Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
I think these are the guys in question.

The Father

His 2 children

Prince Khalid Bin Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud.
Princess Reem bint Al-Walid bin Talal Saud.

The family own over 300 cars, including a diamond coated SLR. (I think)

Tho likely I was racing the body gaurds and not the prince himself.
I meant both. Even if he is being Darwin Award stupid it would be a shame for him to die or be seriously injured.

Thank-you for your concern but please don't mistake me for a squid. Becuase I am not. I know you can only judge me for what I have written, and what I have written may suggest that I am a loon, but be assured I am not some reckless street racer, I just have a little play when the opportunity presents itself, and 'opportunity' also means when it is as safe as possible to do so.:-) But yes, regardless, it is silly do anykind of speeding on the road.

(oops, sorry, double post)
Don't you realize that now, even if you own the bike, you will get no respect whatsoever? What's the point of having a bike if you don't have respect? Take a look at me for example. I don't have a motorcycle, obviously I don't have a car, and heck, I don't even ride a bicycle. But at least I have friends in these forums, and I got them because I'm 100% honest. If there's a claim that I won't be able to back up for X reason, then I won't make it in the first place.

First, you say they were two brothers. You say one was a Saudi Prince. Obviously, you have trouble keeping coherency here, as now it turns out that they may be the bodyguards :confused: I must say that, if this was a story of some sorts for a movie, it would get terrible rankings from me, as obviously there are many plot holes that make this story incoherent, absurd, and overall, stupid. 👎

Not only that, but you also "knew" he was a Saudi Prince, yet you now find out his name. How did you know he was a Saudi Prince in the first place? I highly doubt they will go in the Veyron sporting a banner "I'm the Saudi Prince! Wanna race?". That is, all in all, the cream of the crop. [/rottentomatoees]
Don't you realize that now, even if you own the bike, you will get no respect whatsoever? What's the point of having a bike if you don't have respect? Take a look at me for example. I don't have a motorcycle, obviously I don't have a car, and heck, I don't even ride a bicycle. But at least I have friends in these forums, and I got them because I'm 100% honest. If there's a claim that I won't be able to back up for X reason, then I won't make it in the first place.

First, you say they were two brothers. You say one was a Saudi Prince. Obviously, you have trouble keeping coherency here, as now it turns out that they may be the bodyguards :confused: I must say that, if this was a story of some sorts for a movie, it would get terrible rankings from me, as obviously there are many plot holes that make this story incoherent, absurd, and overall, stupid. 👎

Not only that, but you also "knew" he was a Saudi Prince, yet you now find out his name. How did you know he was a Saudi Prince in the first place? I highly doubt they will go in the Veyron sporting a banner "I'm the Saudi Prince! Wanna race?". That is, all in all, the cream of the crop. [/rottentomatoees]

I have plenty of Respect, in the real world I might add. Sorry If have no respect on here in cyber space, but I am not going to loose sleep over it.

OK first of all, the reason why I say that there were 2 Princes was because shortly after the incident (same day), i read in the local newspaper that a Saudi Prince bought 2 Bugatti Veyrons in London as a graduation gift for his 2 sons. I put 2 and 2 togehter, 2 Veyrons, two young Arab looking guys driving Veyrons, in London, together at the time of the supposed purchase. I am not lying, I only made an 'educated' assumption about the identity of the drivers, and in hindsight, not realising that my claim would be open to such scrutiny, I would and should have been a bit more precise with my statement, tho my initial post was posted in thread about 2 new Veyrons, If I would have created a thread for my claim, then I would have been a little more specific and clear with my post. All of the above does not make me a liar.

As for the body guards...

After readling a little about this family, I discovered that they have allot of cars, even the body guards are bought replicas of some of the cars that the family own, and now after thinking a little, I would have and educated guess that seeing as the cars were gifts, then maybe one of the huge entourage of trusted gaurds were actually driving, and not the Princes themselves. This is not me talking BS, just being lazy with my claim but then again, who knows it could have been the Princes themselves.

I think though, the question is not who was driving, more so the actual car I raced againts that is the issue, as it would not matter who was driving, you guys would still not beleive me.

Anyway, becuase I can not prove something, it does not make me liar, nor does it make me any less of a potential friend to anyone here, tho I might add, that I am not here firstly to make friends but to talk GT5, and other motoring related stuff, and if someone was to consider me a friend than fantastic.

You talk of respect, how about give me the beneift of doubt! You are calling me a liar simply becuase I can not prove something, is the Pope a liar becuase he can't prove that god exists? What do I gain about lying about this incident, if I wanted fame on GT Planet I would have posted up a big thread talking about how my bike is a Veyron killer, but instead I posted a quick comment that I did not think very much about in a thread about a new Veyron, and only after I realised that at some point people would call me out on my claim.

