Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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I have seen a video of mission 18 based on the NA version and the finish time is 9.26 min. Now thats a fairly big gap between the 2 versions.


I did it on 9:27 and won by 7.5 seconds!

No, I am not rubbing it in.. just confirming your observation...
Yeah, I think you posted that here too, but I'm not even talking updating the cars--Just placing them in the right order!!! I appreciate what world tour said about manufacturers not working with them, and I'm bugged about not having the other cars, and I can even forgive the old paint job, but it just isn't an omission at this point! Zardoz, you're wrong--it isn't just a lack of respect. Its flat-out DISRESPECT! It's just wrong! No disrepect to the viper--it was great!! It ate everything for lunch. But to have a game come out this year, and show the vette playing catchup to ANYTHING is just flat-out wrong. I mean, the vipers didn't even QUALIFY for Le mans last year, let alone win their class (LIKE THE VETTE DID). I know, I'm preaching to the choir. But this didn't cost them any more money, and took NO more time to do wrong than it would have taken to do it right! It's just a sharp stick to the eye.
I'm with L28eT on this one, manual can definitely be the way to go here. I found it to be the best to extract that last ounce of performance from the car. Downshifting rapidly helps braking and holding 1st (as someone else mentioned) really helps in those 2nd gear bog-down situations. I found by using manual, I made about 13 seconds difference, passing the L10b on the back straight. Maybe something to take into consideration...
stan394 i agree with you exactly, i was also thinking that it's impossible for me, at first i was 7-8sec away from the first car, then the next day i tried i was 5sec away, i realized it's possible. and the next day i was 3sec away, and so on...

so my advice is that, take a rest for a while after you tired certain times, you'll get better the next time/next day
...It's just a sharp stick to the eye.

Of course it is, but its nothin' compared to what PD did to the GT40.

Enter the Sarthe II 24-hour in B-Spec mode with a not-so-fast car. You'll undoubtedly get the GT40 in your field of competitors. Start the race, then cycle through the views and watch the poor GT40 as it struggles along.

The C5R situation is no big deal compared to that. PD deliberately chose to program the noble three-time Le Mans winner to be a complete laughingstock. I've seen posts suggesting that it may be a case of sour grapes: Japanese manufacturers have made countless attempts at the 24-hour classic and have managed just one fluky win. Ford, on the other hand, completely dominated the event for years.
Which reminds me that I found a product that claims to convert PAL games to NTSC so that you can benefit from 'faster gaming' inherent in NTSC systems. It is not very specific but it implies that since NTSC has more frames per second you actually get to see more of the game and makes it easier to win.

There are mod chips out there that do weird stuff like that, but I personally don't like monkeying around the guts of the console. Mostly they're for pirates, anyway, I think. As for NTSC being "faster" than PAL, sounds like a scam to me. Games aren't (shouldn't be) timed by the video clock.

As for "questioning," I know you weren't accusing me of anything, but if I were in your shoes, and somebody claimed to run 17 seconds faster, yet barely won, I would wonder what was up, too.
Yes. 17 seconds is a very long time on that circuit (Even after 3 laps). I saw Daans video and he was more aggressive than me on most of the turns. He spinned around once and I put two weels on the sand twice. He beat me by 1.xx seconds. All that is fair enough but I can't see where I could loose 17 seconds...

I am starting to think that it is PDs fault. Not by design but a bug. Maybe they do time the game by the video clock !
Well, it is obvious that there is such a big difference between the 2 versions. Personally, I don't feel it has anything to do with the frame difference between the 2 systems. Honestly, if you think NTSC systems are running near 20% more fps than Pal and if thats really reducing the time, then by logic it should be 20% less of the Pal time and it is not the case in this mission. Christ, if I had to drive that mission in 7 & a half minutes :scared: I think my PS2 would have been flying out of the window by now... :banghead: I'm sure that PD intentionally made differences in the 2 versions.

