Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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Go here and get the video.

The key is literally to find how to get around each turn the quickest.

On the esses the key is light braking at the right points.

You will also need to nail the left hander leading onto the straight down the the double right. Use all of the road.

For me the sharp hairpin was the killer. The braking point is at the end of the rumble strip on the right. Don't accelerate too early or you will run wide.

Also forget about being cautious.

I did not get it until I spent some time in the sand traps. You need to use all of the road and drive like a madman.

Find the limit ie go beyond it. edit: I normally start slow and build up but for this one I found I had to find exactly where the limit was. The only way was to go past the limit and then slow down a little from there.

You will need to run a few complete laps even if you are coming last to learn the limit at all corners otherwise you will know the first half a lap well but will struggle to finish off the good work and get frustrated.
i am having some much trouble with this mission for some reason... is there anyone who can help me out with it? it is the 1 lap magic: Honda Showdown!... i have beat the other 1 lap magics, except for this one... any help please

if you don't mind cheating cut through the grass after the second corner and thru the chicane at the end. If you do it just right you can shave about five seconds overall.
Do you have PAL version?

I have not seen ANY "clean" runs where the McLaren wins by over 2 seconds
Clean run winning by 5.639 sec on PAL version using the DFP.

It is by no means the perfect lap though it may look like it is. It is the best out of just 3 runs I did last night. I am used to play with N1 tyres and no aids and in this mission the car has S2 tyres and at least the TCS is on (I am not sure about the ASM because I never use it) so 3 runs is not enough to get used to the higher level of grip. If I gave this mission a couple of hours I could improve the time by a few seconds.

The video has been taken with a webcam on an old TV (the only one that was light enough to put in front of the webcam) so the quality is not very good.
Do you have PAL version?

I have not seen ANY "clean" runs where the McLaren wins by over 2 seconds.

Yes, I have the PAL version... (i'm in the UK)...

You don't need to do a clean lap (see dori san's write up), but I find I am much quicker clean than dirty... btw, when I say clean, I mean OLR standard (2 wheels on the track at all times)... I don't mean absolutely no car contact though... I nudged 4 out of 5 cars on the way past, but this is normal if you ask me :sly: , but no 5 seconds penalties... will post my max drive replay tomorrow... 👍
Can you please explain to me how to use max drive, which I have, to create replay on my computer. I can transfer the file to my computer, but what do I need to creat a video. Thanks
Can you please explain to me how to use max drive, which I have, to create replay on my computer. I can transfer the file to my computer, but what do I need to creat a video. Thanks

There are threads on this already, but simply put, you can't...

The purpose of the max drive is to transfer save files from ps2 to ps2, or to store them on your pc, or to transfer cheat games saves onto your memory card...

To create a video of your replay, you need video capture stuff... see daan's webpage about it here:-

The only reason I use a Max Drive is to verify my lap times in the online contest we have here... but the only way you can watch the replay is to download it, put it on your max drive, then transfer it to your memory card, then play gt4 and watch it as if it were your own replay... for the record, I've tried it with some other people's replays and I can't get the sodder to work :grumpy:

hope this helps,
Won it by using 3 wallrides and 3 shortcuts. It really helps cutting down the time. I will post the video later.

As you see I didnt really need to cheat. Just did it for fun to see how much time it could shave off. The 300 SL comes in really late in my version. from 9'16 to 9'21.
Finally beat Mission 34 today (the hard version - NTSC). I would actually recommend switching to an automatic tranny. Why? You'll have much less to worry about when using an auto. While you do sacrifice some acceleration unless you hold R2, all you'll have to worry about is your driving.
And, if you feel like it, cut some grass and wallride through the Karrusell.
I finally got mission 34 last night after about 20 tries. Following the advice in this thread really helped too. Funny , I really thought this mission was going to be the thing that stopped me from getting 100% in the game.

I can only add , don't try too hard. My objective last night was to get to know the car better and see if I could find short cuts and places to wall ride.

The first few tries , I got to know how hard I could push through corners without getting messy or driving too close to the limit. Funny thing was , the more careful I was , the quicker I was catching cars. Again , braking early and careful cornering made a big difference.

By about the 10th try , I realised that this mission was within reach. The only places I cheated were cutting across the chicane at Adenauer - Forst and wallriding the Karussell. When overtaking , if I couldn't get past without risking hitting the other car and getting a penalty , I just sat back and waited for an opportunity to get by cleanly. Diving down the inside of the next corner worked well.

Patience is the key ! Also , golding the licence tests 14 and 16 in A national helped a lot with those sections of track.

