Without the Speed12 practice I put in laps of about 7'27 to 7'30 with the zonda.
Thing is, those are fast and on the edge.
So with that in mind, please don't be offended when I say would like to see a replay for a 7'22.0 Zonda lap.
I'm sure it can be done but I'm no longer one to take someone's word for it (if you know what I mean). (I used to do that but too many incidents I could have done without came from that)

In any case, get back to me and let me know when you will have the replay ready.
Till then,
Sorry its taken so long to update. Times have been updated to this post.

Can someone fix my times, thanks.
Tell me what the errors are in your next post and I'll fix them.

i needed some Nurb testing, so here they are

Jay Leno Tank Car - 9'18,001

Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept - 7'50,248
Not included as they're not production cars.

When times are posted, can you ensure that you tell me whether they are new times or updates.

mustangshelby - try and write in English please.

As regards the production car/concept/race car thing. The RUF times should stand. Cars like the Nardo, Viper Concept, ZZII etc are concepts/race cars and are therefore not eligible. If a production car (Yellowbird) has moveable settings, then I think you should be allowed to adjust them if you want.

Just done a few more "slow" times
8'59.974 - Integra Type R (DC2) '98
10'10.390 - Mini Marcos GT
10'30.444 - Triumph Spitfire 1500
Kent, can you check your mailbox if I was able to send you the replay properly?

Hotmail has a very small inbox size so I used yousendit, it will be up for 7 days or the 10th download (whichever comes first) you may post the yousendit link in this forum for 9 other people to see.

Thing is, those are fast and on the edge.
So with that in mind, please don't be offended when I say would like to see a replay for a 7'22.0 Zonda lap.

To you it may seem fast and on the edge, there are a lots of time to be shaved that you haven't realized yet.

Well, it all started with a friendly battle with zondahelmet and thanks to his pace notes he posted earlier in this thread I was able to come up with a line that takes advantage of the zonda's characteristics, well check the replay

Dont worry, I'm not offended at all :)
Hey, thats why I'm going the extra mile trying to produce a replay here just to prove it.(holding a palm in front of a TV for 7 1/2 mins is hard enough, my arms were killing me:crazy: hey, I'm a couch potato and I don't work out:yuck: and it took over 2hrs to upload that video on a phone line connection )

Tried calling my friend for the RCA to USB adapter, he won't be home for days and he took the adapter with him.
But if you find that replay video sufficient tell me so I won't have to bother my friend any more than I did:guilty:
Awesome! :cheers:
I checked my email and found the file link... Downloading it now. 👍

Also, I feel your pain, I'm on dial-up as well. :ouch:
So thank you for your patience.
Even though you don't have a maxdrive (which you should really look into), I will check the replay and assuming it is clean, I will add your name to the RSR list (if you want).

Thanks for hooking up the replay.
Also, thanks for being cool about it. Based on your attitude I can tell it must be clean. 👍
(let that be an example to all the cheats out there who get questioned and think being offended and defensive will clear the air :lol: )

In any case, I will be back after 1 of 2 events has happend...
1) I finish the download and have commentary on the replay.
2) I finish the download and use the replay as a learning tool to help beat the time posted. ;)

Back soon in either case. :D
Till then,

PS. JPHachi_Roku- I've added to your rep for providing that replay and working with me.
PPS. Daan- I've added to your rep for updating. However, just for the record the Evo lap I posted is in a regular gsr 8, not a GSR 8 MR. 👍
Chevorlet Corvette Z06 (C5) 00' - 7'39.721

- Had oil Changed. Still the best trailing time is 7'48 and an oil change isnt giving anyone 10 seconds :), i also have replay on memory card :)

P.S. I dont use driving aids "EVER" Sport Mediums - Tires
Awesome! :cheers:

Even though you don't have a maxdrive (which you should really look into), I I will add your name to the RSR list (if you want).

Sure thing :lol:

2) I finish the download and use the replay as a learning tool to help beat the time posted. ;)

By All means, If you do, can you post the section times? I'm trying to tune cars (like the amuse s2000 gt1 and NSX LM Road Car) that can match those super cars like the zonda on the same tires. Hence I need disgustingly fast laptimes made by super cars in stock trim.

