ORCA General Discussion

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
I just shut it down. I think Fast tire wear will be used, except at Daytona which is a longer race so we'll use Normal wear so we only have to make 1 pitstop. Although I might just leave it on Fast so we have to make two stops. I think the longer race could use two stops so we have two chances to rest for a moment and take a few pulls of our beers.
I'm heading off to a Super Bowl party in a while. Got the thread ready for the BMW series but ran into a technical glitch with the registration form so it might not be live until later tonight or tomorrow.
^ That's quite awesome, seen it a couple times. It's refreshing to see that I/we use a lot of similar lines and braking points (except for the second hairpin in the infield, he takes the inside line on approach). They use a much shorter bus stop than we have so coasting is probably the best option. The gadgetry on the dash is way cool, especially the rearview cam that shows arrows on approaching cars just like a video game would.
And then we have RDAardvark clogging up sewers with his gigantic pooh. :odd:

.....with more POWAH and nearly twice the top speed!!

(not that I'm any fan of this car, just being a Murican asshat. :dopey: )

So......still no "community features" and apparently no new track that was "promised" for February. This is really getting silly. They should at least remove all these "promised" features from their website if they're not going to be provided in the near future. I'm fine with adding features as we go in order to have the game now but I expected a bit more at nearly 3 months into the game, I actually feel like it's in a worse state now than when I bought it. 👎
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Gonna reply here instead of the series thread.
Thanks. I'm not dead yet, just don't plan on hosting another points series for a while. But all the infrastructure is in place to easily start one up in the future should I decide to. For now there's better ways to have GT fun IMO.
I'm certainly as good as dead. Gonna list my ps3 on ebay when I get a minute.
See you on ps4.
Not me, I have no plans to get a PS4 or any future GT games. I don't play any games besides racing games and once GT6 is dead it will be time to jump into PC land for my racing adventures. No point for me to waste any more money on consoles.

Been fun racing with you Dan, if you ever make it back down to the Speedway give me a buzz. :cheers:
Needing and wanting are two different things. :sly: The only things I need are air, food and booze. 👍

Here, I made you a meme. :D

Anyone tried the Cappuccino seasonal yet? Get the car up to approx 400PP and it is immense fun!
Go on, try it. You will enjoy it!
Anyone tried the Cappuccino seasonal yet? Get the car up to approx 400PP and it is immense fun!
Go on, try it. You will enjoy it!

:) Hi RDA. I haven't done any seasonals in ages except the ones that get me free cars.

We race Ferrari's on Saturdays. If you're ever free we'd love to have you! Check the link in my sig for info. :cheers:
I wanted to do a season of Capp Cup but it's really tough to find a reasonable spec for.

The 400pp for the seasonal makes for a decent car - If only GT6 would allow bolt-on parts only you could make a decent car with the fixed sports suspension.