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  • Thread starter ACGreen86
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I don't what they have against the Swiss :boggled:. Maybe it's just racism:D.

CH is short for Switzerland in the olde european system of 2 letter designation of countries.
And, apparently also the current ISO designation as well. Huh. Why, is CH the designation for Switzerland I hear you ask. (or not, but I'm gonna tell you anyway) It originates in Latin, Confoederatio Helvetica. Confederation of Helvetians. Which is what the Swiss are, Helvetians. Two of them (the Swiss') also invented Helvetica. Okay that's enough outta me. I still think those people you met where racists.
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I once encounter a drifter using CM's,the lobby host asked the guy politely to change his tires to CH's,the guy immediately caught an attitude blabbing on and on about his right to use whatever tire he pleased,in the middle of his rant he was kicked.

You see the problem wasn't that he was using CM's,the problem was that every time we would be in a tandem he would come out of no where and hit us because his tires had more grip,he would never lead and everytime he would follow he would hit the person in front of him causing a wreck(we were on Silverstone National circuit aka "Train Tandem Central").

I have nothing against people who use other tires beside CH's but they have to realize that when they come into a room filled with CH users there are things you can and can't do useless you can adjust yourself to drifting with us.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: any way of getting a vid would like to see it but well done blue
I don't really know, I could film her via my phone and post it on youtube, maybe, but she's quite slow and boring to watch... She's not a drifter. She's a skider :)
She only slide by feint + eventually taping the handbrake, you can't use the brakes or she'll stop rigth away. Tigth hairpins are, well... Difficult.

I will post the setup soon so you can see. I still need to refine dampers / springs because with 195/95 RH, camber like 8.0/10.0, she's ready to take off (anything lower than 8.0 in front makes you barrel rolling). Could post replays files if you want.
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RSM, MCR, Nemesis, y'all better watch out.

I'd like to throw my 2¢ in on this subject first by saying that this tire specific elitism is being crafted by teenagers/children most of whom have never even been on a ride along at a drift day, and don't understand what drifting is about, I'm about to tell you. Are you ready? It's about FUN. I know this concept will blow a lot of kids minds, but that's it. Ch was silently agreed on as the tire of choice in gt5 for drifting as it leveled the playing field amongst users so we could all tandem together and have fun because there are too many variables to factor in for high grip compounds with randoms online. The absolute answer to what tire compound is the best is there is no answer. Use what works for you and your friends. IRL ill get my hands on some cheap used tires that have been rotting in the sun, when I get them they are like plastic. Perfect. When I go out for a track day I want to have fun with my buddies and possibly get some tandem action going without killing my wallet, if however I want to compete I'd probably use a tire compound that lets me keep pace with other drivers without sacrificing the ability to slide in my comfort zone. There are two worlds in drifting, unlike in other motorsports where there is one goal to be the fastest. There is the grass roots fun side and the competition driven side, this is overlooked all too often. To summarize, keep drifting fun and do it because you enjoy it. The scene hoppers will move on when something "cooler" comes along. Untill then try and ignore them.
I wonder if there's a link between tire snobs and the "no fishtailing" crowd. I joined a "no fishtailing" room and assumed it would consist of people with enough control under linear acceleration that their tires pointed to the front, but found it to mean that a crisp, clean manji with a lengthy lateral hold and a quick snap on transition was under-appreciated and resulted in abrupt dismissal.

I was reading tech doc, I hope the 2CV got fantasy brakes in the game because she's got no rear brakes in reality :)
If I can put like 60-80 kg ballast in the rear, it still may be good.

Answer in 7-8 hours :D

Hell that one is a dumb challenge, I like it :D
I don't know what kind of doc you read but this is full of ********. 2cv always had rear brakes. Or maybe you mean that there's no ebrake on the rear tires (was the case on a lot of old Citroen where the ebrake is on the front tires)
I don't know what kind of doc you read but this is full of ********. 2cv always had rear brakes. Or maybe you mean that there's no ebrake on the rear tires (was the case on a lot of old Citroen where the ebrake is on the front tires)
You're rigth sir :)
Braking in that car will make it stop, the engine have not enough power to play with the diff because tires grips too hard compared to her engine's limited torque.

For people waiting on it, the "drifting" (err sliding) 2CV is my next posted setup.

I'm working on SQAT rigth now, my tuning software.
I'm stuck in a aerodynamics + gearbox problem :S, the ingame Corvette C7 speed tests doesn't correspond to what I'm calculating - there's a fracking factor 1000 that I'm struggling to understand from where it comes.
I wonder if there's a link between tire snobs and the "no fishtailing" crowd. I joined a "no fishtailing" room and assumed it would consist of people with enough control under linear acceleration that their tires pointed to the front, but found it to mean that a crisp, clean manji with a lengthy lateral hold and a quick snap on transition was under-appreciated and resulted in abrupt dismissal.

