On which plattform do you think/do you want GT6 to be released?

  • Thread starter ch3ng

PS3 or PS4?

  • I want a PS3 release, but think it'll be on PS4

    Votes: 167 28.1%
  • I want a PS3 release and think it'll be released on PS3

    Votes: 200 33.7%
  • I want a PS4 release and think it'll be released on PS4.

    Votes: 141 23.7%
  • I want a PS4 release, but think it'll be on PS3

    Votes: 42 7.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 44 7.4%

  • Total voters
I think he meant the price of the ps4 and the game.

That sounds ridiculous sorry $1000USD for a PS4 and GT6 Collectors Edition, that doesn't sound realistic, that putting it harshly would be $600USD for the PS4 and $400USD for the collectors edition, now does that seem at all reasonable?
That sounds ridiculous sorry $1000USD for a PS4 and GT6 Collectors Edition, that doesn't sound realistic, that putting it harshly would be $600USD for the PS4 and $400USD for the collectors edition, now does that seem at all reasonable?

Considering it was 900 dollars here and 150 for the collectors edition in australia the ps3 i mean.
Considering it was 900 dollars here and 150 for the collectors edition in australia the ps3 i mean.

Ouch that sounds painful sorry, forgive my ignorance at this time I forgot that around the world different taxes and such apply. Well hopefully it won't cost that much so it's accessible to everyone and we'll have a big community for GT6 as well.
The Gamescom started here in Germany yesterday and the spokesman from the exhibition was interviewed by the local tv station. He said, that the reason for the absence of Microsoft and Sony is that they have some "big announcements" next year. So, it is almost guaranteed that they will announce the next generation next year. An xbox release in 2013 is very likely, but I am not so sure about the PS4 release. Fact is, that there is coming some very big stuff next year.

What will make Sony the most money?

From what I believe: Another GT game on the PS3 selling roughly 7 million copies. But the game must be solid. That's the key.

PS4 is released. Sold for 400-500 USD.

Now, Sony can release GT7 on the PS4, which should sell after the PS4-base is established. (at least 2-3 years).

If you're Sony, and you can release ANOTHER GT game on the PS3, then you do it! This is their best selling franchise. Think like a business, not a hungry gamer looking for "MOAR POWER."

Yeah, and how do you think Sony will establish the PS4? They need some heavy first party games and system sellers. GT is one of the most important. They wont sell millions of consoles with Little Big Planet alone...

We have to think about all the exclusives that went multiplatform. Like GTA, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and more. To start strong in the next gen both companies have to come up with new franchises or with very strong first party titles like God of War or GT for Sony. I think that it will be a mix of both in the end, because the consumer is always more willing to buy the things he already likes. If GT6 comes with the PS4 they already generate over a million sales alone from GT6, because racing fans next to shooter fans are the ones that will open their pockets first.
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The Gamescom started here in Germany yesterday and the spokesman from the exhibition was interviewed by the local tv station. He said, that the reason for the absence of Microsoft and Sony is that they have some "big announcements" next year. So, it is almost guaranteed that they will announce the next generation next year. An xbox release in 2013 is very likely, but I am not so sure about the PS4 release. Fact is, that there is coming some very big stuff next year.

Yeah, and how do you think Sony will establish the PS4? They need some heavy first party games and system sellers. GT is one of the most important. They wont sell millions of consoles with Little Big Planet alone...

They established the PS3 fan base without GT5. Prologue took about a year or two to be released after PS3's launch.

Again, we're all just speculating.
They established the PS3 fan base without GT5. Prologue took about a year or two to be released after PS3's launch.

Again, we're all just speculating.

Did you forgot how bad the PS3 era started? PS3 had big problems with not enough games and a very high price in the beginning. They needed almost two years till they could start to close the gap between the PS3 and Xbox sales. They lost the american market to the xbox, because of their problems. Now everything is fine, but the start was really bad.

I would say that they wouldnt do such mistakes again, but when you look at the ps vita, it is obvious that they have not learned a bit. With better marketing and other improvements, they could be way stronger in general as then now.
I think it will be ps4 but I kinda hope it's stays on ps3. I doubt I will buy a ps4 but I would get the game if it was in ps3
I really don't see the PS4 costing more than $400 at launch. The bluray tech has gotten much cheaper sense the PS3's crazy $600 launch and rumor has it, Sony is going to ditch the cell chip.

Both of these factor into a cheaper manufacturing cost and therefore a cheaper price for us. It is also rumored, that the PS4 will be much smaller than the PS3, at a size that is somewhere between the current PS3 and the Wii. Smaller size also reduces manufacturing cost.

