On which plattform do you think/do you want GT6 to be released?

  • Thread starter ch3ng

PS3 or PS4?

  • I want a PS3 release, but think it'll be on PS4

    Votes: 167 28.1%
  • I want a PS3 release and think it'll be released on PS3

    Votes: 200 33.7%
  • I want a PS4 release and think it'll be released on PS4.

    Votes: 141 23.7%
  • I want a PS4 release, but think it'll be on PS3

    Votes: 42 7.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 44 7.4%

  • Total voters
I think Gran Turismo 6 will release on ps3 100% they just need to take there time and complete the game. Take a look at uncharted 3 that game turned out Amazing the best graphics ever

On console. Some PC games deliver far better graphics than Uncharted 3.

You can't compare U3 with GT. GT has to run with 60 FPS and calculate a physics engine.
Update: Analyst claims the PS4 could be released in 2014, a year after the Xbox 720 and two years after Nintendo's Wii U

Since its incarnation in 2006, the Sony Playstation 3 has been the console of choice for gaming nuts – over 50m units have been sold worldwide so far - with its integrated Blu-ray player and a host of other capabilities making it the darling of the games industry.

But while fanboys continue to hype up its credentials, a spate of rumours are pointing to the launch of a next generation PlayStation console – the PS4 or Orbis.

Despite reports of the PS4/Orbis being rife since last year, details of the what the console will look like, when it will be out and how much is will cost have been shrouded in mystery.

Nonetheless, we’ve scoured the web to paint a picture of what to expect from Sony’s fourth PlayStation.

When is the PS4 out?

Release dates of future consoles are always a hot topic and the launch of the rumoured PS4 is no exception.

When the PlayStation 3 was launched back in 2006, Sony declared the console had a ten-year lifecycle, so it wouldn't be introducing a new console until the PS3's shelf life expired.

The gaming giant was confident the tech inside the PS3 was 'future proof' and this appeared to quash rumours of a PS4 release before 2016.

However, with rumours abound that Microsoft and Nintendo will both be announcing their next-generation consoles - the Xbox 720 and Wii U - later this year, experts believe Sony could may well follow suit.

According to a source speaking to Kotaku, a games blog, a handful of developers have already been given development kits for the new console. The kits are still in beta stage but are likely to be finalised by the end of 2012, according to reports.

This will give the developers time to practice and could possibly mean the console will be ready by Christmas 2013 or by 2014. However, Sony dealt a massive blow to fans eager to see a new console at E3 2012.

Sony CEO Kaz Hirai said: “We are not making any announcements at E3.” He also supported the ten year life span of the console saying that he “Always said a ten year life cycle for PS3, and there is no reason to go away from that."

Update: M2 Research analyst Billy Pidgeon, believes the PS3 will continue to sell well throughout the remainder of 2012, as well as next year, when the price is expected to be reduced to $150.

This could, in theory, help the console overtake the Xbox 360 in terms of global sales, therefore it would make sense for Sony to release its new console the year after, he claims.

What will it be like?

With technology rapidly improving there are no guarantees that the rumoured specification will remain the same.

One source again at Kotaku has leaked some basic information about the specification. The console is rumoured to have an AMD x64 CPU and 28nm AMD Southern Islands graphics power.

This is a massive shock to fans who believe that the device could be much more powerful.

These chips aren’t the most powerful that AMD offers. Could the PS3 be stepping away from offering the best graphics and attempt an innovation drive like the Wii?

Games website IGN believes the console will have AMD's A8-3850 APU and a Radeon HD 7670 GPU.

The console is also likely to have a quad-core processor similar to the one found in the Playstation Vita, but with a 2.9 GHZ processor, according to reports.

Will it have backwards compatibility?

Sony initially offered backwards compatibility for PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games on the PlayStation 3.

This went down well with fans, who could enjoy a vast back catalogue of classic games.

However, once the PS3 Slim was released, backwards compatibility was dropped with Sony citing it was too expensive to keep offering it.

The PS4 is likely not to be backwards compatible on this basis with sources all agreeing that the console will not allow you to play PS3 games.

Sony may offer them to download via the next version of the PlayStation Store, like they have with original PlayStation and PS2 classics.

title: Sony PS4: Specs & compatibility / url: Specs-compatibility

What will it be called?

Reports have emerged that the PS4 will be called Orbis, which means ring or circle in Latin.

But if you combine it with Vita, the PlayStation handheld, it means the ‘circle of life’.

This could mean that the PS Vita will play a big role in the makeup of the new console.

Used games?

The games industry has been unhappy for a long time about the sale of pre-owned games. The developers get no return on these games; the money raised for them goes directly to the company that sells them.

EA have tried to combat this recently by giving only one code to new games to be played online. This means second hand game buyers have to purchase another code if they wish to play the game online.

