Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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Im at 66.6% complete. I have the GT camp 15 race series and only the last Mission.
As stated above its all about pratice and just doing over and over until you get it done. Some mission you can take short cuts that might help. But most of them are all about good driving. RETRY, RETRY, RETRY

The last mission is going to be hard, I can only get 30secs. behind the leader. But I took a while with other 1 laps magic missions.

I find once you pass a mission you get to know the track so good it helps when you race in other races.

RETRY, RETRY, RETRY and dont hit your steering wheel too hard when you slam into the wall.
Gentry Coach
I've seen a few post about this, but how many of you go back (maybe a few times) and just watch the replay of your Mission 34 winning run? I do it about once a week just to remind me of what I went through and finally accomplished.

I don't. Don't you have the confidence to be able to do it again? After all, you did learn the car and track very well if you had that 123 second wait. I did that all over again the second time, all 123 seconds of waiting, finishing at 9:12.2??. Knowing the first one wasn't pure luck, THAT is what feels good.
Is there a video of a dirty M34 win? I have seen the clean wins but suspect I will need to cheat and would like to know (see) where to cheat.
Come on Zardoz, have some confindence. You know I thought about the same thing (giving up) at beginning. My very first attempt was 30+ seconds behind the SL300, I figured i did bad because I dont know the course well and the car. I started practice more, then I found out this mission is NOT easy at all. Because after practice on my own, i was only managed to finish with 12 seconds behind the SL300. I started thinking just like you, I will never beat this mission. (i thought i have gaven everything i could.) But on the other hand I dont want to give up, because I want the R89 also the Black F1 when you complete the game 100%, also I dont believe other people can beat it but I can't. So I began to search around and I found 2 awesome write up (in write up threads) from Dori-San and one other guy. I was compairing my split times with theirs and found out where I was losing time. They also tell you some of the critical turns and how you can encounter them. And guess what, those critical turns were exactly where I have been losing time. (one turn can makes 2-3 seconds diff.) I was finally beat that mission recently, now there is nothing stands in between me and 100%. I think you can do it too.

I am not confident with M34 which is why it will be the last thing I will do. I will have golded all licenses by then and have every colour of certain cars ie those that I want. I will be at the point where if I nailed M34 I may be willing to put the game on the shelf for a while (I won't do that but M34 will be the crowning achievement - after that there will be no pressure left just pure enjoyment). I feel if I start on M34 I am wasting time that I could spend winning another colour of the F1 or do another license test etc.
Is there a video of a dirty M34 win? I have seen the clean wins but suspect I will need to cheat and would like to know (see) where to cheat.

Here are some pics of how I won the dirty way.

I just kept flooring it after the final straight until i ran into him. I was able to miraculously straighten my car out while the 300SL spun around backwards.

Also Something that would have helped me a lot would have been to ride the wall on the karussell (the hairpin with the steep bank and weird pavement). I was kicking myself when I sa how much time other people made up by doing this.
That second picture is great!

On topic, the most difficult Mission for me was the one with the Takata NSX at Suzuka. That was the last I did.

I didn't find Mission 34 that hard. I did it on my 5th ou 6th try (PAL version). The SLR sucks, though...
That second picture is great!

On topic, the most difficult Mission for me was the one with the Takata NSX at Suzuka. That was the last I did.

I didn't find Mission 34 that hard. I did it on my 5th ou 6th try (PAL version). The SLR sucks, though...

I still have hope. Out of the 1 lap magics I have not yet tried M34 seriously ie I have done a deliberate slow lap (reconnaisance lap). The NSX at Suzuka was the last one I did and I found it hard - luckily I could memorise how to take each corner which is what I still struggle with at Nurb - I know I need to drive it more but if someone has found M34 easier than the NSX then I have some hope.
I don't. Don't you have the confidence to be able to do it again? After all, you did learn the car and track very well if you had that 123 second wait. I did that all over again the second time, all 123 seconds of waiting, finishing at 9:12.2??. Knowing the first one wasn't pure luck, THAT is what feels good.

