Nurburgring Challenge *POST YOUR TIMES*

  • Thread starter TurboJ
7'17.605 Mercedes SLR McLaren

No more on that one for now... Improving is possible but I want to move onto the next combo. :D

amazing dude 👍

i tried out the 02 NSX Type R and got a decent 7'57.495 on my 2nd try.. what a fantastic stock car

posting a great ring time is a true test of your ability to focus and being consistent.. messing up on just one of the 50+ corners can cost you upwards of .5 seconds, so you really have to drive each single curve at at least 90% of its potential
I suppose part of your suprise may come from my efforts in the Zonda... When I came forward in awe of you Zonda lap and said I could only produce laps in the higher 7'20s it probably gave you the impression I wasn't very fast at all.

Not at all (this remark sorta made me feel like the bad guy who wants to stay on top and look down on everyone):indiff:

I know there are really fast guys out there, its just that "to each his own" The impression that I had of you is that our driving must be fundamentally different and that difference translated to our time difference. It's your driving that I would like to dissect.

I dorve the SLR for 20++ laps around the ring with my 7'21.301 ghost.

The best that I could manage so far was a 7'21.541. This made me understa nd a little more about your driving style.

I realized(based on my own analysis of my SLR and Zonda laps) is that you are a driver that is strong at the exit phase of a corner since I find the ZZ2 and SLR heavy and understeering. My driving utilizes braking delayed to the absolute limit, drift the entry then exit. Your driving involves braking much later that I would, enter the corner with a slightly slower speed than me to allocate extra traction to exiting the corner this will give you a faster top speed upon approach of the next corner(with long full throttle sections, it really does help). The SLR was designed for your kind of driving style(great stability and a lot of power), looking at the times, it was like tailored made for you. The zonda on the other hand suit my style being lightweight and unstable (the more unstable the car, the easier it is to change direction of course controlling that unstableness is another story) late braking + drifting entry.

My sytle was developed because lack of funds kept me from getting good parts for racing(not in GT4, real racing) and the only way for me to keep up or pass my opponents was in the corner entry and run the car/Kart as light sa possibe

Guess I'll try mastering you driving style, it will help me in my future races, both in GT4 and Real Life
Well JP,
Thanks. :cheers:

As for what I did... I can't say there is any magic or mojo- just my usual driving.
I suppose part of your suprise may come from my efforts in the Zonda... When I came forward in awe of you Zonda lap and said I could only produce laps in the higher 7'20s it probably gave you the impression I wasn't very fast at all.

Rather, I'm a decent driver and the Ring is one of, if not, my best course in the game.

So again, thanks for the credit and respect. :bowdown:

Now about how to do it...
I can't say. I just ran as fast as I could while being careful not to go dirty.
The NSX has great potential and if I manage to run it again I would hope to break into the 7'53 range or lower.
As for the SLR, understeer, weight, and all that other jazz...
I just did exactly what I said about the NSX- run clean and as fast as the car will let you.

I must admit, I didn't drift one bit in the SLR and the car's brakes and turn-in felt great to me. So in that alone you and I may develop our differences... I feel the SLR has great potential and doesn't show nearly as much of the understeer or heavy-car characteristics you mentioned.

With that in mind, I imagine the SLR just worked well for me. :sly:

Back later today after I've tried some SLR laps again (looking to go under 7'20).
Until then,

ps. I will post the SLR splits after I've settled on a final lap (since I'm working on it again there isn't much point in posting them if I will improve them). ;)

New SLR Time:

Improvements to come. :mischievous:

Improved. :P
7'17.605 Mercedes SLR McLaren

No more on that one for now... Improving is possible but I want to move onto the next combo. :D

:bowdown: :bowdown:

thats fast kent, you let us walk in the hall of shame

good job;)👍

(repped you for it)
I adjusted my driving a bit and braked a little earlier on the SLR

The best I can do was just 7'20.231....still lightyears away from your record Kent...

