Official Ferrari Challenge Thread

  • Thread starter kekke2000
Thank you very much.

Lucky that I bought GRID. I´m not going to wait more for this game or more info about it.

I'm quite the opposite.

I bought GRID and have very quickly got fed up with the massive arcade bias in the handling, far more of a leaning to arcade physics that anything Codemasters have done before (and they have made some pretty aracdey games).

All GRID has done is made me want this more.


I use to like NFS games (PS1) after PC, i got into Racing games, as well as PS2 (gt3 and 4)
Now I just dislike racing a arcade game... And if This game claims to be arcade I pass, I was hoping it would be a sim :(
I use to like NFS games (PS1) after PC, i got into Racing games, as well as PS2 (gt3 and 4)
Now I just dislike racing a arcade game... And if This game claims to be arcade I pass, I was hoping it would be a sim :(

Its claiming to be a Sim.

To be honest I'm going to get it anyway, if it does turn out to be a sim then I will most likely end up verey happy, if it ends up being more arcade baised then I have an 8 year old Ferrari mad daughter who will still love it to bits. Its a win - win for me.


Its claiming to be a Sim.
I have an 8 year old Ferrari mad daughter who will still love it to bits...

Can I start dating her when she turns 18? I'll respect your father's position, I swear to God :)
I bought GRID and have very quickly got fed up with the massive arcade bias in the handling, far more of a leaning to arcade physics that anything Codemasters have done before (and they have made some pretty aracdey games).
It´s so arcade as the others Race Driver titles, not more. Is probable you don´t remember the other TRDs sensations, after to play games like Prologue or PC sims.

For amar212, I want to say that I think Ferrari Challenge is not so "indian game", and that its graphics and sound aren´t under GRID ones.
GRID use a poor color palette (and too many heat), has low sharpness in the environment, low frame rate, and not much high definition, with the same cars on the grid (in the mayority of the races, even less).
I saw FC in Games Convention 07, and for me, that alpha version had better graphics than the gold GRID version.

I think coments like yours only can make the game delay more.
I agree, the Ferrari game has a lot better car models, grpahics, textures and lighting, and AMAZING rain effects over GRID
Did you guys see the video when he stop car in rain, droplets would from on the back windshield, after he moved the car the droplets would fall off :) how nice is that ?
And the environment of FC is much more detailed, and with more definition, appart the scroll is smoother, because it was thought to create a real speed sensation (more than the Prologue one, even).

About FC´s IA, in the GC´07 alpha the IA race in little groups, and not used to crush with you, as in GRID, where cars often race into one homogenous group, and crush with you (and between them) usually.

About damage, if FC has a low visual damage, and none physic damage, better for the players.
When people is going to understand that damage makes games unplayables, reducing fun. A damage level similar to GRID simply reduce the gameplay.
Can I start dating her when she turns 18? I'll respect your father's position, I swear to God :)
None of my three girls are allowed to date boys ever...


It´s so arcade as the others Race Driver titles, not more. Is probable you don´t remember the other TRDs sensations, after to play games like Prologue or PC sims.

Funny that as I still have the original TOCA (PS1), Colin McRae Rally (PS1), TRD (PC) & TRD2 (PSP) and DiRT (PS3) and going back to them from Grid its quite clear that the physics model in Grid is easily the most arcade baised of the lot.

Its got nothing to do with not remembering (however I have also owned every game in the TOCA series and CM series - I just don't have them all still), its got to do with being able to carry out direct comparisons. That TRD2 on the PSP has a less arcade biased physics model than Grid does not speak highly of Grid as a sim.

About damage, if FC has a low visual damage, and none physic damage, better for the players.
When people is going to understand that damage makes games unplayables, reducing fun. A damage level similar to GRID simply reduce the gameplay.
While I agree that having the option to switch damage off or change the scale of damage, to say that damage makes games unplayable is utter nonsense.

How many sims have you actually raced on? Damage, and I mean good realistic damage, adds massively to a sim. Its helps to stop drivers leaning on each other, forces a more careful approach to passing and cutting corners.

What you consider to be a factor that reduces fun, is for a lot of use something that adds a lot of fun to a sim. F1:CE, Richard Burns Rally, GPL, etc; all of these sims would be so much less enjoyable with damage removed.


