• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Good test tonight! I really like the update the dead zone in the wheel is gone , feels a thousand times better. BIG thumbs up 👍
Yeah, the Jag was nice. But I would only drive it while rowing my gears. Anything else feels wrong.
Yeah, the Jag was nice. But I would only drive it while rowing my gears. Anything else feels wrong.

That's exactly what I was doing last night (sans clutch) and it was quite fantastic. I was in cockpit view too and whatever tweak they made to that view really made it come alive and it was the most fun I've had driving a car on GT5 in a while. The interior views on triple monitors is truly breathtaking, especially the rear view!!



And the Ferrari P330 (or whatever it's called) has THE most useless rearview mirror in the game. :crazy: I guess Bob likes to watch the clouds when he races.

A question for G27 or other non-DFGT wheel users. Have you ever compared the visual braking meter on the screen with the amount of physical pedal travel for the brakes? Do you find it linear or proportional or do you, as in the DFGT, get a huge amount of braking on the meter with a very short movement of the brake pedal? Have you experimented with ABS off? How was it?
I have a G25 and recently tried rfactor with it. I downloaded the logitech drivers for it and when testing it out it was clear that it goes from 0 to 100% in less than half the travel. I run ABS off all the time. Typically I set my brake balance to 3/2 to be able to modulate the brakes somewhat.
Has anyone driven the S2000 LM Race Car? I took it out for a few laps on SM tires and it was exceptional. Plenty of gearbox for larger tracks, and handles much like the Alfa Zagato just with more power. I think it was only around 300 hp too but on SM tires was within 1.5 seconds of the Subaru at GVE.

Yes that's a brilliant car. I've always really liked it. It's basically supposed to be a GT300 car. Excellent handling just like the rest of the GT300s. All of them are just a ton of fun to drive especially on SM tires. If you guys do a race series with GT300s, I'm definitely in. The Asparadrink RX-7, cusco Imprezza, Arta Garaiya, Toyota Altezza LM Race Car, S2000 LM, Wedsport Celica, all of them are amazing
What was your address again, B? I need to swing by and steal some stuff real quick....

S2K LM was okay, better (but slower) than Impreza TC...

I seem to recall that when I had the G27, on those days when it wasn't acting up on me braking indicator was changing pretty much in sync with actual pedal travel.
^ I can't imagine what you would want?? :sly:

I seem to get full braking with the pedal about 3/4 depressed. But it seems like if I press it further than that I actually get less braking power. Learning not to depress the pedal all the way greatly improved my braking and control.
Must be "buy a new car" season...lol. Maybe I'll go looking for a new truck soon:idea:

I've made some improvements to my brake pedal tonight using a very stiff sponge ball that I cut to shape to fit in the cavity behind the brake pedal. It now compresses as soon as I hit the brakes and takes quite a bit of force to get to 100%. I think this is the answer I've been looking for in trying to run without ABS. Getting it to, and holding it at 30-70% is far more manageable now. I might up the bungee strength somewhat too and see if that helps. I've been running SH tires on Eiger Reverse and Fuji F and it's quite fun and I'm developing some consistency.
Congrats DSG! Does it live up to the hype?
I've been driving it like a grandma so far...
Will report back in few weeks.
It certainly reminds me of a 2.5rs coupe, and the longish doors I have to watch out not to open like I usually do in my 4door is not the only similarity.
^Thanks. It's a car, lol. I'm actually not really sure what to say, most things feel really natural and appropriate. ;)
I've been driving it like a grandma so far...

Are you gonna let Bob take it to the Grand Valley endurance race to get it broken in? :dopey:

My dad's should be delivered the end of next month, looking forward to driving it and sitting in that gorgeous interior. :drool:
lol, I was asking about the steering, handling and feel. I guess I'll find out for myself soon enough when I drive one.
Steering feels very natural.
The most I "drive" is with my CSR-E, so I guess it's similar ;) The suspension makes you feel every bump/crease, but damping is decent, so your teeth/kidneys/bones will be fine. And the roads here (in the city) are among the worst I've driven. There's very little ground clearance, so staying away from all the curbing in parking lots is a must. And I'm having second thoughts about trying to drive it during the winter. Taller winter tires (that I currently have) would help only by about 10mm, so that's peanuts. I haven't pushed it around corners so far, gonna wait until new tires scrub off their outer layer, that is usually pretty slick, and probably gonna wait for some autox to really push it.

