Don't you realize that now, even if you own the bike, you will get no respect whatsoever? What's the point of having a bike if you don't have respect? Take a look at me for example. I don't have a motorcycle, obviously I don't have a car, and heck, I don't even ride a bicycle. But at least I have friends in these forums, and I got them because I'm 100% honest. If there's a claim that I won't be able to back up for X reason, then I won't make it in the first place.
First, you say they were two brothers. You say one was a Saudi Prince. Obviously, you have trouble keeping coherency here, as now it turns out that they may be the bodyguards

I must say that, if this was a story of some sorts for a movie, it would get terrible rankings from me, as obviously there are many plot holes that make this story incoherent, absurd, and overall, stupid. 👎
Not only that, but you also "knew" he was a Saudi Prince, yet you now find out his name. How did you know he was a Saudi Prince in the first place? I highly doubt they will go in the Veyron sporting a banner "I'm the Saudi Prince! Wanna race?". That is, all in all, the cream of the crop. [/rottentomatoees]
I have plenty of Respect, in the real world I might add. Sorry If have no respect on here in cyber space, but I am not going to loose sleep over it.
OK first of all, the reason why I say that there were 2 Princes was because shortly after the incident (same day), i read in the local newspaper that a Saudi Prince bought 2 Bugatti Veyrons in London as a graduation gift for his 2 sons. I put 2 and 2 togehter, 2 Veyrons, two young Arab looking guys driving Veyrons, in London, together at the time of the supposed purchase. I am not lying, I only made an 'educated' assumption about the identity of the drivers, and in hindsight, not realising that my claim would be open to such scrutiny, I would and should have been a bit more precise with my statement, tho my initial post was posted in thread about 2 new Veyrons, If I would have created a thread for my claim, then I would have been a little more specific and clear with my post. All of the above does not make me a liar.
As for the body guards...
After readling a little about this family, I discovered that they have allot of cars, even the body guards are bought replicas of some of the cars that the family own, and now after thinking a little, I would have and educated guess that seeing as the cars were gifts, then maybe one of the huge entourage of trusted gaurds were actually driving, and not the Princes themselves. This is not me talking BS, just being lazy with my claim but then again, who knows it could have been the Princes themselves.
I think though, the question is not who was driving, more so the actual car I raced againts that is the issue, as it would not matter who was driving, you guys would still not beleive me.
Anyway, becuase I can not prove something, it does not make me liar, nor does it make me any less of a potential friend to anyone here, tho I might add, that I am not here firstly to make friends but to talk GT5, and other motoring related stuff, and if someone was to consider me a friend than fantastic.
You talk of respect, how about give me the beneift of doubt! You are calling me a liar simply becuase I can not prove something, is the Pope a liar becuase he can't prove that god exists? What do I gain about lying about this incident, if I wanted fame on GT Planet I would have posted up a big thread talking about how my bike is a Veyron killer, but instead I posted a quick comment that I did not think very much about in a thread about a new Veyron, and only after I realised that at some point people would call me out on my claim.
Now get over it, just becuase half of you have never seen a Veyron in real life, does not mean that I have not seen one, or had the pleasure have a little race with one.
Jeez, I am arguing with a 16 year old kid! lol