Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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well then 1.1% obviously means alot then :mischievous:

yes, your first point seems mostly correct. i never knew that was its intended purpose, i thought it was to show some miraculous slaughtering of the demanded time.

however, its not like a literal perfect lap would prove useless. isnt learning from perfection the best? if youre not learning from perfection then the percentage of knowledge extracted is that much lesser. otherwise why would they show the mind-boggling 6:58 in the demo of S-16?

but i dont want to make too much of a thing out of this. i dont have anything against you, just pretty damn proud of my time :sly:
I have four missions left. 11, 14, 15 and 34. Have not played 15 and 34 yet, but 11 and 14 are hard. Videos would be fine.

I found out that in Laguna Seca you can use the pit lane exit (after the finishing line) as a shortcut. I gues it is only 50 meters you save, but with such low speeds it is worth about a second. In the first lap you have to brake between the first (the first you pass) and second cone and in the other two laps right when you pass the first one. This also works for the Mazda 787 magic lap mission.
well then 1.1% obviously means alot then :mischievous:

yes, your first point seems mostly correct. i never knew that was its intended purpose, i thought it was to show some miraculous slaughtering of the demanded time.

however, its not like a literal perfect lap would prove useless. isnt learning from perfection the best? if youre not learning from perfection then the percentage of knowledge extracted is that much lesser. otherwise why would they show the mind-boggling 6:58 in the demo of S-16?

but i dont want to make too much of a thing out of this. i dont have anything against you, just pretty damn proud of my time :sly:

I'm happy for you - but 6'58 isn't exactly mind boggling either, especially when 9 drivers at GTRP have at least matched that.

Nevertheless, I say again, all you would learn from a "perfect" lap is that you're slower everywhere. Have you ever tried racing against a ghost which is significantly faster than you in every corner and straight on the track? You don't learn how to do any of the later corners, because by the time you get there, the ghost is already on the next one. And this thread isn't even about Licence tests - it's about Mission Hall.

1.1% is equivalent to 59.340s on a 1'00.000 lap. "Pretty weak"?
I just done it after a few attempts, first I tried to just drive on the inside of the track the whole time and I came within 0.7 seconds but not quite, so I tried the draft game and after some practice of switching around without them bumping me I made it.
then nine drivers are capable of an incredible time. please post the link to that site btw.
yes, racing against the perfect ghost is useless. but observing the demonstration of a perfect replay isnt. whether its mission hall or license test, its the same principle.
dont look at the 1.1% look at the 6-10 seconds...i suppose on a 7 minute lap, its easy to get larger incremental differences, and your example points that out, but still it took a couple hours work. ill trying to beat the record in the future.
on a 10 second license test, .7xx can be mind boggling:odd: its relative.
I've completed 1-10, 21-25 and 30-34. In one try on 26 I was just 0.3 secs behind. After that I was driving slower and slower lap times :( I haven't even touched the 3 laps battles. Have I completed the worst ones??
Can we get some hints on how to beat this mission? I only read one or two posts devoted to it. If someone has a video showing how they beat it that would be even better. Please speak up if you have beaten this mission. I've been working on it for the past 3 hours!!!! :crazy:
haha im in the same boat as you brother. i havent gone 3 hours yet, but i picked up some tips.
1. i never have to use the first gear,
2. some turns i just have to tab the break for a second and accelerate off
3. on that circle thing i keep at second gear and keep at a constant speed
4. keep practicing
i got 3 seconds behind. gotta shave off those split seconds more. is how it usually goes for me...

I maintain about 40-42 MPH going through the first corner turn (the circle thing). After that, I have a hard time with all the 90 degree turns that follow right before the long straightaway. For those that have beaten this mission, how many cars should I have passed at the end of lap 1? What about lap 2? On my best runs, I have gotten to the beginning of lap 3 with 3 cars left to pass. My best finish was about 3.1 seconds slower than the Mazda lead car... :yuck:
The gap to first place is the best indicator of your progress. You will want to be about 19 seconds behind after the first lap and about 9 seconds after the second, give or take a few tenths. The braking points are of great importance, and you should start braking as soon as the gear change indicator starts flickering. Also, don't be afraid to use the kerbs and rumble strips, and don't forget to make wide arcs going through and coming out of the corners to maximize acceleration. If it helps, you might also want to watch the lead car in the replay to get an idea about the basic racing line. But 3.1 seconds means you are very close, and you only have a second to shave off each lap, which can be easier than you might think.
I dont know how I can help but say push harder but drive smoothly the same time, I didnt find this test too hard but its probably easier to keep smooth with the DFP wheel.
I had some troubles with that mission as well. For some of the connecting turns, try some controlled connecting slides and you should get the extra seconds you need.
ok this is how i did it it was eazy u need to do some good drifts and keep up good speed though the coners if u think this 1 is hard try driving mission 23
ok this is how i did it it was eazy u need to do some good drifts and keep up good speed though the coners if u think this 1 is hard try driving mission 23

Believe it or not, I beat all the slipstream battle missions (21-24) without much problem!!! I just used the video of famine's run for race #23 and I beat it in 3 tries!!!! Now, if I can just get through this mission...

