I'm going to have to create a US account I think. We shouldn't be forced to, but unfortunately we have too.
First of all, be grateful you actually can do this. If you were on Xbox Live, not only would you be limited to one account, but it would be region locked. The reason for this is that a lot of content has multiple license holders depending on the country it is being released in.
For instance, Warner Bros owns the distribution rights to many films being released in Europe, while Universal owns the distribution rights to those same films, but only in North America. This is just one example of why a lot of media content has traditionally been region locked, in order to protect the legal rights of the distributor in that region.
Like I said, instead of complaining, I strongly suggest you not only thank Sony for allowing multiple regional accounts, but to also not expect that this will always be the case. In fact, I suspect Sony may be forced to put an end to it when they roll out their "Movie Store" on the PSN, for the very reason I gave regarding the complicated distribution rights for many films.
That said... Creating a US account is going to be even easier and quicker than creating your first account. I can create one in any region in less than 5 minutes. Once it's done, you never have to do it again.
In addition, you'll find that having multiple accounts can often be a good thing. I use my multiple accounts for organize and expanding my PSN Friends Lists. I also use multiple accounts to join various online gaming leagues. I have other accounts dedicated for my wife, kids, and some family and friends.
As for the MGS Database, I'll have to wait for the EU release before I can use my MGS4 saved data to unlock all the information, as you know.
I seriously doubt that is the case. I don't even own MGS4, and I downloaded it and have been browseing through it. The only thing that is "Locked" is info regarding MGS4, which if you look at the database is only a fraction of all the content. Besides, all you would have to do anyway is to download a completed MGS4 game save and copy it to your Game Data Utility folder, and then you would be able to look at all the MGS4 content as well.
I already have an US and Japanese account. But not everyone that has an PS3 would bother to make another account just for the demo or other content.
We always get nothing other than 2 or maybe 3 vids when there having a good day.
So wait... are you complaining for everyone who has not figured out how to make an account in another region?
If someone knows that the US store has a lot of content not found on the Euro store, then they not only know how to make an account, but more than likely know how to use the internet and search for info. There are countless numbers of sites... including this one that give detailed instructions on how to create a regional account. Not that anyone really needs it, as Sony makes it very clear how to do that any way. So once again, I have a hard time understanding why anyone needs to get so bent out of shape, or feel left out.
In Usa there is an even an really Playstation.Blog and thats something i wanted ot look forward to. Sony knows were an big share of there sales but were always left out
Aparently you had not heard or searched for it, but you "guys"/Europe have one as well, and could have been easily found with a simple Google search:
Three Speech
About Three Speech
Based in the UK, this blog is produced in partnership with PlayStation.
It is semi official, an informal means of communication for PlayStation. Importantly, we avoid censoring content here, so long as Three Speech is used constructively. We hope to create an environment that is balanced, open minded and intelligent, and that avoids the routine of fanboy warfare..
We bring together people who have something valid and engaging to say about gaming and digital entertainment. Anyone’s invited to respond to threads; also to contact us about coming on board as a guest blogger. We can’t promise that PlayStation will respond to everything but they will get involved along the way.
In addition, there are no borders on the internet... there is absolutely nothing keeping anyone from Europe or any where in the world with internet access from reading, posting questions and participating on the
Official PS3 Developers' Blob... just like anyone from the US. It's just a bloody website... It could be hosted anywhere for that matter. Information is information.
Once again, just look at what Nintendo and Microsoft have to offer regarding online multi-regional content... and count your blessings how nice and easy it is to browse and download content from other regions.... it could, and may someday be unavailable.