Online Multiplayer region lock is confirmed


Why on earth would they not fully 100% put the support for the G25?

They are seriously like, annoying me.

You have remember that GT5P is a working progress, what would you prefer.. not a peep out of PD till 2009 when everything is delivered working perfectly or.... getting a taster which updates overtime?

What im saying is that at least we get something! And because we paid for it we are guaranteed to get good updates but it will take time.

Yeah I've been in a few races with french german american and australians all on the same track at the same time....looks to if your conections good enough your in the race with no LAG! I'm in the UK by the way LOL
Yeah I've been in a few races with french german american and australians all on the same track at the same time....looks to if your conections good enough your in the race with no LAG! I'm in the UK by the way LOL

I thought races were region locked...
Yeah, I noticed a region locked online play as well and it sucks, BIG TIME. As a Japanese version owner (I'm in UK), I can play only with Japanese people (sometimes I can find somebody from different country on Japanese server, but it's quite rare). But the worst part is time difference - Japanese servers are full only during the day here in UK - peak is between 12-4 pm GMT. In the evenings Japanese servers are completely empty. Good thing is I don't work yet, but when I will start it seems I wouldn't be able to play online anymore :grumpy: This sucks
I have the european version of GT5P and I'm in the UK, I use a UK PSN account and I was seeing a few US tags last night in races, At one point I had an australian guy in with 3 americans........maybe europeans playing with US psn accounts or US guys playing the european version of the game? but australian? I doubt there will be region locing, simply conection issues making match making uncommon between the areas, saying that US and European ping times are not out of the question as I saw last night! I'll go on now and see if I can spot some early morning east coasters tring out there new copies of the game, I'll post a pic if I spot some! I'll be back in half an hour LOL
I'm a UK gamer and I have also raced some Americans as well as the more numerous Europeans at around about 8PM last evening.

Why would Europeans be playing under an American Account? I have a Japanese account but I don't play on line using it.
Right no US guys on in the rooms I went in just now, there were however quite a few Australians, you could here the shouts of "damn pom" as I passed them on the HSR and I destictly got a slight smell of BBQ and self smugness LOL Hey welcome to the party guys I did get some pics but driving with a pad and taking a pic gave some not so good results LOL I'll go on tonight and grab some decent pics when the americans get in from work/school clutching there copies of GT5p
That sounds Australian all right :lol: I would think you poms are more self smug than us though. Go the Aussies :sly:
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!
Whose development are you talking about here? Because I don't see region locking of specific models saving the automakers a whole lot of money because they aren't really the people implementing everything.

Maybe I misunderstood this last part?

Didn't see an answer to this so...

The money savings is for PD/Sony and the development cost for GT5, gained through the advertising revenue from X automaker. I suppose that allowing for regionally targeted automaker "adverts" via special regionally specific cars increases the amount of automakers willing to invest in that kind of advertising. Though, it seems to be at the expense of consumer happiness. I know I would like as many cars as possible. Exclusives ftl.
Ahh.... I see whats happened here... you are actually playing people from the same region... like PAL but they are using different regional accounts (like a Brit living in the US for example with a PAL copy) which gives the impression that you are hooking up with NTSC people...

I have the JPN game and I use my UK account so when racing online I will have the union jack.

So NO, its not all region multiplayer.... it just looks that way!:sly:


Why on earth would they not fully 100% put the support for the G25?

They are seriously like, annoying me.

nevermind it for now.
but they should support it later in the full game.otherwise it would be very stupid because logitech is a main sponsor of GT5. I think they want to sell the new dfp now.
So NO, its not all region multiplayer.... it just looks that way!:sly:

That's true and I hate it :grumpy: I want the proper global multiplayer same as in other games!

I don't want to go online tonight again and hunt for somebody to play with. :mad:
If it isn't global multiplayer then why are Americans/South Africans/numerous other countries using an Australian version of GT5:P?
If it isn't global multiplayer then why are Americans/South Africans/numerous other countries using an Australian version of GT5:P?

