Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
I have a provisional, but never passed my test in full in the UK. Waste of money on lessons really. I was, however, able to use my provisional here in China in the same way I could in the UK; as a small engine bike licence (up to 125cc) and as a learner driver with an experienced driver on board.

I have friends with EU driver licences that simply exchanged them at the local police office for a Chinese version. I'm not sure it would work the other way round, though.

With a new bike on order and here within a few weeks I've had to get a new licence because my provisional from the UK is expired so I must now send off £8 with a photo to some peasant town with crooked DVLA people and get myself a full motorcycle licence as the bike is a 250cc. Sometimes China has its benefits. :)
Wouldn't it be a wise idea to have the license to ride your new bike before actually purchasing said new bike? :odd:
It's a free-be from my step mother factory, so even if I don't get the licence I can just take it into the mountains and go off roading.

I was going to ride it home from the factory last week but was told that if the fuzz pull me they confiscate the bike, which would be a mega rage causer for me.
You only need one if you want to drive legally.

Unless you're on private property... i.e. a farm or ranch. It's not unheard of for 11 or 12 year olds to drive their father's pickup around their own land to help with rural work.
Unless you're on private property... i.e. a farm or ranch. It's not unheard of for 11 or 12 year olds driving their father's pickup around their own land to help with rural work.

When I was around 10 or 11, I was friends with a boy who lived on a farm. We were all jealous as he used to drive about the farm in a tractor and sometimes, a 4x4.

This reminds me actually. I remember I asked my driving instructor what the lowest number of lessons he gave to someone before they passed their test was. He told me he gave someone their first driving lesson on their 17th birthday. Apparently that boy also grew up on a farm and just needed an instructor so he could sit his test. He did one lesson and sat his test a few weeks later.
Wouldn't it be a wise idea to have the license to ride your new bike before actually purchasing said new bike? :odd:

The state of Indiana requires you to test on a bike. They hand out a permit. Well you test for it. Then after having the permit you can test for a Motorcycle License.

So it's common for people to have a bike before receiving the endorsement for MotorCycles on their license.
When I was around 10 or 11, I was friends with a boy who lived on a farm. We were all jealous as he used to drive about the farm in a tractor and sometimes, a 4x4.

This reminds me actually. I remember I asked my driving instructor what the lowest number of lessons he gave to someone before they passed their test was. He told me he gave someone their first driving lesson on their 17th birthday. Apparently that boy also grew up on a farm and just needed an instructor so he could sit his test. He did one lesson and sat his test a few weeks later.

My dad was a farm hand in his youth. He took 10 token lessons before breezing his test.
I was def driving on public roads at 14 yrs of age. Granted it was following my father in a tractor. LoL but at 14. Driving on public roads even at 15 mph was kick butt.

My cousins lived on some land and had their own cars to race around a track they had. They was roughly 13 when they started doing this. VW Beetle and a 7X's Nova.

I got a story about that. Save it for another thread. Unless its approved for this thread. LoL

I got a story about that. Save it for another thread. Unless its approved for this thread. LoL

If its a ludicrous claim then just crack on with it.
Saves the hassle of tracking you down and linking threads and such. Lol.

Joke BTW.
Basically my cousin and I was in the Beetle kicking butt around their oval. When his brother and friend kept trying to get our attention. We thought they wanted us to slow down and let them catch up. We wasn't in for that. Well they slowed down and we caught them. They was yelling your Smokin! I was yelling. Hell yea we are. He's like no no your on fire. We yelled. We know. Smokin you guys good. ......then It hit me. look back and HOLY we was literally on fire!!!! Bailed out of that thing and the other cousin jetted after a fire extinguisher. We got the fire out but the beetle was done.

My cousins were a bit hill billy. Starter fluid used on go karts as nitrous. I watched a piston soar 200 feet that day. That lil kart was screening. Wire over ride governor and ether for extra power. LoL

Ok I'll refrain from anymore stories.
Have you tried it yourself?

Given the lack of ps3 online coupled with the car being set online means I can't personally test this. However, in the thread PrivateJoker has and can only get his FGT down to 732 PP. It seems fairly unlikely and he has been repeatedly asked for pictures, but none are forthcoming so far.
A 650 PP FGT doing a 5:45 at Nurburgring on the A-Spec seasonal. I think this qualifies.
Tried to get evidence, says he can't get a picture.


Now, I see no other option but for Naterules to close his account and never return to GTP.
At least for a few months, when the heat dies down. ;)

It would be cool if some more people asked him for the picture on the thread, ;)
Just for fun :lol:

Given the lack of ps3 online coupled with the car being set online means I can't personally test this. However, in the thread PrivateJoker has and can only get his FGT down to 732 PP. It seems fairly unlikely and he has been repeatedly asked for pictures, but none are forthcoming so far.
I've also seen another thread regarding the ancient myth of the 650PP FGT and as I remember even with B-Spec grinding to wreck the engine the lowest they could get was 711PP
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Without searching the 108 pages (though I have probably read most at some stage...), is this the first ludicrous claim on GT5 or any other game? I mean, claiming that you own 3 Nissan GTR's and currently hold lap records at every kart track you've visited I can understand. It's wrong, but it's easy peer respect. However lying about a game? It just seems crazy! Even if it were true, it is still just a game?
Braking down oil and engines etc. is manditory to compete on the highest level in the seasonals(like it or not). Unfortunately this can take several hours or even days.

If Itold you I know how to 'unlock' a diablo in the game you'd want to get it right? Now I tell you it takes say 40 hours to do, would you want to know the car is real before trying? Of course, but, I can't help you because ''Nvm you guys my phones a pos 2nd gen it won't load the picture to this app.'' and I won't share it online because '' I could care less about ur guys' opinions.'' :ill:
Now this person's claiming he sold his PS3 and bought an XBox suddenly.:lol:

And now "we are all hating on him". Yep, this one was definitely a ludicrous claim, and it just got better.
biiittttchhhheesss i gotta 1956 ford pickup with 24's on it, painted mini monster symbols and made them into a big monster symbol, it is LOOUUDDDD