Are you gonna let Bob take it to the Grand Valley endurance race to get it broken in? :dopey:

My dad's should be delivered the end of next month, looking forward to driving it and sitting in that gorgeous interior. :drool:
I usually let Bob have ~100 laps around Indy. That track is kinda busy atm ;)
TBH, interior didn't wow me. It's just there and does not distract you. If you start paying attention to it - you'll see some rubbery plastics, etc. My 5yr old Legacy has a better interior.
I usually let Bob have ~100 laps around Indy. That track is kinda busy atm ;)
TBH, interior didn't wow me. It's just there and does not distract you. If you start paying attention to it - you'll see some rubbery plastics, etc. My 5yr old Legacy has a better interior.

Actually the track is clear today, but tomorrow I'm going down to watch final practice and the Indy Lights race. :sly:

I just love the layout and all the red stitching in the interior. I wish mine had red stitching....it looks so non-sporty without it. :dunce:
Wasn't there supposed to be the FGT race this weekend or is my memory faulty?
^ There wasn't enough interest, never had more than 3 others show up to a practice/test so I decided against it. Might try again down the road, I didn't give enough notice this time.
^ There wasn't enough interest, never had more than 3 others show up to a practice/test so I decided against it. Might try again down the road, I didn't give enough notice this time.

I hope you try again, I spent 5mill on a new used FGT car. I have been thinking about a custom track with a huge hill, and tank cars. Like a big, fast soapbox derby type of thing.
Cappuccino's anyone??:crazy:

Here ya go. Capp Cup

It looks like there really isn't anything in the works for ORCA right now. I was about ready to go with the Impreza TC but it seems it was voted off the island because it supposedly understeers very badly. :indiff: In my experience both the Capp and the Alfa understeered rather badly too (especially the Capp) so I'm not sure what was so offensive about the Impreza, but the majority expresses displeasure with the car so I scraped it.

I am starting a new job next week that will see me taking on a lot of responsibility and working more hours so I'm not real sure how this will effect my online racing schedule. After a couple weeks I should have an idea what my availability will be so we can re-group after that and see if we can find a car that the majority is pleased with. 👍
I've been experimenting with ABS=0 recently and took the Capp out for a spin to try and see what lap times I could get on a couple of tracks where I could remember my Q times. One was Tsukuba on the RH tires we used the last season and the car was on rails. If we can't come up with anything else, I'd surely try the Cappy again.💡 Not sure if they updated the sound or not and I've fiddled with my speaker set up, but it sounds pretty good too.

Good luck with the new job Brandon:tup:👍

And thanks for the link. I had forgotten about Lancer's series...lol...and I'm already registered!!
Good luck with the new job Brandon:tup:👍

Thanks. I'm going to be a boss and eventually the owner of the printshop so I'm going to be in a bit of a new world. Believe it or not though, running these series for the last year has done a lot to prepare me and I always approached it like I was running a business for just that reason. This new shop is the perfect match for my skill-set though and it should be a really good fit. Best part, it's only a mile from my apartment where as my current job is 25 miles one-way. :sly:

ORCA isn't dead, just going to be on hiatus for the next couple weeks while I figure out what's going to happen. With all the great real-world racing that's been happening over the last few weeks I really have the itch to get something awesome together, so stay tuned.

Speaking of real-world racing, did anybody catch the Indy 500 this past Sunday? The new Dallara car punches a huge hole in the air and allows for wicked drafting. They were slingshot passing each other every lap and it sooooo reminded me of how GT5 works! Especially since we did some running of the FGT's at Indy recently, it was almost identical to what we were experiencing and it was quite exciting to watch. 👍 I guess instead of PD making GT5 more realistic, the real-world is making racing more like GT5! :lol:
Best of luck on your new job, Brandon.
Thanks for all the effort you put into all these series, I had tons of fun.
Not that I think that this is dead, and please do hit me up if there's regular weeknight points racing in the works. But in general lately more and more I feel like drifting toward jumping into the world of iRacing.
Best of luck on your new job, Brandon.
Thanks for all the effort you put into all these series, I had tons of fun.
Not that I think that this is dead, and please do hit me up if there's regular weeknight points racing in the works. But in general lately more and more I feel like drifting toward jumping into the world of iRacing.

Thanks Dan, there will be something in the works soon, just not sure what yet.

I gave iRacing a small try, it's a big difference from GT5 in both good and bad ways (graphics really don't come close to GT5). My biggest issue was that it literally costs a fortune to run (says the guy with triple monitors). I'm sure you've researched it but you only get the starter pack to begin with which only allows you to participate in very basic/beginner racing. To move up in skill/competition you have to buy all the tracks/cars for that skill level (IIRC cars are $10 a piece and tracks are $14) so you're quickly looking at well over $100 just to move up one level from beginner. Lots of really great features and functions and if I had the money/hardware I'd probably give it a serious go but for the foreseeable future I'm (semi) content with GT5.
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