Also, the economy (worldwide, not just the US) is crap. Not too many people can afford an expensive console right now. The Wii-U is rumored to be priced at $300, and the new Xbox is rumored to be around $400. If the PS4 launches at anything above $500, people may look the other way and go towards Sony's cheaper competitiors.
I want it to be for ps3 but I feel it's definitely going to be on ps4. It takes pd years to come put with a new gt game so i bet it will be on ps4.
I really don't see the PS4 costing more than $400 at launch. The bluray tech has gotten much cheaper sense the PS3's crazy $600 launch and rumor has it, Sony is going to ditch the cell chip.

Both of these factor into a cheaper manufacturing cost and therefore a cheaper price for us. It is also rumored, that the PS4 will be much smaller than the PS3, at a size that is somewhere between the current PS3 and the Wii. Smaller size also reduces manufacturing cost.

Also, the economy (worldwide, not just the US) is crap. Not too many people can afford an expensive console right now. The Wii-U is rumored to be priced at $300, and the new Xbox is rumored to be around $400. If the PS4 launches at anything above $500, people may look the other way and go towards Sony's cheaper competitiors.
Did you forgot how bad the PS3 era started?

Yes, but they started so bad because there were too much postponements in the release date due to their big problems with the blu-ray technic.
Thereby a lot of people bought a Xbox instead to wait any longer.

Second the PS3 was very difficult to program for the game developers.
I want it to be for ps3 but I feel it's definitely going to be on ps4. It takes pd years to come put with a new gt game so i bet it will be on ps4.

Yes, maybe, but then I personally will stay with MS and their Forza series.

I will not longer support a company which is not be able to give their customers a complete game without a lot of compromises. For me is GT5 maximum a GT4,5 because it lacks in too many aspects like the standard cars, outdated car models, sound, no livery editor and so on.

I don´t expect from GT6 a graphically explosion like the most in this forum do, because I know that the PS3 is (apparently) technically maxed out, but I expect from GT6 a more constant quality!
GT6 needs to be on PS4.
GT5's main flaw is actually PS3's lack of enough memory.
Unless you want blocky shadows, smoke and water spray again...Not to mention few cars on track at the same time.
GT5's main flaw is actually PS3's lack of enough memory.

Strongly disagree

GT5's main flaw is a very un-fun and short A-Spec mode that was crippled even further by the leveling system, credit limit, and useless license tests.

GT6 needs to double up on the A-Spec events, add practice and qualifying to each race, add a PP limit for each race, and improve the AI by making them faster and more aggressive. That lone would solve so many of GT5's problems and it doesnt require new hardware
Strongly disagree

GT5's main flaw is a very un-fun and short A-Spec mode that was crippled even further by the leveling system, credit limit, and useless license tests.

GT6 needs to double up on the A-Spec events, add practice and qualifying to each race, add a PP limit for each race, and improve the AI by making them faster and more aggressive. That lone would solve so many of GT5's problems and it doesnt require new hardware

I'm not sure that alone warrants a new release...

In my opinion
- Online aspects like Player Matching, Leagues, Ranking System and overall options need a complete overhaul.
- Physics/FFB engine needs a solid overhaul to be on par with iRacing's feel
- Sound!.. and a more stable and smooth graphics capability.

Basically these things cannot be achieved in the slightest on the PS3, PD can't risk the consoles melting in our living rooms.
Basically these things cannot be achieved in the slightest on the PS3
Oh? Physics? Maybe. The types of problems that befall GT5's engine make me think otherwise, but maybe.

But sounds and online options aren't things that require hardware changes when the problem seems to be nothing more than their implementation.
But sounds and online options aren't things that require hardware changes when the problem seems to be nothing more than their implementation.

Ya but the online physics run differently because they ran out of memory, I bet they tried everything for the longest time, then had to settle on a lower physics refresh rate to keep their promise of 16 cars on track.

They obviously could change online gameplay, but then why haven't they at least improved something there? Probably because the top programmers are stuck, there's nothing that can be done but to leave it and focus all attention on a next gen game. At least I'm hoping they're not sitting there still giving themselves self-induced headaches... for what? just to put out a game with the same graphic and process limit, with only a slightly better "game". The GT franchise doesn't need to do it to themselves, sales are rolling along.

A GT6 on PS3 isn't going to make up for the "shortcomings" of GT5.

I thought this topic was well discussed in these forums several months back when the in-game timer was found to be off relation to "real" time. This to me says they manipulated the refresh rate to ease effects of true memory glitching.
I'm not sure that alone warrants a new release...