Now back to the mission. I now know that running the average 2.58 per lap is possible and though its not a tough track, but the high speeds and length does give more of a chance for errors. I think those of you who were lucky enough to play it the easy way should go back to it and try hitting the above times. If you do manage to get those time in the Pal or whatever version it is, then its clear that it has nothing to do with the systems, but rather PD's intentions.
I did it on 9:27 and won by 7.5 seconds!

No, I am not rubbing it in.. just confirming your observation...

When i saw that video, i thought what the bogs are my doing wrong! It seemed so easy and yet i was struggling to get near the leading car. Then i realised the time differences...

Now Mr.Slow, go back and try running it at 2.58 a lap. If you get there, let me know.
By the way I won this mission by alot and done it under 9:00 minutes without cutting corners, and I use the PAL version.

Are u positive your finish time is under 9.00 mins with clean laps? If it is as you say, then your lap times must have been 2.55 - 2.56 mins. I question this because I've just finished the mission with a time of 8.58, but to get this result I had to cut completely through the first and the last 2 chicanes at over 300 kph. I really find it impossible to get such a finish time without using this trick. Any chance you posting a video?
Are u positive your finish time is under 9.00 mins with clean laps? If it is as you say, then your lap times must have been 2.55 - 2.56 mins. I question this because I've just finished the mission with a time of 8.58, but to get this result I had to cut completely through the first and the last 2 chicanes at over 300 kph. I really find it impossible to get such a finish time without using this trick. Any chance you posting a video?

I raced the 24 hours here in tha same car as the Mission, I did most of the 24 in A-Spec so I knew the exact and I mean exact braking points etc. Most people lose seconds in the last 2 sectors, those 2 sectors is where I fly, riding those curbs like its out of fashion. And no I don't have a video, I could of had one as I was planning to buy a Capture card but my girl friend wanted me to buy her a vacuum cleaner instead as it was more important.
hmmm... if you dont mind a bit of what might be termed 'cheating' I have a couple of tips:

The first corner/chacane bit just after the start finish - just fly straight at it with as much speed as possible and forget the chicane........ same witht he 2 final chicanes.
Saves a ton of time and you can keep tons of speed up.......

also make sure you take full advantage of the slipstreaming when you do encounter one of the other cars on the mulsanne straight, it increases your top speed beyond what is possible normally.
G'day mission 34 die hards.
I posted a thread in the settings forum titled.
I need the spark plug settings for Leno's tanker?.
34 mission winners would have pick up on this.
BIG newbee mistake
Although it was a setting request,it was MY opinion of what 34 is.
Newbees can get totaly CREAMED by senior members and others
for posting in the wrong forum,posting subjects that are history and
Creamed myself for not editing the post.I just signed up and dropkicked it in.
For that I opologize to members and guests .
Always search.
To add to that mistake,if I may.
First week into that mission 34,geting red flaged for scratching the paint off the fenders. 4hours sleep if that,grinding it over in my head 24-7.
Get this mother done and get some sleep.
Day 8 buy this SLR get in the ring and workout a attack plain, chew that track up.
don't change a thing on it,run it factory stock.

Now that factory stock SLR gets around the ring faster than the 34 mission SLR.
Pick that up first couple of clicks down the track.
After 75 attemps you know.
I did have to change something,tyres, meadium to hard.
And there it was , the SLR from mission impossible.
And I have PAL
I think mission 34 is the test.
Have creamed myself again?
the american and asian versions are harder than the pal version in the missions and license tests

I don't think so.

