Online Multiplayer region lock is confirmed

This whole thread is complete rubbish. GT5P Online is worldwide. Every single race I enter I get a full complement of racers from all different countries. Every-time. No exception. There is too much variety too many times for this to be explained by people buying imported versions or having foreign accounts.

Close the thread and rename it.

QFT! and thanks for the Kodak moment.

LOL, You do realize your post is basically an announcement of how ignorant you are. Ignorant people shouldn't be opening their mouths, cause when you do people can actually tell.

I am not even going to explain why you are wrong in so many different levels, cause by doing so I will be doing you are favor.

So believe what you want to believe and keep making posts like this, cause I don't think the whole forum knows you are stupid yet. 👍
QFT! and thanks for the Kodak moment.

LOL, You do realize your post is basically an announcement of how ignorant you are. Ignorant people shouldn't be opening their mouths, cause when you do people can actually tell.

I am not even going to explain why you are wrong in so many different levels, cause by doing so I will be doing you are favor.

So believe what you want to believe and keep making posts like this, cause I don't think the whole forum knows you are stupid yet. 👍


Well said!
So you are attacking me using the basis of no argument whatsoever...other than "I'm ignorant". Nice argument, congratulations on that, very big of you. BTW, since when did I "Open my mouth", I assumed this was a written form of communication.

The facts are, when playing online you are playing against players from a vareity of countries. That is my experience. There maybe instances where you are not getting any players from different continents, but this is probably because of bandwidth restrictions. The game probably maintains a quality of service level, prioritizing over matching players thousands of miles apart to keep pings high and bandwidth up.

Regardless, matching up with friends isn't possible at the moment anyway, its randomly match-made - so who cares what country racer X,Y,Z hails from, you don't know them from Jack. Hardly anything to spit your dummy out over.

QFT! and thanks for the Kodak moment.

LOL, You do realize your post is basically an announcement of how ignorant you are. Ignorant people shouldn't be opening their mouths, cause when you do people can actually tell.

I am not even going to explain why you are wrong in so many different levels, cause by doing so I will be doing you are favor.

So believe what you want to believe and keep making posts like this, cause I don't think the whole forum knows you are stupid yet. 👍
Nice argument, congratulations on that, very big of you. BTW, since when did I "Open my mouth", I assumed this was a written form of communication..

Well, first of all, the word you're looking for is mature mainly because the size of a person has no influence whatsoever in their mentality.

Second, yes it is said "Open your mouth" because its a figure of speech, its not something to be taken literally or else he would've said "Ignorant people shouldn't be typing" but whatever.

The facts are, when playing online you are playing against players from a vareity of countries. That is my experience. There maybe instances where you are not getting any players from different continents, but this is probably because of bandwidth restrictions. The game probably maintains a quality of service level, prioritizing over matching players thousands of miles apart to keep pings high and bandwidth up.

Regardless, matching up with friends isn't possible at the moment anyway, its randomly match-made - so who cares what country racer X,Y,Z hails from, you don't know them from Jack. Hardly anything to spit your dummy out over.

Yes you may be playing with players from a variety of countries but that depends on wich version of the game you're using (JPN, PAL, NA) because thats the server it logs on to.

The only thing that's completely global is the scoreboard in wich there are no limitations according to the game version you play in. And those are facts as they have been said by people from the PD team themselves.
Badly said. In fact, zero argument.

I assume you are using PAL version? If so, tell me, please, how many Japanese people you see when you are playing online? I play Japanese version and can see 99% Japanese people and I don't believe there is something wrong with my bandwith or whatever as I have 24MB broadband.

Try to understand and don't argue - GT5P online is not worldwide!

TTs are worldwide!
Online racing depends on version - Japanese version uses Japanese servers, PAL version uses European servers, NA version uses North American servers and that's it! There is nothing more to say about it.
I think this whole thing is stupid about region lock and I'll explain why.

Sometimes I like to play Forza 2 online around 7 to 10am in the morning (Mountain Time Zone, GMT -7). Whenever I do so, almost always it will be against european players since it is afternoon in europe. Usually players from UK since I select to find rooms of language "English" and I think that is a good implementation, you select what language you want to play by. I don't get any lag when I play against UK people even though I'm from Canada by the rocky mountains. I have a good internet connection. While the no-lag thing might not be the case for everyone, i'm just showing an example of a timeframe when I play when usually 90% of people that are online will be from UK and not from USA/Canada and thankfully I find rooms to play in even in the wee morning.

Don't get me wrong, Forza 2 has a far from perfect online implementation (the biggest deal being no qualify and the fact that they haven't really balanced out some of the cars like Elise 135R and muscle cars). I hope that the full version of GT5 online is not region locked and improves upon Forza 2's online by having at least everything that Forza has and qualifying and better pit stops and multi-class racing.
No, the word I was looking for was the one I used: Big. That's the beauty of the English language: Plenty of words to describe the same thought.

The actual technical evidence for what you've stated is not in your hands, pretty much like all of us. What I see when I play is players from plenty of different countries. Regardless, the issue is pointless anyway without some kind of lobby system; the current situation is random, so you hardly know the players you are competing with anyway...

Well, first of all, the word you're looking for is mature mainly because the size of a person has no influence whatsoever in their mentality.

