Ongoing PSN outages

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sony just needs to reset their router and clear their system cache.

Saw it on an episode of south park. Just unplug, and plug back in the damn thing so we can have our interwebs back.

Maybe they were noticing breaches over the previous few weeks and decided to upgrade the entire network onto new servers with enhanced security measures and such. Maybe that's what happened. It's all theory of course..remaining hopeful though. Nonetheless I just hope they resolve the issue. Like I've seen in numerous comments either in here on or the official PS blog, have we forgotten what it's like to enjoy games without online capabilities? :D.

Now just take that with a grain of bad intentions or motives with the previous statement. Just possibilities are endless with the vagueness of how severe the problem(s) really is(are). Just as it is possible for us to pass time by WITHOUT playing online :P.

Like I've seen in numerous comments either in here on or the official PS blog, have we forgotten what it's like to enjoy games without online capabilities?

I don't think that it is the gamer that has lost sight of this, but the developers. Certain games are great for online play (shooters, fighting games, racing, and sports). To me, some of the best games don't need online capabilities. I have never played GTA4 online as there is so much to do and such a huge world to explore within the confines of the offline portion. The problem I see is that every game is being made with online gameplay using resources that might be better utilized in the offline portion of games.

That said, most of the games I play are centered around online play. I wouldn't care about GT5, but I want to play the seasonal events. I can't do that because it relies on the PSN to be running. Hopefully it is brought back to life shortly.
I can't even watch netflix in the meantime (why exactly does netflix require PSN?) unless I want to watch it on my netbook....yeah...

Correction, it does work. It just asks 20 times for you to sign in to PSN while it loads. So FYI if you guys are bored waiting for online racing ;)
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I can envision a scenario where they decided to perform a whole sale hardware/software server security upgrade and decided it best to state nothing about it publicly. But naturally that could be completely off base, just in light of all the Hotz/anon stuff it seems a logical course of action.
i hate how they think there so impowered because they can hack stuff , id like to see them put there names on there websites.
Second, it isnt Sonys hardware, its my hardware since i have bought it. I can do what ever i want with it, and 100% leagal. What i can not do is use the modified ps3 in online play, because it is against the eula.
Do you even read the agreements? They say you can't modify neither the hardware of software. They say that if you don't like the rules, return your PS3. and that agreement is practically as good as a contract. Sure it's "leagal" to mod your console, but not legal.
Well, ofcourse they let me play thru their network, because we pay for the product, right? Whats the point selling people stuff, then dont let them use it?

Second, it isnt Sonys hardware, its my hardware since i have bought it. I can do what ever i want with it, and 100% leagal. What i can not do is use the modified ps3 in online play, because it is against the eula.

Second, Sony shouldnt be victimised, they spy on other corporations aswell, and they got sued by LG over some issiue. But hey, everything according to the law isnt "right". According to the Sharia law i can do stuff, that is illegal in the westerna world, but thats another story.

In the future Sony will probably take a fee for playing online, their online infrastructure has to upgrade, because they are stuck in the past = some one has to pay...

Sony can ban you as well, i have been reported and warned over some bs issue.

I wouldnt call these people nerds, the hackers are as far as i know educated enough to use their capabilities to do such things. As mentioned earlyer in this thread, you dont mess with certain people, that it, or suffer the consequences.

As I said, paranoid conspiracy ranting. :)

I never said Sony was perfect on any account.

Sony does a lot of greedy things just like a lot of corporations.

I have nothing against people taking apart their stuff and messing with however they like. The problem is that when they do, they distribute everything they've learned and it almost immediately get's into the hands of those with malicious intent. It's like guns, nothing illegal about selling them or having them or making them. You can't hold Smith & Wesson responsible for people getting shot, no... But it's as if someone got a whole bunch of guns and handed them out freely to immature, uneducated, and often rather mischievous people just because "they should have the right." Eventually someone's gonna get shot. Or in Sony's case, someone's gonna get hacked, viruses or other malware is gonna get spread, and people's privacy and personal info is gonna get violated and stolen.

Yes, Sony can ban you. But it's not quite the same as paying subscription for something and losing it because of some angry people. It's also not nearly as frequent as Xbox live and you tend to get banned for a lot less things.

Also, they are nerds. I just mean nerdy, technology savvy people and all that. I too would be considered a nerd, though I'm not nearly as educated in certain areas as lots of people. Plus the whole "We are many, We are free, We are legion (lolwut), We are Anonymous." is really corny. They act like they're some hidden superpower like the Patriots from MGS or some such like that. They're just a bunch of guys in their homes and basements like all the standard internet trolls.