Now get over it, just becuase half of you have never seen a Veyron in real life, does not mean that I have not seen one, or had the pleasure have a little race with one.

Jeez, I am arguing with a 16 year old kid! lol
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Now get over it, just becuase half of you have never seen a Veyron in real life, does not mean that I have not seen one, or had the pleasure have a little race with one.

You were doing so well up to then too.

*kicks back to watch the next 20 posts roll in*
You were doing so well up to then too.

*kicks back to watch the next 20 posts roll in*

At least the thread is back on topic:sly:


Anyway, how on earth can anyone prove a thing like this...Sorry I did not have my Video camera strapped to my bike, in anticipation of my dual with a Veyron, so that 2 or so years later I can prove it to strangers on a video game forum. Even if I had a vid, you would likley all say, ''prove it is you in the vid'' ''post up a vid of yourself dressed as Batmann, and show us your Bat bike with I love GTP, and the WMCA theme tune playing in the background'' etc.
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I'm giving pappaclart the benefit of the doubt since on E46 Fanatics, the same Veyron he posted has been repeatedly seen in London & Dubai. In fact, I believe 1 picture of it in London has been posted here where the owner did get the left rear completely in a parking spot on the street.

Pappa, do you remember the number plate of the Veyron you snapped a picture of? It'll give me at least, a lot more proof that you saw what you saw. :)
I'm giving pappaclart the benefit of the doubt since on E46 Fanatics, the same Veyron he posted has been repeatedly seen in London & Dubai. In fact, I believe 1 picture of it in London has been posted here where the owner did get the left rear completely in a parking spot on the street.

Pappa, do you remember the number plate of the Veyron you snapped a picture of? It'll give me at least, a lot more proof that you saw what you saw. :)

Thanks for believing me:crazy:

Sorry, no hope of remembering the reg. I was buzzing at the time. 2k bike vs Million pound car!!
Thanks for believing me:crazy:

Sorry, no hope of remembering the reg. I was buzzing at the time. 2k bike vs Million pound car!!

You don't remember the plate? Again, still giving you the benefit of the doubt, but how could you not remember racing a car like a Veyron that has a plate with only 1 letter & 2 numbers?
Thanks for believing me:crazy:

Sorry, no hope of remembering the reg. I was buzzing at the time. 2k bike vs Million pound car!!

I've no reason to disbelieve you either, i've also seen two Veyrons in the wild - neither of which were situated in posy places. I'd also say that a quick bike would be a fair match to a Veyron driven by someone unprepared for a road race.
You don't remember the plate? Again, still giving you the benefit of the doubt, but how could you not remember racing a car like a Veyron that has a plate with only 1 letter & 2 numbers?

Well, this happend a few years ago, and to be honest I was not behind the car much, and as you can see there is no plate at the front of the vehicle either. I only saw the rear of the car as I passed it though staionary traffic, then when we actually raced, he was following behind me, then as the road cleared up, and it was safe, I nailed it, with him following rapidly. At the petrol station, I did not hang around, just a picture, a smile and a thumb up to the driver and then I went because my friend was waiting. About an hour later, while with my friend, we passed the same Veyron + another, both of which were stuck in awfull traffic, again I did not get a look at the reg orleast don't recall.
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Well, this happend a few years ago, and to be honest I was not behind the car much, and as you can see there is no plate at the front of the vehicle either. I only saw the rear of the car as I passed it though staionary traffic, then when we actually raced, he was following behind me, then as the road cleared up, and it was safe, I nailed it, with him following rapidly. At the petrol station, I did not hang around, just a picture, a smile and a thumb up to the driver and then I went because my friend was waiting. About an hour later, while with my friend, we passed the same Veyron + another, both of which were stuck in awfull traffic, again I did not get a look at the reg orleast don't recall.

Sounds reasonable, then. :)
At the petrol station, I did not hang around, just a picture, a smile and a thumb up to the driver and then I went because my friend was waiting.

I can't express how glad I'm for you to say that. Yes, you are right, you could have created some 🤬 thread. I don't praise you for not posting pictures. But you got my respect. And even if you are lying (which I am not saying you are), and even if I am a 16-year old, you still must be proud of having it, since they are few the people who actually get it. So, I leave this thread, since you at least have a point in that. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and I expect everyone to do the same. After all, does it really matter to me if you raced against a Veyron? Not at all. Good luck, man. 👍
I can't express how glad I'm for you to say that. Yes, you are right, you could have created some 🤬 thread. I don't praise you for not posting pictures. But you got my respect. And even if you are lying (which I am not saying you are), and even if I am a 16-year old, you still must be proud of having it, since they are few the people who actually get it. So, I leave this thread, since you at least have a point in that. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and I expect everyone to do the same. After all, does it really matter to me if you raced against a Veyron? Not at all. Good luck, man. 👍

Thanks, much appreciated. And with regards to your age, I did not mean any offence by that, although I would understand if you may be offended. Jeez, I was not nearly as smart as you when I was 16.