Good point. 👍 I just spent so much time on it the first time (I do have the 123 second wait and finished in 9:12 and change) and now I am keeping myself busy in search of 100,000 A-Specs. Just curious, but when the pressure is gone (already beat it) did it seem to go easier?
Gentry Coach
Just curious, but when the pressure is gone (already beat it) did it seem to go easier?
Yes. Well, actually, the pressure went when I was able to get within 4 seconds of it, which was still a lot of time, but at least I knew the track good enough to beat it. Probably a huge confidence builder once you know you can do it.

I am not confident with M34 which is why it will be the last thing I will do. I will have golded all licenses by then and ....
Haha, good luck with golding all those licenses. That is WAY harder than Mission 34. I only have 30 gold licenses, everything else silver (Not bothering golding IB and B, because I already own those prize cars).
Trust me, mission 34 is NOT that hard once you GET TO KNOW THE TRACK VERY, VERY WELL. Don't even do mission 34 over and over. That wait is just a waste of your life. Instead, when you want to practice Nurburgring, go to arcade mode or do the license tests. Much more productive
:crazy: i cant win mission #23, skyline GTR slipstream.

ive gotten within .96 seconds of the front yellow GTR, but thats it.

ive tried getting rear ended for speed from the back pack cars, and tried to draft when they pass, but still cant get enough speed.

the back cars seem to be too stupid, constantly hitting the brakes when they pass you, preventing you from getting any real drafting action from them

any suggestions?
You have to use one of the other cars to slipstream. Slip past it then let it draft you. Do this once per each straight and you will win. The trick is to stay in 5th gear because you want to pull in front just enought that the car behind can catch up - then he will blast by you going 165 mph then you catch him and break 170 mph!

Have fun.
:crazy: i cant win mission #23, skyline GTR slipstream.

ive gotten within .96 seconds of the front yellow GTR, but thats it.

ive tried getting rear ended for speed from the back pack cars, and tried to draft when they pass, but still cant get enough speed.

the back cars seem to be too stupid, constantly hitting the brakes when they pass you, preventing you from getting any real drafting action from them

any suggestions?

I just got my Korean version of GT4 today. It is awesome! What has this to do with the topic, you ask. I passed Mission#23 on the first try. Here is what you do. First corner, go down low and pass everyone and stay in 6th! Yes, stay in 6th. Stay on the yellow line and the cars will catch up to you. You may have to move over to let them pass. Then pass them again. Repeat until completed.
Just had to post this somewhere since I feel so proud of myself.. :D Finally got around to trying the infamous mission 34 last night and to my great surprise and satisfaction I did it! (with a whopping 0'00.049 to spare :scared: ) And on my third try! Was playing with the SLR in arcade mode on the ring and thought, well why not.. 👍

Anyway, extremely satisfied with myself as many say that test is very hard. I don't consider myself a very good driver compared to most people here (and in the WRS in particular) so..

Now to go do the rest of the missions. Have already managed the also infamous slipstream battles but all and all I have only done 23 missions.. Oh well.. :)


EDIT: Update: Got around to doing a few more missions. Now have the Toyota 7 race car and the Nissan R92P (?), the one with the covered rear wheels. Have 28 missions done, 6 left to do. Next challenge, superbird in Seattle! :scared:
There's a video in this thread which will help you along nicely...
Alright, I searched for anything on this and couldn't find it. So here is my question.

I can't seem to make any progress at all on mission 24. Instead of getting close to the cars and pick up a draft, I keep on gaining distance between them and can't seem to get near ... aaagghhh !!! so frustrating!!

How do I pick the other car's draft?? it's too far away, and my speed doesn't increase.

Any tip on this one?? might sound like a stupid question for many of you, on an easy mission, but Im starting the GT series so Im not that experienced with the game...

any help would be greatly appreciated.

videogame adict
Are you sure you are not talking about mission 23 because 24 is 10 times easier.


