New time:
Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo '91: 08.15.381
I have been pretty much exactly one second slower in this one, than in the Lancer IV. That said, obviously this is one of the slowest JDMs. The weight this thing has, makes itself very apparent. No car was being pushed off the track by its weight as much as this one, that's for sure. Also, its gear ratios are really not well suited for the Nordschleife.
Nonetheless, the car is very, very planted and thus very easy to drive and move at the limit. It can get very tricky to bring it to a halt from higher speeds though, as it gets rather unstable. Also it sounds rather nice and looks very good, in my opinion.
EDIT: New time:
Honda S2000 '99: 08.08.538
It's basically just as fast as the 300ZX. Expected it to be a little faster, but considering its hp, it did rather well.
The fun factor is quite big though.

You can throw it into corners and easily pull of some nice drifts.
@Yassi_99 Going by our talk from yesterday I guess you are rather surprised by its relativly slow lap time?
EDIT 2: New time:
Subaru Impreza Coupe WRX Type R STi Version VI '99: 08.05.354
About 3 seconds faster than the S2000 and about 5 seconds slower than the 22B. Interesting. Basically there, where I expected it to be. It is
slightly faster in a straight line, than the S2000, which gives it its slight edge.
Well it definatly is very nice to drive (as all Imprezas are), because it is quite planted but can still be thrown around a little. I also like its looks very much. Nice drive.