If anybody is still interested at the out come of my encounter with the Veyron, well this is what happend. In short, I saw the Veyron at the lights, he had a few cars infront of him, with a clear road ahead of the cars. I showed my intent, with a quick rev of the engine, my bike being a V-twin, and kinda loud, it probably got his attention. There were a few cars in the way, but once passed the cars, there was a clear stretch. The road itself is wide enough for 3 cars side by side. I found a gap after the few cars infront realised what was behind them (bike and Veyron, they knew what was going to happen), and with a clear path ahead I now had the opportunity I needed.

I had the motor right in it's sweet spot, 6000-7000rpm in 2nd gear, the Veyron had positioned himself behind me, very close, When the time was right, I tucked, and hunched forward and nailed the throttle, went through the gears up to the redline in 4th, and had to back off as there were cars up front, I had a quick glance at my mirror before I applied the brakes and had Veyron in my mirror, and what seemed like a few feet from my rear tyre. I was suprised he never came passed me, as he had a full 2 lanes worth of space to do soo. I guess he was making a point, because I know how fast my bike is, and I know that a Veyron is faster in every aspect from practically any speed, tho my bike is quite deverstating from 2nd gear at the speed at which I accelerated from, despite not being the most powerful bike, it has a good combination of torque/gear ratio's equaling good THRUST.

If I was not informed, then I could claim that I won, but I only stayed in front because the Veyron had chosen not to overtake me.

My bike FYI can accelerate from 0 to 130Mph in approx 10.5 seconds, where as a Veron is more like 8 seconds. Then my bike takes about 6-7 seconds to get from 130mph to 150mph, where as the Veyron is more like 2.5 to 3 seconds. Phenominal!!

Only one of the latest 1000cc bike have a chance up to 150-160mph, but after that Veyron says good bye.
Good website,I signed up just to post the following;

1)Gran Turismo 5 is coming out this year.
2)Yes,Gran Turismo Portable is being developed.
3)No,GT5 will not ship with 1000 Cars.
4)There will be no GT5 information at GDC.
5)Have no information on whether or not the PsP2 exists.If it does,don't expect it to come out anytime soon;the PsP1 is going to have a face-lift this year thus it would be very unlikely that the PsP2 launched anytime within the next 12 months.

I'm a writer for a popular gaming website,and I can guarantee you the above information is not fabricated in any whatsoever way.Things will change down the line,but as of this post,everything stated above is 100% accurate.

And now,I leave.

This guy thinks he's a writer for a major gaming webiste. Yeah. He also says that information is not fabricated "in any whatsoever way". :lol:

And now,he leaves.
This guy thinks he's a writer for a major gaming webiste. Yeah. He also says that information is not fabricated "in any whatsoever way". :lol:

And now,he leaves.

:lol: Well, at least he won't post crap like that again if he's left.
hm, everyone belived me when i said i bought a polo GTI... without pics... damn if that doesnt get called out i have no idea what will!!
My dad has a 50's ford F-1 with a 302 dropped into it, but I don't have a hard time with skeptics. You really can't make something like that up, it just seems too... specific.
This guy thinks he's a writer for a major gaming webiste. Yeah. He also says that information is not fabricated "in any whatsoever way". :lol:

And now,he leaves.
Well someone else in the know has been dying to get some facts off his chest recently....
Not that I want to start a flame war, or drag someone out in the street, but seriously... 5 Years old? He may have played it, but he didn't have a clue what he was doing.

It's not really that ludicrous. I played GT1 when it was released, maybe only a year later. I didn't even know tuning was in the game until many years later but I still played it!:) (I'm 19 though btw).
Not that I want to start a flame war, or drag someone out in the street, but seriously... 5 Years old? He may have played it, but he didn't have a clue what he was doing.

Watching my kids (4 & 6) play video games, and really do quite well with several of them, I can see how it's certainly possible. In fact my son is very good at Burnout Paradise and MotorStorm, but GT5P is still a bit too challenging for him... and lacks the over the top action found in arcade style games that he and his 'cronies' find so appealing. :D
Not that I want to start a flame war, or drag someone out in the street, but seriously... 5 Years old? He may have played it, but he didn't have a clue what he was doing.

I'm 18 and I can make the same claim, it doesn't seem that outrageous to me. If he said 'I completed it with all gold trophies in the license tests, when I was 5' would raise an eyebrow.

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