Official Playstation Store Thread

Well I don't know what to say but I've just downloaded the two characters for everybody's golf and they don't seem to work, they are not in the character selection screen!!! I guess you must have to progress further to unlock them, bit rubbish if thats the case. I wonder if that dark mist is any good, if someone gets it and put their impressions i may have a look.
Just to get the stupid question out of the way first: Did you install the downloaded files?
Just to get the stupid question out of the way first: Did you install the downloaded files?

Yeh they have been installed, dont know why they dont show, but i think i may have to get to expert or something to unlock them.
Yeh they have been installed, dont know why they dont show, but i think i may have to get to expert or something to unlock them.
Stupid Question 2: You are using the same account you have the original game installed on?

After that, I guess you may need to unlock them.
The store has been updated for those intrested. Demo wise I think its the Bourne Conspiracy Demo and the Iron Man Demo. I'm downloading the Iron Man one as I'm intrigued to see how it stands....
EU Store got some Demo's, US the Pixel Junk Monsters soundtrack.

Not that it matters to me, Singstar will take my time for the next few days, plus I'm running through the MGS titles again.
Just a quick heads-up:

A demo for Fatal Inertia EX is now available for download off the Japanese PSN store, and it's the English language version as well (odd that despite it being in English, it's not available off the North American and Europe PSN stores.)

The great news is that unlike many demos, it has several different gameplay modes, including single player, multi-player split-screen, and multi-player online. 👍

The graphics are decent, but the real star is the superb 5.1 DTS audio! If you have a decent sound system, this demo is definitely worth cranking it up for. :)👍

Add-on Game Content
Rock Band
  • “You’re All I’ve Got Tonight” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “My Best Friend’s Girl” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Moving in Stereo” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Just What I Needed” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “I’m in Touch with Your World” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Good Times Roll” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Don’t Cha Stop” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Bye Bye Love” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “All Mixed up” - The Cars ($1.99)
  • “The Cars” Album ($14.99) - This album includes “All Mixed Up,” “Bye Bye Love,” “Don’t Cha Stop,” “Good Times Roll,” “I’m in Touch with Your World,” “Just What I Needed,” “Moving in Stereo,” “My Best Friend’s Girl,” and “You’re All I’ve Got Tonight” by The Cars.
Side Note: My wife last night admitted to having never heard of The Cars :crazy:

Rock Band price promotion: “Gimme Three Steps” - Lynyrd Skynyrd and “Dirty Little Secret” - All-American Rejects are reduced to $0.99 until June 5th.

Game Videos (free)
Top Spin 3 Debut Trailer
Battlefield: Bad Company Dev Diary - Characters
Battlefield: Bad Company Sweetwater’s Blog
Dead Space Animated Comic Issue #1
Project Origin Teaser Trailer
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Projectile Dysfunction
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Human Juicer Video

Blu-ray Disc Trailers (free)
No Country for Old Men

PS3 Wallpaper (free)
Prince of Persia Prodigy Arabesque Wallpaper
Prince of Persia Prodigy New Prince Wallpaper


Playable content
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix full game (£6.99/€9.99)
Rayman PS1 game (£3.49/€4.99)
Medievil Resurrection PSP game (£14.99/€19.99)

Add-on content
Army of Two "Veteran map pack" (free)

Super Stardust HD "Solo & Team mode" trailer
Overlord trailer
Metal Gear Solid 4 E3 2006 trailer

PS3 Wallpapers
PixelJunk Monsters wallpaper
Prince of Persia "Arabesque" wallpaper
Prince of Persia "New Prince" wallpaper

Also, did anyone play the Overloard: Raising Hell demo last week? That interested me enough to want to rent it.
I was looking at this and it occured to me that Rock Band has been out in the EU for a while now, but I don't see the weekly DLC that the US gets.

Is it there and just not reported or is Harmonix/EA just dropping the ball?
I don't know if I'm liking this development:

Qore: New PS3 Online Mag Charges You For Game Demos
By Chris Kohler

This week brings good news and bad news for PlayStation 3 owners.