I wonder what else have I missed or overlooked to shave THREE more seconds. The lap was pretty much on the edge and pretty clean

Practicing with the SLR all day.....I totally forgot to bring out the NSX-R :banghead:
thats fast kent, you let us walk in the hall of shame

good job

(repped you for it)

Thanks. 👍
Of course, the post you quoted hasn't received any rep points and my rep level hasn't changed in the last week :lol:
Quick rep points lesson:
Clicking the red check on someone else's post will open a new page giving you the option for positive or negative rep contributions.
Clicking your own post's red check will show you the comments and type of feedback given (if there is any). If no rep has been contributed, the page will show a message that "this post has not recieved any..."
Also, in every reply your rep level is displayed at the bottom of the post under the sig and as the last thing in a list (it is always a number).

Hope that helps all of you keep up on how to give, recieve, and keep up on your rep levels. 👍

Nice lap JP. 👍
Keep up the good work.
I've got a ton more to say but don't have time right now so please continue the discussion and as soon as I get back there will be a nice long post with all the thoughts I have right now.

However, for now I must go.
Dinner as well as other things is pulling me away for the next hour or two.
So until later,
Update: Pagani ZondaS 7.3 7'20.375

Mercedes Benz SLR Mclaren 7'20.231

This is sort of a venture to the unknown, when I applied the lessons I learned from the SLR to the Zonda, the car(Zonda) seemed to become more stable. Braking a little earlier to allocate more traction for exiting the corner is the trick to achieve this.

It a lot of work to change your driving style in a single day:crazy:

I tried comparing the 7'20.375 lap with my previous 7'22 lap and found that the 7'20 gets overtaken by the 7'22 lap at the entry approach to the corner but at the exit phase the 7'20 lap cathes up and PASSES the 7'22 lap. With very ling straights found in the 'ring, it all adds up.

If only the Pagani Zonda F is avilable in GT4, then I can really challenge Kent's laptime. With the ZondaS having less horsepower and downforce there is no way for the zonda to put up a fight with the Mcalren SLR
Downforce is one thing I can't speak of with regards to either of these cars. :confused:

Neither can get a GT Wing and both have "some" downforce by default. That said- the SLR probably has more downforce. Oddly, the df of the SLR is mostly seen on braking (because of that funny raising wing). 👍

However, I think a great suprise is the PWR difference between the Zonda and SLR. :eek:
2.247 vs 2.827 :sly:

The Zonda's advantage had me picking the Zonda every time dispite the fact that it was about as stable as a pair of ice skates going nearly the same speeds. :scared:

I would have never picked the SLR to be as fast as it is. The other day when I tried it, I was only wasting time playing with a car I never really used much. :dopey:

In any case, I am throughly impressed by the SLR and it will be a favorite of mine for some time to come. 👍 :cheers:
Like I said before though, I'm pretty much done with the SLR for now. :D

I'm looking for another car to try now and I just don't know what to go with.
Probably going to be a FF if one seems like fun. :P
Once I figure out what I'm going to race next there will be a post with some news.
Until then,

Great job on "evolving" in your racing method.
I've come to believe having no style is the best way to go. 👍
(style just holds you back) ;)
... then again, this is all coming from a guy who used to say "there is no such thing as understeer, just people who don't brake properly." :lol:
Hi Kent can you tell me what are somethings that you do , that you think most ppl are not doing, to acheive those times.

Is there a corner that you shouldn't be braking through, that most ppl are probably braking at?
Hi Kent can you tell me what are somethings that you do , that you think most ppl are not doing, to acheive those times.

Is there a corner that you shouldn't be braking through, that most ppl are probably braking at?