Does anyone have a disgustingly fast laptime in a stock HSC, I modified mine already:guilty: :guilty: and I think that can can be won only once in the game
Tell me what the errors are in your next post and I'll fix them.

You have my Cerbera Speed 6 '97(8:22:175)down as a RUF BTR '86.

Also you don't have my times with these cars down:(.

8:05:135-Cizeta V16T '94
8:11:120-TVR Cerbera Speed 12 '00

And here are the times as asked by jphachi_roku.

Times for Mazda AZ-1 '92
Total Time-10:41:031
This car handles good but wants to drift too much.

Times for Honda Beat '91
Total Time-10:34:637
Handles better than the AZ-1, but it's geared too low.

Times for Honda Today G '85
Total Time-12:43:043
Handling is good but needs a 5 speed gear box.

Times for Suzuki Cappuccino(EA21R) '95
Total Time-10:08:754
A very good car for under 70HP.

If their are any more times you want done in slow cars, just ask and I will get
to them as soon as I can.
please try to put the replay with a cell phone or with digital cam
replay for a 7'22.0 Zonda lap.

You can ask Kent for the yousendit file link, it will be available only for 7 days or the tenth download.

Times for Mazda AZ-1 '92
Total Time-10:41:031
This car handles good but wants to drift too much.

Times for Honda Beat '91
Total Time-10:34:637
Handles better than the AZ-1, but it's geared too low.

Times for Honda Today G '85
Total Time-12:43:043
Handling is good but needs a 5 speed gear box.

Times for Suzuki Cappuccino(EA21R) '95
Total Time-10:08:754
A very good car for under 70HP.
Thanks AngelCreator

I tried the AZ-1 Myself, that engine note has an addictive bark and its like the Zonda, in term of drift-hapiness, only much much smaller. Drifting that car very slightly without losing momentum will help you in beating my Zonda TIme.

I like this car very much, Never knew kei cars are this much fun to drive
I'll try beating your time. :sly:
Honda Beat '91 - 10'24.959
Mazda AZ-1 Autozam - 10'34.492

In typical kei car fashion.....I had fun:)
Between 5'19 and 5'21 of the video (not the lap) there is a really close call where an "off" could have occurred.
None the less, a great lap.

Earlier today, I can almost smell a lower 7'21'XXX I opened up a gap between the 7'22.004 lap and myself only to OVERSHOOT the hairpin before the carousel:banghead: 🤬

This is the classic drivers dillema. The more you push, the harder it is to determine you braking point, as your exit and entry cornering speed increase you MUST increase your braking distance and this is where your ghost lap gains on you. You open up gap in the full throttle sections but in the technical sections your nose to tail with your ghost, this is where it gets annoying

To sum it up here is some trivia:
"It takes an additional 21 feet for a car to stop at 35 mph than in 30 mph."
-FORD Philippines R.I.D.E. (Responsibility In Driver Education)

now put things into perspective in cars on the Nurburgring........
Honda Beat '91- 10'24.959
Mazda AZ-1 Autozam- 10'34.492

In typical kei car fashion.....I had fun:)

Ok now I have some times to beat:). Let the fun begin:mischievous:.


I have new times:D.

Mazda AZ-1 '92

Total Time-10:28:365

Honda BEAT '91

Total Time-10:22:384

I have times for the Mitsubishi HSR-II Concept '89 and Acura HSC '04.
And I will soon get a time for the Dome Zero '78 as well.
Somebody who live near nurburgring could tellme how much money i had to spend in a vacations 2weeks in the race track in a rent car or in a driving school. if i could buy a car in germany how much is the price for drive in the racetrack.
Wish me luck guys!:) And don;t forget to include me in your prayers!!!!