The good news is that on Thursday, Sony will debut Qore, an interactive online magazine that will give PS3 gamers a monthly dose of news, interviews, and other exclusive PS3-related video and game content.

The bad news? Qore will now be the home of the hottest PlayStation 3 game betas and demos, and what used to be served up for free will now carry a $3/month price tag -- and interstitial ads for Burger King, who is sponsoring the new download center.

Demoing the service to Monday afternoon, PlayStation Network senior director Susan Panico implied that while the PlayStation Store would still get game demos, the big ones would go on Qore: "Qore is like the network broadcast" of a TV show, she said, and PlayStation Store is like "syndication."

Users can pay $3 for each monthly "episode" of Qore, or $25 for a one-year, 13-episode subscription. As an added bonus, early subscribers will get a copy of the downloadable game Calling All Cars for free.

The inaugural episode, set to launch on Thursday, will contain interviews and preview videos for SOCOM: Confrontation, plus an exclusive invite to the game's open beta, scheduled for later this year.

Other content lined up for launch includes an exclusive six-minute trailer for the upcoming Incredible Hulk movie, a preview of Secret Agent Clank for PSP, and exclusive pages from an upcoming Star Wars: Force Unleashed graphic novel.

Sony is even hiding Easter Eggs in each issue -- apparently, there's a mini-game hidden somewhere in the first issue. Sony has partnered with game developer Backbone to create this half-game, half-TV show experience. The content will be provided by Future, publishers of PlayStation: The Official Magazine.

Panico says that 80 to 90 percent of the content in each issue of Qore will be exclusive.

It'll also be ad-supported. In my brief demo of the service I saw ads for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Metal Gear Solid 4, and the aforementioned Home of the Whopper. You can skip the ads, but only after they've run for about five seconds.

Sony still offers more for free than its nearest competitor: While PlayStation Network doesn't offer nearly as many features as Xbox Live, Microsoft's service costs $50 a year while online gameplay is free on PlayStation 3.

My only question is whether the value-add over what Sony was already providing for free justifies the minimum $25/year cost for the information. Although wrapping it in the very pretty package of an interactive magazine does make it seem a lot less like Sony is backpedaling on their stance of a largely free online environment, they'd be silly to release any really good demos, trailers, or interviews in the free section of PS3's network from here on out -- not when any halfway decent piece of content is another potential carrot to get users to pay them $3.
I don't know if I'm liking this development:
I agree, but on teh Playstation Blog this was posted in response to a comment asking if we would lose the few demos we get as is.

amurphy replied on June 3, 2008 at 9:32 am

If you purchase Qore, you will have access to exclusive content that would not be available otherwise - it does not impact the availability of the great content found on PSN, nor does it change our free play model.

Oh well, as long as I can still play online for free.
I don't know if I'm liking this development:

Maybe I'm not reading enough into it, but by the description it sounds like your typical video game magazine subscription (offline & online), where over the year they include DVDs with "exclusive" demos and game trailers. Even their description is that of a magazine, and the price is right in line with similar magazines offering similar "exclusive" content.

Frankly, I'm still surprised Sony decided not to charge for a lot of the same content that Microsoft charges Xbox Live users for. After all, Xbox Live users continue to spend a lot of money for XBL Gold in order to play online, use the video chat service, and get access to some of the demos before Silver members can. Heck, Microsoft even charges Gold members for things like gamertag icons and dashboard themes.

As long as gamers continue to pay these fees, it's really hard to blame Microsoft, and perhaps eventually Sony for charging gamers. People need to learn control, and if they really feel something or a service isn't worth it, to stop paying for it.. even though it means missing out on something until perhaps they lower the price or even make it free. I can gurentee if Microsoft truly felt their customers would stop using XBL and start using PSN due to the fees, those fees would disappear over night. As it is, gamers appear to be instead all too willing to pay their monthly fees.

I can only say from a personal standpoint, I use the PSN very frequently, downloading content and playing online, and have been very impressed with the service, and the reliability of the network.

