Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
I have several £75,000+ cars within walking distance from where I live. It's not difficult to find an expensive or desirable car and claim it as your own on the internet.

On any given day I could say I own a GT-R, Noble, F10 M5, etc, etc. Easy access to these cars at work. :sly:
Or I could say I was test driver for Nissan.
Oh wait....
I don't believe you.
I need you to ship me a Nissan with a note, signed by your boss, in the driver seat saying "My name is race'emhard from GTPlanet and I tested this car."

On any given day I could say I own a GT-R, Noble, F10 M5, etc, etc. Easy access to these cars at work. :sly:

So... like... just wondering...

Hypothetically, how easy would it be to back a car transporter up, load up all the cars, and drive off to sell them all on the black market?

Or I could say I was test driver for Nissan.

And this is how you handle making a mistake. Admit to it, and occasionally rip yourself for it. 👍
I don't believe you.
I need you to ship me a Nissan with a note, signed by your boss, in the driver seat saying "My name is race'emhard from GTPlanet and I tested this car."


I'm just referring to something I've actually done.

Not my proudest moment...
I don't really care anymore, but this doesn't really prove ownership. Could mean someone he knows has access to a CLK55 in a garage. Could be at a dealership, or in their parents garage for all we know. Anyway, it's not worth pursuing further I guess, maybe if it was a Veneno.
Prove it.

Alright mate. Let's take a trip, you and me... let's go to Europe. France, Italy, Germany... ringin' a bell? If we spot a BLACK Merc or BMW with BLACK tinted windows and high beam on, we pull him over and ask where he's from... 98% of the time, they're Albanian or from Kosovo, because that's how they drive and those are the cars being driven. Have you not seen Top Gear in Albania? What did you see? Nothing but Merc's. (Should give you an idea of the place)
Nope. I said inside the car.

Anyone can find a car, write a note and stand by it while taking a picture.

As I said before, there is a whole list of cars I could do this for within walking distance.

I have several £75,000+ cars within walking distance from where I live. It's not difficult to find an expensive or desirable car and claim it as your own on the internet.
How many cars can you just walk up to though, & find with no license plate? The pictures of the car in the spring/summer in a driveway, winter at a parking lot, & in a garage all showed the car having no plate. Not exactly an easy task to mimic in 3 locations.

It's obvious he has access to this car at will, so him finding a way to take a picture of the inside won't surprise me personally. His biggest issue is now the assumed location.
Wait a minute, all of this is over an SL55...? you're joking right..?

This isn't exactly a "Ludicrous claim" =/
Bit off topic here, but: Guys, quick question... how long has the Mazda CJ7 been out? Just saw it today with no plates; even though it did look horrible — the front mostly — it was nice to see a new car (well, to me it was new). Then a BMW X1 pulled up, which was nice.

Wait a minute, all of this is over an SL55...? you're joking right..?

This isn't exactly a "Ludicrous claim" =/

That's what I thought at first also. They jumped at MrWhiskers when some facts like location and time didn't match (a bit silly).
Crap! Double post.... hang on...


Triple post... s***!!!!
Alright mate. Let's take a trip, you and me... let's go to Europe. France, Italy, Germany... ringin' a bell? If we spot a BLACK Merc or BMW with BLACK tinted windows and high beam on, we pull him over and ask where he's from... 98% of the time, they're Albanian or from Kosovo, because that's how they drive and those are the cars being driven. Have you not seen Top Gear in Albania? What did you see? Nothing but Merc's. (Should give you an idea of the place)

Doesn't seem like someone from Albania or Kosovo.
How many cars can you just walk up to though, & find with no license plate? The pictures of the car in the spring/summer in a driveway, winter at a parking lot, & in a garage all showed the car having no plate. Not exactly an easy task to mimic in 3 locations.

It's unlikely, but i've seen people go to greater lengths to try to claim a vehicle as theirs, including stalking a vehicle and posing with it while the owner was gone.

It's obvious he has access to this car at will, so him finding a way to take a picture of the inside won't surprise me personally. His biggest issue is now the assumed location.

I won't be surprised when he posts a picture of the inside either, but until he does he hasn't provided the standard of proof that I requested and he agreed to provide.

I only called this because things didn't add up. I asked for proof, he claimed the car was sold and he couldn't get a picture. Seemed a little too convenient.

Wait a minute, all of this is over an SL55...? you're joking right..?

This isn't exactly a "Ludicrous claim" =/

Look back through this thread at how many people have been called, not because they have claimed to own an expensive car, but simply because what was being said didn't add up. Yeah, that.
It's unlikely, but i've seen people go to greater lengths to try to claim a vehicle as theirs, including stalking a vehicle and posing with it while the owner was gone.
That's commitment.

I won't be surprised when he posts a picture of the inside either, but until he does he hasn't provided the standard of proof that I requested and he agreed to provide.

I only called this because things didn't add up. I asked for proof, he claimed the car was sold and he couldn't get a picture. Seemed a little too convenient.
To be honest, that was my thought as well. I hinted at it originally in the Pics of your car thread, but when he said he'd be selling the car & wasn't in the US, I figured he'd found a way to cover himself from providing proof.

