ORS | SEASON 8 | Battle of the Tiers

  • Thread starter Oniichan
Hey guys
Mediums for me.
My internet is all f@#ked up and it does not link up with the GT5 servers very good at the moment.

So i might get dcd or my car might handle like a boat.
See uall tomorrow night.
CHEERS redness-63 (;)
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Mediums for me, please.

Also Oni, could you confirm how much weight should I carry for this race please? I am not 100% on what should it be.


If your name does not appear highlighted in lights on Oni's post for the round, then your BALLAST penalty is 0 kgs, and your MINIMUM vehicle weight should be the DEFAULT, as listed in Oni's first post on Page #1.

i.e. Tier 1 = 1085 kgs, Tier 2 & 3 = 1250 kgs.

Also, everybody's penalty BALLAST weight for each round is listed in the "Cac Graphs (TM)" links in Post #2 on Page #1. "Race Results" link. (bit of blatent self promotion ;) )

P.S. The (vehicle DEFAULT weight + penalty BALLAST weight) = MINIMUM vehicle weight
Should you wish to run MORE weight than the MINIMUM weight, is entirely up to each driver.
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If your name does not appear highlighted in lights on Oni's post for the round, then your ballast penalty is 0 kgs, and your vehicle weight should be the default, as listed in Oni's first post on Page #1.

Due to my race result at Suzuka being my own fault i will keep my 35kg of ballast issued from Trial Mountain. Please update anything you need to do accordingly.

If your name does not appear highlighted in lights on Oni's post for the round, then your BALLAST penalty is 0 kgs, and your MINIMUM vehicle weight should be the DEFAULT, as listed in Oni's first post on Page #1.

i.e. Tier 1 = 1085 kgs, Tier 2 & 3 = 1250 kgs.

Also, everybody's penalty BALLAST weight for each round is listed in the "Cac Graphs (TM)" links in Post #2 on Page #1. "Race Results" link. (bit of blatent self promotion ;) )

P.S. The (vehicle DEFAULT weight + penalty BALLAST weight) = MINIMUM vehicle weight
Should you wish to run MORE weight than the MINIMUM weight, is entirely up to each driver.

thanks for the clarification Cacts, all clear now.:)
Hey uall

Hey is anyone else having problems with GT5 servers?

CHEERS redness-63 (;)

I was having problems with long loading screens and trouble signing into PSN every time i booted GT5 since the last race. But went into Officeworks today and got the NetGear R6300 AC Router and problem solved. The computers on the wifi network are getting more stable pings and download speed too.

Was using a ****** belkin router before. That **** belongs in the garbage.

Showed them this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/84417?page=1 and got a 5% price match too lol.
sorry i missed tonights race, for those of you who I dont know on face book you would have seen why...


was trying to set my trans on sunday night when at 11:30 Ceri's waters broke.
Then it was a drive to the hospital at very high speed and jumped a few red lights with 2 minute contractions!!!

anyway, Elliott Dexter Lavelle was born at 2.37am on monday.

Catch you all next week :)
Many congratulations velly, all those gt races were perfect practice for the dash to the hospital mate! In glad penalties weren't on for you.

Best wishes to you and your family champ!
Aww what a handsome young man! Congrats to Ceri & you on the successfully delivery of your new bub mate and welcome to GT Planet Elliott. :)
Hey Velly!

Congtulations to you and Ceri! Good to hear that everything went well and that you didn't get pulled up by the police on the way to the hospital.

Wish you all the very best Mate!
Well where to start from last night.

Qualifying i got two laps in, first lap put me P1, lap two i lost it heading onto the back straight, got damage and thought for a few minutes if i can change tyres without effecting my allocation so thus i couldn't try again.

Race Attempt 1: Good start, had a good battle with Red and Roota (hehe red roota), Cut the corner out of the tunnel, backed off to not gain an advantage but lost position, R1 Attempt 1 ended hear rightfully for Jol.

Race Attempt 2: Slight jump start going from brake to handbrake/accelerator but i made sure i kept it behind the lines, got a great start and beat Red to T1 but an attacking Red got the position back. Ran wide heading into turn 2 rota got an over and under done, heading into T4 (end of the straight) i miss-timed my braking marker in the draft and was heading for a big hit in Rota's exhaust pipe i chose to turn hard left and bury it in the sand to avoid getting damage to any drivers. As i rejoined my bad timing meant i had to give way to Tier 1 coming through so i jumped on the back. Knowing i had medium tyres compared to their hards i wasn't going to muck around getting passed.

Got past 3 of them and set about clawing back time.

Long story short i spun a few times during the race, twice getting slight damage from it. One time i spun off was due to getting distracted by a car losing traction into a 4 wheel brake lock out the front of my house (waiting for a crunch into my car parked in the gutter but luckily this didn't happen).

My last stint on mediums i had my heart set on getting quickest lap time which i achieved, congrats to Jol another good race, unlucky for red to loose his podium spot a few laps from the end after a strong fast race.

Congrats to Oni, the king of Japanese tracks. and to Maggot - you had an amazing come back to a strong finish outright and first in class.

Looking forward to deep throat sprint races next week.

Highlight of the week: Velly and his new baby boy, what a champ !!
ORS Season Eight - Round Five
- Fastest Lap Reviews For Points -

Tier 3
Mag's lap of 1.20.831 on 55 is legal

Tier 2
Mr T's lap of 1.20.736 on 57 is legal

Tier 1
Jas's lap of 1.20.764 on 57 is legal

Also a special note for lap times observed:

Rod (1.21.072) and Oni (1.21.073) a .001 gap! Gives you a bit an idea of how close the racing was between them and reflected in some great replay viewing of the race.

ORS Committee
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thanks for all the comments guys, mother and child doing well and hoping to be home in two or three days.
Looking forward to making the next race :)
Also a special note for lap times observed:
Rod (1.21.072) and Oni (1.21.073) a .001 gap! Gives you a bit an idea of how close the racing was between them and reflected in some great replay viewing of the race.

Cheers mate. That last stint with Rod and i battling for 1st place for 20 laps was truly an epic race. Just wish i could youtube it for others to see.
[QUOTE="Oniichan]Just wish i could youtube it for others to see.[/QUOTE]
See what can be done about this on the weekend, worth doing a highlights package that's forsure.
Again another great night of racing, thank you all.

I had great battles with Oni and Toivo, they were just great!

Impressive work by Oni, I tried everything but could not hold you off, great win mate.

I will try and post a couple of moments from the race on youtube...I will let you know when I do it.

I must say, I haven't had this much close and clean racing in a long time, and keep having this week after week is amazing.

It is a pleasure being part of this series and its a pleasure to drive with all you guys.

Looking forward to the next one!:cheers:
Hey uall

I drove 24 laps with damage .
LOST 2 seconds a lap should have pitted straight away .
CHEERS redness-63 (;)
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Hey Maggotronz you said on Monday night that you have a mate keen to sign up. Can you have them read the regulations and post up on the forum so i can sort things out. Also have them send me a PSN invite.

Have msged them over PSN but to post on here. I have to catch him online otherwise he doesn't check his mail.
Hey guys, I'm keen to be a wildcard, maggotronz notified me of it. I've read over the rules, pretty similiar to another league I used to be in so all shall be good there
Hey guys, I'm keen to be a wildcard, maggotronz notified me of it. I've read over the rules, pretty similiar to another league I used to be in so all shall be good there

Not a problem mate. Add my PSN Oni_chan to your PS3 and for now i'll put you in Tier 3 so have a Ferrari Italia 458 built to ORS specs (see page 1) for the next round.