I will gladly concede that XBL still offers many excellent online features currently missing from PSN like:
  • Game Achievements
  • Reputation Ratings
  • Gamerscores
  • Complaint Filing System
  • In-game Chat
  • Gamertag Matchmaking
  • Enhanced Bio Profiles
However, there are also benefits to the PSN over that of XBL like:
  • Free Online Play
  • Up to 16 Individual Accounts w/total of 800 possible online friends (and ability to organize them by leagues and/or games played)
  • Access to all International PSN Stores (XBL members are region locked)
  • Web Browser, Webmail
  • Free Built-in WiFi support (except for the long extinct 20GB model)
  • Free Video Chat w/support for up to 6 people
  • Support for 3rd Party Accessories, like Headsets.
  • Support for Bluetooth Devices
  • Free Themes, Wallpapers, and Icons
  • Enhanced Theme Options & Free Theme Program to make or edit your own.
  • Easy Game Save Sharing and Backups
Just the ability to have 16 individual user accounts alone has made the PSN well worth it to me. If it was XBL, not only would I need multiple X360s, but it would also cost me $50 a month for each one of those accounts... or $800 a year! :eek:

In other words, if people are willing to pony up and pay for the service and a lot of the content on XBL that is free on the PSN, unfortunately this may only encourage Sony to do the same, especially with the upcoming new features for online gaming that for now continue to be exclusive to XBL. You combine that with the already long list of advantages that PSN has over XBL, and now it's hard to understand how Microsoft can continue to charge for their service, or more importantly, how Sony can continue to not charge for it's service.

I hope this isn't the case, but I suspect as long as people keep paying for XBL, I would not be the least bit surprised if Sony comes up with their own version of a similar "Gold" membership.
I suppose it is really this line that makes me groan a little:
Panico says that 80 to 90 percent of the content in each issue of Qore will be exclusive.

So it all just depends on what this % figure actually ends up entailing. If it means that well done demos's, like Uncharted for instance, will discontinue being a "free" download, then yeah that disappoints me. Although I have to agree that as it stands now, even granting this worst case scenario, the PSN is still a very solid value. Also can't fault Sony for deciding that designing, programming and supporting a community network service like this deserves some kick back. It just seems like a slippery slope is all, once one VP decides it is ok to demand a token amount for certain content, their successor is that much more likely to decide that expanding the concept is necessary for their business plan. So on and so on until whatever equilibrium is reached between the competing services.

Oh well, in the end it is just business so I'll quit bitchin' about it now ;)
I see nothing wrong with this. I like it as an option. but its also a great way to get right into a beta without sighing up for keys and stuff like that.
If the only way to get demos is via a pay service then no more demos for me. I can't believe Sony would do this as demos sell games. While they are free I'll try loads of games I wouldn't normally look at and sometimes I'll discover something good and buy it. I wouldn't have bought Uncharted without the demo. On the other hand I won't pay for a demo game as 90% of the time I try it and throw it.

So, if they charge for the demos it'll be a case of biting off your nose despite your face!
I will gladly concede that XBL still offers many excellent online features currently missing from PSN like:
  • Game Achievements
  • Reputation Ratings
  • Gamerscores
  • Complaint Filing System
  • In-game Chat
  • Gamertag Matchmaking
  • Enhanced Bio Profiles

PSN doesn't need achievements, they don't really add much and just makes it a way of showing off "e-penises". Go to any Xbox forum and you'll see people going on and on about their gamer score. One thing I like about PS3 games is that I can just play it for what it's worth and not worry about achievements or a pointless score.

I can see the rep system being good along with a complaint filing system. In game chat is not a huge deal to me

I hope this isn't the case, but I suspect as long as people keep paying for XBL, I would not be the least bit surprised if Sony comes up with their own version of a similar "Gold" membership.

I just hope Sony realises that a huge win for them is the free online service. Sure there might not be as much stuff as Live, but for a free service you get quite a bit and it's fairly problem free. I really think it would be a bonehead move on Sony's part to start charging people, especially since they groomed a large number of gamers to expect it to be free.
I think this proposed Quore service is going to flop because its basically going to be gamespot, ign etc etc but even more biased.. why do I need to pay for that when the net has all the info I need.