The actual thread is where I became fully curious about a car he supposedly wasn't even going to own anymore.
That's commitment.

Nope. Commitment is the same guy driving a 100+ mile round trip on the weekend to get a picture of the car in a rest stop, and getting his wife to pose with the car too. He also posed with the car at a car show and led people admiring it to be believe that it was his, before quickly disappearing when the real owner turned up at the end of the event. :crazy:

To be honest, that was my thought as well. I hinted at it originally in the Pics of your car thread, but when he said he'd be selling the car & wasn't in the US, I figured he'd found a way to cover himself from providing proof.

The actual thread is where I became fully curious about a car he supposedly wasn't even going to own anymore.

I mentioned it in another thread where MWhiskers mentioned his car shortly after posting in my visitor messages that the car was sold. I got no reply so figured he was squirming, but I had a little more on my plate at that time so decided to leave it.
This should be more "The I'm jealous of other people's cars, so I'm calling all luxurious claims fake" thread.
This should be more "The I'm jealous of other people's cars, so I'm calling all luxurious claims fake" thread.

A statement that says a lot more about the person making it that those its aimed at.

This thread is based around the AUP and also the fact (and it is one) that a large proportion on ownership claims made on the site turn out to be false, as such we expect as a matter of course that owners provide proof if requested.

Odd thing is (as this thread shows) those who own the cars provide that proof with almost no fuss, the ones who kick and scream almost always end up disappearing or recanting.
Does it really matter so much if someone actually owned a car or not ? Or is it just a simple matter of moral virtue of honesty in a virtual world ? If a claim is proven to be false, what happens next ? The person have violated AUP and deserve to be penalized ?

I had fun just by reading through this thread, so much drama just for a claim of ownership, carry on guys :D
Does it really matter so much if someone actually owned a car or not ? Or is it just a simple matter of moral virtue of honesty in a virtual world ? If a claim is proven to be false, what happens next ? The person have violated AUP and deserve to be penalized ?

I had fun just by reading through this thread, so much drama just for a claim of ownership, carry on guys :D

If we allow one part of the AUP to be ignored at will then what is the point with the rest of it? Anyone could say they owned anything, or have done anything; a lot of good-will is given to members in this area but on occasions we have had members outright lie about almost every part of their life.

As such I feel no issue at all with any member being asked to back up a claim they make, its part of what makes GTP the place it is, we are not a site filled with abusive, text-speak riddled posts that contain claims no one is sure are true or not.
Does it really matter so much if someone actually owned a car or not ? Or is it just a simple matter of moral virtue of honesty in a virtual world ? If a claim is proven to be false, what happens next ? The person have violated AUP and deserve to be penalized ?

I had fun just by reading through this thread, so much drama just for a claim of ownership, carry on guys :D

Yeah he also basically tried to sell it on GTP, so some people asked for proof that he owns the car but he hasn't put in good enough proof, just a peice of paper with his GTP name in front of a camera.

Im confused as why he doesn't just ask his brother to take a picture of the door open, or just the keys of the car.
If we allow one part of the AUP to be ignored at will then what is the point with the rest of it? Anyone could say they owned anything, or have done anything; a lot of good-will is given to members in this area but on occasions we have had members outright lie about almost every part of their life.

As such I feel no issue at all with any member being asked to back up a claim they make, its part of what makes GTP the place it is, we are not a site filled with abusive, text-speak riddled posts that contain claims no one is sure are true or not.

So, is there a measure for a claim to be asked for a prove ? Like for example there's a new thread about vehicle history, that thread is a good source for this.

I understand that false claim is not a commendable deed, but I think it should be a request for evidence, not a demand or one that sounds like an order :) If the person do not want to backup the claim, the staff could have just delete the post or lock the thread ?
Does it really matter so much if someone actually owned a car or not?


Life goes on, even for people without personal transportation.

Or is it just a simple matter of moral virtue of honesty in a virtual world ?

Essentially, yes.

Why have a discussion based on a lie? We have an open forums for discussing what you'd do if you had something (or rather have this-or-that). We'd probably be a less-interesting forum if the non-gaming sections were all about a pack of lies.

If a claim is proven to be false, what happens next ?

The person have violated AUP and deserve to be penalized ?

Depends; if they don't go off on a swear-filled rant directed at anyone and everyone, they usually get to stay (unless they were in bad standing all-around before the ludicrous claim). That's for the staff to decide on an individual basis. Most leave with their tail between their legs, but some stick around and/or lurk, and even go on to seamlessly return to GTPlanet without much fanfare once the dust settles.

Typically, if someone really does own the car, they go back to Reality Land and offer to show photos when time permits. Because either you're honestly too busy to show proof, don't really care (Wait! I could be driving around in my Porsche than actually caring what others think...), or fibbing. What I can't understand, is why people opt to dig a deeper hole for themselves.
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I dont have much pride ill admit I have a 04 kia rio.

So I guess the phenomenon of people lying about their cars is rather odd to me.