Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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Mission 13 took me a while too. But no where as near as Mission 10... those bloddy Renaults!.

But then again I did missions 21 & 22 on my first attempt the other day. They were so easy it wasn't funny... just plant your foot on the accel and avoid the cars coming at you !(That is what it feels like as the cars are slow and the track long and boring...)
The big thing to always keep in mind when you're trying to get your lap times down is that you can always go faster. It's not impossible, even if it seems like it.

If it seems like it's just not possible to eek out a faster time, start looking at the indicators. Are you really using the entire width of the track? It's very common for drivers to carefully hit the apex and exits, but not the turn entry. Crabbing in before turn entry is common.

Are you able to give it full throttle at or before the apex of every turn? Are you sliding sideways (this is bad)? Are you unable to unroll the wheel starting from the apex of the turn?

When you just can't get any more seconds off your lap time, just practicing more isn't gonna push it over. Something is wrong in your racing line or your technique. And it can be amazing how much a slight change to the way you race can dramatically alter your lap times.

- Skant
I'm not doing the 3 lap Battles in any order, and had a go at my 4th one, New York which I passed on the second attempt, i'm putting Laguna Seca off as its a circuit which i just can't get the hang of, and from what i've read on the forum is pretty tuff, just my luck! :nervous:
The big thing to always keep in mind when you're trying to get your lap times down is that you can always go faster. It's not impossible, even if it seems like it.

If it seems like it's just not possible to eek out a faster time, start looking at the indicators. Are you really using the entire width of the track? It's very common for drivers to carefully hit the apex and exits, but not the turn entry. Crabbing in before turn entry is common.

Are you able to give it full throttle at or before the apex of every turn? Are you sliding sideways (this is bad)? Are you unable to unroll the wheel starting from the apex of the turn?

When you just can't get any more seconds off your lap time, just practicing more isn't gonna push it over. Something is wrong in your racing line or your technique. And it can be amazing how much a slight change to the way you race can dramatically alter your lap times.

- Skant

skant, i agree with you. getting into the correct driving lines and hitting the throttle the right moment makes a big difference. a good tip is to watch your B spec driver, it will should you a good line to drive. after getting some training from your B spec driver, give it a try...sometimes you have make minor adjustments to get the line right for you, but mastering a good driving line and hitting the apexes at the right speeds will cut seconds off your lap times.
Finished mission 34 a while back, took me about 25 tries using a DFP

i cut through the grass 3 times and wallrided the Karussell, and won by 2 seconds

The best way to beat this mission is to pay attention and don't get cocky! Everytime i overtook the sl65 at the back straight i thought ' hey, iam going good this round' and b4 i knew i had stuffed up. Look for the best place to overtake, or else u'll be serving a 5 sec panalty for the smallest touch.
ED209: (great name BTW, that takes me back!) The best advice I can give for Laguna Seca is be cautious. Most of the turns are a lot slower than they first appear, and require very precise car placement. If the corkscrew is messing you up, I suggest a corner entry speed of about 65 km/h (depending on the car) and enter sharply (turn a lot to the left) to avoid cutting the second turn and possibly messing up the left-hander after that (like I said, precise car placement).

Hope that helps 👍 (lemme stop typing before I get yelled at for going OT :guilty: )
Thanks for advise, but I've got to grips with the corkscrew, its the two left handers before hand, i can never get a good line through them. I suppose i'm turning in too early and or trying to carry too much speed theough them, as i rarley manage to get anywhere near the kerbing on the right hand side.

When ever i'm playing even the AI manage to get a better line! :boggled: :boggled:
For the first left-hander at the bottom of the hill I recommend braking at around the "2" marker, usually down to 3rd, then be gentle applying the throttle through the apex as the exit is narrower than it seems.

