Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Can you make a game for the Vita? We need more of those. :P

Don't own a vita :rolleyes: lol will have to borrow one, i looking more towards Pstv and mobile first but Pstv is essentially vita so the builds are compatible, well from what i was reading.
This duck. Thanks for brightening my morning @Dagger311!

Congratulations @vasiliflame! Thanks for not being ludicrous and providing adequate proof of your claim.

Also, I think GTPlanet, as well as the whole of the Internet, is "guilty until proven innocent".
I'm surprised @vasiliflame was questioned considering he's been here for some time, and hasn't ever done anything like this unlike the idiot he was compared to (joking or not it's quite stupid). And the people he was questioned by like Dagger and Jmoney makes this even more funny, people should look at those doing the questioning first before jumping on the back of the one being accused.
I understand the mildly ambiguous title but I don't quite get how or why people still periodically think this is a thread to see who can invent the most ludicrous story.

Reporting Ludicrous Claims Thread ?
I understand the mildly ambiguous title but I don't quite get how or why people still periodically think this is a thread to see who can invent the most ludicrous story.

Reporting Ludicrous Claims Thread ?
To be fair, the thread title comes off as if you yourself are making a ludicrous claim :P

Still, reading would actual solve that.
It was a joke. And I don't need his encouragement. Besides you never know I could be able to fly
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Why do people even care if someone makes a so called ludicrous claim on an Internet forum?

There is no point devoting ones time to attempt to bust a stranger who's claim legitimacy comes up as questionable, whether or not they are being truthful is completely irrelevant as the repercussions are non-existent for both parties.

Someone could establish an account, make one post claiming that they own a McLaren P1, then leave the site and observe everybody speculating, doubting, arguing and witch hunting over it for the rest of the week.
Why do people even care if someone makes a so called ludicrous claim on an Internet forum?

There is no point devoting ones time to attempt to bust a stranger who's claim legitimacy comes up as questionable, whether or not they are being truthful is completely irrelevant as the repercussions are non-existent for both parties.

Someone could establish an account, make one post claiming that they own a McLaren P1, then leave the site and observe everybody speculating, doubting, arguing and witch hunting over it for the rest of the week.

Which is why we ask people to show evidence, which in this day and age of technology shouldn't be hard. Alas for some recently here (not naming names) it has proven a bit too difficult.
Why do people even care if someone makes a so called ludicrous claim on an Internet forum?

There is no point devoting ones time to attempt to bust a stranger who's claim legitimacy comes up as questionable, whether or not they are being truthful is completely irrelevant as the repercussions are non-existent for both parties.

Someone could establish an account, make one post claiming that they own a McLaren P1, then leave the site and observe everybody speculating, doubting, arguing and witch hunting over it for the rest of the week.
Because some have claimed to work for car companies, media outlets, or gaming developers and use that lie to enforce false claims of inside info. If someone gives me insist info about the next GT or a race team I want to know it can be trusted.

Plus, the AUP. The rules are why this site works.
Why do people even care if someone makes a so called ludicrous claim on an Internet forum?

The point is that legitimate conversation about certain vehicles actually has some merit. We're based around a video game, which is imaginary, so one can discuss the way Ferraris handle versus Lamborghinis in that part of the forum. But if everyone claimed to have a GT-R, be a insider for a car manufacturer, a game developer, then discussion and forum credibility waters down very quickly if there's nothing to back those claims it up.

Do I really care? No.

If someone wanted to really prove that I'm not married, do not have children, that I don't travel, that almost nothing I've ever had to say here can be proven, that could be argued ad infinitum that every bit of my submitted proof is a Photoshop job. The point is that we eventually drop the argument once reasonable proof is given; we don't need extreme proof such as photo identification nor legal documents because this forum permits a certain bit of anonymity. Those kinds of documents would only be needed for legal reasons, and GTPlanet isn't a legal entity for establishing proof.

Still, if someone's being disruptive about the matter, violating the AUP, then we're still allowed to ban or hand out infractions.
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Why do people even care if someone makes a so called ludicrous claim on an Internet forum?

It's a matter of priorities, as well as if or not the claim directly affects the reader's life.

Let's say you told me that your dad works for the CIA. Okay, no big deal to me - the existence of a filing clerk at Langley isn't going to bother me. Let's say you told me you had a Lambo in the garage and you lived in it. Still no concern of mine; my time is precious, why would I hunt you down to ascertain the fact of that?
These items of your personal life may be important to some - but not to all.

But, let's say you told me that B-Spec Bob had only one helmet . . . or that the UCD in GT5 spat out a Buick Special . . . or that you had a car that could beat any other car (including the 2X).
Those are ludicrous claims to me - not only ludicrous, and false enough to affect my game-playing, but ludicrous enough to be found 'ludicrous' enough to be investigated at a gaming forum that revolved around Gran Turismo.

This is the only reason I find the existence of this thread palatable.
Checking on who has three testicles is not really in my court.
Why do people even care if someone makes a so called ludicrous claim on an Internet forum?
Why do you care that other people do?

"Why does anyone care about things I don't" is a more meaningless argument against this thread then when eran0004 spent a dozen posts arguing with three moderators that more moderation was needed because of "bullying" while admitting that he had no clue what moderation had actually been done.

Someone could establish an account, make one post claiming that they own a McLaren P1, then leave the site and observe everybody speculating, doubting, arguing and witch hunting over it for the rest of the week.
It's a good thing, then, that a good portion of the time the people being rooted out are the ones who use their nonexistent credentials to try to influence the opinions of others about what the truth is rather than people who do drive by posts about how awesome they are. "Nissan test drivers" giving advance notice of the future of Nissan product development and their personal interpretations of how they stack up. "Gran Turismo beta testers" explaining how physics tuning concepts are accurately replicated in the game this forum is about because they've got Kaz's personal ear. "Professional graphic artists" complaining about how long it takes for PD to model cars. Whatever you want to call what Doug was doing.

None of those people made one post and left immediately afterwards; and as a result not everyone uses this thread just to air their dirty laundry like this or this. Some people are actually looking for answers about things.
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Apparently, she's been browsing the forum for the past 14-16 years.
It's amazing that for 14 years she never bothered to join the site until now.

On a side note, wikipedia claims she's 26 but she says she's 24. I know women tend to lie about their age, but 24 instead of 26?