Oculus RIFT Head Mounted Display 90 Degree FOV

  • Thread starter ibuycheap
I was cleaning out the attic yesterday and came across this image of me having the first encounter with VR glasses.

Here the picture of me playing DOOM in the stratosphere tower in Las Vegas very long time ago in 1999 :)

Just got my email saying my order is advancing to processing within 24hrs, which is the final stage before shipping :drool:

Great Steve, know you will be straight up with your impressions which I look forward to.

I was cleaning out the attic yesterday and came across this image of me having the first encounter with VR glasses.

Here the picture of me playing DOOM in the stratosphere tower in Las Vegas very long time ago in 1999 :)


I get that you paid $5.00 to try it and that it may of been rather scary as Doom3 but still no need for him to hold your hand :)

Remember next time, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,lol.

I get that you paid $5.00 to try it and that it may of been rather scary as Doom3 but still no need for him to hold your hand :)

Remember next time, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,lol.


What i remember most from that trip (it's a long time ago) is not the scary part of playing doom on the VR glasses, but taking a ride in the world highest rollercoaster the bigshot

Back on topic:

Looking forward to hear Steve's impressions, i still do not think it will replace my triple screen setup for racing, but for shooters it will be awesome.

If i had to guess 14 years ago, i would have thought we had had VR glasses by now.
Well, after a fairly hit and miss first evening with it, I think I already know I wouldn't replace my screens with this, but I will race with it.
It's a brilliant bit of kit, it does so many things so well but I believe that you really do need to see your controls for serious racing.
Aside from a few of the cool tech demos around, I spent most of the evening getting Dirt 3 up and running using the Virieo drivers. There were plenty of hiccups along the way but when I did get into the game properly the FOV and headtracking really come into their own. It was great looking to my right and seeing my co-driver :D I had a few issues with controller lag and resolution but I think that was my error so will try again tonight.
I'm really looking forward to proper support from the likes of ISI and Simbin (hopefully) and also the VorpX drivers that look as though they'll offer plenty of support for current games.

The Rift itself is outstanding tech. Putting it on and firing up the vrcinema3D demo was amazing and after a second it felt as though I really was in a cinema with a 50ft screen...that was the highlight for me so far :)
Thanks for the update friend...
Glad it is pleasing you and your being as I knew you would honest and not flaffing of "new toy syndrome". The cinema thing sounds great, hopefully pCars will come online soon or more titles.

Keep us updated.
One question I have is if it can cause a bit of neck strain after continued use and lots of head movement?
Thanks for the update friend...
Glad it is pleasing you and your being as I knew you would honest and not flaffing of "new toy syndrome". The cinema thing sounds great, hopefully pCars will come online soon or more titles.

Keep us updated.
One question I have is if it can cause a bit of neck strain after continued use and lots of head movement?

I wanted to come out and say it'll change the sim racing world, but IMHO it wont.

No neck strain mate, it really is very light :)
Thats not what I expected! Maybe it will need some major revisions to hit that sweet spot. A device like that sounds like can cause some major nausea and strain if everything is not timed/matched up just right. I think we can all agree virtual reality is the future of gaming, even if the Oculus Rift isn't the one to perfect it on their first version. Maybe they will get it right for the consumer version, maybe not. But sooner or later somebody will get it right, and you will be trading in those tripple screens!
I wanted to come out and say it'll change the sim racing world, but IMHO it wont.

No neck strain mate, it really is very light :)

to be honest I never ordered mine for sim racing to me it is going to hit the nail on the head for FPS that is what im aiming for. I even went in on this kickstarter ( http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/356540105/delta-six-a-new-kind-of-game-controller ) as I think Delta6 & a Oculus Rift would be awesome in any shooting game. I just hope they bring 'OR' to PS4 that would be the icing on the cake
It's awesome mate đź‘Ť
I think I'm gonna have more fun with flying games, I have a Saitek X52 which I haven't used for months so it's about time to dust it off ;)
ooooooh..and so begins a dilemma.

Tonight I hooked my normal setup again after messing the Oculus for a couple of nights..
The first thing I did was put on DiRT 2 and boy was I surprised.
Whilst my DiRT2/3 testing in the oculus weren't a resounding success, the first thing I noticed back on my 3 screens was that I knew I was sitting in my room with 3 screens around me. I could see everything in my peripheral vision, my coffee cup, my remote control for the amp, a bit of cabling here, the top of the rig where the roof meets the screens, keyboard stands etc etc and all I could think of was that when in the oculus, I felt like I was in the actual cockpit.

It's a real eye opener :eek:
Steve, what about motion sickness while using the Rift? Do you get problems like that? If yes, after playing for how long? I have seen a video of someone playing the Rift racing game (demo) - he was sick almost immediately...

Does it help if you race with visible in-game steering wheel and driver's arms?
In my experience, there are two main factors in motion sickness in videogames:
1.- Getting used to it.
2.- Settings.