The second left-hander under the bridge is a very nasty turn, I usually brake as I pass under the bridge (how much depends on the car) and usually take the turn in 3rd. Brake, turn in under coasting or gentle trailing throttle and then drop the hammer as you hit the apex, but it takes practice and a stable car.
Yes I found every thing upto M12 very easy did them all first time one after the other but I'm finding M12 very tricky. My conclusion is I just can't drive Laguna Seca very well. All the corners are very tricky and you have very little margin of error. I've not done it yet, probably tried about 7 times but im realising what ZeratulSG said - its all in the car placement you need to turn in at EXACTLY the correct point to hit the apex - and that point always seems far too late! And as for the corkscrew I find hard breaking just before the bump then ease of the breaks untill you've trimmed the speed off this way all 4 wheels stay on the track and you have maximun breaking control. I won that exact car Ford GT40 Something last night so ill be practising, practicising, practicing untill I'm pretty confident. I dont suppose anyone knows (or can quickly work it out) what type of laptime i need to be hitting to make this possible do they??
Oh yeah Mission 12 has me stumped too... even when I think I am lapping fairly well, I'm just not fast enough. But I always struggle more with cars that I experience a general understeer balance, like the Ford GT, because I tend to turn in late. I have now experienced Laguna in 3 different games and always find it a challenge. Never driven the real thing but I am getting the impression it may just be a tricky circuit.

I cured my late turn-in problem a little by looking further around the corner right from when I am approaching it, but that makes Laguna's corner after the bridge tricky because the road bends left slightly before the actual turn - so I either put two wheels on the dirt just as I brake, and spin, or I shy away from the outside kerb and just steam past the slightly blind apex with an armful of understeer. I have also had more luck at Laguna in the GT by combining the earlier turn in with an extremely aggressive attack on the inside kerb and having the throttle pinned before I reach the apex. Then I don't get understeer. Still hasn't improved my times enough to get me into first position in mission 12 though...
I hate every 3 lap battle mission. I'm on the 18th mission and that ****ing audi spinsout. ****ing aids.
Hi guys, I have to add to the comments about inconsistent 3 lap races. I tried the mission with the lancia at monaco/cote d'azur. First time, learning the car, finished 6 seconds down. On my second go, I was driving faster, but not much faster. I was around 2-3 seconds off every split, as posted in the mission hall thread. However, I caught upto the first placed half way through the tunnel on 3rd lap, waited till before the last hairpin, powered past it, and won by ~3 seconds. I am sure the lead car must have crashed, or had a very bad run, so the AI don't always finish at the same time. Now, I have read about people just barely winning this mission by about 0.5 secs. If I had tried to overtake earlier, the margin would have been a lot bigger. I also noticed on the 3 laps at de la sarthe, the lead car has finished +/- 3 seconds some attempts.

Hi guys, I have to add to the comments about inconsistent 3 lap races. I tried the mission with the lancia at monaco/cote d'azur. First time, learning the car, finished 6 seconds down. On my second go, I was driving faster, but not much faster. I was around 2-3 seconds off every split, as posted in the mission hall thread. However, I caught upto the first placed half way through the tunnel on 3rd lap, waited till before the last hairpin, powered past it, and won by ~3 seconds. I am sure the lead car must have crashed, or had a very bad run, so the AI don't always finish at the same time. Now, I have read about people just barely winning this mission by about 0.5 secs. If I had tried to overtake earlier, the margin would have been a lot bigger. I also noticed on the 3 laps at de la sarthe, the lead car has finished +/- 3 seconds some attempts.


I would expect the AI to have slightly different times but 3 seconds is too much. This is weird. I haven’t experienced myself though, I stopped at M10.
The Ford GT / Laguna Seca one was friggin hard, but I managed to do it after caning the leader in the backside at the last corner.

The one I am struggling with is the Superbird / Seattle one, you need to drive pixel perfect on every lap it seems, else that sod of a Buick pulls on you on each lap, one mistake and you're toast.

Yes, they are totally inconsitant, alsmot to the point of where it isnt so much of a challange but a flaming headache.

And don't even get me started on the 1 lap magics :nervous:

Guys, if you have problems beating those driving missions, you can go to Thread Mission Hall is a ****. There are video posted for each mission. You just have to search for it, because I couldnt remember what page they are on. :) I hope this information helps.
Passed the Laguna Seca after 5 goes, and passed a few more of the 3 lap battles on the first or second go, but i'm trying the Seattle one with the Superbird (You have got to be kidding me, never as there been such an unappropriate name for a car, supertanker more like)at the moment. I thought that GT was supposed to be a driving simulator??? Not a bloody test for captaining an oil tanker!!!