First off, I love the question and repped you for it (sent your rep from "10" to "25"). :sly:

Regarding your question though...
You've actually got it backwards. :boggled:
That's right, most of the "special" technique I used was in braking more often than I usually would and doing it much earlier than usual. 👍

As "jp" pointed out, braking early allows you to exit faster more often than not and in the end it will also contribute to slower entry speeds allowing you to be more precise about your line through turns. 👍

It seems odd but my best advice is to brake every time you even think there is a chance of understeer or shooting off the track.
Do that and eventually you find the limits... Once you find the limits- push them. :mischievous:

Good luck, and once again, great question. :cheers:
(hit your red check for that post)
A couple more times from me

Jaguar XJ220 - 7'49.951
Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A - 8'06.551

I was surprised at how quick the Mazda was. I'll update the leaderboard later.
so I decided to give the SLR a try, and after about 2 hours of practice, got a good lap in: 7'19.875

pretty happy about breaking the 7'20 barrier :)

there's definitely AT LEAST 2 seconds to be gained, judging by my other runs where i've nailed some corners which i didn't on that 7'19 run.


Mercedes SLR - 7'19.875
BMW M3 - 8'02.800
02 NSX Type R - 7'57.495
Hey daan,
Hope this makes it easier to update my times... :D

7'17.605 SLR
7'47.437 TVR Speed 6 (new time)
7'54.751 NSX-R '02
8'07.521 Evo 8 MR

As always, thanks for keeping up with the board daan. 👍
I got new times as well

Mazda Autozam AZ-1 '92 10'27.375 kei cars galore!!
Honda Beat '91 10'19.931

Now I have more times to beat:D. And here are some more times.

Times for the Mitsubishi HSR-II Concept '89
Total time-8:28:417

Time for the Acura HSC '04
Total time-8:02:581

Maybe I will try the SLR:nervous:.

I have a new time for the Honda BEAT, it took me 3 hours to get this time:crazy:.

Total time-10:12:420

I will get a time for the AZ-1 soon.
UPDATE Mecedes SLR Mclaren 7'19.721

Feels good to break the 7'20.00 barrier.....but only just :bowdown: Kent's still on top with his disgustingly fast time
This took so long to achieve and my attention span is almost empty.
But to shave 2 more seconds, I don;t know where to pick those seconds up:ouch:
Kent, If it is not so much trouble can you post the section times? I'll compare them to find those precious 2 secs to beat your lap(a long shot, but I'll try anyway)

This effectively UNDID all that I have done with the Zonda
I won't be able to challenge my Zonda Lap for a while since I'll have to
RELEARN everything,

The SLR and Zonda require VERY different driving styles, the Zonda's strength is in is corner entry while the SLR, with it's incredible stability, wins on the corner exit.

Some trivia on the SLR:
"The brakes of the Mclaren SLR......They glow when you use them.....catch fire when you use them a lot" (literally)
-J, Clarkson of Top Gear

European highway code states that cars must be able to stop to a standstill from 60mph in 54 meters.............The SLR can do that at a whopping 120 mph!!! Incredible for a car that weighs 1.5 tonnes.

The SLR's brakes have an electronic system that "massages" the brake rotors to maintain optimal operating temperatures, without it, the composite brakes won't have any bite at all.

What's irritating is it's's made of PLASTIC, cmon people who will buy this car are no pushovers....and you give them cheap plastic!?
Impressive stuff, jp! Congrats on getting below 1'20":cheers: And good work masterig a new driving style for the SLR.

Not that you're competitive or anything...:)
As requested (:cough: rep :cough: ) ;) :lol:

46.536 T1
1'21.840 T2
1'50.732 T3
2'43.888 T4
3'23.035 T5
3'49.643 T6
4'41.440 T7
5'26.163 T8
5'48.533 T9
6'33.041 T10
6'54.959 T11


I'm sure that will help to get me off the top of the list. ;)
Let me know if it helps. :cheers:

I'll be back with a time for an old fav... The DB9. :mischievous:
Maybe a new SLR though I doubt it. :confused:

I tried the SLR, I got a 10:34:xxx but I went off the track once:banghead::ouch::(.