That means everyone should be able to play with the Oculus, though some might have a rough time at the start and change fov and whatnot.
Yeah, hard to know until it is experienced first hand. In real life people get sick when their mind is not dictating and controlling the motion, driver = no sickness, passenger = sickness (for some). It may have the same effect for the inverse reason: real - movement, with lack of mind, virtual - mind, with lack of movement. It could be that the disparity between mind and body plus a susceptibility could equal sickness in both virtual and real worlds.
(Taken from Wikipedia)
"Simulation sickness
Simulation sickness, or simulator sickness, is a condition where a person exhibits symptoms similar to motion sickness caused by playing computer/simulation/video games.[1]

The most common theory for the cause of simulation sickness is that the illusion of motion created by the virtual world, combined with the absence of motion detected by the inner ear, causes the area postrema in the human brain to infer that one is hallucinating and further conclude that the hallucination is due to poison ingestion. The brain responds by inducing nausea and mass vomiting, to clear the supposed toxin.[7] According to this theory, simulation sickness is just another form of motion sickness.

Motion sickness due to virtual reality
Motion sickness due to virtual reality is very similar to simulation sickness and motion sickness due to films. In virtual reality, however, the effect is made more acute as all external reference points are blocked from vision, the simulated images are three-dimensional and in some cases stereo sound that may also give a sense of motion. The world's most advanced simulator, the NADS-1, located at the National Advanced Driving Simulator, is capable of accurately stimulating the vestibular system with a 360-degree horizontal field of view and 13 degree of freedom motion base.[15] Studies have shown that exposure to rotational motions in a virtual environment can cause significant increases in nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness.[16]


Over-the-counter and prescription medications are readily available, such as Dramamine (dimenhydrinate).
Scopolamine is effective[20] and is sometimes used in the form of transdermal patches (1.5 mg) or as a newer tablet form (0.4 mg). The selection of a transdermal patch or scopolamine tablet is determined by a doctor after consideration of the patient's age, weight, and length of treatment time required.

Interestingly, many pharmacological treatments which are effective for nausea and vomiting in some medical conditions may not be effective for motion sickness. For example, metoclopramide and prochlorperazine, although widely used for nausea, are ineffective for motion-sickness prevention and treatment. This is due to the physiology of the CNS vomiting centre and its inputs from the chemoreceptor trigger zone versus the inner ear. Sedating anti-histamine medications such as promethazine work quite well for motion sickness, although they can cause significant drowsiness.
As astronauts frequently have motion sickness, NASA has done extensive research on the causes and treatments for motion sickness. One very promising looking treatment is for the person suffering from motion sickness to wear LCD shutter glasses that create a stroboscopic vision of 4 Hz with a dwell of 10 milliseconds.[25]"

---------Maybe they can work out a way to incorporate the stoboscopic effect invisibly into the RIFT, would be interesting to try... Either way, it seems that for some percentage of the population it will always be a video games with a dramamine chaser.
Well, it feels like wanting to throw up. I'm getting this feeling while watching over someone's shoulder when he's playing a first person shooter: after 10 minutes I feel sick. The feeling is less when I play the game myself, but I do feel sick after 30 minutes or so. I can play racing games much longer: about 1,5 hours, then I feel 'uncomfortable' (the screen moves far less quick while racing in comparison to playing a FPS). Not feeling what you are seeing, that's the key. But I'm afraid I will get sick very quickly using the Rift...
Wow, you get sick from watching other people play a FPS?

I've never heard of anyone having it that bad, that's crazy.

I'd say if you can't handle something like that without getting sick, you will probably have severe issues with the Rift.
I want someone to come up with a cycling simulator for the Rift so I can ride my exercise bike and look at the pretty scenery. Of course it would be cheaper and easier to buy a bike but I'm a geek, damn it!
I want someone to come up with a cycling simulator for the Rift so I can ride my exercise bike and look at the pretty scenery. Of course it would be cheaper and easier to buy a bike but I'm a geek, damn it!

Hehe, given your location I think you could safely play the weather card as well.
From what I've heard, a lot of it is merely getting used to the sensation, and adjusting it correctly to suit the user.

I am pretty interested in this, it'd be great for immersion, and yes a purpose-built cockpit with button boxes and 3 55" monitors would probably be better. But I race with a DFGT mounted on a coffee table with a 24" TV, while sat on a sofa (or couch to you americans ;) ). The Oculus Rift could be a relatively inexpensive, compact and incredibly good solution to improve immersion. And it's multipurpose. You can play FPS's, flight sims, and even use Google Street-view on it- Something which wouldn't work anywhere near as well in a purpose built racing cockpit.
I just read that news. Terrible alignment of events to end his life so early. Just seems so unfair.
RIP Andrew Scott Reisse :(

My first Podcast Episode is live....I don't have my Rift yet, but I do some preliminary work here, talking about the various sims I plan to cover with the Rift kit :)
G'Day everyone, check this out,

It is not perfect, but it's a bloody good start. I think it wont be too long before we can see some real advances in the coding of the Rift's dev kit to make sim racing truly epic!!! People are saying you have to see the wheel, I don't know if it will be a problem or not, but I am following this subject with great interest. Also the fact that everything in the game s 3D all the time, for me, it's going to be easier to defer on the triples I was going for and wait for this to be production ready.

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