I just qualified for the "Top Driver Challenge" It is a series of 4 stages where people get knocked out each stage until one remains. The winner gets a free seat for the 2006 Ford Focus Cup Championship. :crazy:

This Sunday I will fight for the first stage eliminations vying for the few slots for the karting clinic by battling it out in a GT4 tournament using gt force wheels. Only the top 5 times per day untill Saturday will qualify. I qualified first with a time of 1'35.509, the guy in 2nd did a 1'36.6XX the rest of the pack got 1'37'.xxxx (The rank one driver as of this stage will get a Sony PSP)

In the Karting stage, we will be narrowed down even further to around 8 drivers

If I make it through, I will fight for the few slots for the Ford Focus Cup car training narrowing the batch to just 3 drivers

The 3 drivers will then do lapping sessions supervised by sponsors wherein the top driver will be selected guaranteeing a free seat in the 2006 Ford Focus Cup Championship Series

This could jumpstart me to my DREAM JOB :embarrassed:
Is it just me or

its been really quite here since I submitted my Zonda Lap

(Did they take my lap, go up in the mountains and made monks out of themselves to beat my lap?):confused:

Angelcreator, kudos to you I tried beating your laptimes but still no luck, I'll try again after my races over the next few weeks


I got new times as well :)

Mazda Autozam AZ-1 '92 10'27.375 kei cars galore!!
Honda Beat '91 10'19.931

BMW M5 7'45.801
Damn the top times in th leader board for this car are FAST

Dodge Viper GTS '99 7'57.795
at almost 8 mins for a car of this calibre...a bit dissapointing

Honda NSX Type R 7'59.372
for a car under 300hp, wow:dopey:

Honda NSX Type R 7'59.372
for a car under 300hp, wow:dopey:


is that the concept version, '92, or '02-04(?) ? i've fallen in love with this car, so fun to drive and easy to control its movement and momentum.. try running it on the suzuka track (especially after watching this vid -Senna testdriving the NSX at Suzuka), it's amazing

congrats on the 7.22 zonda time man, you officially took the zonda helmet away from me :)

i've given up on the zonda, its more frustrating than it is fun.. i always **** up either the 120mph RR after the big bump (after 2nd checkpoint) or the L at the top of a hill after the 170mph downhill L (after the 3rd checkpoint)

oh and another thing.. i've found it helpful to keep the zonda in 3rd gear for all low speed corners since you never really get slow enough to NEED 2nd gear, and you can floor it in 3rd everywhere and not produce any wheelspin.. plus by staying in 3rd you eliminate the delay of switching from 2nd into 3rd, which actually makes you faster on most corners than going down into 2nd..try it on the very first L turn on the ring vs. a ghost car where you did use 2nd gear and you'll see what i'm talking about ;)

try getting a good time in a BMW M3.. my best so far has been now this car is fun to drive on the ring, great balance, just enough power to make it fun, and drifting ability
Chevorlet Corvette Z06 (C5) 00' - 7'39.721

- Had oil Changed. Still the best trailing time is 7'48 and an oil change isnt giving anyone 10 seconds :), i also have replay on memory card :)

P.S. I dont use driving aids "EVER" Sport Mediums - Tires
Oil change is not allowed. N2 tyres only. Time not included.

Times updated, and changes made, to this post.
is that the concept version, '92, or '02-04(?) ?

The one I used was the 02-04, the ones without the pop-up headlights. I think the pop-up headlights look better in the NSX though

i've given up on the zonda, its more frustrating than it is fun.. i always **** up either the 120mph RR after the big bump (after 2nd checkpoint) or the L at the top of a hill after the 170mph downhill L (after the 3rd checkpoint)

oh and another thing.. i've found it helpful to keep the zonda in 3rd gear for all low speed corners since you never really get slow enough to NEED 2nd gear, and you can floor it in 3rd everywhere and not produce any wheelspin.. plus by staying in 3rd you eliminate the delay of switching from 2nd into 3rd, which actually makes you faster on most corners than going down into 2nd..try it on the very first L turn on the ring vs. a ghost car where you did use 2nd gear and you'll see what i'm talking about ;)

Nah, you just slumped a bit, when you get inspired again, I'm sure you'll break that record. The problem now is that I got too specialized with the zonda and I cant get fast on cars that doesn't behave like the zonda on drifting entry oriented cornering. I'll have to UNLEARN the Zonda to get fast on other cars:crazy:

I need 2nd gears on some corners to initiate/control drifts on corners. Sometimes I even go as low as first gear on the downhill right followed by a left hairpin turn (drifting both of them) It allows me a higher corner entry speed. I used to do what you did, but by the exit of some corners, the 3rd gear option is playing catch-up
(hope you don't get offended by this:guilty: )

try getting a good time in a BMW M3.. my best so far has been now this car is fun to drive on the ring, great balance, just enough power to make it fun, and drifting ability

I'll try when I get the time, and money (bought a lot of cars for Nurb Testing) my 3.2M is now down to 1.9M! I'll have to do a couple of DTM races and sell the clk-gtr to earn money.
Does anyone know a better way to earn money aside from selling the clk-gtr at the DTM races?

