Online Multiplayer region lock is confirmed

perhaps I don't understand the term "global". I'm assumimg when I see Japanese names about the car, that person is Japanese. And I know just from reading threads on this site that the same people that are responding from overseas are showing up in my races. So, I assume they are in England, or Germany, or Japan or wherever. What am I missing? Isn't that global? I'm not attacking, just young inquiring minds want to know
If this turns out to be true, I'll keep using my JPN version. I won't buy the NA version because....

1) NA will likely receive online updates last (JPN 1st you know)
2) Racing against NA online will be full of noobs for for a while

I wonder if they'll change the animation of the Globe to depict exchanges within the US only.
perhaps I don't understand the term "global". I'm assumimg when I see Japanese names about the car, that person is Japanese. And I know just from reading threads on this site that the same people that are responding from overseas are showing up in my races. So, I assume they are in England, or Germany, or Japan or wherever. What am I missing? Isn't that global? I'm not attacking, just young inquiring minds want to know

Well, diehard fans usually will import the game no matter where they live. A person who has a JPN version of the game doesn't mean he actually live in Japan, like me and many many others. In addition, A player with a Japanese name doesn't mean he/she is Japanese either.

What we are talking about online region locking is they code the game in a way only the same region version of the game can see each other.
No, I know what a diehard GT fan is - I installed a cover mod so I could play the two GT4 Prologues. I had GT5P the 1st week of Jamuary. No, I'm a happy diehard too.

If you mean the game - the software - is region coded, I know that's wrong. Sony is not region coding games, movies yes, not games. I remember trying the English and US servers for a while and while I didn't pay any attention at the time it does seem like there were no Japanese names - but I seem to recall being able to log into the English server and race,.

So I have a JPN version of the game, I'm in the US of A (South Jersey even), I see intermnational names above the cars - that seems global to me.

Again, maybe tomorrow the GT world will be different (can you race on-line right now? I know the PSN stores are changing over, but can't race online either).

Squareloop signing off. Tomorrow I can finally read about how to really use my GT5P ! :D
in all seriousness thats just wrong, its not something they cant do just somehting they don want to do, so millions of copies of gt5p will be sold and sony cant even get dedicated worldwide servers? im sorry i couldve looked past the errors that online had before but just knowing this really makes me mad, not what i expected from PD and what is supposed to be the best racing sim in the whole history of gaming

the saddest thing is ill probably get this anyway, i still love the game but it has some serious issues, hope things look a little better when gt5 arrives

@jodi: the whole PSN was not available basically all day since like 8am till 11pm pacific time because they they were updating the store and the new system update comming and all that
Oh absolutely spiffing! I was really looking forward to racing against some of my overseas pals (including Rocket Punch). It's even more annoying considering that I have played a number of online racing games against people all over the world without any trouble thank you. They better sort this out for the full release.
:irked: So what about PAL Australia vs PAL Euro, will that work at all? This does annoy me a lot, most people I know on here are not Australian.
Well, with over 450 million people in the EU it's not so bad, but I do resent the limitation a little. I thought I'd played against people from Asia, but perhaps they were using the EU game.

I'll check again tonight.
I haven't heard our Euorpean friends complaining about not racing globally.

I complained - but maybe I`m not your friend. ;)

I played my JPN copy of course with my regular german account as I do it with the EU copy.
Or is there a reason why I should play a JPN game with a JPN account?

Foreign accounts are only needed to get content from the foreign PSN stores because they got different things to offer or got no censorship etc.
I think this has more to do with politics than code or servers personally... from what I understand the rest of the world is compatible, just not the NA region?

Anyway, even though I'll buy the full game no doubt - if they keep this policy when they launch I'll probably end up having to cope with the Forza series instead. Not being able to connect across regions is just hopeless :(
as we expected... if there wouldnt be any region lock server will be under heavy traffic.
btw answer of g25 clutch question is funny :)
as we expected... if there wouldnt be any region lock server will be under heavy traffic.
btw answer of g25 clutch question is funny :)

Which server? The match making servers? You can have more than 1 matching server, just like what we have now, all they need to do is globally match the players vs base on specific version of the game.

Game play itself have nothing to do with their match making server as all the games are hosted by client.
Which server? The match making servers? You can have more than 1 matching server, just like what we have now, all they need to do is globally match the players vs base on specific version of the game.

Game play itself have nothing to do with their match making server as all the games are hosted by client.

ah right I forgot this fact that we are server.
but will this change with private lobbies with HOME server integrated?
ah right I forgot this fact that we are server.
but will this change with private lobbies with HOME server integrated?

