Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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daan uses a Driving Force Pro.

Yes, there is a noticeable difference in handling between NTSC/J and PAL.
or just fly up behind one skyline, and push him all the way round, and then catch the first place car eventually...

I have tried that SO many times. I just can't seem to get that mission beaten!!!! :dunce:
i only see a noticeable difference in the driving

Yes. I was wondering about this comment:

i was looking at the so called "daanm34" video, i was like "how could this piece of **** driving win this mission!!??" , i'm driving way better than him at every corner and still just passed the last car right before the finish line

so i think it's just the 8sec earlier, with a worse driving, end up the same time at the finish line

daan's run was clean. You ran into the barrier and used it to help you along at 6'35...

Do you have both PAL and NTSC/J versions? Have you driven Mission 34 in both versions? If you have, feel free to disagree with me. However, I DO have both versions, have passed M34 in both versions and say that there is a noticeable difference in handling between PAL and NTSC/J.
I have tried that SO many times. I just can't seem to get that mission beaten!!!! :dunce:

have you watched the video?

I tried three times before watching the video. The closest I got was 3 seconds. I watched the video and on the second try I was through.
I concur with Famine's answer. I have both the NTSC-J and the Korean version. The Korean version is the last version that came out and has the PAL fixes and physics. There is a big difference.
Phew. Thanks for clearing that up, guys. Truthfully...I was losing sleep over it last night :ill: At least I'm not the only one that notices the handling difference. I'm back to slaving over M34!
i just finished watching daan's video. Daan, you have a clean ride. it's very nice. but if it's for the 123 sec version, i don't think it would be enough.

too bad i was too excited when i completed the mission and i didn't save the replay. i only took a pic of it. all i can say is i would take some sections slightly diff from daan's.

if you don't mind doing the wall ride and grass cutting in S turn tricks, here you go:

2'00 on grass in 1st gear max out
2'19 on grass in S turn
2'26 on grass in S turn 2nd gear max out
2'33 on grass in S turn 2nd gear max out
2'30 no brake until straight ahead on the slope
2'39 on grass on left and then track and then grass on right again in 2nd gear max out landing about where 2'47 is
4'03 on grass on the left, then track and then grass
4'23 prepare to wall ride on left here in 3rd gear
4'46 see the little road on the right side? with your right tires on it and brake here. it'll send the car in a quick left drift (be very careful not to hit the wall)
4'53 right tires on the grass can help turning
5'07 prepare to wall ride on left here in 3rd gear
5'21 you should be about 1'03-04 behind the leader here
5'37 no brake, just right tires on grass
6'08 wall ride with 3rd gear then 2nd when the speed drops
6'25 no brake
6'30 see the grass hill ahead? just jump over it
8'56 i would just go straight without braking on the grass until the very end of the track to avoid hitting the wall straigh ahead. but it depends if you passed the 300SL already.

once again, if you are looking for a clean ride like daan's, there are not for you. :dunce:

hope it helps. btw, i had the 123 sec wait version. Etep


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tried a few times, got within 4 secs GRRR!
Don't suppose you can turn off driving assists, can you?
it's a pain waiting at the begining soo long, but its a buzz of a race!
Mission 23 Slipstream Strategy
Patience is the Key

In order to catch the lead car, the pack must drive as fast as possible. Your time and speed isn’t as important as theirs, until the last lap. The pack cars will brake at the end of the straights, so pack speed during turns is fairly constant. Key: Make your moves during the turns so the pack drafts as fast as possible down the straights.

Start to pass the pack shortly after beginning each turn. On the first turn, this will be about 5 seconds later than possible. Time it so you pass the pack with a speed near 175 mph at the apex of each turn (3 o’clock and 9 o’clock). Exit the turn going full speed down the straight but still within drafting range of the pack. Hold a steady path inside the outer yellow line so the pack can draft as much as possible from the end of the turn to the beginning of the next. You can also pass as late as the end of the turn if you are going near 180 mph, so there is a little wiggle room. Longer drafts lead to faster passes; mind the extra speed when passing from farther back.

If timed correctly, the pack will finally begin to pass you just before the beginning of the next turn, having drafted the entire length of the straight, and you are in position to start the next pass. If you are slightly ahead, it will be necessary to very carefully manage your speed (slow down) in order to setup to draft a full speed exit into the next straight. When they catch up, allow the first two cars to pass unobstructed and line up for a speed bump from the third car if necessary. Actually, creating a little separation between the pack cars will help anyway. I like to move to the right when they pass and overtake on the inside, but this isn’t always the best path. A rule of thumb - Pass too soon or too fast, they won’t catch up: Wait too long or go too slow and they’ll pass too soon. Except for the very end of the straight, and beginning of each turn, where timing is crucial, run flat out full speed.

Using this strategy for the first five turns, I was able to catch a draft off the lead car by the end of the last straight and slipped past early in the turn. Then I rode the inside wall to prevent any further drafting and finished 2.731 seconds ahead. In retrospect, starting the last turn early was probably the best strategy anyway, and I could set this up by passing a little later in the fifth turn. Best time: 7’01:811. (2 in a row, too)

Gear Note: I'm driving with an Automatic transmission. While making a good pass at 174 mph or more the car will usually shift into 6th gear just as I overtake the lead car. However, I still had good laps in 5th gear only (many have reported they like 5th better anyway). At the end of each straight, I would usually shift back down to 5th gear while bleeding off any extra speed and positioning my car far enough behind the draft cars to get a fast pass. So… maybe I’d make it back to 6th, maybe not.
Yes. I was wondering about this comment:
daan's run was clean. You ran into the barrier and used it to help you along at 6'35...