Well as odd as it seems, take your time braking enter the corner a little slower so you can open up the throttle fully just before the apex and not lift till the next braking zone, you must have been used to driving lighter cars and do a lot of late braking to shorten your lap times, don't do that with the SLR (with a kerb weight of 17XX kg its a mortal sin to late brake it in corners).

Some new times

Honda NSX-R '02 7'55.223 (new time)
Almost there, I get confused on some corners whether to use 2nd or 3rd gear
tommy kaira ZZ-s 8'20.891
First time drive (this can still be trimmed by a LOT) very stable at the exit a bit suited to Kent's style of driving

Thanks for the section times kent, now its my turn to go up in the mountains and meditate on your lap...................and do some anime marathons, just got tonnes-load of anime to watch (both old and new series)
on luxury tyres, nürburgring, free run.

VW Golf IV GTi '01, 150Ps, n.o.c, 0/0/0aids

- 9'56.732. (loads more here, a real controllable pleasure)
7'43.255 Aston Martin DB9
(the "special color" gold one) :D

I wanted to go under 7'45, which I managed.
However, I can tell that 7'40.??? is there. :ouch:
I may try to reach 7'39 but it would take some really serious effort.

Whatever the case, I'll be back again with new times when I have some. 👍
Until then,
are replays a necessity? if so, is there someone, somewhere, that I can send a mem card full of replays to, that will upload them for me? I have a massivly slow comp, and nothing to even upload with. oh, yeah, I'd need the mem card back too.
I'm a little skeptical to post some of my times, being that I havent really posted any before... I do understand that cheater-itis is, in fact, a serious disease that plagues us all.
No, replays aren't necessary.

Cheater-itis doesn't plague me, and I don't believe it plagues anyone whose times are on the leaderboard (with the possible exception of Wakeem.)

So, go ahead and post your times, making sure they conform to the rules. (Production car only, N2 tyres, No oil change, stay on track at all times)
Well, I wanted to make new times, just to be sure they were all acceptable condition. and decided to use some cars I don't really see times for too.

Dodge Viper SRT-10 - 7:38.763
Dodge Viper GTS '99 -7:54.557
Nissan Skyline GT-R '00 - 8:04.971

All will be improved on....eventually I ran the SRT-10 for 2 hrs last night, only to see that 7:34.??? can be done (at least) but everytime I got in front of myself by 2 sec. it all fell apart. (and that was in the first 1/8th of the track)

Though the GT-R's lap was very nice... I'll have to see if that's bested first.
last night I geared up in my racing suit, and had at it with the Nurb in my brand-new C5-ZO6. determind to spend as many hours needed, I wanted to beat even that ghastly Wakeem time.
First lap out, I clocked a 7:52 on what seemed like a great run, stayed on for lap No.2, and was wisking away from myself, on pace for a 7:50, and quite pleased, but I smacked a wall round a high-speed turn halfway through. kapt at it though, building the lead, and slowed a bit on the straight to lessen the gap. (didnt want to much pressure next time round).7:51 stayed out again, only to drive into the grass in the 2nd turn.
Alas, I restarted just a few times, and then it was golden. every turn came and went, inside to outside I slid, near perfection, it seemed. By the time I was halfway through, I was 1.8 seconds in front of the fast ghost! I knew I would choke, ( almost always do, damn handheld!) but I never did. turn after turn, it worked.
45 min of electric for PS2: 31 cents.
45 min of my time: free.
Running a 7:48.370 in a 385hp C5? Priceless.

2001 Corvette Z06: 7:48.370

if somebody beats this, I just might cry
Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon'96----> 9 '05,765

Volkswagen Golf IV GTI '01----------> 9'45,048

Mercedes benz SLK 230 Kompressor--> 9'20,480

Mercedes Benz CL600---------------> 8'39,746

TVR T350c-------------------------> 8'20,065