Its like the official UK playstation magazine, who needs to buy it anymore! in the past it was for demos but now I get them off PSN, all the articles show old news, old screens and no user revealed info (such as amar and the F1-2007 in GT5P)..... bacially official anything is useless!

Yeah they are saying exclusive content like wallpapers! ooh! and some beta access, well it doesnt really interest me, as long as they keep online play and Home free they can charge what they like for other things..

EU Playstation Store Update

Game demo's

* Battlefield: Bad Company (1616 MB)
* Dragonball Z Burst Limit (527 MB)

Game content

* Guitar Hero III
o Motörhead Track Pack (€5,99)
+ "(We Are) The Road Crew"
+ "Stay Clean"
+ "Motörhead"

o God of War

* Toy Home
o Second Gear (€3,99)

Game video's

* Resident Evil 5
o Trailer

* Top Spin 3
o Debut Trailer

PSone games

* Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (€4,99)*

PSP games

* Killzone Liberation (€19,99)
You guy's whining about Qore really don't get the picture.

US should see Nova Strike, Commando 3, and possibly Fatal Inertia EX today as games, with a few demo's.
Maybe I'm not reading enough into it, but by the description it sounds like your typical video game magazine subscription (offline & online), where over the year they include DVDs with "exclusive" demos and game trailers. Even their description is that of a magazine, and the price is right in line with similar magazines offering similar "exclusive" content.
I get this because it is technically replacing the now defunct Official US Playstation Magazine.

Here is the kicker: That went defunct because, by Sony's own admission, it wasn't necessary anymore as the Playstation Blog and PSN would provide the free exclusive content and stories. Now they have a pay digital magazine, and no one is quite sure how it will affect the PSN's free content.

You guy's whining about Qore really don't get the picture.
I don't think it is whining so much as questions, which is fair because Qore is not out yet and unless you pay money up front you won't get a chance to know. Perhaps they would get more interest if they made the first issue a free trial issue?

The biggest question is if the exclusive stuff will be demos, wallpapers, and themes that we already get from the PSN for free. Sony has to know that the first time a multiplatform demo in Qore shows up on XBL, or anywhere else, there will be a lot of noise.

Sure they can say that it is exclusive and not available on PSN, but the question becomes, if Qore didn't exist would it be on PSN? And after going through all 13 pages of comments on the Playstation Blog regarding Qore no one at Sony has answered that follow up.

There are questions, and rightfully so, because until we see the affect of Qore long-term with our own eyes no one can make a positive or negative judgement. Sony was short on details and is not answering enough questions to calm unfounded fears, and when a company does that the general reaction is to assume that they are founded.

Personally, I doubt I will subscribe. I have one videogame magazine subscription (EGM), and that was free. Occasionally I buy individual others at the grocery when they have something of interest. I have a feeling that is how I will treat Qore. If it has an awesome demo I can't get elsewhere or exclusive Gran Tursimo news then I will buy that one issue. Otherwise, no buy for me.

Plus, the bonus for a subscription is a free copy of Calling All Cars. Really? I already bought that, at a discounted price. Just give me the option of any one $7.99 game on PSN.

US should see Nova Strike
I was about to make a rant about having another 360-degree dual stick shooter.

But it actually will use traditional trigger controls for weapons. So, this seems to be a bit of a space themed 1942 kind of top-down arcade shooter. Seems interesting. As it is $9.99 and has no multiplayer I hope we get a demo. PSN games need more demos.

Edit: Reading more I see a demo will be coming later. I may wait.

Anyway, this seems promising from Tiki Games.
Can't wait to try out the Battlefield demo. :)

I presume it's multiplayer?
It is... with both quick match and custom match options. 👍

There are also two difficult settings you can choose for single player mode.

The graphics are in 720p. I'm not a fan of the "stylistic" choppy handycam camera view and there is way too much digital noise artifacts, but I'm picky about that stuff. ;) Overall, the graphics are pretty impressive though.

The audio is very good, with what appears to be a rock solid 5.1 discrete Dolby Digital signal.

It's also a fat download at 1.6 GB.

I can't really comment on the gameplay, as I just started messing around with it.
It is... with both quick match and custom match options. 👍

There are also two difficult settings you can choose for single player mode.

