Osama Bin Laden is dead.

^My man, you are on a roll! :lol:

I've just got back from a deep sea fishing trip with my mate. We didn't catch much, just a burst blow up doll with a beard drawn on it.

Why would they dump his body in the sea? They did the same to Megatron and he came back and messed things up!

"US Seals kill Bin Laden" Wow, over here they just balance balls on their nose!
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My friend said they shot him in the eye, I wonder if that was like the 200th bullet they put in his body.

Man I wish I had joined the NAVY.
There's a point to what you posted? When did you start making points? If there is one and it's beyond my comprehension, that's because it's so obscure I need a decoder ring just to read the directions to it. You do, after all, post "what everyone is saying" without actually indicating that it's not your own opinion.
I've read plenty of posts spanning the Internets, that claim Obama is due none of the credit for this mission,

and that the soldiers and Intelligence people are the ones who deserve it all.

While I'm not totally against this line of thinking, I can't help but wonder...

If the operation had been a dismal failure, and resulted in the loss of American lives, and other possible retaliations from terrorists,

would those same people be as quick to blame those soldiers and Intelligence people for the failure,

or would they give Obama the credit for the disaster?
There's a point to what you posted? When did you start making points? If there is one and it's beyond my comprehension, that's because it's so obscure I need a decoder ring just to read the directions to it. You do, after all, post "what everyone is saying" without actually indicating that it's not your own opinion.
Once more, beyond your comprehension. As always. But to help you out & put it to rest, it's (again) the pointless paragraphs you add on to what should be an otherwise straight forward answer. We don't need the full background of whatever it you're going to post for your reply.
According to me, al qaida as an organisation wont have problems functioning without bin laden, im sure there are other people/governments funding their activities (cough, cough, saudi arabia, cough).

Iran too, documented proof of this has already been found and published on British TV by the BBC.

Bin Laden has been killed, but the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan has meant that a large number of pro American people in these countries have turned.

Ordinary (non military and not members of any terrorist group) Iraqi and Afghan people who supported the invasion became so angry at the Americans and British they took up arms, formed militia groups and started to attack and kill American and British soldiers.

It took the 'greatest nation on earth' 10 years to find and kill Bin Laden, despite all the technology and resource it had at it's disposal. During that time, how many potential future Bin Laden's has the invasion and occupation produced??

Killing the man is one thing, killing his beliefs is a completely different. They have tried to stop him from becoming a matyr, but it won't stop him from being, in his supporter's eyes, a legend.

Killing Bin Laden is great PR for the Americans and British, yep, the quarterback is dead and this game is won. Shame so many people are forgetting there's still next season, and the season after that, and so forth.

Look how many innocent Iraqis and Afghans have been killed by the invasion and occupation, far more than the innocent people killed in 9/11. That will leave just as much of a legacy as what Bin Laden's actions did on 9/11.
If the operation had been a dismal failure, and resulted in the loss of American lives, and other possible retaliations from terrorists, would those same people be as quick to blame those soldiers and Intelligence people for the failure, or would they give Obama the credit for the disaster?
If the operation was a failure and had resulted in the loss of lives, it's unlikely we would have heard about it. America might have taken a hit for running an operation into Pakistan without getting permission to go in, but I very much doubt we would be told the operation was aimed at getting bin Laden.

But I don't think there was much chance of failure. Forty SEALs were involved, up against maybe a dozen combatants in the compound. They would have been outgunned by about three to one at the least.

Once more, beyond your comprehension.
I wouldn't say it's beyond my comprehension. I'd say it's beyond the point where I care about anything you have to say anymore because I can no longer tell if you're the one saying it or if you're simply regurgitating what you've heard or typing your opinion and then claiming it's a regurgitation when someone questions your post.
I wouldn't say it's beyond my comprehension. I'd say it's beyond the point where I care about anything you have to say anymore because I can no longer tell if you're the one saying it or if you're simply regurgitating what you've heard or typing your opinion and then claiming it's a regurgitation when someone questions your post.
Funny how you claim I only read part of your posts & judge them before I even read it, yet here you are once more ignoring the main point of my post & continuing on something else.

I give up. You win. B/c you'll quite clearly never be able to wrap your head around anything without typing some unrelated spew to justify whatever it is you're attempting to.
Oh, I can understand things perfectly. What I can't work out is why you're trying to retroactively apply a point to your posts that is completely unrelated to their content. You claim I can't see the point, and you are, in a sense, right - I can't see the point because there is no point to see.
Calender wise, yes. Politically it's next week.

Besides, Republicans were still trying to use 9/11 in 2008.

And it worked very well for Republicans in '08.