Well, mission 23 ain't that difficult either, if you know the trick.;) 💡

Isn't mission 24 with the S2000's? Just drive past the cars, drift as long as possible, and get to the ideal line as quick as possible again. Then you should be able to get into the draft of the car in front of you. :) Good luck.;)
Alright, I just got done watching "daan"s run on the 'Ring for Mission 34. Now, I use a DFP and I'm a fairly good driver. I've gotten within like 2 seconds on the US version. After watching that video, I'm wondering if the McLaren handles a lot differently on the PAL version of the game compared to mine? Maybe it's just because I use the DFP and it would be different on the DS2 controller. I would go check for myself right now, but my parents are using the television :yuck: Somebody LET ME KNOW!
I wish i had something helpfull to say but i am in the same situation as you except that im using the DS2 controller. I usually end up making a costly mistake in the last part before the long straight....this is my like 20th try at it.
Heh, yeah I've tried plenty of times as well. But for some reason, after watching that video, it just seems like MY McLaren does not handle at ALL like the one in the video. I have not played with the DS2 since I first got GT4 so I'm not sure. I'm bugging my mom to get out of the living room so I can find out the answer! SOMEBODY HELP!
what you need to do, of course, like others said, a lot of practice.

but there are some "S" sections (i can think of 3) that you can simple cut through the grass.

and there are 2 places you can use the wall ride (there might be some chances that you get the 5 sec penalty, so be careful).

at lower speed, the car makes sharper or better turns on the grass than on the road. like the first left turn. hope it helps.

btw, i think i tried about 50 times before i got 2sec ahead of the 300 sl.

what you need to do, of course, like others said, a lot of practice.

but there are some "S" sections (i can think of 3) that you can simple cut through the grass.

and there are 2 places you can use the wall ride (there might be some chances that you get the 5 sec penalty, so be careful).

at lower speed, the car makes sharper or better turns on the grass than on the road. like the first left turn. hope it helps.

btw, i think i tried about 50 times before i got 2sec ahead of the 300 sl.


I know what I need to do. If anybody has actually seen "daan"s video and knows what I am talking about, let me know. His car handles insanely well and I'm wondering if it has to do with him using the DS2 and me using the DFP
I have the NA NTSC game. Unless someone actually has both versions to compare, it's a difficult question. I agree, though, that the car appears to take some areas different;y than I see on my own screen. How much of the difference is getting the turn-in and entry speed exactly right, and how much is car difference, I can't say. For example I cannot take the fast left before the first bridge in 4th. I've tried different turn-in points, different turn-in amounts, whatever. If I'm not in 3rd, even though it's very high 3rd, I go off the outside of the track.

This mission is killing me. I'm down to 11 seconds behind, after literally WEEKS!

Nothing else so far has been this much trouble. I have 80 golds, and went through all the other missions in a snap, except 18, where I actually had to run 8 or 10 runs to lern the track.

The car seems so incinsistent to me. I can't count on its behavior in difficult portions of the track. Why does it spin to the right at the first jump sometimes? Sometimes the brakes are phenominal, other times it's like they aren't even applied. S-16 wasn't 10% of this difficulty for me.

I can tell that I'm having to adjust my style. I like to brake hard for a corner and accelerate through it, yet I'm learning to wait for the power, corner on neutral throttle, as suggested in the big Mission Hall thread, and that's helping, but only got me about seven seconds. I went from 30 seconds off to 20 in just a couple of days, and got another 7 in all these weeks, and I've hit a wall. I've seen nothing better. What's strange is I can really screw up Flugplatz, but carry on well after that, and be at the bridge at the exact same time as if I'd had nothing wrong at Flugplazt, and the rest feels faster. It reaches 4th gear earlier, carries the fast left well, hit the same apex before the bridge. I just don't understand it, and I'm good enough to understand.
Haha, good luck with golding all those licenses. That is WAY harder than Mission 34.

I HAVE all gold, and I can't get below 13 seconds off of Mission 34. The only other mission that was remotely difficult for me was 18, and that was learning the course, 8 or 10 runs. All other missions but 34 completed.
Makes me sound like a hypocrite, but golding all licenses isnt as hard as i thought. I been sick today and yesterday, managed to get from 30 golds to 67. I got 5 more S licenses left , and 8 IB (which im not gonna bother) and all gold! Maybe you were right, but how did you manage to get S-16 gold and you're not able to do mission 34? I thought that was as tough or a little less tough than mission 34, but M34 should be possible if you did S16.
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