There is something other/more than "bandwidth" issues that they try to limit the people to only play wth people online with the same region version.

Which according to my projection is because the car list will very likely be different from region to region, especially when it comes to downloadable content.
I have the japanese version and im from Tasmania, Australia. Ive been playing it all night and i have come across people from usa, and france playing. now im guessing its cause they have the japanese version of gt5P? But thats still global....
I'm curious, how did you come to this conclusion?

The driving/racing game medium has rapidly becoming a vehicle for auto manufacturers to market their products. Deals like Toyota and PD with their GT4 demo at NY auto show (forgot what year), Lexus's deal with ISI of anIS-F rFactor mod for SEMA, BMW's deal with 10tacle/Bimley! of their M3 challenge game and the recently announced Citroen deal with PD for exclusive contents will be more and more common.

Only recently have car manufacturers recognize the best way to communicate (read "market to") the "Playstation generation" is thru games and in PD's case literally thru a playstation.

I see this move as a precursor to a region specific campaign to help facilitate auto manufacturers to include (market) their cars in the game to a region specific audience. With the games region being segregated, deals can be parcel into region specific agreements for manufacturers who don't want to or need to have a global presence mainly due to their brand may not even have a presence in some specific regions to begin with. These agreements will help sponsor development by reducing development costs.

Honestly, I refuse to believe the reason they need to lock the online to a specific region is because for them it is technologically unachievable. Having a region specific car list, IMO, would be a more logical reason that prevents multi-region online game play.

Yes, I am speculating.
region lock or not i'm glad to have the Japanese version since i can play against the world. today i played with guys from JP,KR,HK, FR, SP, IT,NL, PT,CH,GB and US! :D
region lock or not i'm glad to have the Japanese version since i can play against the world. today i played with guys from JP,KR,HK, FR, SP, IT,NL, PT,CH,GB and US! :D

nope, it´s depending on the account used. i´m in germany, playing with my US account -> game says i´m from the US :dopey:
I must have missed something but how is this official? Like whats that a screen shot of in the first post?? Seriously I don't get it?

If you get private matches in the end who cares about who you can play publically, just add your friends!

nope, it´s depending on the account used. i´m in germany, playing with my US account -> game says i´m from the US :dopey:

was it you the US guy i met? :D

hey not everyone is using fake accounts i guess. i don't. ;)

you just need to have an imported Japanese blu-ray disc and you'll be able to play online

(creating a Korean account is pretty hard as well, i did not succeeded).
yes that's just what i said in the first place, "i'm glad to have the Japanese disc"! :)

Why ? The same is possible with a <insert other region> disc.
To play against each other, players need a copy of the same region. Doesn't matter if it's Japanese or European, or American.
Why ? The same is possible with a <insert other region> disc.
To play against each other, players need a copy of the same region. Doesn't matter if it's Japanese or European, or American.

of course but everyone wanted the original Japanese version and imported it back in 2007, that's why you find people from everywhere playing with the Japanese version (that's why i'm glad to have this version), this is not true for the PAL and NA versions. you'll find mostly PAL region players using the PAL version and NA players using the NA version. same for the Asian version in Chinese.
I see this move as a precursor to a region specific campaign to help facilitate auto manufacturers to include (market) their cars in the game to a region specific audience. With the games region being segregated, deals can be parcel into region specific agreements for manufacturers who don't want to or need to have a global presence mainly due to their brand may not even have a presence in some specific regions to begin with. These agreements will help sponsor development by reducing development costs.

I wholeheartedly agree. Fundamentally bad marketing, though. Neither Subaru nor Mitsubishi were seen as "performance" automakers here in the US ten years ago when GT first arrived, and the presence of the EVO and WRX in the game was the first time many on these shores even heard of these cars. I certainly made me want one, and I know I'm not alone.

How many of those cars are out on the road now in NA? Lots. Is it because of GT? Likely, no, but the influence was noted, because these days automakers are lining up to participate in this game. To me it would seem a step backward, showing each market cars they already know about. Takes all the fun and discovery out of it for me.

I won't be holding my breath for region free, but hoping for the best can't hurt I guess.
I see this move as a precursor to a region specific campaign to help facilitate auto manufacturers to include (market) their cars in the game to a region specific audience. With the games region being segregated, deals can be parcel into region specific agreements for manufacturers who don't want to or need to have a global presence mainly due to their brand may not even have a presence in some specific regions to begin with. These agreements will help sponsor development by reducing development costs.

Whose development are you talking about here? Because I don't see region locking of specific models saving the automakers a whole lot of money because they aren't really the people implementing everything.

Maybe I misunderstood this last part?

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