Good luck with it people!
I have problems with Mission 23 and Ive tried everything they give me and I am still about 2 seconds behind which is makin me :mad: and I havent figured out on how to pass it. Anyone got any tips I can do to pass it??
There's some very similar topics already made about Mission 23, In the search button you can most likely type Mission 23, and get some threads that will help you.

As for my advice? When you start off, pass the 4 Skylines in front of you, they slow down to about 165 on the turns, so you might have to let off the gas a little bit, when you do that, they will draft off of you and catch up, make sure you get out of the way or they will spin you out. Once they pass you, pass them again, and repeat the process until it looks like you're close enough to catch the Yellow GT-R's draft. You should be able to pass him with seconds, or even less to spare.

I myself haven't beat it yet, but I've come .2 within passing, just keep trying is my advice.
yeah I will give that a try and if it doesnt work I will just have to somehow try a different line or just dont bother it until the very last one
I passed it on my third try. What I did was select manual for the transmission, and when the mission started, the skyline started in fifth gear, and I never changed gear. I let the AI pass me only once every straight, usually at the end of it. And when I was slipstreaming, I tried to get to 175 mph every time. For a line, I followed the line closest to the rail, only moving from it when the AI wanted to pass me. And with those tactics, I won by 1.5 seconds, and won the Zonda LM (after completing the other Slipstream Missions). I also used the DFP, and never let off the gas.

would it work if I just draft one of the cars in front of me and just bumpdraft him to get close enough?
best bet is to stay on the same racing line, including the straights. Famine has done a video demonstrating how to pass mission 23, once you have seen how to do it you will kick yourself over how easy it actually is to pass that mission.
just be careful that when you are on the racing line on the straights not to let the computer cars smack into you from behind. when you see them coming in you rear vision mirror just move to the side a little bit then pull in behind straight away. you will see what i mean when you do it.
yeah I'll watch it just to see what I am doing worng and see what I can do better
You will pass guaranteed if you do the following:

1. Read the comments by Famine in the following thread (The Key to beat mission 23)

2. Watch the video of daan (link provided above)

3. Do NOT change gears (always stay in 5th gear!) (as Famine points out, but you might overread it like me)

4. Let the cars pass you (either 1,2 or 3, depending if you can sneak in behind without a collison), slip stream and overtake again.....

5. Approaching the final curve in the final round, cut down low, sneak up behind the yellow car, slip stream and overtake (now you can even change into 6th gear, but its not necessary).
I did everything except watch the video and sneak up on the yellow car at the last curve. I stayed in fifth and drafted the cars, let them draft me, and after three different changes of the drafting guard, I was still too far behind to even think about catching a fart, let alone a draft from the lead car.

Heck, I was so far behind I couldn't even tell what color it was.
It's been covered mostly by now, but one good tip is not to pass the AI's at max possible speed, especially not the first pass as they'll use too long to catch up. You can maintain a few more km/h If you're very quick with letting the AI's into your slipstream after the pass.
I'd say that Letting the AI's slipstream you correctly is the trick to this mission.
If you manage to pass the AI's at the entry of the last curve at a speed close to 180km/h, you're getting somewhwere.
Well, I only tried the mission lilke twice, then I checked here for help. Famine, thank you. You truly are a GT master, and an invaluable part of GTP. The video is what sealed the deal. After watching that, it took one try and I beat the yellow skyline by 1.444sec.
best bet is to stay on the same racing line, including the straights. Famine has done a video demonstrating how to pass mission 23, once you have seen how to do it you will kick yourself over how easy it actually is to pass that mission.

Yep, once you do it once you will never have a problem with it again. Kind of like riding a bicycle... Just pass the first group then wait seemingly forever for them to catch up then pass them again and again until you can catch the final draft. Remember to avoid them if you are drafting into a corner as they always brake for the corner. If you haven't gotten the final draft by the middle of the final turn you are pretty much cooked, though.
whatever you do, do not let go of the gas ever...not even a bit.
Pass the other cars while using up as much of the draft as possible. then while your ahead (DONT LET GO OF GAS) and make sure the car thats closest to you is right behind you. That is always help the guy behind you with his drafting so he can pass you. what you will notice is the people behind the one directly behind you will also benefit from this and they will all pass you with out you ever slowing down. Then you will to draft them once again. this should happen about twice a lap.

Sometimes they will bump right in to you when you pruposely draft someone behind you so you must move out of the way at the last possible second without losing to much speed so that he can go by you. Do not block any of them ever.

The key to this mission is using eachother to bring up the overal average speed of the group to catch up with the car ahead. then at the last turn you will seperate completely from the group at draft the yellow skyline (1st) and pass him right before the finish.
yeah I am close to it but just not enough I keep doin what it says but I am not close and I have been .998 away
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