The graphics are in 720p. I'm not a fan of the "stylistic" choppy handycam camera view and there is way too much digital noise artifacts, but I'm picky about that stuff. ;) Overall, the graphics are pretty impressive though.

The audio is very good, with what appears to be a rock solid 5.1 discrete Dolby Digital signal.

It's also a fat download at 1.6 GB.

I can't really comment on the gameplay, as I just started messing around with it.

Man this game sure gave me an headache after i quit the demo:ouch::dunce:
Downloaded the Bad Company demo last night and I have to say I love it.

The single player seems a bit cheesy, but the multi-player is utterly stunning. The gold-rush match type that you get is great fun, switching between attacker and defender and with multiple points to defend becomes a massive running fire-fight.

The destructible environments are truly that, no building is inaccessible as you can simply blow the walls/doors/roof off it and climb in, all the weapons and vehicles seem well matched. Taking out a tank with the static wire guided rockets is stunning and ranks up the points if they are packed with the other sides troops (just got three plus a vehicle kill bonus in one go).

Its best described as a cross between Warhawk and COD4.

I had not given it much attention up to now, but I have to be honest, even with MGS4 coming next week (which I will still be getting), I am very, very tempted on this as well. It will be a nice light relief in comparison to MGS and MGO. Looks like I may well be trading COD4 in, and I didn't think that would happen for a while still.

Strong recommendation on this one from me.


ahs there been a US store update yet? I checked late last night to no avail...
Yeah I checked and nothing. But according to the blog it is up now.

Here is what we should have


Qore Digital Magazine
Qore Episode 001: June, 2008 ($2.99 Issue, $24.99 Annual Subscription)

Downloadable Games
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 ($9.99)

Add-on Game Content
Guitar Hero III - GOW Add-On (free)
Guitar Hero III: Motorhead Track Pack ($6.25)
Includes “Stay Clean”, “(We Are) The Road Crew” and “Motorhead” by Motorhead.
Rock Band
  • “Perfect Insanity” - Disturbed ($0.99)
  • “Inside the Fire” - Disturbed ($0.99)
  • “Indestructible” - Disturbed ($0.99)
  • Disturbed Pack 1 ($2.99) - includes “Indestructible,” “Perfect Insanity,” and “Inside the Fire” by Disturbed.
  • “Volcano” - Jimmy Buffett ($1.99)
  • “Margaritaville” - Jimmy Buffett ($1.99)
  • “Cheeseburger in Paradise” - Jimmy Buffett ($1.99)
  • Jimmy Buffett Pack 01 ($5.49) - includes “Margaritaville,” “Cheeseburger in Paradise,” and “Volcano” by Jimmy Buffett.
Rock Band price promotion: “CrushCrushCrush” - Paramore, “Rock N Roll Band” - Boston, “Gimme Three Steps” - Lynyrd Skynyrd, “Dirty Little Secret” - All-American Rejects, “We Care a Lot” - Epic, “All the Small Things” - Blink 182, “Shockwave” - Black Tide, and “Sugar Magnolia” - Grateful Dead are reduced to $0.99 until June 12th.

Game Demos (free)
Civilization Revolution Demo
Battlefield: Bad Company MP Demo
NASCAR 09 Demo

Game Videos (free)
Guitar Hero III - God Of War Add-On
Resident Evil 5: Spring Trailer 2008! (With new racial insensitivity!)
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 Trailer
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures launch trailer
Dead Space Story Trailer
Fracture Trailer
Fracture Behind the Scenes “Story”
Hail to the Chimp: 3:00 AM

PS3 Themes (free)
Retro Theme

Game Music (free)
God Of War “The End Begins” Music Track


Downloadable Games
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 ($15.99) (also downloadable via PS3)

Game Videos (free)
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 trailer
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 TV Spot 1
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 TV Spot 2

PSP Wallpaper (free)
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 Wallpaper (x4)

Game Music (free)
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 music tracks (x5)

WOW!!!! Two new arcade style shooters. Never see those.

Someone tell me if they are any good.

And I am interested in seeing how the Civilization Revolution controls work out. Any keyboard and nmouse support?