Second, yes it is said "Open your mouth" because its a figure of speech, its not something to be taken literally or else he would've said "Ignorant people shouldn't be typing" but whatever.

Yes you may be playing with players from a variety of countries but that depends on wich version of the game you're using (JPN, PAL, NA) because thats the server it logs on to.

The only thing that's completely global is the scoreboard in wich there are no limitations according to the game version you play in. And those are facts as they have been said by people from the PD team themselves.
Online racing is copy specific bodger. JPN copy owners play JPN copy owners wherever they are in the world and whatever country they use for there PSN ID. It has been explicitly pointed out to you many times, and the PD staff have said NA owners play NA owners and the Time-Trails are global, he has clearly made a point of saying Time-trials are global, just accept that this is how it is for the moment until PD change it.

I have been online all night at Fuji 700PP on my JPN copy, mostly playing against people with JPN accounts, me with my UK account and the odd person from Aus, Spain, and we are all JPN copy owners throughout the world and people choose different country's for their PSN for many reason's. My online friend chooses the Italian Flag even though he's in England but his parents are Italian and he likes to show he's Italian.
I think this whole thing is stupid about region lock and I'll explain why.

Sometimes I like to play Forza 2 online around 7 to 10am in the morning (Mountain Time Zone, GMT -7). Whenever I do so, almost always it will be against european players since it is afternoon in europe. Usually players from UK since I select to find rooms of language "English" and I think that is a good implementation, you select what language you want to play by. I don't get any lag when I play against UK people even though I'm from Canada by the rocky mountains. I have a good internet connection. While the no-lag thing might not be the case for everyone, i'm just showing an example of a timeframe when I play when usually 90% of people that are online will be from UK and not from USA/Canada and thankfully I find rooms to play in even in the wee morning.

Don't get me wrong, Forza 2 has a far from perfect online implementation (the biggest deal being no qualify and the fact that they haven't really balanced out some of the cars like Elise 135R and muscle cars). I hope that the full version of GT5 online is not region locked and improves upon Forza 2's online by having at least everything that Forza has and qualifying and better pit stops and multi-class racing.

I agree with you 100%. This is stupid and should be changed. When I am playing my Japanese copy in the evening (GMT) there is hardly anybody playing - this is stupid. Because of time difference there shouldn't be any problem with full servers or anything like that when global.

I want to have proper races with lots of people regardless what time I'm playing. Right now if I want to play with more than 1 player I have to play during the day (12-4pm GMT).

I have been online all night at Fuji 700PP on my JPN copy, mostly playing against people with JPN accounts, me with my UK account and the odd person from Aus, Spain, and we are all JPN copy owners throughout the world and people choose different country's for their PSN for many reason's.

See you on the Fuji 700PP race - that's my favourite at the moment - Japanese copy. Yesterday about 11-12pm I had about an hour session with guy called Juan-GT [ES]. It was just 2 of us for almost whole hour - very good, clean and close session. I'm usally driving Tuned Clio or Tuned Skyline - not the fastes cars but very enjoyable to drive :dopey:
I agree with you 100%. This is stupid and should be changed. When I am playing my Japanese copy in the evening (GMT) there is hardly anybody playing - this is stupid. Because of time difference there shouldn't be any problem with full servers or anything like that when global.

I want to have proper races with lots of people regardless what time I'm playing. Right now if I want to play with more than 1 player I have to play during the day (12-4pm GMT).

See you on the Fuji 700PP race - that's my favourite at the moment - Japanese copy. Yesterday about 11-12pm I had about an hour session with guy called Juan-GT [ES]. It was just 2 of us for almost whole hour - very good, clean and close session. I'm usally driving Tuned Clio or Tuned Skyline - not the fastes cars but very enjoyable to drive :dopey:

Yes, I know what you mean about few players sometimes. I was on a few days ago in the early hours UK time and every race had just two other people. Not bad to rake in the money (it was just after the update with extra money) but not exciting.

Night time means from 1-6 in the morning for me and last night there was plenty of people on with usually 14-8 players, some names were yubig, JOYMAX, MRCRAZY777, YTP (something like that) and peppyboy, can you stay up that late, anyway hope to see you there plus there was a good variety of cars and a few GTR's like me, I'm try to tune it up at the moment. MRCrazy kept on trying to ram me, I might of accidentally nudged him, I'm not sure but he seemed pretty pissed at everyone lol.

It was fairly clean albeit some revenge taking place but the boost or rubber banding is the most annoying thing. I don't want to artificially catch someone up, and also when I'm in the lead I don't want people catching me up wrongly. The boost thing seems to come in at different times and it makes things more chaotic and sometimes it doesn't appear to be there. I stopped playing online in Feb under my JPN account because of this, but I'm now just seeing if it was still there after the update.

Please PD takes this gerrymandering of races crap away, it gets people annoyed not being able to pull away from someone who has spun off and then later on inexplicably you can pull away, most odd.
Chronos - I should be there tonight, probablly between 11pm-2am. Look out for blue tuned clio :crazy:!

I've just finished playing for now. There was about 6-8 players in every race on Fuji 700PP - 99% Japanese of course. Not very clean drivers though, if they couldn't catch me they were using me as a break. See you online. If you want you can add me to your PSN friends, my ID is ReBeL_FT. :) Cheers mate 👍