Sony might follow a similar tactic and lock games to one particular PlayStation account. If users want to use the game on another account they will have to pay to ‘unlock’ the game for use by another account.

However, it’s unknown yet whether users will be able to get around this by signing in on a different console.

Suspected specs

Games site VGLeaks recently published a list of PS4 specs - handed over to them by a source - which indicates, among other things, the PS3 will be 10x more powerful than the Xbox 720. They are as follows:



* 4 core (2 core pairs) 3.2 GHz AMD x86 (Steamroller)
* aggregate, 10x PS3 PPU performance
* 512 KByte L2 per core pair
* 64 bit pointers


* AMD R10x series GPU @ 800 MHz (Tahiti)
* aggregate 10x RSX performance, 1.84 TFlops
* DX”11.5″
* cheap branching
* 18 compute units, focus on fine grained compute & tessellation


* 2 GByte UMA, pushing for 4 GByte
* 192 GByte/ sec non-coherent access for e.g. GPU
* 12 GByte/ sec coherent access for CPU
* >50% longer memory latency for CPU/ GPU compared to PC!!!
* DXT is lowest bpp texture compression format


* 50 GByte BD drive
* PCAV, between 3.3 and 8x BD, most likely clamped to 6x
* automatic background caching to HDD
* HDD SKU with at least 380 GByte
* downloadable games


* video encoder/ decoder
* audio processing unit, 200 concurrent MP3 streams
* HW zlib decompressor

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Yup it need to be noticed cause this nonsense needs to stop
It's not nonsense; there are a number of credible reasons why GT6 could be a PS4 title; just like there are a number of credible reasons why it could be a PS3 title. We all just have to wait and see, but ruling out either scenario is very foolish.
Why? Then people who already have PS3 won't have to go out and buy a whole new system. Knowing Sony, there won't be any backwards compatibility either.

I don't want a dual release, because they should take full advantage of one plattform and don't port it like Third Party developer.

Rumours say the PS4 will not use the Cell and a more common structure. The physics and graphics for example on the PS4 can't be done with the PS3.

That means PD would have two create 2 Ports for GT6 with different physics engine, graphics and so on.

This is a waste of ressources. I want GT6 on the PS3 or PS4 not on both.
I don't want a dual release, because they should take full advantage of one plattform and don't port it like Third Party developer.

Rumours say the PS4 will not use the Cell and a more common structure. The physics and graphics for example on the PS4 can't be done with the PS3.

That means PD would have two create 2 Ports for GT6 with different physics engine, graphics and so on.

This is a waste of ressources. I want GT6 on the PS3 or PS4 not on both.

I think that would be smarter for PD to do. I know the day the PS4 comes out, I'm going to get it, no matter what. I support Sony and the PS series all the way. The reason a dual release would be smart is because, GT6 will be a popular game, so releasing it on the PS3 will still keep PS3's going. Let's face it, just because PS4 comes out, doesn't mean PS3 is dead. Look at the PS2 and how long it's game run went for! So if they release it on PS3 the GT fans can buy it on PS3 and get the same (still amazing) graphics that GT5 had, but still get the same content as a PS4 version.

If they release it for PS4, then the GT and gaming nuts will obviously want the better graphics version, and this will quickly stimulate the sale of the PS4! I think this is what Sony would want. There wasn't enough going in for the PS Vita, which is why it was kind of a bust, but I think going into PS4, with anything new you are talking about, plus high rated titles like GT, then it will quickly begin a sale of PS4s. It's a win win situation for PD and Sony, but maybe a lose lose for the gamer, in the fact, if you want PS4 GT6 graphics, but can't afford a PS4.

Personally, I think the smartest thing for PD and Sony to do is to have a dual release. Maybe even release PS4 and GT6 as a combo set right at the launch. Unlikely, but that would bring in a lot of revenue for both companies as well.
It's not nonsense; there are a number of credible reasons why GT6 could be a PS4 title; just like there are a number of credible reasons why it could be a PS3 title. We all just have to wait and see, but ruling out either scenario is very foolish.

Exactly. At the moment both ways are possible, but the PS4 release is more likely in my eyes.

I think there are two major reasons why a PS3 release is unlikely.

First, it is the end of the life time of the PS3 and the first party support will probably end next year. And second, we have not seen any footage of GT6 yet, nothing. That is a good indicator for knowing that there wont be a new GT soon. From GT3 to GT5 every game have been presented at E3, atleast with a trailer or preview of some sort. We havent seen anything this year and Gamescom or TGS are not big enough for such an announcement.

While I understand the reasons for a PS3 release, those two reasons I mentioned, speak really against it. I dont want to rule it out, that would be stupid, but just think about it.