I just hate it when other parties (that completely exclude me) fight and their fighting spills out and bothers what I'm trying to accomplish. And what I trying to accomplish is some online gaming.
Back in the 1980's, I had this little "program" I'd put on the Apple IIe computers at school. Something like:

10 clearscreen
20 print " Apple IIe "
30 goto line 10

I don't remember exactly how it went. Haven't programed in basic in about twenty years, but something like the above anyway.
It made the computer appear to freeze up, and baffled many a substitute teacher.
Eventually, when it became possible to network multiple Apples together through primitive hardware and cables, I figured out I could "freeze" a whole class at once. Thought I was slick, you betcha.:dunce:
I guess you could call it some kind of early denial of service attack, so I can understand the fun of doing such things. The thing is, I was about ten years old. I outgrew it before I was 13. By age 18+, I would've dismissed it has humorous, but childish, and in no way has funny has I found it at ten.
That 18+ year old adults would think themselves superior just because they learned a few tricks, tricks that anyone technically can do if they put a little effort into it, and then use those tricks to freeze up videogame servers for whatever reason, just makes me shake my head in wonder.
I think it's just fine if adults want to take up hacking and such has a hobby. But sheesh, mess with your own equiptment, or with people who give you the ok to mess with theirs. This fighting for the common man crap is just an excuse for pulling stunts worthy of a ten year old.👎

Do you even read the agreements? They say you can't modify neither the hardware of software. They say that if you don't like the rules, return your PS3. and that agreement is practically as good as a contract. Sure it's "leagal" to mod your console, but not legal.

Actually, modifying console hardware you own is perfectly legal, you buy it, you own it and you can do pretty much whatever you like with it. The illegal part is when you modify the firmware within the hardware, which is against the law because software and firmware are protected by copyright laws. It's also illegal to purposefully modify a console to play illegal pirated games, however, the prosecuting company has to be able to prove that this is what the modification is specifically for.
edit: nevermind. I don't want to get roped into this conversation about the hackers. All I care about is that PSN comes back up at some point soon. :)
I really have to wonder if any of the people behind the attacks have had the urge to play online at all.

I can picture it now.

Random Guy: I'm bored, maybe I'll play some CoD. What the!!!!... oh right.:ouch:
* RG runs to computer to try and convince others to stop the attacks so he can "pwn noobz".

The thing is that geohot never played his playstation online. Therefore he never agreed to any of playstations agreements witch means he didn't break any laws or contracts.
The thing is that geohot never played his playstation online. Therefore he never agreed to any of playstations agreements witch means he didn't break any laws or contracts.

Of course he didn't play his PS3 online, it must have always been laying in pieces.

Anyway Sony's playstation agreements aren't actually stating the law, they're company policies which their users have to agree to in order to use the Sony's full services for the product.
The thing is that geohot never played his playstation online. Therefore he never agreed to any of playstations agreements witch means he didn't break any laws or contracts.

He entered into a terms of use contract when he bought his PS3... buying a product is entering into a contract.

Creating a jailbreak that violates the terms of use of the playstation network is illegal wether he used it himself or not. If you're giving someone the means to break the law or even selling them those means then you are breaking the law also.

I'm also pretty sure parts of the PS3 are the property of sony, PS3 games unlike previous playstation games are the property of sony... in effect, we are only "renting" them from sony.

Just to make this clear IT IS PEOPLES OWN FAULT THEY DON'T READ.
If Sony says it's illegal, it is... they're a multinational company, I don't think they would be lying.
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He entered into a terms of use contract when he bought his PS3... buying a product is entering into a contract.

Creating a jailbreak that violates the terms of use of the playstation network is illegal wether he used it himself or not. If you're giving someone the means to break the law or even selling them those means then you are breaking the law also.

I'm also pretty sure parts of the PS3 are the property of sony, PS3 games unlike previous playstation games are the property of sony... in effect, we are only "renting" them from sony.

Just to make this clear IT IS PEOPLES OWN FAULT THEY DON'T READ.
If Sony says it's illegal, it is... they're a multinational company, I don't think they would be lying.

For about the millionth time... Jail breaking is not illegal.

And since when did Sony have the power to pass laws?

Buying a product is entering into a contract? Wow..... I don't even know how to reply to the ignorance in that statement. Just stop talking.
He entered into a terms of use contract when he bought his PS3... buying a product is entering into a contract.

Creating a jailbreak that violates the terms of use of the playstation network is illegal wether he used it himself or not. If you're giving someone the means to break the law or even selling them those means then you are breaking the law also.

I'm also pretty sure parts of the PS3 are the property of sony, PS3 games unlike previous playstation games are the property of sony... in effect, we are only "renting" them from sony.

Just to make this clear IT IS PEOPLES OWN FAULT THEY DON'T READ.
If Sony says it's illegal, it is... they're a multinational company, I don't think they would be lying.

You're confusing Sony's terms and conditions with the law.

The only parts of a PS3 which belong to sony is the firmware and software, all hardware belongs to the person who purchased it.

Just because Sony says it's illegal that doesn't make it so, that's why they have to take someone to court to determine whether it's actually illegal and with so many loopholes in laws even if the laws themselves state something is illegal it might very well not be.
Agree. How long as psn been down now? Over 24hr?

Intermittent log in issues started approximate 48 hours ago, total blackout of PSN at least 24. And apparently may be gone for up to another 2 days. Great time for a 5 day holiday weekend...
If you're giving someone the means to break the law or even selling them those means then you are breaking the law also.
So if I buy a set of kitchen knives from Ikea and stab my neighbour with one of them, have the staff at Ikea broken the law?
guys, there's a whole world outside your front door. turn the PS3 off, and go enjoy yourselves. Come back to the PS3 in a few days, all refreshed and ready to race. Sure it sucks that PSN is down, but really, it's not a matter of life and death is it.
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