GameBoy --> Gameboy Color --> Gameboy Advance --> Nintendo DS --> Nintendo 3DS
Red/Blue -------------------> FireRed/LeafGreen
Gold/Silver -----------------------> HeartGold/SoulSilver
Ruby/Sapphire -------------------> ??/??
Started playing Pokemon Diamond again on a save from 3 years ago, and I have a Worturtle from a trade, I'm just wondering, how do you get the older pokemon? Would like to have all the starters from previous generations if possible, and the older legendaries, not really bothered by the current legendaries.
Liking Black and White 2 so far. 7 hours in, 3 Badges...current team:
Caterham the Snivy - Level 26
Sauber the Growlithe - Level 26
Marussia the Minccino - Level 23
So we have similar nickname habits, except mine are named after drivers. It helps to have an all male team for that, though if they were mixed genders, they would probably be named after anime and video game characters.
I personally would not want the next games to go to 3DS because I can't afford one.
With these Pokemon, what type is strongest at the end game?
Presumably the strongest at the start of the game is going to be significantly weaker at the endgame point?
Wait, its the same endgame for all Pokemon games?
As in, the same set of types will always conquer the Elite Four and the Grand Champion (I've not actually gone to the end, always gets sidetracked then forget about it at level 25-ish).
As someone who has never played any of these games. Which is the best to start out with.
Not nessecarilly the easiest. I don't mind a challenge.
The tactical turn based strategy element appeals to me. Not so much the actual pokemon lol.
peobryantStarting out with the grass type (Snivy) provides the most challenge, and for me the most enjoyment in the game.