This is bloody hard only had 6 goes but so far only got within 2.9 Secs!! :banghead: :banghead:
Finished mission 34 a while back, took me about 25 tries using a DFP

i cut through the grass 3 times and wallrided the Karussell, and won by 2 seconds

The best way to beat this mission is to pay attention and don't get cocky! Everytime i overtook the sl65 at the back straight i thought ' hey, iam going good this round' and b4 i knew i had stuffed up. Look for the best place to overtake, or else u'll be serving a 5 sec panalty for the smallest touch.

Very true. Dont get all pumped up, remain calm and pay more attentions to the road not the leading car infront of you.
Dan Watkins
And don't even get me started on the 1 lap magics :nervous:

I find the 1 lap magics a lot easier than the 3 lap battles. So far I have finished all 1 lap magics except Mission 34, but I have 4 or 5 3 lap battles left.
I find the 1 lap magics a lot easier than the 3 lap battles. So far I have finished all 1 lap magics except Mission 34, but I have 4 or 5 3 lap battles left.

I believe 1 lap magic you are gaven with high powered racecars, much easier to drive, better handling and with racing tires. But mission 34, you stuck with regular sports tires again, plus that tracking is bumpy and tricky. You can be easily threw out of the road.
Very true. Dont get all pumped up, remain calm and pay more attentions to the road not the leading car infront of you.

Whoa! Speak for yourself man. I mean the part about paying attention to the road not the car in front, yeah, but don't get all pumped up? You've got more calm than I do apparently. On my winning run, I passed the SL65 earlier than I ever had before (I think it might be Karrusell, but I don't know the names of the turns/sections). My heart started beating fast as hell and my hands were shaking. I had to leave the room and go calm myself down when I won, I thought I was gonna pass out LOL.
Whoa! Speak for yourself man. I mean the part about paying attention to the road not the car in front, yeah, but don't get all pumped up? You've got more calm than I do apparently. On my winning run, I passed the SL65 earlier than I ever had before (I think it might be Karrusell, but I don't know the names of the turns/sections). My heart started beating fast as hell and my hands were shaking. I had to leave the room and go calm myself down when I won, I thought I was gonna pass out LOL.

LOL, well said. But after enough failures, I learned to control myself :dopey:
LOL, well said. But after enough failures, I learned to control myself :dopey:

exactly, I still remember I keep telling myself "this is just *another* good run I am going to screw up somewhere" during my winning run.
exactly, I still remember I keep telling myself "this is just *another* good run I am going to screw up somewhere" during my winning run.

Maybe if I went back and did it again I could keep calm since I've already beat it, but I just couldn't play it cool.
I think the key to this mission is practice and perserverance.

Just keep chipping away at it, and you'll start to learn the track and the car better and better. This is the way I passed it, and with eachattempt my times cames down and the gap closed. Took me about three hours...

I had a few laps towards the end that were very fast, but I managed to throw it all away with stupid mistakes and would have to restart. :banghead:
When I fianlly managed to string 3 clear laps together, I passed the Mazda in the final hairpin and had a very easy run to the line. I had matched the pace of my previous four attempts, just didn't get impatient and do something stupid. 👍

Keep at it and you'll learn better lines and braking points on the track, as well as learn to drive that Toyota right on the limit.

One last thing - the more frustrating it is to pass the mission, the greater the feeling of glory and relief afterwards... :cheers:
I've seen a few post about this, but how many of you go back (maybe a few times) and just watch the replay of your Mission 34 winning run? I do it about once a week just to remind me of what I went through and finally accomplished.
Gentry Coach
I've seen a few post about this, but how many of you go back (maybe a few times) and just watch the replay of your Mission 34 winning run? I do it about once a week just to remind me of what I went through and finally accomplished.

I do, I do... :) In fact I must have watched it 10 time after I finally did it. I even watched it from the other car's point of view so I could see me pass them. I saved it, of course, and have looked a it a couple times since then! I gotta get a life... :guilty: :)
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