BMW M5 7'45.801
Damn the top times in th leader board for this car are FAST

Well yes indeed those are some great times on that leaderboard. :dopey:

Back in a bit with times for...
Evo 8 MR (it's gonna kill me to post the time since I didn't beat VEXD in his Impreza). :banghead:
NSX-R or Type S Zero (I've gotta try to keep up with jphachiroku on atleast one lap ;) ).

So until I get that NSX lap in (or atleast something similar)...

Oh and thanks for the update daan. 👍

I've just completed some new work on this challenge. :sly:

Starting slow and working to the "fast"...

Mitsubishi Evo 8 MR - 8'07.521

Honda NSX Type R '02 - 7'54.751

Mercedes SLR McLaren '03 - 7'20.683

The Mitsu lap gave me a great respect for the Impreza lap by VEXD. 👍

The NSX lap told me there is plenty of room for JPHachi_Roku to improve.

The SLR lap showed me that the SLR is the fastest production car in the world. ;) :lol:
I've still got a full second to shave off the SLR lap based on my ghost... With work I am sure there is even more than that. :eek:

Hope to see an update soon (although I know it can be annoying to do updates every 2 or 3 days). :ouch:

In any case,
Until next time,

PS. I will post my McLaren lap sooner or later (it's just a matter of whether or not anyone cares to see it). :P
The SLR lap showed me that the SLR is the fastest production car in the world. ;) :lol:
I've still got a full second to shave off the SLR lap based on my ghost... With work I am sure there is even more than that. :eek:

Hope to see an update soon (although I know it can be annoying to do updates every 2 or 3 days). :ouch:

PS. I will post my McLaren lap sooner or later (it's just a matter of whether or not anyone cares to see it). :P

Please post the section times for the Mclaren and NSX R, I'll try beating it with the Zonda(your Mclaren LAp) or the same car. My fastest "unofficial" lap in the Zonda is 1'21.3XX with even more "close calls" having 2 wheels at the course and 2 in the grass

:bowdown: Beating my times just like that, your DISGUSTINGLY fast Kent
It's gonna take days to match your pace and even MORE days to beat it

What puzzles me is how can the Mclaren be so fast when I find it really heavy and understeering all over the place. Is there any "magic" you do to tame a car that weighs a tonne and a half? Can I ask for those tips/notes on how you were able to get that time?
Well JP,
Thanks. :cheers:

As for what I did... I can't say there is any magic or mojo- just my usual driving.
I suppose part of your suprise may come from my efforts in the Zonda... When I came forward in awe of you Zonda lap and said I could only produce laps in the higher 7'20s it probably gave you the impression I wasn't very fast at all.

Rather, I'm a decent driver and the Ring is one of, if not, my best course in the game.

So again, thanks for the credit and respect. :bowdown:

Now about how to do it...
I can't say. I just ran as fast as I could while being careful not to go dirty.
The NSX has great potential and if I manage to run it again I would hope to break into the 7'53 range or lower.
As for the SLR, understeer, weight, and all that other jazz...
I just did exactly what I said about the NSX- run clean and as fast as the car will let you.

I must admit, I didn't drift one bit in the SLR and the car's brakes and turn-in felt great to me. So in that alone you and I may develop our differences... I feel the SLR has great potential and doesn't show nearly as much of the understeer or heavy-car characteristics you mentioned.

With that in mind, I imagine the SLR just worked well for me. :sly:

Back later today after I've tried some SLR laps again (looking to go under 7'20).
Until then,

ps. I will post the SLR splits after I've settled on a final lap (since I'm working on it again there isn't much point in posting them if I will improve them). ;)

New SLR Time:

Improvements to come. :mischievous:

Improved. :P
7'17.605 Mercedes SLR McLaren

No more on that one for now... Improving is possible but I want to move onto the next combo. :D