Do you have both PAL and NTSC/J versions? Have you driven Mission 34 in both versions? If you have, feel free to disagree with me. However, I DO have both versions, have passed M34 in both versions and say that there is a noticeable difference in handling between PAL and NTSC/J.

he's not using the full width of the track, and he was stuck behind the 190E for quite a while, so i think he could have win by a larger margin by driving more on the edge
That wasn't the point of the run. The point was to give a clear, clean marker for other people to follow in the form of a helpful video, posted amongst other helpful videos of Mission Hall races. Not a blisteringly fast time no-one could possibly get any hints from because it was so much better everywhere...
So is the PAL easier based on lap time required but harder due to different handling characteristics.

No, to me it looks like the PAL also handles much more sharply than our version does. I have not played both versions, but that's just what it seems like.
So all changes implemented in the PAL version have made it easier than NTSC ?

If that is the case then I have a lot of work to do. Last night I did my first complete try (more reconnaisance lap). Admittedly I deliberately drove wild including experimenting with mowing the grass and wallriding. It is not surprising that I finished a long way back given how many 5 sec penalties I got.
I have no idea, but that would be totally unfair for the 123 second waiters (who struggle to/havent finished it yet)

If anyone has BOTH copies of GT4, can you check for something we don't know?
Why is the wait on PAL 115 secs, and on others it's 123 secs (M34)? Do the cars handle different or something?

There is another thread discussing this.

The first story I heard was that the NTSC version was considered too hard so they made it easier for the PAL release.

But it appears that the handling is different between the 2 versions as well so I don't know if they made it harder (handling wise) to get the same time in the PAL so allowed more time in the PAL version.
hehe, i retried the mission and got it close to what i had except a lot "dirtier". i even had a 5sec penalty, and bumping the 300SL included. sorry for the no-sound cuz hooking up the audio is too much trouble for me.....i mean for my outdated computer.

anyway, here you go.

Video (17MB)

Etep :dopey:
Hi guys,

I thought I'd share my thoughts with you, since last night I managed to pass Mission 34, and it's still fresh in my mind (obviously!! :dopey: ) I'm going to do a detailed write-up of it this week, so keep an eye on the Write-up forums...

I can't comment about the difference in handling other than to say that it is probably the same...

My major discovery, and reason for passing the test after just 3 attempts last night, was about braking points.... basically, braking early and taking corners slower than you might be doing at the moment, is really helpful... maintaining a steady pace is essential, but going too fast is your main enemy in this test.

The McLaren SLR is a heavy beast, and so early braking (very early infact) is essential.. in a lighter, more nimble car, you can take many sweeping corners flat-out... not so in the SLR... I found that I needed to brake ALOT more than usual, and that the earlier (and smoother) the better...

The emphasis of this test is not getting a perfectly clean lap (obviously, as you can run off the track as much as you want), it's more about maintaining a steady pace... for that, you need to keep the speed DOWN at many points... of course, excessive braking will hinder you, but not nearly as much as excessive speed.... At nearly every corner, I found that braking much earlier worked brilliantly... your speed on the straight sections is only optimised if you get a good exit out of a corner... for a fast exit, you need to approach a corner slower than you might think... a slower entry means better track position, and it also means you can get back on the gas quicker, and optimise your speed for the section after the corner...

P.S. - for those with a Max Drive, I will post my replay here later... 👍


edit: using the early braking (and trial braking) approach, my lap was 100 % clean with no penalties... over took the last car just before the final corner, and won by over 2 seconds...
Makes me sound like a hypocrite, but golding all licenses isnt as hard as I thought. I been sick today and yesterday, managed to get from 30 golds to 67. I got 5 more S licenses left , and 8 IB (which im not gonna bother) and all gold! Maybe you were right, but how did you manage to get S-16 gold and you're not able to do mission 34? I thought that was as tough or a little less tough than mission 34, but M34 should be possible if you did S16.

Golding S-16 was difficult, but not the hardest gold. I think those slaloms with the Z-4 were the worst. As for S-16, I only spent about a quarter the time on it that I've spent on M34 so far. It may be that S-16 suits my driving style better. I like to brake towards turn-in and then accelerate immediately, rather than go neutral-throttle through a turn, and it seems that M34 is going to require some very patient cornering.

I also already had some familiarity with the Ring from Grand Prix Legends.
sounds like you have good experience with Nurburgring then.. Hmmm, I guess its the car thats troubling you then? The only advice I can give you is... try braking earlier than you're used to. In my case, it helped alot to brake early , so you have a speed advantage as you accelerate out of the corner. You may already know this technique/have already tried it, but if not, i suggest you giving it a try.
My "works every time" technique (done it three times now, first time every time) is to never change gear ever. [/u].

I wished I had read your first sentence more carefully...I would have saved a lot of my time. :indiff: :scared: :ouch:
Famines write up & daans video guarantee to pass this mission! Thanks again! 👍
i only have the PAL version but ive noticed that the difference between a stock SLR without ASM and the mission 34 SLR was the weight, it just seemed lighter.
i only have the PAL version but ive noticed that the difference between a stock SLR without ASM and the mission 34 SLR was the weight, it just seemed lighter.

Have you tried hard sports tires on your stock SLR. I have heard that someone suggested that is how you get the 2 to match.
i am having some much trouble with this mission for some reason... is there anyone who can help me out with it? it is the 1 lap magic: Honda Showdown!... i have beat the other 1 lap magics, except for this one... any help please
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