Yup it need to be noticed cause this nonsense needs to stop

Wow, just wow. You start your argumentation with a claim from an analyst. Then not even giving a source. Analysts getting paid for knowing the future of a business remotely. Especially in gaming they throw some speculation out there, nothing more. If that is your "proof", that would be very weak. There have been analysts claiming that the PS4 has to come out before the next xbox.

I think most of the people did not read your wall of text and I am sorry, if I am wrong. But the word "fanboy" is not really allowed around here.

Plus, it doesnt make your case more convincing by packing all the wild theories and speculations together.
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To have worked so long to make the coding for GT5, it seems like a huge waste to simply scrap that and skip a PS3 GT6.

PD's second Gran Turismo title on any PS console has always been "better", looked more impressive and contained more cars.

I think a 2013 release is very possible.
PD's second Gran Turismo title on any PS console has always been "better", looked more impressive and contained more cars.
Depends on your definition of "better." Do you mean "better," as in a funner game, or "better," as in a more realistic game?

GT4 was undoubtedly more realistic than GT3, but IMO was not as fun. Not trying to be pessimistic, just sayin'.
Depends on your definition of "better." Do you mean "better," as in a funner game, or "better," as in a more realistic game?

GT4 was undoubtedly more realistic than GT3, but IMO was not as fun. Not trying to be pessimistic, just sayin'.
I liked GT4 more than GT3, just saying.
What will make Sony the most money?

From what I believe: Another GT game on the PS3 selling roughly 7 million copies. But the game must be solid. That's the key.

PS4 is released. Sold for 400-500 USD.

Now, Sony can release GT7 on the PS4, which should sell after the PS4-base is established. (at least 2-3 years).

If you're Sony, and you can release ANOTHER GT game on the PS3, then you do it! This is their best selling franchise. Think like a business, not a hungry gamer looking for "MOAR POWER."
There is no way a new PS4 will only cost $500.

Well, that's a whole other thread. But if you remember PS3's launch at around 600 USD, then you also remember how much backlash it received. 600 USD was VERY high. However, Blu-Ray was in its infancy back then so the high price did make some sense.

I cannot see Sony reliving the 600 USD nightmare it saw with the PS3, therefore I predict the 500 price. Sony cannot afford to be behind for so long...again..can it?
I cannot see Sony reliving the 600 USD nightmare it saw with the PS3, therefore I predict the 500 price. Sony cannot afford to be behind for so long...again..can it?

You're right, that is a whole new discussion. I also have no idea what Sony can afford. But with the economy as it is today, why rush?
I'm willing to bet that the PS4 will be between $400USD and $500USD because parts aren't all that expensive as they were before. And so then GT6 will come along on the PS4 because ATM im willing to bet Kaz and his team have the PS4 dev kit and are building it off that because well they're still gonna release DLC and some updates for GT5 so releasing GT6.

On the PS3 makes no sense since the gaming community has seen Sony hint at the release of a PS4 in the near future (2-3 years) so why wouldn't Kaz try to get more people into the game.

Especially younger kids that'll start getting interested in cars as they start to see siblings/cousins get their licenses and so they'll wanna be able to drive but the next best thing is playing a game and so Kaz loops in somemore people and expands PD. Just me?
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I'm willing to bet that the PS4 will be between $400USD and $500USD because parts aren't all that expensive as they were before and so then GT6 will come along on the PS4 because ATM im willing to bet Kaz and his team have the PS4 dev kit and are building it off that because well they're still gonna release DLC and some updates for GT5 so releasing GT6 On the PS3 makes no sense since the gaming community has seen Sony hint at the release of a PS4 in the near future (2-3 years) so why wouldn't Kaz try to get more people into the game, especially younger kids that'll start getting interested in cars as they start to see siblings/cousins get their licenses and so they'll wanna be able to drive but the next best thing is playing a game and so Kaz loops in somemore people and expands PD. Just me?

Run-on sentence much? Try breaking it up a bit so it's not so difficult to read.
What will make Sony the most money?

From what I believe: Another GT game on the PS3 selling roughly 7 million copies. But the game must be solid. That's the key.

PS4 is released. Sold for 400-500 USD.

Now, Sony can release GT7 on the PS4, which should sell after the PS4-base is established. (at least 2-3 years).

If you're Sony, and you can release ANOTHER GT game on the PS3, then you do it! This is their best selling franchise. Think like a business, not a hungry gamer looking for "MOAR POWER."

Really think this is the best theory yet.
There's two things that would suck about a PS4 release.

The fact we'll have to wait so long,
And also that if the decide to do a Collectors edition again, it could potentially be a $1000 game!
There's two things that would suck about a PS4 release.

The fact we'll have to wait so long,
And also that if the decide to do a Collectors edition again, it could potentially be a $1000 game!

I hope you mean $100..