I'd like to know that too :)
i think it's not possible to connect within different versions( PAL EU, NTSC, JP...) of the game which really sucks, but you can play over big distance with no probs like lag and such. not region locked therefore ... just a bit expensive to have all versions:crazy:
I'm a UK gamer and I have also raced some Americans as well as the more numerous Europeans at around about 8PM last evening.

Why would Europeans be playing under an American Account? I have a Japanese account but I don't play on line using it.

Europeans may be using US accounts because it allows them to get US DLC, many did this because of Rock Band's awful history of release in Europe right now, for example.

That FACT that you see some dude playing online with a [NA] country tag DOES NOT IN ANYWAY IMPLIES THAT HE IS USING A NA VERSION OF THE GAME.

The "country" tag is associated to the country that you fill in when you sign up your PSN account.

Please don't talk like you know what you are talking about if you are not sure what you are talking about, cause it confuses the hell out of many people.

At this point your can ONLY play with people online who is using the exact same version of the game you have. Yes, every single one of them you saw online is using the EXACT GT5P version that you have. The "country" tag associated with their name had NOTHING to do with the game version they have.
So why would Americans buy an Aussie version? Or Aussies pretend they're American? That doesn't make legit sense,
This whole thread is complete rubbish. GT5P Online is worldwide. Every single race I enter I get a full complement of racers from all different countries. Every-time. No exception. There is too much variety too many times for this to be explained by people buying imported versions or having foreign accounts.

Close the thread and rename it.
So, what is the final verdict? Is the game region locked online or not? I have been racing online for two days and have seen nothing but US and CA player tags...
Each version can play online with the same version only.

I have played against US Gamers in Europe. There are three possible reasons for this.

1. An American lives in Europe and uses a US Account to play the European game.

2. An American lives in America and has imported the European game.

3. A European is playing the European game via a US account.

There have been no recorded matches between the Japanese, European and US versions of the game that I have seen.
This whole thread is complete rubbish. GT5P Online is worldwide. Every single race I enter I get a full complement of racers from all different countries. Every-time. No exception. There is too much variety too many times for this to be explained by people buying imported versions or having foreign accounts.

Close the thread and rename it.

No you are totally wrong, it has been officially stated that GT5P games of the same region are only compatible online. The reason why you think its worldwide is because you see all the different flags and think its different regions...

In Europe of course you will see loads of different countries because there are loads of countries that are PAL.

OR....its just people using different PSN accounts to their games version. Loads of people imported this game so its not surprise that this has happened.

Like I have a JPN copy, can only play with other JPN game owners but I use a UK PSN account so it will come up as UK in the game!


Tired Tyres
Each version can play online with the same version only.

I have played against US Gamers in Europe. There are three possible reasons for this.

1. An American lives in Europe and uses a US Account to play the European game.

2. An American lives in America and has imported the European game.

3. A European is playing the European game via a US account.

There have been no recorded matches between the Japanese, European and US versions of the game that I have seen.

Spot On! 👍
This whole thread is complete rubbish. GT5P Online is worldwide. Every single race I enter I get a full complement of racers from all different countries. Every-time. No exception. There is too much variety too many times for this to be explained by people buying imported versions or having foreign accounts.

Close the thread and rename it.

Well then please explain it to me how come
A) Everytime i play the Japan version i always get to see almost only JP tags and very rarely others like US, CA, DE...
Japan version = 98% JP tags everytime !
B) Whenever i play European version what i get to see is DE,ES,DK, NL,IT,AT...
EU version = 99.9% EU-tags everytime!

Could you please explain that to me especially why i never see JP tags on the EU versions servers IF it is all worldwide ?
much appreciated :)
Oh and what can I do to play with some of my American friends who only own the US version of GT5P other than importing their US-NTSC version???
I am not entirely sure what methods are being used but..

I have played against: Italians, French, Deutsch, NZ, GB and Australians..

I am of cause, Australian.
Heh heh, I stay up at all crazy times of night some times, and so do they. I mostly vs Euro tagged people at the moment during the day. It's currently 11:35pm here.

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