Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
I'm the opposite. I would think that the harsher critics would be the one to put the person out of doing something like that again. I would think ridicule and smart alec comments would be the ones to sway someone, because honestly, why would you want to put yourself through that more then one time?

Getting nothing but a slap on the wrists? If I see no real punishment from something that's been done, then why would I care if it happens again.

I'm probably backwards.

But it isn't just a slap on the wrists. The AUP clearly states that lying isn't tolerated and I reckon more than one person was banned over the course of this thread. So I'd say the 50s dad "Tell the truth or sleep outside" tone is pretty sufficient. :cheers:
But it isn't just a slap on the wrists. The AUP clearly states that lying isn't tolerated and I reckon more than one person was banned over the course of this thread. So I'd say the 50s dad "Tell the truth or sleep outside" tone is pretty sufficient. :cheers:
It is, because, all though I dont see much wrong in it, all that is given is an apology and everything is A-ok. Theres not much repercussion.

All in all, I'm fine with an apology. I'm also fine with seeing these A-hole comments(to some degree) being necessary as well, in order to get it through someones head that this is not ok.

I agree that popcorn comments are worthless, if anything they are funny and are not ment as much more then that.
If GTPlanet is Rome, this thread is the Colosseum.

Zuel lost


can someone PM me about what happened to Zuel? I feel left out.
You feel left out of a community with over 200,000 members of which probably 0.005% are taking part in a bashing of a lying member?

Why do people find it so fun when others lie? To me it's completely annoying and means work that shouldn't need to be done. It's very seldom amusing, it just comes across like a sad plea for attention. As such, it feels like kicking a puppy that just wants to be pet.
The Kardashians have had a TV presence for over seven years now. You really have to ask this in our current culture?

I mean, I liken this to when an interviewer asks an obviously die hard Christian celebrity/businessperson about their views on evolution/abortion/homosexuality and then the entire world goes nuts trying to attack the person.
I'm the opposite. I would think that the harsher critics would be the one to put the person out of doing something like that again. I would think ridicule and smart alec comments would be the ones to sway someone, because honestly, why would you want to put yourself through that more then one time?

I'm inclined to agree. Like @TB said, if someone who has been brought into this thread learns something - and importantly, does so before the forum equivalent of self-immolation - then the thread has served a purpose. However, when there are entire pages of nothing more than this:

What I say to those people is if they want likes post a picture of their pet stingray. I got over 25 likes.:lol:

...and even more off-topic posts from either people harassing the accused over other forms of social media, or yet another episode of "Andrew's Daily Exploits", the noise/signal ratio sort of flops.
Since when did SimGamer come to be?
The guy in charge "Communications" (or marketing as everyone else calls it) doesn't even know the name changed. Haha, that's awesome. :lol:
And he expected us to be impressed! :lol:
The irony is astounding considering you brag about a boring Impreza wagon & how you're the fastest Canadian or whatever in GT Academy.
Just found out about this, looks like he dug himself a very deep whole. Admin perhaps could have put a stop to this sooner, as a quick IP check would have given away his location when he was posting his replies determining if he was indeed away travelling or where he normally resides. That in itself would have been against the AUP as it could have been another lie if an IP check showed him somewhere else other than where he was claiming to be.

He has signed up over at my site under striker. Will have to keep an eye on him for any shenanigans.

The internet does indeed make even the most normal people behave differently to how they would in real life. The anonymity has an effect like the the full moon.
The internet does indeed make even the most normal people behave differently to how they would in real life. The anonymity has an effect like the the full moon.

Only if you're unable to be a sane, normal and rational human being..
If this thread is like sharks around a stranded swimmer, that thread would be like a barrel of fish beside a rack of shotguns and a box of shells, with a sign that says, "Enjoy!"
I always though this thread was a little bit country, a little bit rock-and-roll, and a full of hot air.
Hyperbole aside, I would respectfully disagree with that. I see this thread more as tough love. A learning opportunity.

If people can prove their claim, great. Apologies all round from those involved. If people get caught out, they always have the option to explain themselves and if they feel it's necessary, apologise. How they react to it is completely down to them.

Or they could just not reply????

(this thread scares me a little but it's funny :lol:)
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Trying to fight the urge to simply reply "U WOT M8" in reply to the one peobryant commented on. Which would have been even funnier now that I see the guy is also from Austrailia.

That said, I don't think that qualifies for this thread, as "I'm freaky fast I will be able to compete with the best in the world at this game" isn't exactly an uncommon theme here on the internet. If there were a post in here every time someone needed their (likely falsely) inflated ego crushed we'd never actually get entertainment like we've been getting the past few days, because it would be buried behind what would mostly resemble a more censored YouTube comment section.