ORS | SEASON 8 | Battle of the Tiers

  • Thread starter Oniichan
Hey everybody
Last nights races were GREAT.

Firstly a big sorry to cac and arie i ran up your behinds a few times.
I had a few good battles with toivo, jon , cac and mr t that were intense but fun.
Can not wait for next season.

Hey Oni I'd like to recommend one of my track's for season 9 it's called MT PANAREDNESS it's wide
with lots of ups and downs and blind crests and blind corners. It's very technical and demand concentration. PLEASE download it from my tracks and let me know what you think.

CHEERS redness-63 Ü(;)
MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all ORS competitors and there famiies.

CHEERS redness-63 Ü(;)
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Winners from last nights Xmas Break Lexus IS-F RM race.

1st - TT-R_Toivo - 739pts
2nd - GTP_JTV - 723pts
3rd - Oni_chan - 717pts

Full results here

Last night proved to have some great battles throughout the field. In typical Toivo fashion he dominated 5 out of the 6 races and took top honors to finish 1st overall. Jon once again took 2nd place overall and i manged to squeeze into third. Congrats boys.

There will be no more scheduled races until next year when season 9 is posted so until then and incase i don't see you all online, I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year... if we survive past the 21st.

Red i'll download your track if i haven't already got it and put it through the typical tests to find if suitable for season 9 or 10.

ORS Committee
Merry Christmas to all in the ORS, sorry i couldn't make it Monday was a bit busy. Look forward to next season, see ya all in the new year.
On behalf of myself, and my team nipple racing. We would like to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a pleasant new year, to all of you driving throughout this period, be safe, don't miss your braking markers or turn in points and I will see you all during the week, if not I look forward to racing with you again in the near future.

Thanks to everyone in the ORS community and the OzCommo Bro's for making these last few series so memorable.