I think he will use it, but unless he performs some miracles with stuff like the out-of-control national debt, crazy high government spending, high unemployment rate, high gas prices, etc. there will be quite a few Americans will say "I'm real happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but..."
Oh, I can understand things perfectly. What I can't work out is why you're trying to retroactively apply a point to your posts that is completely unrelated to their content. You claim I can't see the point, and you are, in a sense, right - I can't see the point because there is no point to see.
As I said before, you win.

There is no further point in attempting, even when told, when a person has his mind set, & you quite clearly have yours set to what you see fit.
Can you both now move on from this please? Or atleast take it to PM. I think three pages of argument is quite enough.
"Sadly.... sadly Obama has already politicized this historic achievement by being president during it."
Obama Takes Credit for Bin Laden's Assassination
The Colbert Report - Barack Obama is so desperate for a bump in the polls that he takes the easy road of killing the world's most wanted man.

Good stuff.

I did? That was purely unintentional.

Oh. Well here's the a transcript of the speech one more time. Since I've read it a few times now I'd be interested to see a direct quote supporting your claim that Obama "childishly took credit for other people's work." Not some made up quote you crafted in your brain but an actual quote that one could use as a reference at the end of a article, book or paper on the subject.


However, after watching the above Colbert Report parody I think I'm getting all the insight I need.
If the last thing that goes through a bugs mind when it hits a windsheld is it's rear end, then what do you think the last thing that went through Osamaz mind was??


Bin Laden was death in 2001, Benazir Bhutto (rip) says on TV

Oooh! Controversy.
I never believe anything the US Government says anyways.
They never really have their facts straight, which is why there is always conspiracies.
If the last thing that goes through a bugs mind when it hits a windsheld is it's rear end, then what do you think the last thing that went through Osamaz mind was??

Technically it would be the bullet. Not the gun. :sly:
Oops sorry for the dbl post.
Oh. Well here's the a transcript of the speech one more time. Since I've read it a few times now I'd be interested to see a direct quote supporting your claim that Obama "childishly took credit for other people's work." Not some made up quote you crafted in your brain but an actual quote that one could use as a reference at the end of a article, book or paper on the subject.


You did a good job yourself:

And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.

Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.

Here's how the speech should have read:

And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.

Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on they found a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground . I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

Today , at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.

Tell me that's not better. Tell me that's not a better speech. Tell me that Obama wouldn't get MORE credit for that speech than the childish "I WAS BRIEFED.... on other people's work", "I DIRECTED.... based on recommendations". I defy you to tell me that my edited version is in any way inferior.
I say it's a good move, surely preventing any possible extra backlash is better than shutting up a few conspiracy theorists(Who probably wouldn't be pleased anyways).
Not releasing the pic is not going to prevent backlash at all. They are going to retaliate with or without a pic. Its a coward move and only shows our Government is scared by not showing the pics. And more than likely will make a mockery of our government by showing death pics of the people they kill from now on. I am sure eventually the pics will get released, just not right now.
Not releasing the pic is not going to prevent backlash at all. They are going to retaliate with or without a pic. Its a coward move and only shows our Government is scared by not showing the pics. And more than likely will make a mockery of our government by showing death pics of the people they kill from now on. I am sure eventually the pics will get released, just not right now.

Would it not be a violation of the Geneva convention to release pictures of dead enemies?

I doubt that releasing pictures of Bin Laden's corpse would achieve anything. Conspiracy theorists won't be satisfied, that's for certain. It most likely would inflame tensions in the Middle East at a particularly sensitive time - given that UN and embassy staff have been attacked and killed for much less, it hardly seems worth the risk. There are other, more convincing lines of evidence that should satisfy casual curiosity.

I wouldn't be surprised if the pictures of Bin Laden surface through unauthorised sources sooner or later, but the fact that the US military/intelligence agencies/government are not authorising the release of such images is probably a smart move.
You did a good job yourself:

Here's how the speech should have read:

Tell me that's not better. Tell me that's not a better speech. Tell me that Obama wouldn't get MORE credit for that speech than the childish "I WAS BRIEFED.... on other people's work", "I DIRECTED.... based on recommendations".

Unless there is evidence that he "wasn't briefed" and "didn't meet with his security team", etc then for him to state what were, presumably, factual actions on his part is anything but childish in my opinion.

In your opinion, he over emphasized the actions he took. I do not agree.

Regarding your edits, no. There's nothing wrong with the speech you came up with, however there is nothing wrong with the speech as given either. Also as the CiC he does need to, IMHO, make clear that it was his decision to approve this operation. Legally that is true, so there is nothing wrong with him stating as such and it is fully appropriate for him to do so. To take responsibility, when factually accurate as in this case, is a very adult thing to do and not childish in the least.

So you haven't sold me.