Many PAL licences have LOWER limits than the Asian NTSC versions, making them harder to acheive...
Finally beat Mission 34 after God knows how many tries (for sure ALL day yesterday and today and probably 50-100 other tries. I can still remember my first try, only about 36 seconds too slow! :scared: ). I had three runs short less than a second including one .113 too slow... :crazy:
My splits;
T1 - 1:49.479
T2 - 1:40.792
T3 - 1:31.477
T4 - 1:21.038
T5 - 1:07.405
T6 - 56.336
T7 - 39.902
T8 - 31.017
T9 - 24.578
T10- 13.501
T11- 5.231
Won by .790 sec and that was with a pretty bad unplaned off course excursion just before Kallenhard

US version, had to wall ride and grass cut to do it. Maybe some day I'll try it again without "cheating". But even so I am savoring this victory. Now I know it is possible to get 100%!!!!
I thought I'd have a go at mission 13 as I thought I knew the circuit fairly well, after two 1 1/2 hour sittings at it :banghead: :banghead: and coming with in 0.2 Secs it all fell in to place and I won by 2.5 Secs. :)

I thought that this doesn't bode well for the other 3 lap Battles, I then tried Le mans and Infineon and did them first time, 2 circuits I don't know as well.

Has any one else found this inconsistency :confused: , or more likely is my inconsitant driving? :lol:
I just went and stuffed around with this mission, I was cruising around and I won easily and only did a 9'17. Think i was like 30 seconds ahead.
I thought I'd have a go at mission 13 as I thought I knew the circuit fairly well, after two 1 1/2 hour sittings at it :banghead: :banghead: and coming with in 0.2 Secs it all fell in to place and I won by 2.5 Secs. :)

I thought that this doesn't bode well for the other 3 lap Battles, I then tried Le mans and Infineon and did them first time, 2 circuits I don't know as well.

Has any one else found this inconsistency :confused: , or more likely is my inconsitant driving? :lol:

Which one is Mission 13 again and which car you are driving in that mission? I have finished that one long time ago.
I've noticed a couple inconsistancies in the Mission Hall. Especially 11 through 16, I found it to go back and forth almost on the difficulty. Possible glitch, or I just suck at certain tracks, we'll never know. :odd:
In Mission 13 you are driving the Peugeot 206 rally car around the Opera Circuit, Paris.

Good, now I remember it. :) I was in the same situation just like you. I thought I know that track very well, but I failed first few attempts. Mainly I think because you and me are not like how 206 rally car's handling. I felt more like driving a FF car. It doesnt turn very well. (understeer) I had to adjust my driving style, I believe that takes time. Also the competitions are very close if I didnt remember wrong. I believe you have to race against other rally cars. Maybe in the later mission you were gaven to drive diff cars which is more suitable with your driving style. That can be the diff. Just my thoughts.
G'day mission 34 die hards.
I posted a thread in the settings forum titled.
I need the spark plug settings for Leno's tanker?.............
And there it was , the SLR from mission impossible.
And I have PAL
I think mission 34 is the test.
Have creamed myself again?
I just went and stuffed around with this mission, I was cruising around and I won easily and only did a 9'17. Think i was like 30 seconds ahead.

Put it on a VHS tape and send it to me. I'll put it on the web for you. I live in Sydney
Mission 13 was one of the hardest for me as well. The cars are very evenly matched, especially straight line speed. Since you can't run them down on the straights, you have to make up time in the corners. Fortunately the IA doesn't do corners very well... :)
Put it on a VHS tape and send it to me. I'll put it on the web for you. I live in Sydney

thats a alot of work just to see 3 laps of a mission, many people have done better than a 9'17.
M12 (Ford GT? at Laguna Seca) was by far the hardest for me (have done first 31 so far). No other mission has taken me anywhere near as long. It seems I just can't drive MR cars.

The easiest (not including the first 10 which were all easy) was M28 (Toyota Wedsport Celica at Fuji 05) - got that one on the first try. The Pal version of M18 is also a walk in the park.
thats a alot of work just to see 3 laps of a mission, many people have done better than a 9'17.

It is actually not that much work (for me at least). I'll just plug the video camera to my vcr and let it work its magic. Since it is miniDV with a firewire port there isn't much for me to do other than selecting the resolution of the quicktime movie...

I'd do it myself but at 15.9% it will be a while before I bother going back to that mission and improving my 9:27
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