For amar212, I want to say that I think Ferrari Challenge is not so "indian game", and that its graphics and sound aren´t under GRID ones.
GRID use a poor color palette (and too many heat), has low sharpness in the environment, low frame rate, and not much high definition, with the same cars on the grid (in the mayority of the races, even less).
I saw FC in Games Convention 07, and for me, that alpha version had better graphics than the gold GRID version.
I think coments like yours only can make the game delay more.

Look man, I only described what I saw on my screen - and besides, Ferrari also uses "next-gen yellow" effect on screen, which is pretty annoying.

Speaking about colour palette, I do not want to defend Grid or anything, but I found both game suffering from the same problem regarding colours and lightinig - it's not made to fit 5700K light temperature (as GT for example), but both game uses warmer temperature, even in "neutral lighting" stages (above 6000K in my humble oppinion).

Next, speaking about enviroment - with all due respect, I sustain myself in further commenting your claims since I have deep respect to the work that Eutechnycs did.

And if my comments - or anybody's else - would make the game to be delayed further in order to improve it - than I would find that my comments served a right thing.

And FC:TP surely is an "indy game", because it's not a major-studio game, it's funded outside the usual-gaming-business scheme and it's made totally out of pure passion of one man who wanted to make a Ferrari-themed game.
I have a feeling that the change is related to Race Driver GRID, the previous date had FC coming out only a week after GRID...
Before the last delay, do you still think this?.

About GRID arcade level, I still think you say because you have not played other TRD saga tiles recently, in the same conditions. Put TRD2/3 in a PS3, set a similar controller config used in GRID, and you will see that any glimmer of simulation in these titles was only a memory.

Is the same when amar212 say things like this about the FC driving model:

It almost fell like F355 Challenge, but it's not that good to be honest. Maybe I love original F355 to much, but some further tweaking could seriously improve the handling towards Yu Suzuki's spot-on perfect model. I'd say it's somewhere between Forza 2 and original F355 game - somewhere in the realms of first GTR game probably.

Clearly he talks using memory, he has not put F355 Challenge in his PS3 to compare. The driving model of F355 over Forza 2 or GTR?. This is nonsense.
The F355 has good driving model comparing with the 1998 existing titles, and considering it comes from an arcade machine.
I´m owner of a PS2 copy, and I put it in PS3 sometimes, to play it using G25. Considering that is a DF supported game only, and setting the wheel parameters better is possible, the physics give laughter compared with titles, not already recent, if not with GT3 even Battle Gear 3 (others DF only supported games).
Speaking about colour palette, I do not want to defend Grid or anything, but I found both game suffering from the same problem regarding colours and lightinig - it's not made to fit 5700K light temperature (as GT for example), but both game uses warmer temperature, even in "neutral lighting" stages (above 6000K in my humble oppinion).
I think lightning in that FC alpha was better than the GRID gold version, also.

And FC:TP surely is an "indy game", because it's not a major-studio game, it's funded outside the usual-gaming-business scheme and it's made totally out of pure passion of one man who wanted to make a Ferrari-themed game.
The fact that FC is developed by a small study (Eutechnyx is not so small), and published for an enthusiastic, don´t makes it "indian". To publish a game in PS3 (appart the other 3 systems) requires a big budget, and also to buy an expensive Ferrari license.
This is a project probably more costly and ambitious than GRID.
Before the last delay, do you still think this?.
I certainly do, as nothing has occured to change my mind on it. Given that Grid has sold very, very well I think its a valid reason for a delay.

About GRID arcade level, I still think you say because you have not played other TRD saga tiles recently, in the same conditions. Put TRD2/3 in a PS3, set a similar controller config used in GRID, and you will see that any glimmer of simulation in these titles was only a memory.

OK I'm going to be very, very clear about this. I have played them recently, I actually play the original TOCA on a regular basis, on my PS3. I actually played DiRT the day before getting Grid and then as a side by side comparison the day after I bought it. TRD2 is the second most played of my PSP titles (after SOCOM Tactical Strike). In fact the only ones I have not played in a while are TRD for my PC and Colin McRae (its been a few months for that one).

This is not my memory at all, its me speaking from direct comparison of these titles, please do try and put words in my mouth. I know exactly what I have and have not done, and quite frankly even CMs most recent other release, DiRT, has less of an arcade bias than Grid.

