Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
don't post stuff unless you think the guy the post about isn't going to show up in the thread.

When I quoted you in this thread, I sent you a PM telling you about it, with links included, so don't try and play that game. So far your attempts to justify your claims have been zero, but at least its better than your credibility right now, which frankly is the negatives.

You have posted utter nonsense Camaro SS, did your previous bannings not tell you anything? I can't tell if you do it for a laugh or whether you genuinely think people will take you seriously.
thank you!

don't post stuff unless you think the guy the post about isn't going to show up in the thread.

try and see if this is BS: I sell home-made fire alarms for around $25.00.

You sell home made fire alarms? That is another quote which definitely deserves a place in this thread. Are you aware of the manufacturing regulations involved with making a fire safety device? Do you have anything to prove you legally make fire alarms and sell them to the general public?

I'm not digging into your income or personal job choice but the regulations and liabilty insurance needed to produce something which could affect human lives is very in depth. Maybe you could clarify "home made" for me, as I assume you physically make the mould for the fire alarm, the sensors and produce all the necessary safety tests to accompany it.

For example in the UK, even in existing buildings, all smoke detectors should be to British Standard BS5008 or BS5446 or BS kite marked. If installing mains operated smoke alarms then the installation must comply with the current IEE wiring regulations.

Feel free to send it by PM.
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Mark T beat me to the punch.

Who in their right mind would by a home made fire alarm from a teenage highschool student that makes them as a hobby???

I certainly wouldn't.
Who in their right mind would by a home made fire alarm from a teenage highschool student that makes them as a hobby???

I certainly wouldn't.

And pay extortionate High Street prices?

Not on my watch!
Wonder if he makes the detectors aswell... That would explain alot.

well, sort of... really, i just take smashed-up house/residential/commercial smokes and fix them. i only fix photoelectric ones, seeing as they don't have Americium in the detection chamber.

Do you think a block of wood, two strips of metal and a hunk of wax meets code?

no, that's why most of the parts are store-bought. mine usually are a metal single-gang plate with holes/slats cut in them to allow sound to travel through the metal plate... and it has a red LED lamp(meant as a brake-light for a trailer... i just write "FIRE" on the lens in Sharpie).i normally use a Kingstate KPEG270 piezo buzzer, but i've found that the Kingstate KPEG182 is louder, and a lot more "attention-getting". i'm also going to see about building a Xenon flashtube strobe, as soon as i find out what parts i need. as for a reflective surface for the strobe, i won't use one. i'll probably use a faceted lens, like on EST/Edwards' Genesis series wall-mount horn/strobes.
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well, sort of... really, i just take smashed-up house/residential/commercial smokes and fix them. i only fix photoelectric ones, seeing as they don't have Americium in the detection chamber.

no, that's why most of the parts are store-bought. mine usually are a metal single-gang plate with holes/slats cut in them to allow sound to travel through the metal plate... and it has a red LED lamp(meant as a brake-light for a trailer... i just write "FIRE" on the lens in Sharpie).i normally use a Kingstate KPEG270 piezo buzzer, but i've found that the Kingstate KPEG182 is louder, and a lot more "attention-getting". i'm also going to see about building a Xenon flashtube strobe, as soon as i find out what parts i need. as for a reflective surface for the strobe, i won't use one. i'll probably use a faceted lens, like on EST/Edwards' Genesis series wall-mount horn/strobes.

And people actually pay up to $25 to buy a second hand/repaired smoke alarm with no guarantees of safety from someone who isn't qualified to repair and distribute them? I want to meet them as I have some chocolate teapots and bottomless buckets for sale.
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I never though broken/smashed up fire detectors existed. I mean the old reason I can see of a fire detector being thrown out was if it was burnt.
I'm gonna be honest, he knows his stuff. And as rediculous as it sounds it almost seems plausible that someone would buy them.

People have bought worse...
I have something worth £2500 that can accelerate from 0-150mph in 16 seconds and do a QM in 10.75@130mph and sounds like a Spitfire.
I don't think Simplex deserves all of your bashing. If he does have ADHD (which seems pretty reasonable) he probably is very good at this sort of thing, and socially disadvantaged so isn't able to get along very well with everyone. Granted he's not the picture of a great member, but I don't see why you guys are all on him.
Maybe I just read the first post of this thread and could not really be bothered to read the other 1000, seeing as I am at work and it is 01:33am

I actuallly liken her to a horse, but on a bad day perhaps she could be considered a Donkey.
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@ PAPPACLART, a couple of things here....

Firstly if you wish to respond to multiple quotes, please follow the instructions below instead of quoting each into a separate post, thus making double-posts:

Next to the "Quote" button at the bottom of each post is a button which looks like 2 overlapping speech-bubbles. This is the multiquote button.
For each of the posts you wish to quote, click on this button, and a small white + sign will appear in a green circle within the icon.
On the last post you wish to quote, click the "Quote" button as normal, and now when your reply box opens there'll be all the quotes from each of the posts you clicked on, in one post. There's convenient spacing between each quoted part so you can respond to each one in turn.

Secondly I think you misunderstand the point of this thread.
People on these forums sometimes post unbeleivable statements, i.e. Ludicrous Claims! and other members quote those here where they are debunked, or occasionally proved true.

It is not somewhere where you can instigate a guessing game based on something you may / may not have made up. If you can supply proof that you have what you say you have, then it's not a Ludicrous Claim.

For instance, if you had posted in the "What Car Do You Drive?" thread:

"I have a 1HP Lawnmower that can accelerate from 0-150mph in 16 seconds and do a QM in 10.75@130mph and sounds like a Spitfire."

then someone would probably have brought this to the attention of the forum by quoting it here.

(I'm using most of your quote in the example, but way over-exaggerating it with the underlined portion for the purposes of demonstration. :))

Tell us what you've got, and let's get back on topic with real Ludicrous Claims!
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