Thanks guys, I'll look at the vid and use MPower's hints...hopefully I can beat this royal pain in the @$$ before the night is done...
This mission is what convinced me I probably will not get 100% in this game. I finally beat it by buying the car then doing practice laps on the track until I felt I wasnt making many mistakes.

When I beat it I passed the 2nd and 3rd place cars right after the start of the last lap then had the rest of it to catch the leader. I beat him just barly too the pass was right on the line.

Since this fairly 'easy' one for many was so difficult I probably will not finish them all. I will give it a good try though.
I haven't got GT4 yet but sounds like some of these driving missions are hard, I wonder how hard they'll be for me? I'm usually really good at gran turismo games.
Some of them are rather difficult but that just adds to the fun.

If you're accustomed to getting golds on your licenses you should have no problem with the missions.
Well, had a hard time with this mission too. But eventually, I beat it.:)
This is how I did it:
You start with about 29 (could be around 26 secs, dunno exactly anymore) secs behind I believe, at the first intermediate at the track, the straight between the round corner and the first 90 degree corner.

The 90 degree corners was just what I liked. Just brake quite early, then steer in quite early, and then put full throttle again, then you'll go through those corners pretty fast, and you won't hit the walls. Make use of the full track, go the furthest possible to the inside (almost entirely over the cerbs) then end up just not hitting the wall at corner exit. Take the corners all this way, and you should breeze through them, overtaking the 2nd car already at the beginning of the straight after the 90 degree corners. Then I believe you'll overtake the 3rd and 4th car at the beginning of the straight of start/finish (dunno which lap anymore, could be the first, could be the second) but eventually, you'll pass the last car at the beginning of the straight of start/finish.:) And win by 1 or 2 secs.:)

Well, the other missions aren't that hard, missions 11-15 and 34 are the toughest, the rest can be done quite easily.:)
I've now completed all except the last (#34) mission, and I found #11 to be one of, if not the hardest up to #34.
I too read advice similar to all the above good points, and the key thing for me was maximising speed through corners through getting the braking points right. Initially I was braking too early and trying to power through the corners, but once I started experimenting with carrying a little more speed into the corner, and allowing the initial understeer/drift to scrub off speed I got a lot quicker. Obviously a key is to still hit the apexes despite the extra drift, so you have to take a tighter line.
Mission 23 video. You may be able to find a Mission 11 video there at some point in the future.
You should pass the 5th place car on the little straight just before the main Start/Finish straight.
You should complete Lap 1 and be about minus 19 seconds.

You should pass the 3rd and 2nd place cars on the Start/Finish at the end of Lap 2/start of Lap 3.

I've got replays of this, I'll have to XPort that stuff off the memory card soon.
Tried this one today... got a 5 sec penalty and ended up 3.6 sec shy using d-pad controller, so I guess I can make it with a few tries. I think the key is to push the car as hard as possible through the corners. I felt like I was on the edge of understeer all the time through corners. Just didn't make that first left hander after the triple (right left right) and got a penalty for understeering into the far wall on the first lap :(

Try to snap the brakes a little as you turn in to get maximum weight to the front, then hit the throttle as soon as the car changes direction. I managed to get the car to turn in pretty quickly like this, and then I just played with the throttle to just barely avoid understeer (push it until you feel you start sliding, then ease up slightly to regain grip.. and make a note of the cornering speed for your next lap).

Tip: you can take the left out of the C-bend a lot faster than you think. Keep in mind the width of the road you're exiting to when setting up the turn.
sorry but i can not find thar video 4 misston #23 on that site can u plz give me link to the vidoe plz

It's the THIRD mission down... It goes "Mission 10", "Mission 12", "Mission 23"... I even posted a link direct to the Mission section...
sorry but i am a little silly with this but i can not find the link or wot u r talking about 4 give me for my dumb a$$ !!
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