Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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yeah I am close to it but just not enough I keep doin what it says but I am not close and I have been .998 away

Keep it up bud, remember, never let go of the gas, put your right side 2wheels on the outter yellow line. slide out of their way when you see they are coming up from behind.
If you get too much speed from slipstreaming, you have to let go of the gas a little, to make tha AI catch up after you pass them. Especially important after the first pass.
If you get too much speed from slipstreaming, you have to let go of the gas a little, to make tha AI catch up after you pass them. Especially important after the first pass.

well, i read 2 opinions on this one. I am not saying yours isnt right. but when I beat the 23, as long as i stay on the right spot of the track, those AI will catch me up in time, i never let go of the gas.
I also believed at first that i had to let go of the gas to give them the chance to slipstream me but it wasnt enough. You gotta keep full throttle all the time while making sure that you are directly in inline with the guy behind you so he can slip stream you and bring the pack along with him. Most of the time, you will be on the yellow line in the curves but youl notice they sometimes drop down so youl have to follow him down even if your ahead so you can pull him in on the straight.

this method works.
Good Luck
Hear you, but If I pass the AI's on the first pass with the maximum speed of 182-184 if I remember correctly, and keep the throttle down all the time, they won't catch up before after the next curve. I've never won this mission without the AI's catching up on every streight.
Hear you, but If I pass the AI's on the first pass with the maximum speed of 182-184 if I remember correctly, and keep the throttle down all the time, they won't catch up before after the next curve. I've never won this mission without the AI's catching up on every streight.

182-184? must be in KPH right. my top speed when I passed those skyline on the first turn was about 174-175 MPH, and I even went up to 6th gear. And by standing on the correct spot (outter yellow line), they caught up on me by 2/3 of the straight line, I was able to boost again up to 171 when I entered the turn.
Yea, km/h, follow the last AI, then shift inwards to the next, then the 1st or 2nd will drop left and you can slipstream to 180+, then fall to the left to pass on the inside. If you do this and keep full throttle, they won't catch up. (Perhaps they'll do if you immeadiatly get in front of the first car to let it slipstream you).
Yea, km/h, follow the last AI, then shift inwards to the next, then the 1st or 2nd will drop left and you can slipstream to 180+, then fall to the left to pass on the inside. If you do this and keep full throttle, they won't catch up. (Perhaps they'll do if you immeadiatly get in front of the first car to let it slipstream you).

Well i guess this mission can be passed by doing either way correctly. I am just giving him some choices if one way is not workable for him.
Well, I think It's probably the same way, only you have to make sure not to make the first pass too fast.

:) the process is not important, but the result is right. same thing when I was taking my Calculas exams back in college. :sly:
i dont want to offend anybody but i dont understand how somebody pulling a lap like daan wins and me, coming out of corners much faster and with much better lines can only get 1.5 sec close.

I also noticed that the cars appear to be going slower than in my game. especially the first three you encounter.

I dont understand. Something is definitly wrong. and its not my driving.
so what whould be easier just passing them and holding the throttle or bump-drafting one?
so what whould be easier just passing them and holding the throttle or bump-drafting one?
I used Famine's technique. Pass them all, then around midway through the straight, look for one of the cars in the rearview, move out of the way, and let him pass. Draft him, and pass him. Repeat. Never let off the throttle or shift. This method was successful the first time I tried by 1.444sec. I used the bumper cam view for the rearview mirror, making it easier to avoid being rear-ended by the car you want to pass you.
Drumroll please!!!!!

I Have just completed mission 34!!!!

YEAh thats right and let me tell you guys my lap is like 10 times what daan's was (no offense daan) and i only managed a time of 0.272 seconds ahead of the 300SL.

I dont wanna sound like a complete :sly: but my lap was almost flawless except for two corners. I have no idea of the names of the regions of the track but i can see it all in my head. I saved the replay on mem card and im gonna try and figure out a way to post it for you all to see!
I've tried several different methods.

1. Just floor it and hope to win.

result: I passed the "pack", but was three seconds too slow at the finish line.

2. Slipstream the pack with me pulling the pack, and the pack pulling me.

result: The pack is too slow even if they slipstream me. They'll pass me, then I catch their draft, but the result still remains the same. 170kmh is about the fastest I can get them moving, and that's the fastest. four seconds behind the lead skyline.

3. Push one of the cars all the way around the track.

result: I spun out because the cars don't like to be pushed.

Personally, I'm pretty disgusted with 23. All the other slipstream missions were passed with the first try, but 23 is completely different, and I'm pissed with PD for including an impossible mission.

Well, maybe not impossible, but it's a technique useful for racing teams to employ. Since there are no teams in GT4, all I can say is that 23 is just another example of PD's incapability of producing a solid game. The driving aspect is fairly solid, but that's it. The rest of the game resembles Klandathu.
i dont want to offend anybody but i dont understand how somebody pulling a lap like daan wins and me, coming out of corners much faster and with much better lines can only get 1.5 sec close.
i'm with you man, my cornering and exit speed are all faster than his and yet he passes the first car even +20sec before the Karussell, and I pass it after the Karussell
Drumroll please!!!!!

I Have just completed mission 34!!!!