Thats not all they could add without new hardware. bout 85% of whats in the "What do you want in GT6 besides cars and tracks" thread can be added without needing extra power.

- Online aspects like Player Matching, Leagues, Ranking System and overall options need a complete overhaul.

How is this not possible on PS3 hardware?

- Physics/FFB engine needs a solid overhaul to be on par with iRacing's feel

There are racing simulators 10+ years old with better physics then GT5. Not sure how PS3 hardware can't stand improvement in this area.

- Sound!.. and a more stable and smooth graphics capability.

GT5's sound quality is not the problem. If you have a sound system this becomes obvious. Its the accuracy. And theres no guarantee GT6 will run smoother on next gen hardware. PD had 4 years to work with PS3 hardware and they still managed to launch the game with numerous graphical bugs and other issues. I highly doubt a launch or soon after launch GT6 on PS4 will cure all graphical problems. And if it did you'd likely see nothing new.
Restructuring the game is very possible.. but you look at the 4 years it took to get a "half-baked" game, I'll say drop the efforts PD and work on something bigger. Clearly there were tremendous technical difficulties getting to run the game as it is on PS3... they're not lazy or plain stupid like some disrespectfully believe, there is something really tricky about running the game and it's not an easy fix... maybe they went about it the wrong way and dug themselves a hole... who knows.

The 10+ year old simulators being on better than GT5, c'mon man, it's simply not true, GT5 is not too bad at all, I'm using a T500RS, so maybe I have an advantage of feeling more of the physics... but it's still too wrong in certain high speed situations and the overall rawness.

The sound is the main thing I worry about most, I've got a relatively expensive home theater setup, even when tweeking the bass, treble and sub, it's still pretty stale, especially mid-range frequencies. And yes, the accuracy of those slight engine rpm changes should be heard. Of course there are some cars that sound ok.
Restructuring the game is very possible.. but you look at the 4 years it took to get a "half-baked" game, I'll say drop the efforts PD and work on something bigger. Clearly there were tremendous technical difficulties getting to run the game as it is on PS3... they're not lazy or plain stupid like some disrespectfully believe, there is something really tricky about running the game and it's not an easy fix... maybe they went about it the wrong way and dug themselves a hole... who knows.

I think any problems they had were self inflicted. From the beginning all we heard from PD was how they were going to raise the bar in driving sims, with 16 cars on track in 1080p. Thats simply too much for the PS3, even Kaz admitted the car models are better suited to a next gen console. For GT6 on the PS3 they need to swallow some pride and drop the game down to 720p. That Alone would help solve alot of graphics problems.

The 10+ year old simulators being on better than GT5, c'mon man, it's simply not true, GT5 is not too bad at all, I'm using a T500RS, so maybe I have an advantage of feeling more of the physics... but it's still too wrong in certain high speed situations and the overall rawness.

Better then GT5 physics in many ways, yes. Im not the type that bashes GT5's physics and praises PC sims believe me. Im just noting that older PC sims have better physics then GT5 and they ran on inferior hardware. For example NASCAR 2003's crash physics are superb, you really feel the weight and inertia of the car when crashing, but in GT5 the crash physics are all wrong. It makes me wonder if part of GT5's phyiscs problems are related to it's crash physics being wrong. If the cars reflect proper mass and inertia the driving physics and crash physics would both be dramatically improved.

I dont expect GT5 to have physics as real as some PC sims. Why? Those PC sims focus much more on physics then GT. Thats their selling point. GT5's main selling point is a massive car library and great graphics. So they will always be behind in the physics department, something I've accepted long ago. This however doesnt make GT an arcade racer, its still very much a simulation in my book even though it may be a step or two behind PC sims in terms of physics. The idea the cars have realistic specs and performance and handle differently is enough for me.
I'd like it to be released on the system that allows for the best damage model, which would probably be PS4. I think for a game to be a true driving some, you need the threat of a mistake ending your race, but I think it needs to look good.
I'd like it to be released on the system that allows for the best damage model, which would probably be PS4. I think for a game to be a true driving some, you need the threat of a mistake ending your race, but I think it needs to look good.
To improve the damage model you need to improve the damage model, not the console. Just take a look a some GRiD crash montages on YouTube.
To improve the damage model you need to improve the damage model, not the console. Just take a look a some GRiD crash montages on YouTube.

I understand. Grid has one of the best damage models all around, but it wasn't perfect. There could be much better damage that could take more processing power. Honestly, think about a crash being completely realistic. All of the little movements of different parts of the car. I can only imagine how much processing power you'd need to perfectly recreate a realistic crash, but one that could happen at any time and quickly. I'm not sure that makes very much sense.