Clearly he talks using memory, he has not put F355 Challenge in his PS3 to compare. The driving model of F355 over Forza 2 or GTR?. This is nonsense.
The F355 has good driving model comparing with the 1998 existing titles, and considering it comes from an arcade machine.

Well, I'm also owner of the PS2 copy and I also play it with the wheel sometimes. And from my point of view, F355 has a great physics even today. And even compared with F2 or GTR. Why? Because it accurately simulates:

a) the sense of speed from driver POW,
b) the oversteer/understeer of the race car as it would do in RL when entering/exiting the turn (not overdone/underdone as in most of games today in order to make driving harder/easier or more attractive),
c) need to enter the corner with exact speed in order not to loose the tyre-traction, and
d) has almost perfect feeling of the car itself IMHO.

Of course, you can't compare it to F2 or GTR in visual department and so, but there is no other race game (including GT5:P) that has ever captured the overall feeling of driving a race-car on the race-track so accurately, at least not in my book.

However, that's just my point of view, so feel free to disagree.
I certainly do, as nothing has occured to change my mind on it. Given that Grid has sold very, very well I think its a valid reason for a delay.
Yes... ;)

GRID sales is the only important... To respect the date given to distributors and shops (with some buyers with copy-reservation), this musn´t been considered.

The game delays because is not ready.

a) the sense of speed from driver POW - agree

b) the oversteer/understeer of the race car as it would do in RL when entering/exiting the turn (not overdone/underdone as in most of games today in order to make driving harder/easier or more attractive), - ok, but it turns like a table, nothing damper filling.

c) need to enter the corner with exact speed in order not to loose the tyre-traction, - agree, as in the most of the games published before

d) has almost perfect feeling of the car itself IMHO. - not much agree. in F335 Challenge the car can accelerete much while drift (the called "drift bug")

no other race game (including GT5:P) that has ever captured the overall feeling of driving a race-car on the race-track so accurately, at least not in my book.
Fully disagree, if in your book are titles like NR2003, LFS, GTL, GTR, GTR2, or RBR for PC, Enthusia for PS2 (even GT4), or FM and FM2 for the Xbox consoles.

Show this any feeling of driving a race-car on the race-track?:
None of my three girls are allowed to date boys ever...

Ah, nice to see a fellow dad who feels the same way. My one and only daughter just turned four... but going on 16 :eek:

All I know is, when she does start dating, I'll be introducing her prospective suitors to my gun collection. ;)

While I agree that having the option to switch damage off or change the scale of damage, to say that damage makes games unplayable is utter nonsense.

I'm all for giving players options, including realistic damage, and when damage is treated accurately, it can add a tremendous amount to the thrill of sim-style racing. 👍

F1CE and especially DiRT are both excellent examples of this.

As far as this game is concerned, I have to admit, as a genuine classic Ferrari aficionado, even if this game leans heavily towards arcade style rather than sim-style, as long as it has a vast collection of classic Ferraris in it, it's a must have for me. :)
Yes... ;)

GRID sales is the only important... To respect the date given to distributors and shops (with some buyers with copy-reservation), this musn´t been considered.

The game delays because is not ready.

The last delay was to move it from early June to late June to the new (and confirmed as I have clearly shown) 4th July date will most certainly not be because the game is still being worked on at all.

That's a single month delay, given the still limited number of Blu-ray pressing factories around the globe the game would have had to have been ready for a while. AAA titles from major studios (as well as movie releases) will always get priority when it comes to pressing. Which gives us either a marketing lead delay and/or a production lead delay, but I certainly don't accept that they are still working on it.

Fully disagree, if in your book are titles like NR2003, LFS, GTL, GTR, GTR2, or RBR for PC, Enthusia for PS2 (even GT4), or FM and FM2 for the Xbox consoles.

Show this any feeling of driving a race-car on the race-track?:

Please don't mention Forza Motorsport as a sim, it had so many things wrong with it (such as FWD cars that would power oversteer for starters) that it certainly doesn't qualify.

As for the videos of F355 Challenge, good work, as its clear even from those videos that its a better sim than Grid and still hold its head up in this day and age.

Ah, nice to see a fellow dad who feels the same way. My one and only daughter just turned four... but going on 16 :eek:

All I know is, when she does start dating, I'll be introducing her prospective suitors to my gun collection. ;)

I have three daughters, aged 15, 12 and 8........