YEAh thats right and let me tell you guys my lap is like 10 times what daan's was (no offense daan) and i only managed a time of 0.272 seconds ahead of the 300SL.

I dont wanna sound like a complete :sly: but my lap was almost flawless except for two corners. I have no idea of the names of the regions of the track but i can see it all in my head. I saved the replay on mem card and im gonna try and figure out a way to post it for you all to see!

Congratulations! The real key to the mission is.... do it till you pass 👍

If you want to share your replays, buy a Max Drive... you can post replays and others can put them on their memory card and watch them...

In my successful lap, I passed the first car before the Karussel too, at around 'Angst Kurve' (according to this map)... but previously I was passing the first car at Hohe Acht... Still didn't win by much though... (just over 2 seconds)

i'm with you man, my cornering and exit speed are all faster than his and yet he passes the first car even +20sec before the Karussell, and I pass it after the Karussell

PAL vs NTSC anyone ?
Well I tried pushing them and I have been close about 1.5 and I am still short but also thats when I was using automatic but this is one stupid test that sucks major
Touring Mars
My major discovery, and reason for passing the test after just 3 attempts last night, was about braking points.... basically, braking early and taking corners slower than you might be doing at the moment, is really helpful... maintaining a steady pace is essential, but going too fast is your main enemy in this test.
The McLaren SLR is a heavy beast, and so early braking (very early infact) is essential
I think that part of the success of this approach is that the SLR turns best on the power. So by braking early, you've got the space to get on the accelerator throughout the whole corner ending up with a higher exit speed than a more typical braking style.

my lap was almost flawless except for two corners
Ahh, the almost flawless lap. :lol:
I am playing the US NTSC version. I finally got mission 18. :dopey: Now I have missions 14 with the superbird at Seattle. :yuck: Mission 30, the 1-lap magic with the Suburu's, and the dreaded Mission 34. :scared:

I can't understand why I can't do mission 30. :dunce: I have not seen any threads asking about this one, so I assumed no one was having trouble with it. I keep coming in between .2 and .5 seconds behind. I can't see where to gain any time. I am getting so frustrated, I just ram the stupid Suburu 360 at the end, just to vent my frustration. Any tips or videos would be appreciated.

BTW, I am using the DS2, so any DFP tips won't help.

Hmmm I actually don't remember Mission 30 even though I've done them all 3 times so far. (I keep restarting). Tells me I didn't have any trouble with it. Key at Tsukuba is the turn under the bridge and the last sweeping right hander, you have to take both at speeds faster than you think possible. Keep at it and you will get it. I thought I'd never pass 34 but I did, and so will you.

The key with the Super Bird is brake then turn. It doesn't like trailing braking much. If you can get the turns down you will win since the Buick is even worse at the turns than the Super Bird.
This one took a few tries (hardest 3-lappers are this, Seattle, and Sarthe), but I finally got it with automatic. Columbus Circle was the key for me -- if you can get around it without going below about 42 mph, and go to full throttle early enough so that you hit the long straight at around 65 or so at full steam, it helps immensely. Bobble the circle, and you're sunk, because you lose a *lot* of speed down the top straight. Being smooth through the hairpin doesn't hurt -- brake early to get a tight line -- but I flubbed it on one of my laps on the winning run, so it isn't vital. For the endless 90-degree turns, use the whole track side-to-side to maintain momentum.

Speaking of automatic, I was able to do all the missions (except 34, which I haven't even attempted yet) with automatic and DS2 except the Odyssey slipstream mission. I'm convinced that one is impossible with automatic, since the Odyssey doesn't pull at all in top gear. (I guess you could do it in automatic if you held the gear.) I'm just not coordinated enough to shift, steer, accelerate and brake all at the same time with the DS2. I might be able to manage manual if I got a wheel...
The SLR does get very stable when gunning it while cornering. There is just so much power that the car is forced into going the directiong of the power...pure torque. Good thing for those enormous rear tyres and wide body or else we would all be drawing donuts all over Nurburgring.

Also, the car appears to oversteer somewhat if you let it coast around the apex of a corner if you came in a bit to fast. I can't tell you all how important this is, especially on the off camber curves (the ones that are going down in altitude and usually generate understeer). For example the very first corner of the lap is where this method works. Try it out, master it and use it throughout the course because once the car is aligned, you just mash the accelerator and you come flying out of the corners like a bat out of hell.

I passed my first car as i was approaching the first carousel. I overtook him a couple of meters before it.

I just want you all to know that this was my like 40th try. I now know every little bump and twist in the track and its the only way to win.

I took a pic with my cell phone of the time results ill post it as soon as i figured out what i did with my motorola transfer cable.
I have another helpful hint is by switching up to 6th when ur in the draft and then down shifting right after you pass and just follow it through and got .7 ahead
I watched daan's video of mission 34, and I'm afraid the only thing it's good for is showing how dramatically easier the Pal version is. (No offense to daan, but the same drive on the NTSC version would have fallen quite a bit short)

It sounds to me like everyone may be beating mission 34 in the NTSC version by using cheaty tactics like wall riding.

Does anyone have a video of a clean lap that beats mission 34 _on NTSC_?

I refuse to use cheats. I'd rather leave the mission incomplete than ride the walls to beat it.

- Skant
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