Weird... so they were driving around and powering through the corners then gripping up on the straights? Hahaha... sounds more like rallycross than drifting, strange but I guess their room their rules.
I drift what ever tyre gets me the most angle and consistency. I don't care about what is real because even if the tyre model was real, the tuning still wont be accurate. But when you look at how these guys are trying to drift with grippy tyres you can tell they focus too much time on getting it sideways and less on a good consistent line.
All the players that hate on a different set of tires are just hating because they cant drift on anything else. Want to drift on CH, ok. How about RS, and everything in between. So long as you can drift cleanly, who cares. Remember, we were all 'noobs' once, so calling someone else a noob because their playstyle is different just shows everyone else that you still have that noobish mentallity
I'd be curious to see someone with a steering wheel drift "clean" on RS tires.
Unless its a 10,000kg vehicle with 1000lbtq in the rain, I doubt you'll ever see that. Would be comical to witness such a thing though. Where are the peterbuilt fans?
I drive a 1021hp car on CH

IMO the fun of drifting is not having grip. If you want to pretend to be D1 pro and perfect your drifting on RH, please don't do it in a pub lobby where the vast majority of people use CH, because everyone I see doing that can't control their speed and ends up ramming everyone.
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The equivalent to the tyres they use in D1 would be SM-SS's and that's why I'm over watching pro drifting all together. It's all about who's got the most HP and having the most grip possible... It's stupid.

Drift lobbies are 95% of the time set to ch's to keep everyone at a reasonable speed to prevent ramming and allow for decent tandems, it's more fun that way.

I don't see how people think using ch's is too slow either, in GT5 I was quicker than most people who used cs's to sm's, usually because when using them tyres they can't take the proper line through corners and end up understeering or crashing.
Once I get as consistent like I was in GT5 it'll be the same in GT6.
If I may chime in with my two cents. CH vs CS or really any other tire just makes some tuning differences. With minor adjustments if you can drift with one, the other's difficulty is really no different. The speeds tend to be a little higher with the Sports but it allows one to exit the corner with a little more control. I personally am a big fan of the 1000kg, 250-300hp FR, or a 1200kg 350-400hp 4WD and they will do either tire interchangeably. I really don't think it speaks to the skill level of the driver, just to how far they have their head shoved up their own a** that they are 'noobing' one tire over the other. Show a little respect, let a guy tune his ride the way he wants. For crying out loud, no one's getting paid to do this, we are here for fun.
If I may chime in with my two cents. CH vs CS or really any other tire just makes some tuning differences. With minor adjustments if you can drift with one, the other's difficulty is really no different. The speeds tend to be a little higher with the Sports but it allows one to exit the corner with a little more control. I personally am a big fan of the 1000kg, 250-300hp FR, or a 1200kg 350-400hp 4WD and they will do either tire interchangeably. I really don't think it speaks to the skill level of the driver, just to how far they have their head shoved up their own a** that they are 'noobing' one tire over the other. Show a little respect, let a guy tune his ride the way he wants. For crying out loud, no one's getting paid to do this, we are here for fun.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Respect
The equivalent to the tyres they use in D1 would be SM-SS's and that's why I'm over watching pro drifting all together. It's all about who's got the most HP and having the most grip possible... It's stupid.

Drift lobbies are 95% of the time set to ch's to keep everyone at a reasonable speed to prevent ramming and allow for decent tandems, it's more fun that way.

I don't see how people think using ch's is too slow either, in GT5 I was quicker than most people who used cs's to sm's, usually because when using them tyres they can't take the proper line through corners and end up understeering or crashing.
Once I get as consistent like I was in GT5 it'll be the same in GT6.
Well I think we have to leave the "which tyre is real drifting tyre" discussion for another time because I disagree.
If you don't interfere with others trying to enjoy the game and stick to what the room was created for I don't think you should be limited in any way.
I never realized tires were such a hot debate topic. Use what you want who gives a ****.

I agree, but it's only a nice idea until the point where you're on CH with a guy on SH behind you drifting 20-30mph faster and they just carelessly ram through you, and continue on their way without a single apology like you were just "in their way", because you're "too slow". Don't think that's only in certain cases because it happens A LOT in public drift rooms with no restrictions, I'm talking from experience since the start of GT5.

It's not so much telling people to use a certain tire, rather a way to keep everybody on a level playing field so accidents like that don't happen as much.

A lot of people choose to limit it to CH because it's been compared to tires in real life by some people in the real world drift scene to what most people use on "drift days" and such.

People don't have to limit to CH in lobbies, but if you do it will be a much safer place to drift and especially tandem.
I agree, but it's only a nice idea until the point where you're on CH with a guy on SH behind you drifting 20-30mph faster and they just carelessly ram through you, and continue on their way without a single apology like you were just "in their way", because you're "too slow". Don't think that's only in certain cases because it happens A LOT in public drift rooms with no restrictions, I'm talking from experience since the start of GT5.

It's not so much telling people to use a certain tire, rather a way to keep everybody on a level playing field so accidents like that don't happen as much.

A lot of people choose to limit it to CH because it's been compared to tires in real life by some people in the real world drift scene to what most people use on "drift days" and such.

People don't have to limit to CH in lobbies, but if you do it will be a much safer place to drift and especially tandem.

Perfectly said :D
I agree, but it's only a nice idea until the point where you're on CH with a guy on SH behind you drifting 20-30mph faster and they just carelessly ram through you, and continue on their way without a single apology like you were just "in their way", because you're "too slow". Don't think that's only in certain cases because it happens A LOT in public drift rooms with no restrictions, I'm talking from experience since the start of GT5.

It's not so much telling people to use a certain tire, rather a way to keep everybody on a level playing field so accidents like that don't happen as much.

A lot of people choose to limit it to CH because it's been compared to tires in real life by some people in the real world drift scene to what most people use on "drift days" and such.

People don't have to limit to CH in lobbies, but if you do it will be a much safer place to drift and especially tandem.
Good point, did not consider that,
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