....and keep a machete on the wall in the kitchen, drops the idea quite well that one (the UK government took away all our legally owned guns to help cut down on gun crime. Funnily enough it failed in a huge way, now only the 'bad' guys have guns).

As for the videos of F355 Challenge, good work, as its clear even from those videos that its a better sim than Grid and still hold its head up in this day and age.
Yes, but we wasn´t comparing F355 with GRID :)
I haven´t mentioned GRID in that post, but since you mention it, seeing this two videos, I´m staring to doub which is more arcade...
Yes, but we wasn´t comparing F355 with GRID :)
I haven´t mentioned GRID in that post, but since you mention it, seeing this two videos, I´m staring to doub which is more arcade...

No you did not specifically mention Grid, but you have compared just about every game to every other.

I will be honest here as say that this has ended up going way off-topic, but I seriously doubt you will find many people who will agree with you that F355 has more of an arcade physics model than Grid. In the same regard you will struggle to find many that would agree with your claim that Codemasters have not moved to a more and more arcade bias with every release, with Grid being the single most arcade biased title of the lot (after all it is the first in what started as the TOCA series to not offer tuning in any form).

Your claims that Ferrari Challenge did not have a release date (which it does), that no full PS3 releases were in 1920x1080 (which plenty are), you seem to imply that you are a sim racer (you certainly have enough to say on what makes a sim a valid one) yet claim that "damage makes games unplayables", something that I have never heard a sim fan claim.

Simply put, for me you current lack almost any form of credibility and this thread has now ended up way off topic as a result.


Yes... ;)
Fully disagree, if in your book are titles like NR2003, LFS, GTL, GTR, GTR2, or RBR for PC, Enthusia for PS2 (even GT4), or FM and FM2 for the Xbox consoles.
Show this any feeling of driving a race-car on the race-track?:

Man, just pass me with those, thanx - I' way too serious with my claims to waste any more time in further debating my perfectly understandable points. And I'm driving a car in RL, thank you, and I have witnessed from the co-driver seat the true feeling of the full-breed race car on the race track. So, I can be very sure about thing or two whaen I talk about handling.

And thank you for posting those videos, they have just further backed up my claims.
C&VG have put a preview of the game up...

Some racing games tread the fine line between realism and fun. If it's too realistic you need to be Hamilton to get around the course without writing off your motor, and if its too forgiving, hardcore gamers cast it away as arcadey.

But it's this balance that Ferrari Challenge seems to have struck just right. When you slam down the accelerator, the eruption of the engine and the speed on screen gives you a great sense that you're powering along in a super car. It's that feeling of raw speed sims like Gran Turismo usually lack.

In that sense, it's a thrilling racing game that the not-so-serious gamer can get a real kick from. But then, the more hardcore of you will get kicks from its other handling intricacies, like the need to break really early to make it around bends. The game is relentlessly realistic in its approach to how long it takes in bringing a ton of metal down from 180mph.

You slam on the brakes and feel the weight of the car lunge forward as the rear becomes unsettled as you throw it into the apex. Then, on the exit of the corner you've got to nurse the car's 500 horses slowly into the rear wheels. Slam the accelerator while you're still turning and you be going sideways - not the fastest way to go.

You can feel all that happening in the pad and it's good. It feels like a proper racing game that'll make an excellent time trail racer. You can change settings on your car too, like brake bias, dampers, ride height and other titbits, which the more hardcore will do to improve their times.

And yet, it's not overly punishing like other sims. If you brake a little late, put a wheel on the grass or hit that accelerator a little early out of a bend, with reasonable reactions you can usually recover the situation.

You still lose time - it's not Burnout - but you won't end up facing the direction you came from at every little slip up. It's friendly. We screamed around unfamiliar courses in the game for an hour with only a few major spin-outs to speak of.

Then you have the CPU cars, which have been programmed to behave more realistically than the usual AI drone that simply follows the same path around a course regardless of what's happening around them.

If they see you coming up in their rear-view mirrors they come off the racing line to block you on straights, guard the line going into bends, and tussle between each other, too. You'll occasionally see plumes of dust kicked up a few hundred feet ahead of you, which you later see is one of CPU cars that has stuffed a turn and ended up in the kitty litter.

All that is great but there was one problem - the AI was too bloody easy to beat. They take corners so slowly that, starting a race in 16th place, we could fight our way to the front in the first lap and be in first place with a five second lead before the end of the second lap. That's in a six-lap race, and we were in the same Ferrari F430 as the rest of the field.

Admittedly, that was with the racing line assistance on - a line in the road that shows you where to steer your car and turns green and red to indicate when to brake and accelerate. With that turned off, it was more of tussle to the front, but once you know a course well enough to hit braking points you'll slaughter these guys.

We'd hope that later stages in the game will turn up the difficulty a fair few notches, but if not the game will be a cakewalk for any competent racer.

That's where we'll be looking to the online racing mode to step in and rescue it. With 16 other racers actually trying to go fast, all shoving into bends and slip-streaming in straights, this could be brilliant. And System 3 CEO Mark Cale promises CVG that it has totally abolished any lag issues already, saying confidently that it'll be silky smooth for all 16 racers. We'll hold you to that.

We'll also see if System 3 can live up to the bold prospect of delivering monthly DLC to the game, shoving new courses and cars into your PS3 until, presumably, every last Ferrari car is in there.

Ferrari Challenge has shaped up nicely. It's more realistic than Race Driver: Grid, and a more complete package than Gran Turismo 5: Prologue.

It seemed a bit on the easy side against CPU players, but with 16-player online racing and regular downloads promised it could be great. More ahead of the game's July release.
Source -

Sounds promising, particularly in regard to the physics, a shame about the AI but at least we will have on-line.


The Official website ( ) has finally had a small update. It now says "Out July 2008" - I wont believe any release date for this game - not until I actually see it on the store shelves - they have delayed this game far too many times to have any credability.

Also - there are 4 new teaser videos in the Video section of the website - FXX / F430 / F50 / 250TR . :)
Man im really starting to look forward to this game.
Gt5 P is my fav game but, I need something new. Race driver Grid was for sure not it.
The more i read FC it makes me hope this will actually deliver.
amar212: why are you waiting for the game so impatiently?. You have a preview copy. Appart of the start of the multiplayer service, you must not expect much changes in the gold version.

Well, in my country people says "The hope always dies last". So, I really hope some things will improve.
Which gives us either a marketing lead delay and/or a production lead delay, but I certainly don't accept that they are still working on it.

Yesterday a german racing-games dedicated web site announced the game is now gold:

I have a feeling that the change is related to Race Driver GRID, the previous date had FC coming out only a week after GRID, which would massively overshadow a new game like FC. The new date puts it three weeks after GRID, making it more likely to get picked up, particularly from people who may have finished GRID and looking to trade in against another racing game.

Do you still think this?.
Yesterday a german racing-games dedicated web site announced the game is now gold:

Do you still think this?.

Just because its only gone gold now does not mean that the delay was not for the reasons I have suggested.

Its perfectly feasible for them to have finished the game a month ago, delayed the release for marketing and production slot reasons and not gone gold to allow additional testing. Only then going gold shortly before the production slot was open.

Please keep in mind that I have not said that this is a 100% cast in stone reason, simply a possibility (and I believe a strong one). You implied yourself that you expect little or no changes between the preview code and the final release in your comments to amar212, and then you suggest to me that the delay is to allow changes to be made.

What I'm more interested in is why its such a big deal for you and why you seem to be saying one thing to amar212 and another to me?


I don´t know why this game is not released in PSP. At the start it was announced. Probably could get more sales than the PS2 version.
Just because its only gone gold now does not mean that the delay was not for the reasons I have suggested.

Its perfectly feasible for them to have finished the game a month ago, delayed the release for marketing and production slot reasons and not gone gold to allow additional testing. Only then going gold shortly before the production slot was open.

Please keep in mind that I have not said that this is a 100% cast in stone reason, simply a possibility (and I believe a strong one). You implied yourself that you expect little or no changes between the preview code and the final release in your comments to amar212, and then you suggest to me that the delay is to allow changes to be made.

What I'm more interested in is why its such a big deal for you and why you seem to be saying one thing to amar212 and another to me?



It did change at some points since the preview tested by amar212.

I don´t know why this game is not released in PSP. At the start it was announced. Probably could get more sales than the PS2 version.

PSP version only for 2009, first Q.